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View Full Version : Another mainstream media made- very special sexual pervert...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-18-2020, 10:46 AM
Sexual pervert gets her protest glorified by the media and other ignorant POS....
What a hero, this maggot is.... """her wife""",, give me a break!!--Tyr


Yahoo Lifestyle
'Teacher of the Year' was nervous to kneel during anthem at college football championship: 'My leg was shaking'
Elise Solé
Yahoo LifestyleJanuary 17, 2020, 5:08 PM CST
"Teacher of the Year" Kelly Holstine kneeled during the National Anthem at the College Football Playoff National Championship game on January 13, with President and Melania Trump in attendance. (Photo: Getty Images)
"Teacher of the Year" Kelly Holstine kneeled during the National Anthem at the College Football Playoff National Championship game on January 13, with President and Melania Trump in attendance. (Photo: Getty Images)
A “Teacher of the Year” who skipped last year’s White House awards ceremony to support marginalized communities, kneeled during the national anthem at a college football game with President Donald Trump and Melania Trump.

Kelly Holstine, 46, Minnesota’s 2018 Teacher of the Year and the director of educational equity at OutFront Minnesota, an LGBT+ civil rights group, attended the College Football Playoff National Championship on Monday in New Orleans. Before the Louisiana State University-Clemson University game at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome, the first couple took the field amid chants of “USA, USA” and “Four more years!”

The former English teacher from Shakopee, Minn., who was the first openly-gay teacher to receive the award, lined up for the national anthem with her colleagues, only 15 feet from the president and the first lady. As singer Lauren Daigle performed, Holstine took a knee.

“We were told that putting our hand over our hearts during the national anthem was optional, but that wasn’t enough for me,” Holstine tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “Kneeling is a way to show respect for the military and our country, while also supporting oppressed and marginalized humans.”

Related Video: Teachers Boycott White House Event for Teachers of the Year

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Holstine considered Colin Kaepernick, who in 2016, sat during the national anthem to protest police brutality against people of color, and then kneeled during other games. The controversial demonstration inspired professional and amateur athletes to do the same. In 2017, Kaepernick opted out of his contract and has not been rehired in the National Football League. Also top of mind was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose legacy is celebrated annually on January 20.

Kelly D. Holstine (she/her)
Honored as State Teachers of the Year at NCAA Champ FB Game. Given platform to stand up for marginalized and oppressed people. Like many before, I respectfully kneeled during Nat’l Anthem because, “No one is free until we are all free” (MLK). #imwithkap #blacklivesmatter #LGBTQ

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“When I heard thousands of people chant ‘USA,’ I felt it in my chest,” Holstine tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “It seemed as though they were chanting for a different belief system than the one I hold.”

Although Holstine’s supervisor at work, her wife, and her friends had her back, on the field, she was conscious of her physical safety. “But then I thought about people who don’t have a choice — teens beaten up for being LGBTQ, children in cages or refugees,” she tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “I can’t decide to be comfortable when there’s an opportunity to continue conversations that started long before me.”

President Donald and Melania Trump attended the January 13th College Football Playoff National Championship game between Clemson and Louisiana State Universities, where a Teacher of the Year kneeled during the National Anthem. (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)
President Donald and Melania Trump attended the January 13th College Football Playoff National Championship game between Clemson and Louisiana State Universities, where a Teacher of the Year kneeled during the National Anthem. (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)
“I feel honored to follow in their footsteps,” she adds. “There is so much hatred [in the world] and disrespect. If I can stand up for people, I will.”

Holstine admits, “But my leg was shaking the entire time.” However, during her silent protest, the president and first lady were making their way further down the field. “The attention had shifted by that point.”

On Monday, Holstine tweeted, “Honored as State Teachers of the Year at NCAA Champ FB Game. Given platform to stand up for marginalized and oppressed people....” which was retweeted by Kaepernick himself.

A representative from the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), the organization behind the Teacher of the Year awards, tells Yahoo Lifestyle, “The Council of Chief State School Officers appreciates the opportunity for outstanding teachers to be recognized on the national stage. The decision by an individual State Teacher of the Year was not coordinated by the National Teacher of the Year program or CCSSO.”

Holstine, who shared her plan with her peers before the game, says that all freedom of expressions are respectable, whether it's people choosing to stand or those who “strongly considered” taking a knee.

In April, Holstine and Kentucky’s 2019 Teacher of the Year Jessica Dueñas skipped a White House ceremony with Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Vice President Mike Pence, as well as a photo opportunity with President Trump. “As a gender-nonconforming lesbian,” Holstine told Yahoo Lifestyle at the time, “the policies of the Trump administration have been hateful, and I see the painful impact in my students.”

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109 people reacting

K12 hours ago
"Holstine considered Colin Kaepernick, who in 2016, sat during the national anthem to protest police brutality against people of color, and then kneeled during other games. The controversial demonstration inspired professional and amateur athletes to do the same. In 2017, Kaepernick opted out of his contract and has not been rehired in the National Football League. Also top of mind was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose legacy is celebrated annually on January 20."

Terrible writing, even by Yahoo standards. And she tops it off with, MLK Jr. Day being "celebrated annually on January 20." Wrong. It's celebrated annually on the THIRD MONDAY OF JANUARY, the date of which changes every year.

ReplyReplies (142)2,112140
D. Hamilton
D. Hamilton11 hours ago
“When I heard thousands of people chant ‘USA,’ I felt it in my chest,” Holstine tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “It seemed as though they were chanting for a different belief system than the one I hold.” ------------- THAT told me everything I would ever need to know about this person. Teacher of the Year, and honor bestowed on GREAT TEACHERS. This one is NOT one.

ReplyReplies (206)4,719432
Beignet3 hours ago
Was she given the award because of her ability to teach, or for being openly gay?

ReplyReplies (56)89154
MichaelS11 hours ago
I went to great lengths during my 34-year teaching career, to not inject politics into the classroom. I treated every teenager the same, taught the best that I could, and left it at that. I am so happy that I am retired. There are so many pressures to be inclusive, and such. I did that, but I did it without pushing my beliefs on others. That's part of why public education is such a mess today.

ReplyReplies (128)3,373120
Larry12 hours ago
People want equality, then why do they always want to put their sexual preference front any center. She is a teacher of the year award winner, why does she have to be first openly gay teacher of the year?

ReplyReplies (137)2,740127
DonP12 hours ago
So she wasn't really the "best" teacher in Minnesota, she was the "best openly gay" teacher in Minnesota - Nice.

ReplyReplies (122)5,304352
Ryan11 hours ago
It’s. A good thing yahoo is here to tell us what she did. 99% of the people who watched the game totally missed it.

ReplyReplies (39)1,88740
chris16 hours ago
First openly gay teacher. Yeah, now we know WHY she won.

ReplyReplies (246)6,616639
Hudson10 hours ago
This person is old enough to have been around for several Presidencies. Did she kneel at any events she attended during their terms because I don't think things have changed much? Holstine says "there is so much hatred and disrespect in the world" and seems glad to be able to foster more of it.
Minnesota's 'Teacher of the Year' took a knee during the national anthem at the College Football Playoff championship game in New Orleans on Monday night, right behind President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania.
Kelly Holstine, who won Minnesota's 2019 'Teacher of the Year' award, was honored at the big game at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome.
When it was time for the national anthem she took a knee in protest of the president and in solidarity with the communities she says are oppressed under the Trump administration....
Minnesota's 'Teacher of the Year' takes a knee during national anthem at NCAA football final
Minnesota's 'Teacher of the Year' takes a knee during national anthem at NCAA football final

ReplyReplies (41)62667
NEURODOC8 hours ago
So many wonderful deserving teachers and they pick this person. Teachers should keep their political opinions out of any venue they are representing teachers. Something tells me she was chosen because she would push this agenda. Wrong message all the way around.

ReplyReplies (4)1997
GJW8915 hours ago
“Kneeling is a way to show respect for the military and our country, while also supporting oppressed and marginalized humans.”
--Really? Who told you that? The media?
Are you feeling marginalized, as the first open-gay teacher of the year?

ReplyReplies (188)4,164379
Marcus M
Marcus M12 hours ago
The sad thing is that he/she is teaching our youth. God help us.

ReplyReplies (113)3,160240
Craigk12 hours ago
My brother was released from a teaching job (HS) years ago when he offered political viewpoints from both sides. Unfortunately since schools pretty much indoctrinate their students with only one viewpoint he was released. Seems like she is allowing her political ideology to do the same except hers is more accepted in today's educational political stance.

ReplyReplies (15)56113
Hiram12 hours ago
Failing to stand, while her right, does not show respect, it is an act of disrespect made famous by Crapaneck. When I was in school all my teachers taught us to be respectful, even of things and those we disagree with. We learn ways to voice/show our opposition without disrespecting those who guaranteed our freedoms. I guess she missed that lesson.

ReplyReplies (39)1,23658
MR12 hours ago
Geez, always trying to put their ideas on a platform. Couldn't she just accept the recognition for teacher of the year which is why she was invited in the first place.?!? She wasnt invited to share her beliefs.

ReplyReplies (56)2,027123
moneycounts13 hours ago
Gay and lesbian community treated the best in the world here in the US. Actually have laws designed for them unlike straight whites. Children and refugees showing up at the border have food, a roof over their head, medicine and scheduled hearings to hear their requests for asylum. The cheers she heard were not against her beliefs but were for a country where she could be Teacher of the Year.

ReplyReplies (111)3,207242
THOMAS S12 hours ago
"“When I heard thousands of people chant ‘USA,’ I felt it in my chest,” Holstine tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “It seemed as though they were chanting for a different belief system than the one I hold.”
She's right about that. those people support the USA. Her, not so much, it appears.

ReplyReplies (62)2,890181
David12 hours ago

01-18-2020, 10:56 AM
Sexual pervert gets her protest glorified by the media and other ignorant POS....
What a hero, this maggot is.... """her wife""",, give me a break!!--Tyr

Honestly? I think some are doing this shit less so for standing up for anything, and more so about getting their 15 minutes of fame. She's angry at whatever in today's society, so she will protest the American flag, what she stands for and endless deaths protecting her.

She stood up for "marginalized and oppressed people" - get the hell out of here.

This kneeling crap brings attention to the individuals, IMO.

If only I were in charge at many of these places. There would be a few more unemployed idiots out there.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-18-2020, 11:24 AM
Honestly? I think some are doing this shit less so for standing up for anything, and more so about getting their 15 minutes of fame. She's angry at whatever in today's society, so she will protest the American flag, what she stands for and endless deaths protecting her.

She stood up for "marginalized and oppressed people" - get the hell out of here.

This kneeling crap brings attention to the individuals, IMO.

If only I were in charge at many of these places. There would be a few more unemployed idiots out there.

Mainly it is degenerate people attempting to make evil,dark, wicked, sinful and abhorrent behavior appear to be normal.
Which throughout all of mankind's history such behavior has been rightfully recognized as being abhorrent and perverted
evil embraced by loons...
These protesters are seeking fame and hoping to be hailed as heroes-- when truth is remove the --h-- and replace it with the --z---
is the truth of it....Tyr