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View Full Version : Former CIA Chief John Brennan, Who Spied on Trump, FREAKS...

01-31-2020, 04:59 PM
Brennan & Clapper should just get together now, put their dollars together, and then go get a permit before they all run out. Use the opportunity and let the stars and the skies and anyone who can hear you just how horrible this is. And then they can go on nationa.... wait, they have already been on national tv over and over offering their take on things. I STILL say one, of not both, have their hands in this cookie jar.


Former CIA Chief John Brennan, Who Spied on Trump, FREAKS After Sen. Lamar Alexander Announces Vote for No Witnesses

Former CIA chief John Brennan freaked after Senator Lamar Alexander announced he will be voting against calling in additional witnesses in the impeachment trial.

In a huge blow to Democrats, Senator Lamar Alexander announced Thursday night he will be voting against new witnesses.

Senator Murkowski then put the final nail in the coffin Friday morning and announced she will also be voting against new witnesses.

Brennan is furious because his second coup attempt failed.

BRENNAN: Astounding & disgraceful that a Senator of heretofore strong standing says it is okay for a president to use U.S. taxpayer dollars to extort a foreign government to provide fabricated information on a rival in an upcoming election. This is a green light to future such activity.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/01/former-cia-chief-john-brennan-who-spied-on-trump-freaks-after-sen-lamar-alexander-announces-vote-for-no-witnesses/

02-01-2020, 10:49 AM
If I had a Monopoly Get out of Jail Free card, the first thing I'd probably do is go give Brennan a slap. Then Clapper too, followed by clunking Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler's heads together like the Three Stooges...
Maybe the DoJ and the next election can effectively do the same thing in my place.

02-01-2020, 11:14 AM
If I had a Monopoly Get out of Jail Free card, the first thing I'd probably do is go give Brennan a slap. Then Clapper too, followed by clunking Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler's heads together like the Three Stooges...
Maybe the DoJ and the next election can effectively do the same thing in my place.
Yeah that Barr/Durham criminal investigation is still out there ongoing, but going to be done one of these days. I honestly think they're holding that back just to cut it lose at the right time to sink any dems presidential chances.

Two can play dirty, and I'd love nothing more than to see the filthy democraps get a damn good dose of their own freakin' medicine.