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View Full Version : Bernie Campaign Calls Police On Reporters...

01-24-2020, 08:25 PM
Oh my... although he's given it another good ole college try, Bernie is once again going down in flames. He'll never be president. In fact, NONE of the current demtrash runnning will ever be president. Not a one of them has a snowball's chance in hell of beating Trump. They'll have to find another magic negro like Hussein that can dazzle the brain dead and send another chill up Chrisy Mathew's leg.


Bernie Campaign Calls Police On Reporters For Asking Questions About His Staff Talking About Killing People

Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign in South Carolina contacted law enforcement officials on Thursday after undercover journalists with James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas pressed the campaign to answer questions about violent remarks made by a paid Sanders campaign staffer.

The move by the Sanders campaign to call the police on reporters for asking them tough questions comes after Project Veritas released video earlier this week that allegedly showed Sanders field organizer Martin Weissgerber saying he wanted to kill wealthy people and throw Republicans into camps.

The police officer who responded told Project Veritas, “They said they are going to have no comment. If you try to make contact with them, it’s no comment … it’s one of those things where they wish he hadn’t said that, but they’re standing by him.”

Video and more here: https://www.dailywire.com/news/bernie-campaign-calls-police-on-reporters-for-asking-questions-about-his-staff-talking-about-killing-people/

01-25-2020, 12:01 PM
Odd, seems a lot of politicians don't like O'keefe. Of course Bernie and team have no comment. :rolleyes:

01-25-2020, 06:37 PM
The American left: Champions of freedom of speech and the truth :rolleyes: