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View Full Version : After Impeachment is voted Down on Wednesday...

02-02-2020, 05:48 PM
From the FISA-spiked investigation of Trump during the campaign, to the Mueller fiasco, to the Impeachment debacle, I am continually astounded by the lengths to which Democrats will go to get rid of Trump. Nothing seems to be too slimy to do.

Which brings me to my next thought - now that the Impeachment looks like it will fail on Wednesday, what will be next? One thing I think the Dems will NOT do is just wait for a fair election in November.

Here's what I think the Dems are probably already planning:
1. Another impeachment 'inquiry' almost immediately. They will keep doing this until polls show the voters getting ticked.
2. Accusations from multiple women that he harassed them or discriminated against them.
3. Accusations from former employees that they heard him utter some 'racist' phrase twenty years ago.
4. Accusations from CNN / NYT / etc that Trump made some secret deal with Putin
5. Accusations that Trump will take away Social Security, Medicaid, student loans, or whatever

If none of them pan out, Dems will panic, and I worry that some Dems would actually consider:
7. Putting something in Trump's food
8. Helping some Antifa guy attempt something
9. Helping some Iranian guy attempt something

I certainly hope not, but I really think the Dems would do anything to prevent 4 more years of Trump. Anything.

02-02-2020, 05:55 PM
From the FISA-spiked investigation of Trump during the campaign, to the Mueller fiasco, to the Impeachment debacle, I am continually astounded by the lengths to which Democrats will go to get rid of Trump. Nothing seems to be too slimy to do.

Which brings me to my next thought - now that the Impeachment looks like it will fail on Wednesday, what will be next? One thing I think the Dems will NOT do is just wait for a fair election in November.

Here's what I think the Dems are probably already planning:
1. Another impeachment 'inquiry' almost immediately. They will keep doing this until polls show the voters getting ticked.
2. Accusations from multiple women that he harassed them or discriminated against them.
3. Accusations from former employees that they heard him utter some 'racist' phrase twenty years ago.
4. Accusations from CNN / NYT / etc that Trump made some secret deal with Putin
5. Accusations that Trump will take away Social Security, Medicaid, student loans, or whatever

If none of them pan out, Dems will panic, and I worry that some Dems would actually consider:
7. Putting something in Trump's food
8. Helping some Antifa guy attempt something
9. Helping some Iranian guy attempt something

I certainly hope not, but I really think the Dems would do anything to prevent 4 more years of Trump. Anything.
I couldn't agree MORE, Russ. I don't think there's any chance in HELL that the dems will just give up on trying to get rid of him, OR somehow effecting the 2020 election. They're that UNHINGED and CORRUPT.

BUT... I think when they're next BOMB SHELL is peddled out, most people are going to think... OH MY FUCKING GOD PEOPLE... GIVE IT A REST! I think the democrats are their own WORST ENEMY at this point, and the sooner they're a MINORITY again the better, for AMERICA's sake.

And another BUT, if all else fails, I think we'll see MASSIVE CHEATING in the election. I think that's a given. I think they cheated in the last election. They just UNDERESTIMATED how MUCH cheating it would take to have Hitlery win. I think they're planning MUCH BIGGER cheating for this election, because as you say, I think they're capable of ANYTHING... ANYTHING!

02-02-2020, 06:27 PM
I forgot to mention two others:

5.5 Arrange for ballot stuffing schemes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ohio, and possibly 46 other states.
5.6 Arrange to accuse Repbulicans of ballot stuffing schemes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ohio, and possibly 46 other states.

02-02-2020, 06:31 PM
I forgot to mention two others:

5.5 Arrange for ballot stuffing schemes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ohio, and possibly 46 other states.
5.6 Arrange to accuse Repbulicans of ballot stuffing schemes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ohio, and possibly 46 other states.
And even if Trump wins again, and he SHOULD, they'll just KEEP UP THE SAME SHIT... on and on. But hopefully, HOPEFULLY, they'll be a MINORITY and the repubs can just tell them to GO POUND SAND.

We still have the Barr / Durham criminal investigation coming though too. That could take a little wind out of their sails.

02-02-2020, 07:06 PM
From the FISA-spiked investigation of Trump during the campaign, to the Mueller fiasco, to the Impeachment debacle, I am continually astounded by the lengths to which Democrats will go to get rid of Trump. Nothing seems to be too slimy to do.

Which brings me to my next thought - now that the Impeachment looks like it will fail on Wednesday, what will be next? One thing I think the Dems will NOT do is just wait for a fair election in November.

Here's what I think the Dems are probably already planning:
1. Another impeachment 'inquiry' almost immediately. They will keep doing this until polls show the voters getting ticked.
2. Accusations from multiple women that he harassed them or discriminated against them.
3. Accusations from former employees that they heard him utter some 'racist' phrase twenty years ago.
4. Accusations from CNN / NYT / etc that Trump made some secret deal with Putin
5. Accusations that Trump will take away Social Security, Medicaid, student loans, or whatever

If none of them pan out, Dems will panic, and I worry that some Dems would actually consider:
7. Putting something in Trump's food
8. Helping some Antifa guy attempt something
9. Helping some Iranian guy attempt something

I certainly hope not, but I really think the Dems would do anything to prevent 4 more years of Trump. Anything.I consider none of the above outside the realm of Dem/left MSM hatred. You'd never get me to buy that a few years back. I figured even they had a line they wouldn't cross.

After watching the last 3 years? They have only one line they will not cross.

IMO, he's alive still only because THAT is the line they won't cross. Not out of any moral code, decency nor respect for the law, human life or what have you, but because they fear voter backlash. To be honest, I believe that is the only reason no one drilled a round through O-blah-blah's grape. If the left thought for a second they could get away with it? Bets are off and I sure wouldn't take any.

02-02-2020, 08:35 PM
From the FISA-spiked investigation of Trump during the campaign, to the Mueller fiasco, to the Impeachment debacle, I am continually astounded by the lengths to which Democrats will go to get rid of Trump. Nothing seems to be too slimy to do.

Which brings me to my next thought - now that the Impeachment looks like it will fail on Wednesday, what will be next? One thing I think the Dems will NOT do is just wait for a fair election in November.

Here's what I think the Dems are probably already planning:
1. Another impeachment 'inquiry' almost immediately. They will keep doing this until polls show the voters getting ticked.
2. Accusations from multiple women that he harassed them or discriminated against them.
3. Accusations from former employees that they heard him utter some 'racist' phrase twenty years ago.
4. Accusations from CNN / NYT / etc that Trump made some secret deal with Putin
5. Accusations that Trump will take away Social Security, Medicaid, student loans, or whatever

If none of them pan out, Dems will panic, and I worry that some Dems would actually consider:
7. Putting something in Trump's food
8. Helping some Antifa guy attempt something
9. Helping some Iranian guy attempt something

I certainly hope not, but I really think the Dems would do anything to prevent 4 more years of Trump. Anything.
they tried 1-5 in 2016......and 2017.......and 2018....

02-03-2020, 02:21 AM
You know, I am new to this forum and not a Rep/Dem, but I like the way you guys see the whole picture. It looks like embarassment will become a blind anger soon

02-03-2020, 06:45 AM
You know, I am new to this forum and not a Rep/Dem, but I like the way you guys see the whole picture. It looks like embarassment will become a blind anger soon

I believe that the failure of these impeachment proceedings to produce anything more than a ridiculous farce, will help convince the American electorate that democratic accountability is under severe threat from those so unscrupulous and lacking in decency, that it HAS to generate a strong backlash. As Trump was the would-be victim of all this, his electoral chances will be boosted at the next election.

This is exactly what will be needed. It'll be deserved.

Ares ... welcome to the forum.

I'd suggest that Rep/Dem identification isn't critically important on a forum like this one. What matters is that, if you have a view, you choose (as it best pleases you to do so) to express it, and then, if you're inclined to defend it, that defence proves to be an honest one which you can creditably weigh against any alternatives ranged against it.

Good luck with your future debates !

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-03-2020, 06:46 AM
You know, I am new to this forum and not a Rep/Dem, but I like the way you guys see the whole picture. It looks like embarassment will become a blind anger soon

Those --blinded-- by hate, by their own darkness and by TDS( Trump Derangement Syndrome) are not able to see anything but what Hades shows them, god of war...
And the blind anger started well before Trump even won the Presidency.... just sayin'..... so yes -we- see quite well.....
As lying corrupt devils parade around pretending to be angels while they attempt to become dictators over us-- we law-abiding, true citizens that appreciate this nation, its Constitution and the freedoms we have, go about peacefully working, caring for our families and attempting to limit the damage they can do...
The dems are well known to accuse others of the crimes, evil and wickedness which they bathe in and so very dearly relish... A fact..

By the way-- not a dem, not a Republican...hmmmm...
ok .. but truth is the dems will make you chose one day.
Do you care to say how you think you may leap, if that prediction holds water?-Tyr

02-03-2020, 02:58 PM
I'm not Dem or Rep, I'm registered Independent and have been since my first time voting. I've voted both ways over the years and voted for Perot, but I absolutely detest the Dems right now and the MSM....... And Hollywood.

02-03-2020, 04:51 PM
I'm not Dem or Rep, I'm registered Independent and have been since my first time voting. I've voted both ways over the years and voted for Perot, but I absolutely detest the Dems right now and the MSM....... And Hollywood.
Yep, me too, registered Independent. I consider myself a constitutional conservative nationalist.

Although I differ that I've never voted for a dem in my life, but I have gotten extremely fed up with the wishy washy spineless antics of the republicans over the years, that's what convinced me I was no longer a republican. I wasn't going to identify with gutless cowards.

Then came Trump. He almost is enough to make me rejoin the republican party, because he fights back, and appears to have given the republicans in Washington a shot of sass and they're even fighting back now... but we'll see. Best just remain an independent I think.

02-03-2020, 05:22 PM
I think Nancy simply knew that it wouldn't convict but had little choice with all the pushing around her. I think she also knew that it would be harmful to the Dems. I said a long time back that this would come full circle, and it's still doing so.


Trump: Pelosi Didn't Want Impeachment, Acquittal Is 'Her Worst Nightmare'

On Sunday night, President Donald Trump suggested that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not want to impeach him, and now that he's on track for acquittal in the Senate, "it's her worst nightmare."

"I think she’s a very confused, very nervous woman," the president told Sean Hannity on Fox News. "I don’t think she wanted to do this. I think she really knew what was going to happen, and it’s her worst nightmare has happened."

He also predicted that Pelosi would not remain House speaker for long. "I think the radical left is going to take over," Trump said.

Indeed, between May 2018 and March 2019, Pelosi repeatedly insisted that impeachment must be bipartisan.

"Impeachment is a very serious matter. If it happens it has to be a bipartisan initiative," the House speaker said in May 2018. "Unless you have bipartisan consensus, impeachment is a divisive issue in the country."

"I’m not for impeachment. This is news. I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before," Pelosi told The Washington Post in March 2019. "But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it."

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/trump-pelosi-didnt-want-impeachment-acquittal-is-her-worst-nightmare/

02-03-2020, 09:20 PM
I believe that the failure of these impeachment proceedings to produce anything more than a ridiculous farce, will help convince the American electorate that democratic accountability is under severe threat from those so unscrupulous and lacking in decency, that it HAS to generate a strong backlash. As Trump was the would-be victim of all this, his electoral chances will be boosted at the next election.

This is exactly what will be needed. It'll be deserved.

Ares ... welcome to the forum.

I'd suggest that Rep/Dem identification isn't critically important on a forum like this one. What matters is that, if you have a view, you choose (as it best pleases you to do so) to express it, and then, if you're inclined to defend it, that defence proves to be an honest one which you can creditably weigh against any alternatives ranged against it.

Good luck with your future debates ! @Drummond (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2287) I think this could work out several ways. One is as you describe above. I believe however, it could also work into the left's victim status playbook. They're going to cry foul. They already have been since before the proceedings even started. Whether or not the left can make a case to the public that the public will buy is the question. In the UK, that turned out in your favor. Too early to tell here.

When I say that, it's with an eye on this election not being solely about Trump. It's also about maintaining a Senate majority. Without the latter, Trump's as good as dead next impeachment go-round and you can bet there will be one if the Dems get the Senate.

I'd personally like to see the American public put a resounding "out-of-business" sign on the Dems and destroy them in the House, Senate and Presidency. It IS what they deserve. Biggest problem there is, the GOP doesn't have a whole lot brag about. Especially those RINOs in the House that would rather face defeat than deal with a personality.

02-04-2020, 07:20 AM
We can probably add Bernie to the list of hit-list of the Dem's dirty tricks. The Dem establishment definitely doesn't want Bernie to be their nominee and I think they will do whatever they can to keep him from winning the nomination. Impeaching Trump was not meant to hurt Bernie, but Pelosi holding on to the impeachment for several weeks probably was. Pelosi probably figured it would keep Bernie and Warren off the campaign trail for weeks.

Next step is changing the rule to allow Bloomberg in the debates. After that, who knows? A new Dem-commissioned exploding caucus app that messes up the Iowa results? I don't want to go too far on this - let's see what happens.

Abbey Marie
02-04-2020, 01:01 PM
We can probably add Bernie to the list of hit-list of the Dem's dirty tricks. The Dem establishment definitely doesn't want Bernie to be their nominee and I think they will do whatever they can to keep him from winning the nomination. Impeaching Trump was not meant to hurt Bernie, but Pelosi holding on to the impeachment for several weeks probably was. Pelosi probably figured it would keep Bernie and Warren off the campaign trail for weeks.

Next step is changing the rule to allow Bloomberg in the debates. After that, who knows? A new Dem-commissioned exploding caucus app that messes up the Iowa results? I don't want to go too far on this - let's see what happens.

As if you could go too far predicting bad Dem behavior. They should ditch the Donkey and switch to this guy as their party icon:


02-04-2020, 02:02 PM
Yep, me too, registered Independent. I consider myself a constitutional conservative nationalist.

Although I differ that I've never voted for a dem in my life, but I have gotten extremely fed up with the wishy washy spineless antics of the republicans over the years, that's what convinced me I was no longer a republican. I wasn't going to identify with gutless cowards.

Then came Trump. He almost is enough to make me rejoin the republican party, because he fights back, and appears to have given the republicans in Washington a shot of sass and they're even fighting back now... but we'll see. Best just remain an independent I think.
In Georgia, you're not required to register for any party. In the Primaries, you just ask for a Republican or Democrat ballot at the polling place. Therefore, I'm not registered with any party and am free to vote as I wish. I share your frustration with the spineless nature of the Republican Party and have long maintained that the Trump's greatest contribution to the Party is showing them how to fight for themselves.

In my first election ('76) I voted for Harold Brown (Libertarian) and in the 2004 Georgia Primary I voted for Al Sharpton! I had recently declared that I self identified as a black lesbian at work and needed to shore up my bona fides. It felt good to rub those John Kerry and John Edwards votes in the noses of my fellow black coworkers. Besides, W Bush already had the nomination sewn up on the GOP side. Other than those two exceptions, I've voted Republican (although I felt like I needed to take a shower after pulling the lever for Dole, McCain and Romney)

02-04-2020, 02:54 PM
One last jab before the acquittal vote on Wednesday:


02-04-2020, 08:51 PM
As if you could go too far predicting bad Dem behavior. They should ditch the Donkey and switch to this guy as their party icon:

is it me or does the puppet look just like Schiff.....

02-05-2020, 05:01 PM
is it me or does the puppet look just like Schiff.....

I had same thought!