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02-04-2020, 10:28 PM

Abbey Marie
02-04-2020, 11:42 PM
Yet Carville says here, yes, he’d vote for Sanders. Kind of negates everything else he said, IMO.
My take away is he’s absolutely fine with everything Sanders stands for, but he has a problem with the fact that people won’t vote for him and Dems will lose power.

02-04-2020, 11:48 PM
They know they have NO ONE that can TOUCH TRUMP. Not one of their hopefuls can win... and they know it.

Pop some popcorn and sit back and watch President Trump dismantle whoever the democrap nominee is.

02-05-2020, 12:04 AM
Yet Carville says here, yes, he’d vote for Sanders. Kind of negates everything else he said, IMO.
My take away is he’s absolutely fine with everything Sanders stands for, but he has a problem with the fact that people won’t vote for him and Dems will lose power.
Could be, there are a lot of people who truly think the current President shouldn't be president. That doesn't mean they question his legitimacy or think he should be impeached or don't agree with much that he's done. Indeed they may very well agree with much of what he outlined tonight as far as hopes for the coming year. Many who don't think he should have been elected, that may really not want him re-elected, will still vote for him. Some because GOP, some because of whomever the Dems put forward. Pelosi with ripping the speech up and with what has happened over the past few months, pretty much have guaranteed his re-election.

I don't think that what is going on bodes well for anyone.

Abbey Marie
02-05-2020, 01:57 AM
Could be, there are a lot of people who truly think the current President shouldn't be president. That doesn't mean they question his legitimacy or think he should be impeached or don't agree with much that he's done. Indeed they may very well agree with much of what he outlined tonight as far as hopes for the coming year. Many who don't think he should have been elected, that may really not want him re-elected, will still vote for him. Some because GOP, some because of whomever the Dems put forward. Pelosi with ripping the speech up and with what has happened over the past few months, pretty much have guaranteed his re-election.

I don't think that what is going on bodes well for anyone.

I actually could not believe what I was seeing at first. I even wondered if she was supposed ​to rip it up, because it was so unbelievable.

How ANYONE can vote for these ridiculous, petulant, lying Dems is beyond my comprehension.

02-05-2020, 08:29 AM
I had to work, only could follow along during 2-15 min. breaks. When I got a text regarding the ripping of speech, decided I'd stay up and watch it repeat. I admit that it was by far the best domestic speech I've heard him give, maybe just his best speech.

He held the bellicosity down, truly focused on the nation. Sure there were the 'best' 'never before' 'historical', etc., but for him, very little.

There were excellent choices made on whom would be appearing in the gallery, all were very moving. I've had my moments with Rush, but my heart went out when I heard the diagnosis, like it would for anyone. We all knew through the media that the President was going to give the award, but not at the SOTU. I thought very nice to do the public when he looked so healthy.

The education scholarship recipient was so cute, but the mother's gratitude was the part that should have brought all to their feet. Pelosi seemed oblivious.

The reunion of military member and family, like all I've seen, brings a tear. Kids so little, so confused at first.

I could go on, most of my praise would be for stories told, not on the president.

However, the behaviors of the Democrats, most especially the Speaker; together with the good decisions that the President has made regarding economy, military, judges, has pretty much convinced me that the man deserves re-election. It would now take his doing something so vindictive or so far off that I find myself again unable to vote for him. Not something petty, but something on the level of what Pelosi did last night.

I'm very unlikely to be an acolyte of this President, but he has for the most part gained self-control during this unfair impeachment nonsense. He managed not to bring it up last night. Compared to the histrionics on the left, he's been a paragon of restraint

Abbey Marie
02-05-2020, 10:19 AM
Kath! Did I read that right?

02-05-2020, 10:25 AM
Kath! Did I read that right?
Yep, the Democrats behavior has done what no Trump alone could.

My concerns have always been with the country, its institutions and traditions, respect. Trump seriously has lacked in the respect part imo, in very important ways. Now it's the Democrats, not only going so far to the left with socialism/communism, but the obvious disrespect for the institution of the executive and the supremacy of the electorate over themselves.

02-05-2020, 11:54 AM
Turley agrees about Pelosi's behavior and our institutions:
