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View Full Version : Tucker Carlson - forget Warren, down to Biden and Sanders

01-16-2020, 01:59 PM
I don't see proof either way as to who may be lying. My initial feeling is that Bernie is being more genuine, and Warren is a known liar. But that's not proof.

Doesn't matter, as I think one of the other two if not both do indeed surpass her. I said awhile back and still stand by it - Biden is toast. And more may be coming in the senate, we shall see. Bernie is just way too far out there to win, IMO.


Tucker Carlson: Forget Warren. Democrats are left with only two options -- elderly socialist or elderly shill

We want to bring you the latest on the Democratic Party, which -- because there is, in the end, justice in this world -- is coming apart before our eyes. What a spectacle it is!

The catalyst for the collapse is primary season that officially begins with the Iowa caucuses. -- That's fewer than three weeks away, so it's soon.

Well, the Sanders campaign responded with this video of their candidate making exactly the opposite case decades ago.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.: The real issue is not whether you're black or white, whether you're a woman or a man. In my view, a woman could be elected president of the United States.

"A woman could be elected president of the United States." You just saw it.

So has Bernie Sanders changed his mind about that? Elizabeth Warren claims that he has. The question is, is she telling the truth?

Let's review the evidence. This is the person who lied about her ethnicity in order to game the quota system at Harvard. This is also the person who made big money advising corporations on how to avoid paying the people they'd harmed, and then, once she'd cashed in doing that, built an entirely new persona as a ferocious consumer champion.

This is a person so synthetic and uncertain of who she is that she can't even drink a beer with her own husband without coming off like the captive in a hostage video.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.: Hold on a sec. I'm going to get me a beer. Hey, my husband, Bruce, is now in here. You want a beer?

Bruce Mann, Warren's husband: No. I'll pass on the beer for now.

Warren: I'll pull up a stool and sit down.

Make a note to yourself and watch that video at least once a day. "I'm going to pull up a stool and sit down." How'd you like to have dinner with her? Terrifying.

Rest - https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-elizabeth-warren-is-fraud-and-liar-dems-have-reason-to-be-nervous-about-other-2020-options

Abbey Marie
01-16-2020, 07:05 PM
I’ve said here all along No she seems unelectable to me. She looks and sounds like a shrill granny who is the kind you picture knitting an Afghan on the porch. Sue me if that sounds sexist.