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01-30-2020, 02:09 PM
I think they're right with this market as it's disgusting. The nasty things they eat, and it's all out in the open half cooked, raw and some cooked. Or prepared in front of you after sitting in that infected disgusting area.

First my opinion - not only disgusting but makes me angry. I don't care if it's a culture thing, wouldn't understand unless I lived there or any other reasoning. I see videos like the one I saw and it makes me want to start kicking some ass. Dogs and cats in cages, and they mistreat them up until they are food on their dishes. I simply don't care if they see things differently, it's disgusting in many respects. And anyone that may have went there to get a dog or a cat, I have zero sympathy for them.

Rats, ducks and many other birds, dogs galore, bats, snakes, cats, all kinds of cooked critters, couldn't make out what they all were. Couldn't barely make it through much of it with caged animals around and what not. But they eat the nastiest shit.



12 Bizarre & exotic things you can (but should not) eat in Wuhan and other parts of China

By now, you would probably have heard of the deadly Wuhan Coronavirus Infection that started off in China and has spread to multiple countries across the world.

The potential global epidemic has shone a light of reality on China’s livestock sector, revealing how a smorgasbord of exotic and sometimes endangered animals are being reared and killed for their meat. Examples of what you can find being sold at markets and restaurants in Wuhan and across China include Chinese Bamboo Rats, Snakes, Dogs, Hedgehogs and Peacocks.

It is believed, but not entirely confirmed, that the infection stemmed from the Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market in Wuhan, where a plethora of animal-based products are being sold in a clustered and unsanitary environment. This makes it the perfect breeding ground for all kinds of fatal diseases as well as dangerous pathogens.

The ongoing debate of the source of the virus has unearthed plenty of questionable choices of protein being consumed by the Chinese, which may to many, seem outrageous and almost inhumane. However, to the Chinese people in China, all these are completely normalised; just like how we view our pork and our beef as proper sources of food.

In light of the bizarre findings at the Wholesale Seafood Market in Wuhan, here are a few unusual things that you can eat in Wuhan and other parts of China.

A short disclaimer: we are aware that not all Chinese people enjoy indulging in the mentioned exotic dishes. Neither are we encouraging people to sample these dishes if they ever have the choice or if they ever visit China. The purpose of this article is merely to share our findings on some of the unconventional types of food eaten in China.


bats, cats, dogs, hedgehogs, live frogs, live baby mice, live monkey brains, masked palm civet, peacock, Chinese bamboo rat, sika deer, snakes

Rest - https://www.ladyironchef.com/2020/01/wuhan-weird-food/

01-30-2020, 03:03 PM
Back in the day ('80's & early '90's) I did business in China and was in country at least once a year. I made two decisions early on, never ask what I was eating and to drink heavily during meals. These principles were not hard to adhere to since I usually couldn't understand what was being said and everyone's delight in trying to get the "roundeye" drunk. Every meal was a 2 hour affair with a liter of beer per person and multiple bottles of Maotai for toasting shots. Maotai is a nasty sorghum based, low alcohol content liquor that has the smell and taste of warm swamp water. After the first shot or two it becomes relatively tasteless. But that first shot, damn! The first time I tasted it was at a State Dinner in the same dining hall Pres Nixon was feted at in the Great Hall of he People on Tiananmen Square. My interpreter leaned over after the toast and said, "Your President Nixon called this drink, liquid razor blades."

The bottom line was that I didn't get all mentally worked up about what I was eating because I usually didn't know about the more exotic stuff and I figured that all the alcohol would probably kill anything bad inside. The hardest part was getting by the presentation stuff like picking the flesh off a quick fried fish while its' mouth and gills were still moving, eating the deep fried baby birds off the skewer (watch out for the beaks!), having the street vendor pull a snake out of his burlap sack, slit it open and drain the blood into a shot glass and slice it up into a bowl of steaming broth in front of you giving it just enough time for you to do the shot of blood to properly cook and knowing the plate of sea cucumbers was the next serving to be placed on the table (so nasty tasking that I grabbed the Maotai to wash it down with!) Thankfully, my planned trip to southern Guangdong Province near the Vietnam border, was canceled. My partner told me we would probably have to eat monkey brains on that trip.

BTW - Never got sick on any trip to China.

01-30-2020, 03:26 PM
Back in the day ('80's & early '90's) I did business in China and was in country at least once a year. I made two decisions early on, never ask what I was eating and to drink heavily during meals. These principles were not hard to adhere to since I usually couldn't understand what was being said and everyone's delight in trying to get the "roundeye" drunk. Every meal was a 2 hour affair with a liter of beer per person and multiple bottles of Maotai for toasting shots. Maotai is a nasty sorghum based, low alcohol content liquor that has the smell and taste of warm swamp water. After the first shot or two it becomes relatively tasteless. But that first shot, damn! The first time I tasted it was at a State Dinner in the same dining hall Pres Nixon was feted at in the Great Hall of he People on Tiananmen Square. My interpreter leaned over after the toast and said, "Your President Nixon called this drink, liquid razor blades."

The bottom line was that I didn't get all mentally worked up about what I was eating because I usually didn't know about the more exotic stuff and I figured that all the alcohol would probably kill anything bad inside. The hardest part was getting by the presentation stuff like picking the flesh off a quick fried fish while its' mouth and gills were still moving, eating the deep fried baby birds off the skewer (watch out for the beaks!), having the street vendor pull a snake out of his burlap sack, slit it open and drain the blood into a shot glass and slice it up into a bowl of steaming broth in front of you giving it just enough time for you to do the shot of blood to properly cook and knowing the plate of sea cucumbers was the next serving to be placed on the table (so nasty tasking that I grabbed the Maotai to wash it down with!) Thankfully, my planned trip to southern Guangdong Province near the Vietnam border, was canceled. My partner told me we would probably have to eat monkey brains on that trip.

BTW - Never got sick on any trip to China.

That's about how it looked at that market, only grosser! I'd have to be beyond drunk to drink or eat any of that stuff! But no matter how drunk I am not eating dog or cat.

01-30-2020, 05:12 PM
That's about how it looked at that market, only grosser! I'd have to be beyond drunk to drink or eat any of that stuff! But no matter how drunk I am not eating dog or cat.
I'm pretty sure I ate dog in Seoul but again, I didn't ask so I'm not certain.

01-30-2020, 07:38 PM
I had a better plan than that. Don't eat what you can't identify, and the ship's mess is still free. One can go awhile without eating :).
jimnyc ... regardless how disgusted you are, WE are actually the "weirdo's". The US has more food phobias than any other country I can think of. It's societal. To them, it's just like you'd look at a 12 oz ribeye.

01-30-2020, 08:18 PM
I'm trying to find the discussion without any luck... but I read that Wuhan where this food market is, is a mere 20 miles away from a weaponized bio lab where they house these sorts of viruses.

This is where they house that SARS virus, which is a close cousin to this Corona.

Then there was a story from last year where 2 Chinese researchers got caught improperly stealing and shipping to China some form of a Corona virus, they were caught, fired and sent home.

I don't buy the Chinese story that this virus just happened to mutate out of nowhere from an animal. Not when there's an active biolab facility 20 miles away.

I'm pretty sure this bug got away from them, and of course, the cat's out of the bag now.

This is an interesting map :


01-30-2020, 08:33 PM
6 months ago :


01-31-2020, 12:08 AM
I'm trying to find the discussion without any luck... but I read that Wuhan where this food market is, is a mere 20 miles away from a weaponized bio lab where they house these sorts of viruses.

This is where they house that SARS virus, which is a close cousin to this Corona.

Then there was a story from last year where 2 Chinese researchers got caught improperly stealing and shipping to China some form of a Corona virus, they were caught, fired and sent home.

I don't buy the Chinese story that this virus just happened to mutate out of nowhere from an animal. Not when there's an active biolab facility 20 miles away.

I'm pretty sure this bug got away from them, and of course, the cat's out of the bag now.

This is an interesting map :

You might want to check out my response to Gunny's Thread: Thread: CDC, DHS Initiate Screenings At Major Airports To Prevent Spread Of Chinese Coronavir (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?68740-CDC-DHS-Initiate-Screenings-At-Major-Airports-To-Prevent-Spread-Of-Chinese-Coronavir)

01-31-2020, 12:33 AM
You might want to check out my response to Gunny's Thread: Thread: CDC, DHS Initiate Screenings At Major Airports To Prevent Spread Of Chinese Coronavir (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?68740-CDC-DHS-Initiate-Screenings-At-Major-Airports-To-Prevent-Spread-Of-Chinese-Coronavir)

Thanks, I completely missed that thread!