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View Full Version : Is Anyone Watching The Impeachment Trial?

01-21-2020, 01:38 PM
I do hope this goes quickly and comes to an end. Let us find out whom the Democrats are going to run against the President. More I hope, but doubt, that this becomes the end of the precedent of the impeachment of any president when the House is led by the opposing party.

01-21-2020, 04:53 PM
I do hope this goes quickly and comes to an end. Let us find out whom the Democrats are going to run against the President. More I hope, but doubt, that this becomes the end of the precedent of the impeachment of any president when the House is led by the opposing party.

I am, I am!

Unfortunately, I think the Dems still try every trick they can think of to delay and extend this as long as they can.

That's where I want to move onto as well, the Dem primaries/voting & the upcoming election. But I think the Dems see this as a part of that process. A few have already outright stated that things are in fact political and about the election. I believe they see this all as a tool to helping a Dem get elected in 2020. They hope that all of the non-stop negativity, even if the impeachment fails, will still harm Trump. And then of course, when things even remotely start to heat up, then we'll have to hear it over and over from whoever the candidate is.

Not that it matters to the election, but Nancy and others are laughing out loud that Trump is impeached, and always will be. That will be something else the liberal media runs with during election time as well. :rolleyes:

01-21-2020, 04:55 PM
I am, I am!

Unfortunately, I think the Dems still try every trick they can think of to delay and extend this as long as they can.

That's where I want to move onto as well, the Dem primaries/voting & the upcoming election. But I think the Dems see this as a part of that process. A few have already outright stated that things are in fact political and about the election. I believe they see this all as a tool to helping a Dem get elected in 2020. They hope that all of the non-stop negativity, even if the impeachment fails, will still harm Trump. And then of course, when things even remotely start to heat up, then we'll have to hear it over and over from whoever the candidate is.

Not that it matters to the election, but Nancy and others are laughing out loud that Trump is impeached, and always will be. That will be something else the liberal media runs with during election time as well. :rolleyes:

I think if the president leaves this to his 'legal team,' the public will just keep growing more disgusted with the Democrats. Will he?

He can gloat when it's over, but hopefully learned something about the Pelosi and co. pen giveaway at signing.

01-21-2020, 05:09 PM
I think if the president leaves this to his 'legal team,' the public will just keep growing more disgusted with the Democrats. Will he?

He can gloat when it's over, but hopefully learned something about the Pelosi and co. pen giveaway at signing.

I think he will in the end. He'll do some of his usual inappropriate tweeting about certain things. But other than that, I think they'll set the rules and tone here. He's got a fantastic team.

Couldn't agree more though and I hope he has been learning. Disputing something maybe, but don't do any dancing about anything at all at the trial until voting has been completed! No need to intervene in the current public opinion at all. I think the Democrats have done a great job of increasing their opinion of him by way of getting sick and tired of their antics, and wasting of time.

01-21-2020, 05:49 PM
Hopefully he can stay off Twitter until this farce ends.

There's a very real danger of pissing off Collins, Murkowski and Romney - not that Romney needs an excuse, he'd gleefully wield the dagger if given the chance.

We just have to trust McConnell. He hasn't let us down yet, and I have faith that this will be over quickly and the Democrats will end up looking like the incompetent and petty buffoons that they are.

The first vote was 54/47, right down party lines. I think that's how this will mostly go. McConnell's got this all mapped out.

01-21-2020, 10:01 PM
I am not watching it. I have only about twenty or thirty years left to live and I’ll not waste part of it watching the Democratic Party hijack the government and attempt to hoodwink the American people.

I hope we get the House back. And if we do, I’d like to see articles of impeachment drafted against Adam pencil neck Schiff and Blinky Pelosi.


Abbey Marie
01-22-2020, 12:17 AM
I am not watching it. I have only about twenty or thirty years left to live and I’ll not waste part of it watching the Democratic Party hijack the government and attempt to hoodwink the American people.

I hope we get the House back. And if we do, I’d like to see articles of impeachment drafted against Adam pencil neck Schiff and Blinky Pelosi.


Same here! I won’t watch...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-22-2020, 06:09 AM
Same here! I won’t watch...
I will not watch it at all. That it was allowed to get this far is a travesty and a weakening of our system of government imho.
And we see which party is to blame and which party does not give a damn. Which party would destroy the nation to keep power.
Which party has nothing but utter contempt for we the American citizens.
Which party is as unpatriotic as they can be.
Which party is as corrupt as they can be.
Which party is the party of hate.
Which party that should be destroyed if possible and then replaced with one that seeks peace,
prosperity and the betterment of our culture and nation and its future.
Dem party is truly an enemy to this nation-- and anybody that says they are not is a damn fool in my opinion..--Tyr

01-22-2020, 08:22 AM
Not that it matters to the election, but Nancy and others are laughing out loud that Trump is impeached, and always will be.

I'm not watching it either. This is all a democrap hit job that's been going on since even before Trump won. I've never in my life seen a more disgusting display of corruption and pathetic temper tantrum. Democrats are the party of trash, and the less I have to see or listen to their garbage, the better.

And I like what Ted Cruz said in response to double scotch happy hour Nancy that likes to say, he'll forever be impeached, Sen Cruz said, AND HE WILL FOREVER BE ACQUITTED.

01-22-2020, 10:45 AM
I'm not watching it either. This is all a democrap hit job that's been going on since even before Trump won. I've never in my life seen a more disgusting display of corruption and pathetic temper tantrum. Democrats are the party of trash, and the less I have to see or listen to their garbage, the better.

And I like what Ted Cruz said in response to double scotch happy hour Nancy that likes to say, he'll forever be impeached, Sen Cruz said, AND HE WILL FOREVER BE ACQUITTED.

I'm watching and here is what I am now hoping for.

I'm hoping that once they get through all these amendments that Dems knew stood no chance of passing and hear the 12 hours of testimony from each side and then revote on hearing from witnesses that every single Republican votes to hear from all witnesses called by either the prosecution or the defense and then Trump exerts Executive Privelege over Bolton , etc etc, and McConnel takes him to court to compel testimony, meanwhile we hear testimony from Schiff, Biden (both of them) , the whistle blower (whomever he may be) etc etc and then "oops we've ran out of time ,can't wait for the Supreme Court to rule on EP, and vote LOL burn the Democrats little playhouse right to the ground.

01-22-2020, 02:24 PM
Got home from work just before midnight and turned it on while web surfing. Most of it was mind numbingly boring but there was a bit of fireworks some time after 1:00am. Nadler opened the argument for subpoenaing Bolton and basically went on a 10 minute diatribe warning the Senate that if they didn't agree with the House Manager's views on this subject, they would be complicit in Trump's cover-up of the truth. Trump's attorney, Cipollone, followed up with a stern rebuke of this tactic which in the end earned an admonishment from Justice Roberts for both parties. After this display, all future amendments went down to defeat quite rapidly as McConnell had heard enough. The House Managers didn't earn any brownie points from this stunt.

01-22-2020, 02:44 PM
I've been watching/listening to snatches at a time. So far I agree with Faux..., the House team is not doing well. Schiff can't stop being condescending and at times reactionary to what the president's team has said. He soooo reminds me physically of Nixon. LOL!

I too caught the brouhaha last evening late.

I just turned it on a few minutes ago, will listen for a bit.

I guess when it comes to events like this, I just can't do, 'I know they're awful and will keep that opinion, no reason to hear for myself; I'll read, watch, listen to the sources that agree with me.' Sometimes I wish I could do that.

01-22-2020, 04:10 PM
Just got home from grocery shopping, flipped on the TV in the shop to Fox News, and "sleave bag" Naddler is spewing his garbage, immediately turned it off. I can't listen to it, let alone look at that disgusting creature.

01-22-2020, 07:41 PM
Only 'notable snippets' of this are reaching British screens, at least, on the major channels, such as the BBC. Usually it's because one of our commentators feels s/he can make a news development report out of what's happening ... otherwise, precious little of it is being transmitted.

From what little I'm grasping out of all this, it seems that Trump will emerge from these proceedings unscathed (it's something of a foregone conclusion ?). He might even win the next election.

I take it that my understanding is the correct one ? That the Dems are twisting and turning, trying to bash the President in any way possible, even if it means scant attention to due process ?

Let an understanding come of all this .. that the Dems only respect democracy, when it specifically suits THEM. And let there be an almighty backlash against them, in the forthcoming election !!:salute:

01-22-2020, 07:53 PM
Speaking of Adam Schiff


01-23-2020, 08:01 AM
not watching, but from what I've heard even the demmycrats are getting bored with it.........lots of violations of the "no talking, no getting up and leaving" rules......apparently Bernie Sanders left the chambers three times in the first three hours......

Abbey Marie
01-23-2020, 08:04 AM
not watching, but from what I've heard even the demmycrats are getting bored with it.........lots of violations of the "no talking, no getting up and leaving" rules......apparently Bernie Sanders left the chambers three times in the first three hours......

He’s pretty old- prostate problems?


01-23-2020, 09:30 AM
I am not watching it. I have only about twenty or thirty years left to live and I’ll not waste part of it watching the Democratic Party hijack the government and attempt to hoodwink the American people.

I hope we get the House back. And if we do, I’d like to see articles of impeachment drafted against Adam pencil neck Schiff and Blinky Pelosi.


That will never happen Karl A) The GOP doesn't have the balls to try to impeach Pelosi or Schiff and B) it's doubtful they can be impeached. Many years ago the House attempted to impeach a sitting US Senator and the Senate essentially told them to go to hell that they didn't have the authority to impeach a US Senator, and refused to even have a trial (he was technically impeached by the House, but the Senate just pretended like it didn't even happen) now the Senate did remove the Senator in question themselves, but they didn't recognize the House's authority to do so. This was in 1797 the Senator was William Blount and no one has even tried to impeach a member of Congress since

Each House can expel it's own members though with a 2/3 vote. Again unlikely in our entire history 15 Senators an 5 Representatives have been expelled and 17 of those were a result of the Civil War. So not counting that even in 250 years THREE members of Congress have been expelled. Proving, in case anyone didn't know, that these assholes protect each other.