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View Full Version : Rep. Gosar to Introduce Resolution to Censure Nancy Pelosi

02-06-2020, 09:48 AM
Nothing will ever go anywhere in the house I'm afraid. But she deserves this more than anyone right now.

She got a lot of attention last year with her little sideways mocking clap. I think between the social media and the MSM fawning over it and her, she thought she would duplicate it - but lost as this was no mock, this was disrespect to our entire congress and our country watching.


Rep. Gosar to Introduce Resolution to Censure Nancy Pelosi over Speech-ripping

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) announced Wednesday evening that he would introduce a resolution to censure Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for her “classless outburst” during President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

Pelosi infamously tore her copy of the president’s speech, one page at a time, directly behind him as he was acknowledging applause at the end of the address.

Gosar tweeted Wednesday in the aftermath of the Senate’s vote to acquit the president on both articles of impeachment passed by House Democrats in December:


It is not clear if such a resolution would ever come to the floor, since Pelosi controls the House agenda. There is a provision that allows a “discharge” petition, which could force a censure motion to the floor, but that would require at least some Democratic support.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/02/05/rep-gosar-to-introduce-resolution-to-censure-nancy-pelosi-over-speech-ripping/

02-06-2020, 10:05 AM
Hmmmm.... even better maybe! Won't go anywhere either, but they should embarrass this woman for her antics.


Rep. Matt Gaetz Filing Charges Against Pelosi For Ripping Up SOTU Address

Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz plans to file ethics charges against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday.

Gaetz says Pelosi may have even broke the law by tearing up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech Tuesday.

“Tomorrow I will be filing charges against Nancy Pelosi in the House Ethics Committee,” Gaetz told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on a Wednesday night episode of “The Ingraham Angle.”

“She disgraced the House of Representatives, she embarrassed our country and she destroyed official records.”

The congressman continued, “The law does not allow the Speaker of the House to destroy the records of the House and the rules of the House do not permit some little temper tantrum just because you don’t like what the president of the United States says.”

Vice President Mike Pence, who sat beside Pelosi during the address, has also expressed his shock at the Speaker’s action, saying he “wasn’t sure if she was ripping up the speech or ripping up the Constitution.”

“We ought to apply the same standards to the Democrats that they want to apply to us and there will be an ethics investigation into Nancy Pelosi and we will start the ball rolling to have her censured. And the first act begins tomorrow when [Republican New York] Congressman Zeldin and I will join Kay Granger in a censure resolution and we will force a vote on that resolution,” Gaetz told Ingraham.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2020/02/06/matt-gaetz-charges-pelosi-ripping-sotu/

02-06-2020, 10:10 AM
Nothing will ever go anywhere in the house I'm afraid. But she deserves this more than anyone right now.

She got a lot of attention last year with her little sideways mocking clap. I think between the social media and the MSM fawning over it and her, she thought she would duplicate it - but lost as this was no mock, this was disrespect to our entire congress and our country watching.


Rep. Gosar to Introduce Resolution to Censure Nancy Pelosi over Speech-ripping

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) announced Wednesday evening that he would introduce a resolution to censure Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for her “classless outburst” during President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

Pelosi infamously tore her copy of the president’s speech, one page at a time, directly behind him as he was acknowledging applause at the end of the address.

Gosar tweeted Wednesday in the aftermath of the Senate’s vote to acquit the president on both articles of impeachment passed by House Democrats in December:


It is not clear if such a resolution would ever come to the floor, since Pelosi controls the House agenda. There is a provision that allows a “discharge” petition, which could force a censure motion to the floor, but that would require at least some Democratic support.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/02/05/rep-gosar-to-introduce-resolution-to-censure-nancy-pelosi-over-speech-ripping/

So, a censure motion could be brought, but would probably fail ... if it was even allowed to stand, as one ?

The BBC relayed the President's State of the Union address, over here (they usually do) in its entirety, & I was watching it 'real time' in the early hours of the morning (I've also kept a recording). I watched Pelosi rip up the speech when Trump ended his delivery of it.

Our commentators gave commentary on it almost immediately. One suggestion was that it was a 'tit for tat' action because Trump had failed to shake Pelosi's hand (everyone considered that to be a deliberate snub). But it did get a lot of attention from our media.

Here's a quote from the Huffington Post's UK division (yes, they're well-established here ..) ...

https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/nancy-pelosi-rips-up-donald-trumps-state-of-the-union-speech_uk_5e3a3bfec5b6b5fb4389d592?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9kdWNrZHVja2dvLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJIkJt8uh3Vehl6nBky-8u9HqKiwhBhCDeciAUBcQlSr5JsaaQJz5rIEFuB34ExQ8vS7UQ PZcZxPFKoJWJ8MJJ2MFD1uVZvjS7zpEl-DSdOljEYMJYvxVs2mhUJlASvm8sLjuriFLpzGRWeDuF2NtfHYu 1t6Gvvch1kHU2KdcWXx

Democrat House speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped up her printed copy of US president Donald Trump’s speech at the conclusion of his State of the Union address on Tuesday.

The dramatic moment showed the country’s highest-ranking Democrat tear and then toss the pages behind Trump’s back as he embraced a standing ovation at the conclusion of his controversial address.

The bitter feud between the pair followed Trump earlier snubbing her outstretched hand at the start of his speech and the impeachment proceedings brought by Pelosi’s party.

Seeing Pelosi for the first time since she stormed out of a White House meeting four months ago, he declined to shake her outstretched hand as he gave her a copy of his remarks before starting his speech.

When his speech ended, Pelosi stood and tore up her copy of the remarks he had handed her, later telling reporters it was “the courteous thing to do, considering the alternative”.

It just goes to show the implacable determination the Dems have to show the maximum possible disrespect to Trump, of course, but in so doing, they surely disrespect the Office of President at the same time ?

And what about democracy, anyway ? Trump WAS voted into Office.

I hope the censure resolution can be brought, and that it is effective.

02-06-2020, 10:14 AM
So, a censure motion could be brought, but would probably fail ... if it was even allowed to stand, as one ?

Yeps. Like what you saw with impeachment, things mainly emanate from the house. And after they vote on it, it successful, it then moves to the senate. Right now the 2 chambers are separated majorities. To get to the senate it would need to pass a vote in the house. I really doubt her own folks vote against her, no matter how despicable her actions. They all 100% ignored Schiff directly lying to the country as well!

02-06-2020, 02:42 PM
One more year of Piglosi's crap, and she'll be out of power. I'll be completely shocked if the demtrash don't lose their majority this November. Democrats don't deserve to be in charge of a dilapidated dumpster. They are vile, arrogant and corrupt trash. The past three years of unhinged antics from the left have shown America in no uncertain terms just what kind of FILTH their entire party of toilet dwellers they are.

And I really like Gaetz. I think he'd make a good president too, or Cruz. I like them both. Cruz had his little go arounds with Trump too, exchanging barbs, but he's shown that he's a big enough man to get the fuck over it... unlike another BUTT HURT junior senator we know.

02-07-2020, 10:35 PM
I can say this: I have learned a lot about our government wince Trump was elected and none of it good. The checks and balances we've been taught since grade school keep our government separate but equal appear to be all out of whack.

Apparently, the FF's didn't factor in a failsafe against stupid, blind hatred. There should be a way to remove people like Pelosi, and the minority in the House should have recourse against political hackery. Probably give me a another stroke if they mustered the balls to do it, but if the majority was GOP and they were acting like the current Dem trash? I'd condemn them too.

There is no excuse for the lack of civility, nor is there any for theatrics such as Pelosi's.

Abbey Marie
02-08-2020, 01:38 PM
After all the despicable and ridiculous things the Dems have pulled since Trump was elected, it’s important that Republicans show that we will go after Dems when they do stuff like this. Whether or not we think we can succeed. Long past time to fight back against the bullies.

02-08-2020, 08:29 PM
After all the despicable and ridiculous things the Dems have pulled since a Trump was elected, it’s important that Republicans show that we will go after Dems when they do stuff like this. Whether or not we think we can succeed. Long past time to fight back against the bullies.Republicans put themselves between a rock and a hard place. "We have the moral high-ground". Bullies love people that won't fight back. Makes it easier for them to get what they want.

At the same time, one doesn't have to throw manners and any sense of civility out the window. I wouldn't fight the Dems the way they are so-called "fighting". For one thing, they are destroying themselves. That's not a goal on my list.

But the fight CAN be taken to them instead of sitting back dodging bullets.