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02-07-2020, 04:44 PM
of the Dem debate tonight. Biden is tanking, Warren is on the ropes, Bernie and Mayor Pete are duking it out.

Abbey Marie
02-07-2020, 04:52 PM
Better have a barf bag handy.

02-07-2020, 04:54 PM
Better have a barf bag handy.
I want to see them, I didn't say I'd listen. LOL!

02-07-2020, 04:55 PM
Related regarding Biden:


02-07-2020, 05:53 PM
You know, if Pete wasn't a butt bandit, he'd be a contender.

But the mental imagery of him and his husband skipping across the lawn from Marine 1 is insurmountable (!).

02-07-2020, 05:59 PM
You know, if Pete wasn't a butt bandit, he'd be a contender.

But the mental imagery of him and his husband skipping across the lawn from Marine 1 is insurmountable (!).
Ya... is THIS what America wants to see all the time?

https://i.ibb.co/5RT1xHs/homo.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

02-07-2020, 06:16 PM
Ya... is THIS what America wants to see all the time?

Yeah, that's who I want representing America against very real, smart, tenacious and tough foes.

Wouldn't that be inspiring to see at Summits of world leaders? These two fondling each other and sashaying to the waiting limo?

I can't imagine what the First Husband has in store for his school initiatives.

What a great example that would be for my grandchildren.

Nope, that's a bridge too far. You can be a homo all you want, but you won't be representing me and my country. And I certainly won't trust character judgement. My president should be trying to gain the best deal possible, not wondering what kind of assless chaps Putin would look best in.

Stick to interior fung-shui, I say!

I'm all for a female president, I have a ton of respect for Margaret Thatcher and Israel's Golda Meir and think the world of both. I suspect Nikki Haley would be a great Prez. I think an American 'Iron Lady' is due - but she won't be a liberal hag. Not on my watch!