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View Full Version : Damn, Rand Paul nails John Brennan!

02-06-2020, 11:01 AM
Nice! Brennan and his loud mouth were at it again. I still have very little doubt of him having involvement. And he's been busted several times lying!

He's angry that Rand named Ciaramella on the senate floor.

When the whistleblower submits a claim, the inspector general cannot identify him.

The Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA) of 1998 bans retaliation against federal employees for blowing the whistle on perceived wrongdoing and requires the inspector general to keep confidential the whistleblower’s name, but it does not prohibit anyone from actually identifying a whistleblower. The ICWPA also does not cover members of the Legislative or Judicial branches, being only applicable to covered agencies in the Executive branch.

Now John Brennan was the Director of the CIA. He knows this damn well but now he'll act differently. He's a disgrace too. Oh, and also lied to congress.



Brennan Lashes Out at Rand Paul For Dropping Eric Ciaramella’s Name on Senate Floor – Rand Paul Responds with FIRE!

Former CIA Director John Brennan lashed out at Senator Rand Paul for blowing up the impeachment trial by dropping Eric Ciaramella’s name on the Senate floor.

Last week Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts played politics and REFUSED TO READ SENATOR RAND PAUL’S QUESTION on the Anti-Trump whistleblower during the Senate impeachment trial!

On Tuesday during his closing comments Senator Rand Paul read aloud his question on the floor of the US Senate.

Rand Paul named the anti-Trump CIA operative Eric Ciaramella and his NatSec-crony-turned Schiff-aide Sean Misko on the senate floor.

Brennan planted Eric Ciaramella in the White House in order to spy on President Trump, according to investigative reporter Paul Sperry, who revealed the identity of the whistleblower in an explosive Real Clear Investigations exposé.

Brennan’s Russian collusion canard failed to remove Trump from office and his second coup attempt just went up in flames.




02-06-2020, 12:36 PM
You know, Rand Paul has been making some very large popularity gains with me as of late.

McConnell, Graham and Paul, along with a few others, have really stepped up and made me proud of the GOP.

McConnell, especially. He had the whole thing mapped out and allowed the democrats to charge into the waiting meat grinder. And he did it with perfect decorum, showcasing the classless liberals and their snarling ugliness.

Suspect that he's a real fan of allowing the enemy to make those mistakes all on their own momentum.

02-06-2020, 02:06 PM
You know, Rand Paul has been making some very large popularity gains with me as of late.

McConnell, Graham and Paul, along with a few others, have really stepped up and made me proud of the GOP.

McConnell, especially. He had the whole thing mapped out and allowed the democrats to charge into the waiting meat grinder. And he did it with perfect decorum, showcasing the classless liberals and their snarling ugliness.

Suspect that he's a real fan of allowing the enemy to make those mistakes all on their own momentum.

McConnel was great throughout. Graham coming to life was a surprise, but I still wish he would follow through on his threats to investigate folks. But he has done admirably nonetheless. And Rand, I admit my past words about him and Dad (more so Dad). And I still doubt I agree with him on a lot of things, he too nonetheless came up big when needed this go 'round.

02-06-2020, 02:16 PM
Going to be time for the Barr/Durham criminal investigation to come out now, and hopefully see the lot of these corrupt sons a bitches get the punishment they so deserve... PRISON... for TREASON.

And my hats off to Rand Paul. Kinda surprising it was HIM that actually had the GUTS to out the non whistle blower, whistle blower, AND roast that shyster Brennan's ass... GOOD FOR RAND.

02-07-2020, 10:47 PM
McConnel was great throughout. Graham coming to life was a surprise, but I still wish he would follow through on his threats to investigate folks. But he has done admirably nonetheless. And Rand, I admit my past words about him and Dad (more so Dad). And I still doubt I agree with him on a lot of things, he too nonetheless came up big when needed this go 'round.Just had to say it huh? You can't say nice things about Rand Paul or he'll turn around and pull a :wtf:It'll be your fault :)

Rand Paul is nothing like Ron. Ron Paul is a kook. Good thing he didn't quit his day job in the House all those times he ran for President :laugh: He's out and out, hardcore libertarian to the not going to work degree. Rand is more watered-down, "Republicanized" version :)

For both of them, isolationism has been the downfall.