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View Full Version : Sanders Supporters Shocked to Find Bias at CNN

01-16-2020, 01:45 PM
Seriously? Either kids still or some truly forgetful stupid people. It was just a few short years ago when CNN was involved in helping Hillary cheat in the primaries to help beat Sanders.


Sanders Supporters Shocked to Find Bias at CNN

The Left’s reaction to CNN’s hostility toward Sen. Bernie Sanders during Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential debate inevitably evokes that classic Casablanca scene in which Renault indignantly declares, “I’m shocked — shocked — to find that gambling is going on in here!” Renault isn’t actually surprised, of course. He’s smart enough to know exactly what’s been happening at Rick’s. The same cannot be said for Sanders supporters and what’s been going on at CNN. They credulously watched for three years as its “journalists” accused President Trump, without a scrap of evidence, of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election and still believed the cable network was in the news business.

Consequently, when the CNN moderators gave Sanders the Trump treatment, the outraged ululations of the Left could be heard from sea to shining sea. Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi tweeted, “This is an unusually vile performance by CNN.” The Nation’s Elie Mystal raged, “Jesus Christ I hate these biased questions from the moderators. ‘How would you keep your plan from bankrupting the country?’ JUST ASK THE KOCH BROTHERS TO MODERATE NEXT TIME!” HuffPost’s Zach Carter griped about CNN’s post-debate panel discussion, “CNN’s crew is just straight bashing Sanders post-debate.” The New Republic’s Libby Watson whined, “CNN is truly a terrible influence on this country.”

Hmm … Where have we heard that before? Oh, that’s right. Conservatives have been making the same point for decades, only to be sneered at by progressives who insisted that such claims were conspiracy theories. In reality, it has long been obvious that CNN operates more like the PR department for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) than a legitimate news outlet. The last time Sanders ran for president, CNN commentator Donna Brazile gave Hillary Clinton advance copies of debate questions during the Democratic primary. It was CNN’s Candy Crowley who jumped in to back up erstwhile President Barack Obama on a brazen lie about Benghazi during a debate with Mitt Romney.

Rest - https://spectator.org/sanders-supporters-shocked-to-find-bias-at-cnn/

01-16-2020, 02:01 PM
Not even going to read it. I'm still laughing at the thread title alone. All I need to know. Not CNN! :laugh: