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View Full Version : Fred Thompson is Gay

09-08-2007, 10:09 PM
A gay former Senate page talks about his flings with Thompson and Fred Grandy (Gopher from "The Love Boat.")


09-08-2007, 10:10 PM
A gay former Senate page talks about his flings with Thompson and Fred Grandy (Gopher from "The Love Boat.")


cool....a gay actor president with a hot wife...i am all over this

09-08-2007, 10:17 PM
What I wanna know is whats wrong with the pages in both the house and senate. It appears that every new sex scandal we hear about these days involves pages.

It's almost like the page program is a secretly designed club for teenagers across the country to come and have sex with 50 year old men.

09-09-2007, 03:43 AM
What I wanna know is whats wrong with the pages in both the house and senate. It appears that every new sex scandal we hear about these days involves pages.

It's almost like the page program is a secretly designed club for teenagers across the country to come and have sex with 50 year old men.

you realize that video wasnt serious dont you?

09-09-2007, 08:16 AM
What I wanna know is whats wrong with the pages in both the house and senate. It appears that every new sex scandal we hear about these days involves pages.

It's almost like the page program is a secretly designed club for teenagers across the country to come and have sex with 50 year old men.
And every money scandal involves the Democrats...

I can't wait until a Democrat gets caught with his hand in the so called cookie jar.... I can already predict the response from the Democrats... it's not relevant, it's none of our business, etc etc etc

For a group of people who can't seem to play by the rules, the Democrats spend an awful lot of time looking at everyone else's transgressions....

this reminds me of another passage of Scripture....

Romans 2

1Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

09-09-2007, 10:05 AM
you realize that video wasnt serious dont you?
Yes. But that part about the pages wasn't.

09-09-2007, 10:07 AM
And every money scandal involves the Democrats...

I can't wait until a Democrat gets caught with his hand in the so called cookie jar.... I can already predict the response from the Democrats... it's not relevant, it's none of our business, etc etc etc

For a group of people who can't seem to play by the rules, the Democrats spend an awful lot of time looking at everyone else's transgressions....

this reminds me of another passage of Scripture....
hahahah thats funny.
Ever read The Clinton Wars buddy? You really should do some reading.

09-09-2007, 10:26 AM
A gay former Senate page talks about his flings with Thompson and Fred Grandy (Gopher from "The Love Boat.")


Thanks a bit of silliness in the morning always helps, pretty funny stuff.

09-09-2007, 09:27 PM
you realize that video wasnt serious dont you?

You realize that if footage were discovered of Fred Thompson having anal sex with a DC page, you would still say it "wasn't serious." Or fabricated. Or that Clinton made him do it. Any port in a storm for the koolaid drinkers.

09-09-2007, 09:35 PM
You realize that if footage were discovered of Fred Thompson having anal sex with a DC page, you would still say it "wasn't serious." Or fabricated. Or that Clinton made him do it. Any port in a storm for the koolaid drinkers.

You're one to talk ... no unsubstantiated allegation too low for lefttards like you.

09-09-2007, 10:43 PM
You realize that if footage were discovered of Fred Thompson having anal sex with a DC page, you would still say it "wasn't serious." Or fabricated. Or that Clinton made him do it. Any port in a storm for the koolaid drinkers.

You realize that Fred Thompson wasnt a Senator in the 80s when this "page" claims it happens dont you?

And quite frankly i dont care about Fred Thompson. Im not planning to vote for him. I have no reason to defend him other than the fact that he is being lied about. I dont have anything to lose if his reputation is sullied or anything to gain by defending it. I just love the truth.

09-09-2007, 11:19 PM
You realize that if footage were discovered of Fred Thompson having anal sex with a DC page, you would still say it "wasn't serious." Or fabricated. Or that Clinton made him do it. Any port in a storm for the koolaid drinkers.
Neg rep for this bullshit :pee:

09-09-2007, 11:37 PM
[QUOTE=avatar4321;121019]You realize that Fred Thompson wasnt a Senator in the 80s when this "page" claims it happens dont you?QUOTE]

They don't care...

How pathetic is this..:cow:

09-10-2007, 12:37 AM
You realize that if footage were discovered of Fred Thompson having anal sex with a DC page, you would still say it "wasn't serious." Or fabricated. Or that Clinton made him do it. Any port in a storm for the koolaid drinkers.

To bad you folks on the left don't chastise Barney Frank for being a knob gobbler. If it's a dem it's OK, but if it's a pubbie, then he needs to resign. I'm not sure, but I seem to sense some double standards here.

09-10-2007, 05:59 AM
You realize that Fred Thompson wasnt a Senator in the 80s when this "page" claims it happens dont you?

And quite frankly i dont care about Fred Thompson. Im not planning to vote for him. I have no reason to defend him other than the fact that he is being lied about. I dont have anything to lose if his reputation is sullied or anything to gain by defending it. I just love the truth.

Unless you're planning on voting Democrat, you might wish to rethink that plan. No other so-called Republican currently on the ticket stands much of chance to win.

09-10-2007, 06:15 AM
Unless you're planning on voting Democrat, you might wish to rethink that plan. No other so-called Republican currently on the ticket stands much of chance to win.

Please, short of Ron Paul every single Republican has a better chance of winning.

I am not going to support a candidate in the primary just because someone says the others cant win the general. Especially when the general election is still over a year away.

Heck, Id even think Ron Paul could have a chance to beat Hillary. Although Im not sure we would be much better off.

09-10-2007, 06:23 AM
Please, short of Ron Paul every single Republican has a better chance of winning.

I am not going to support a candidate in the primary just because someone says the others cant win the general. Especially when the general election is still over a year away.

Heck, Id even think Ron Paul could have a chance to beat Hillary. Although Im not sure we would be much better off.

Watch. No other Republican carry across-the-board conservative votes. Thompson can. The rest carry only a fragment which will result in some conservatives not bothering to vote, or voting Democrat.

Don't underestimate Hillary. Bill didn't stand much of a chance either until Perot stole a lot of moderate votes.

GW in Ohio
09-10-2007, 07:11 AM
If Fred Thompson is gay then I'm the frickin' Queen of England.


09-10-2007, 07:42 AM
To bad you folks on the left don't chastise Barney Frank for being a knob gobbler. If it's a dem it's OK, but if it's a pubbie, then he needs to resign. I'm not sure, but I seem to sense some double standards here. Actually if you understand democrats like I do then there is no hypocrisy on their part. They simply have no morals, so a democrat gets a pass for illicit acts. In contrast a republican who claims to have morals is crucified when he performs an illicit act.

GW in Ohio
09-10-2007, 07:55 AM
Actually if you understand democrats like I do then there is no hypocrisy on their part. They simply have no morals, so a democrat gets a pass for illicit acts. In contrast a republican who claims to have morals is crucified when he performs an illicit act.

Very good, glockie. You got that exactly right.

Since all us liberals are basically hippies, we reject your conventional morality.

If it feels good, we do it. Nobody expects us to be paragons of virtue, so we don't disappoint anybody. We do drugs...we sleep with anybody we want to....if we want to have whiskey before breakfast, why, we just go ahead and do it.

But your Republicans now....that's a different story. They proclaim themselves to be the party of religion....the party that wants to bring Christian values back to Washington. They're the party that wears white shirts and bad ties and blue suits and only has sex in the missionary position on Saturday night after the kids have been put to bed.

So when one of their boys, like Larry Craig or that other guy who was having sex with the page boys....Mark Foley.... turns out to be (gasp!) a homo......

Well, that just shoots their image all to hell. People start thinking they might be better off with the Democrats and their alley-cat morals. At least they know what they're getting. Y'know?

09-10-2007, 08:06 AM
For once GW you make perfect sense.

09-10-2007, 08:23 AM
Very good, glockie. You got that exactly right.

Since all us liberals are basically hippies, we reject your conventional morality.

If it feels good, we do it. Nobody expects us to be paragons of virtue, so we don't disappoint anybody. We do drugs...we sleep with anybody we want to....if we want to have whiskey before breakfast, why, we just go ahead and do it.

But your Republicans now....that's a different story. They proclaim themselves to be the party of religion....the party that wants to bring Christian values back to Washington. They're the party that wears white shirts and bad ties and blue suits and only has sex in the missionary position on Saturday night after the kids have been put to bed.

So when one of their boys, like Larry Craig or that other guy who was having sex with the page boys....Mark Foley.... turns out to be (gasp!) a homo......

Well, that just shoots their image all to hell. People start thinking they might be better off with the Democrats and their alley-cat morals. At least they know what they're getting. Y'know?

True, the Democrats have no morals so you can't pin anything on them. It's so convenient! They can change their position on any issue and they can't be called hypocrites or held to account!

So, if you elect a Democrat in November believing that he is going to do something to improve your lot, then by the same time next year, he's gone back on his word, no problem! That's because they don't have any allegiances, no convictions, nothing to pin them down!

As the character, Captain Renault in the movie Casablanca, their allegiances blow with the wind.

But, sometimes, you have to take a stand and be counted. It's better to stand for something and fail than to stand for nothing and succeed. Because, in the end, if you succeed at standing for nothing, what have you accomplished?

Perhaps the movie Casablanca is still relevant today!

09-10-2007, 11:35 AM
As the character, Captain Renault in the movie Casablanca, their [Democrats'] allegiances blow with the wind.

But, sometimes, you have to take a stand and be counted. It's better to stand for something and fail than to stand for nothing and succeed. Because, in the end, if you succeed at standing for nothing, what have you accomplished?

Perhaps the movie Casablanca is still relevant today!
Except that the righttards have no interest in a beautiful relationship. :lol:

09-10-2007, 11:36 AM
Neg rep for this bullshit :pee:

Glad to see I got your Victoria's Secret panties in a gigantic knot. :laugh2:

GW in Ohio
09-10-2007, 11:58 AM
True, the Democrats have no morals so you can't pin anything on them. It's so convenient! They can change their position on any issue and they can't be called hypocrites or held to account!

So, if you elect a Democrat in November believing that he is going to do something to improve your lot, then by the same time next year, he's gone back on his word, no problem! That's because they don't have any allegiances, no convictions, nothing to pin them down!

As the character, Captain Renault in the movie Casablanca, their allegiances blow with the wind.

But, sometimes, you have to take a stand and be counted. It's better to stand for something and fail than to stand for nothing and succeed. Because, in the end, if you succeed at standing for nothing, what have you accomplished?

Perhaps the movie Casablanca is still relevant today!

Do you like Vichy Water, Karl?

09-10-2007, 12:47 PM
Do you like Vichy Water, Karl?
No, but I'm sure a lot of the Dems in Congress do and drink it often

Hagbard Celine
09-10-2007, 01:38 PM
What I wanna know is whats wrong with the pages in both the house and senate. It appears that every new sex scandal we hear about these days involves pages.

It's almost like the page program is a secretly designed club for teenagers across the country to come and have sex with 50 year old men.

Politics is the new Catholicism!

Abbey Marie
09-10-2007, 01:48 PM
No, but I'm sure a lot of the Dems in Congress do and drink it often

Nah, that's Kool Aid, Karl.

09-10-2007, 01:49 PM
Politics is the new Catholicism!
Liberalism is the new hatred and bigotry!

09-10-2007, 01:53 PM
Nah, that's Kool Aid, Karl.
For the sake of all the Debate Policy posters, I'll let you in on the joke....

If you ever watch the movie, Casablanca, the final scene has a visual gag. The two main characters (played by Humphrey Bogart and Claude Rains) both decide that they cannot be nuetral and have to take sides in the struggle (and they decide to side with the Allies). To toast their decision, they find a bottle of Vichy Water, then decide not to and throw the bottle in the trash (Vichy France was the Nazi run French government at the time).

Audiences at the time would have immediately understood the joke, but it may not be too obvious nearly 70 years later.

Hagbard Celine
09-10-2007, 02:24 PM
Liberalism is the new hatred and bigotry!

Hey! You're right! Except..not, because what you've said here makes absolutely no sense. In fact, it makes so little sense and it is such a non-sequiter, that it makes me question whether or not you have the correct number of chromosomes! :coffee:

09-10-2007, 02:42 PM
Hey! You're right! Except..not, because what you've said here makes absolutely no sense. In fact, it makes so little sense and it is such a non-sequiter, that it makes me question whether or not you have the correct number of chromosomes! :coffee:
HC, you're the typical compassionate liberal. For your information, if God ever allows you to have children, perhaps you'll feel differently about this post of yours if you should happen to have a Down's syndrome kid.

Frankly, I've known a couple and they act with more maturity than you do at times.

Onto the other issue, you used the political sex scandals in Washington to insult the Catholic Church. You grouped all Catholic priests in with pedophiles, which is simply a bigoted stereotype. In effect, you insulted anyone on this board who is Catholic.

Your remarks are no different from the remarks of a racist, anti-Semite or a homophobe. In short, your remarks were bigoted and since you're a liberal, I thought I'd point that out to you. You're no better than the so called "Religious Right" that many of you liberals accuse of being parochial, narrow minded and bigoted.....

perhaps you ought to examine the beam in your own eye before examining the speck in mine

Just because you're a liberal doesn't excuse you from that sort of behavior.

09-10-2007, 02:46 PM
Your remarks are no different from the remarks of a racist, anti-Semite or a homophobe. In short, your remarks were bigoted and since you're a liberal, I thought I'd point that out to you.
And YOUR remarks aren't going to change Freddie's sexuality, are they? :poke:

09-10-2007, 02:48 PM
that was pitiful hag.

Hagbard Celine
09-10-2007, 02:56 PM
HC, you're the typical compassionate liberal. For your information, if God ever allows you to have children, perhaps you'll feel differently about this post of yours if you should happen to have a Down's syndrome kid.How surprising. A conservative who believes pregnancy is a magic trick. I gotta ask: Who'da thunk it?

Frankly, I've known a couple and they act with more maturity than you do at times.No they haven't.

Onto the other issue, you used the political sex scandals in Washington to insult the Catholic Church. You grouped all Catholic priests in with pedophiles, which is simply a bigoted stereotype. In effect, you insulted anyone on this board who is Catholic.Sorry. Sorry to insult all you paper-skinned Catholics out there. I'll be sure and let everyone else who's ever made a joke about the Catholic church know that they are really stepping on some serious toes with all those "bigoted" Catholic jokes.

Your remarks are no different from the remarks of a racist, anti-Semite or a homophobe. In short, your remarks were bigoted and since you're a liberal, I thought I'd point that out to you. You're no better than the so called "Religious Right" that many of you liberals accuse of being parochial, narrow minded and bigoted.....I think you may have some sand in your vagina Marx. You'll probably want to wash it out.

perhaps you ought to examine the beam in your own eye before examining the speck in mineThanks Christian brother. I'll be sure and write that one down with the others on my list. I've already got the one about the tortoise and the hare and the woman who lived in a shoe.

Just because you're a liberal doesn't excuse you from that sort of behavior.My bad. I'd like to make a formal apology to everyone on the board for my unexcusable behavior. I'll never make a lame joke about the Catholic church again. And I'll write Jay Leno to let him know that he's a bigot.

Hagbard Celine
09-10-2007, 03:00 PM
that was pitiful hag.

One whah-burger coming right up. Would you like an order of cheese cries with that?

09-10-2007, 03:09 PM
Yep, a reasoned response from a reasoned individual. Thank goodness for liberals, where would the rest of us turn for guidance?

Hagbard Celine
09-10-2007, 03:11 PM
Yep, a reasoned response from a reasoned individual. Thank goodness for liberals, where would the rest of us turn for guidance?

President Bush of course! :dance: Thanks for the compliment!

09-10-2007, 03:12 PM
President Bush! :dance:

HC... did your parents ever have any children?

Hagbard Celine
09-10-2007, 03:13 PM
HC... did your parents ever have any children?

What kind of stupid question is that? -- No. They didn't.

09-10-2007, 03:17 PM
What kind of stupid question is that? -- No. They didn't.:confused:

Hagbard Celine
09-10-2007, 03:27 PM

That's right. My parents didn't have any children. I'm also my own grandpa.

09-10-2007, 03:33 PM
That's right. My parents didn't have any children. I'm also my own grandpa.
LOL I'll pos-rep you for that as soon as I can. :laugh2:

09-10-2007, 04:48 PM
And YOUR remarks aren't going to change Freddie's sexuality, are they? :poke:

not sure why he would want to change "Freddie's" sexuality. After all we think a man sleeping with his wife is a good thing.

09-10-2007, 05:08 PM
not sure why he would want to change "Freddie's" sexuality. After all we think a man sleeping with his wife is a good thing.

He's been hanging out with the Hollywood "insiders" for years, avatar. No such person who ever lived did not at least experiment. Reagan apparently had several homo flings: he seemed to go for hypocritically macho types like John Wayne and James Dean.

09-10-2007, 05:27 PM
He's been hanging out with the Hollywood "insiders" for years, avatar. No such person who ever lived did not at least experiment. Reagan apparently had several homo flings: he seemed to go for hypocritically macho types like John Wayne and James Dean.

i dont know whats scarier, the fact that you're saying this nonsense or the fact that you believe it.

09-10-2007, 06:27 PM
i dont know whats scarier, the fact that you're saying this nonsense or the fact that you believe it.
I don't understand: you and your fellow warriors are whining almost daily about how depraved "Hollyweird" is. When someone else says the same thing you find it scary? :confused:

09-24-2007, 02:41 PM
Your silence, although predictable, makes for an interesting reply. :laugh: