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View Full Version : Hey Dems, I Got Your Moderate Candidate Right Here.

02-09-2020, 07:49 PM
To a Democrat, this billionaire political chameleon is a moderate. To the rest of the citizenry, he is an elitist, wannabe woke political giant in a midget's body who looks to be destined to spend the bulk of his campaign apologising for past social sins:


Abbey Marie
02-09-2020, 11:46 PM
Trump’s already talking about how Bloomberg will want a box to stand on at the debates. This is gonna get ugly.

02-10-2020, 12:24 AM
What an arrogant little shit!

02-10-2020, 09:58 AM
Trump’s already talking about how Bloomberg will want a box to stand on at the debates. This is gonna get ugly.:laugh2:

02-10-2020, 10:00 AM
He brags about being a self-made millionaire. One does not become that without walking all over little people. As previously stated, just another elitist trying to sell himself as something else.

02-10-2020, 03:55 PM
He brags about being a self-made millionaire. One does not become that without walking all over little people. As previously stated, just another elitist trying to sell himself as something else.

You sound like someone else.

AOC: 'No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars'


I'd say he's pretty much the most self-made business man running this time around.

02-10-2020, 04:15 PM
You sound like someone else.


I'd say he's pretty much the most self-made business man running this time around.Poor comparison. I know what I'm saying without getting lost mid-sentence.

My point is not so much that he is a millionaire; rather, that he would try to blow smoke up everyone's ass about it. What is he supposed to be? "I may be a millionaire but I'm not Trump"?

I feel better already :)

02-10-2020, 04:22 PM
Poor comparison. I know what I'm saying without getting lost mid-sentence.

My point is not so much that he is a millionaire; rather, that he would try to blow smoke up everyone's ass about it. What is he supposed to be? "I may be a millionaire but I'm not Trump"?

I feel better already :)

Comparison was spot on based on what you posted. You don't have to like him but be consistent. Blowing smoke seems to be the rule of recent election cycles.

02-10-2020, 04:29 PM
Comparison was spot on based on what you posted. You don't have to like him but be consistent. Blowing smoke seems to be the rule of recent election cycles.I do believe I was consistent. I said the same about Trump.

I have no problem admitting bias against the gun-grabbing leftwingnut. That seals his fate with me, millionaire or no.

Now let's don't pretend this is your first rodeo. My dissatisfaction with politics and politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle is not nor has it been a secret. Just to refresh your page, the choice between the lesser of two evils is a poor one, but there you have it. That's what we've been dealt. Play or fold.

02-10-2020, 04:51 PM
Short stuff is an authoritarian. He thinks he's the gift for all those poor stupid people that aren't smart enough to make up their own mind. Like taking away everyone's 32oz Big Gulp.

He needs to STFU and stay out of my business, hell, stay out of everyone's business. Sawed off little junior Hitler fuck.

02-10-2020, 04:59 PM
Short stuff is an authoritarian. He thinks he's the gift for all those poor stupid people that aren't smart enough to make up their own mind. Like taking away everyone's 32oz Big Gulp.

He needs to STFU and stay out of my business, hell, stay out of everyone's business. Sawed off little junior Hitler fuck.Any real concern on my part with him is I'm tired of his commercials. I don't know what he has going on network and or cable tv, but he's floating streaming services on his own with ad money.

Any votes he can take from any remotely possible Dem threat is okay with me though :)

02-10-2020, 05:03 PM
Any real concern on my part with him is I'm tired of his commercials. I don't know what he has going on network and or cable tv, but he's floating streaming services on his own with ad money.

Any votes he can take from any remotely possible Dem threat is okay with me though :)
Yeah he's running his CRAP here in WI too... sickening little prick. I don't think he's convincing anyone that's already voting for Trump NOT to vote for Trump though. His platitudes and I hate Trump BS is just that... BS.

What the dems are basically trying to tell people is that Trump has been bad for America. Well, unless you're a fully brain washed demtard, you know damn well that's pure horse shit. I think the dems have a HARD ROAD TO HOE trying to sell people on Trump has been bad for America. That just isn't the case, and I think the vast majority of Americans know it.

Abbey Marie
02-10-2020, 11:38 PM

02-11-2020, 11:35 AM
Bloomberg has zero chance in the General. Hell, I very seriously doubt he'll do any good in that primary.

Not only does he take your soda away, kids, he's also on record with this :

Progressive podcast host Benjamin Dixon uncovered audio of a speech Bloomberg gave to the Aspen Institute five years ago, which he blocked from public release at the time. In the address, Bloomberg spoke unapologetically in favor of stop and frisk while saying that cities need to “put a lot of cops in the streets,” particularly in “minority neighborhoods.”

“Ninety-five percent of murders — murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take a description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all the cops. They are male, minorities, 16-25. That’s true in New York, that’s true in virtually every city…And that’s where the real crime is.”

Bloomberg also used his speech to dismiss criticism from those who noted that stop and frisk caused a disproportionate amount of arrests for minorities over low-level offenses like marijuana possession.

“Yes, that’s true. Why? Because we put all the cops in minority neighborhoods,” said Bloomberg. “Why do we do it? Because that’s where all the crime is. And the way you get the guns out of the kids’ hands is to throw them up against the wall and frisk them.”


Yes, I know.... as of a couple of months ago, Bloomberg has had a sudden change of heart and realizes that he was totes wrong about all that! Nothing to see there, gotta look to the future. That's not transparent at all. :laugh2:

Let's see... he's alienated every gun owner in the country, every single minority and every kid who loves their Big Gulp. That's on top of all conservatives automatic dislike of a liberal. The funny thing to me is that he attempted to keep that locked down so his own words wouldn't spell it all out for his prospective voters.

And that's just off the top of my head, and I'm no Bloomberg scholar.

He'd do worse than Bernie.

The bump in the polls is simply his massive cash outlay.... if he somehow manages to make it onto the stage, Trump will shred him unmercifully. I doubt Trump even needs opposition research - he's been competing with him for decades.

But, hey, I'm all for Bloomberg spending big money on a fool's errand. It helps the economy and further helps divide & confuse a panicked DNC.

Abbey Marie
02-11-2020, 12:40 PM
He’ll definitely pull the “I’ve grown in my views” nonsense to combat that.

02-11-2020, 04:15 PM
Trying to prove. If you have enough money. You can BUY the Presidency, and become the King the Democrats who hate Trump claim Trump is doing.

FOLLOW THE MONEY....And you'll find
EVERYBODY "CAN BE BOUGHT FOR A PRICE." Money is behind Every aspect of Life. That's why the Dems need to have control and power over ALL OF US.

02-11-2020, 04:46 PM
He’ll definitely pull the “I’ve grown in my views” nonsense to combat that.

Oh, I have no doubt!

Unfortunately for Bloomberg, he was still on board with it last year.

If there's one thing liberals are united against, it's the cop even eyeballing anyone not white. And this is the guy that organized Stop-and-Frisk.

Looking forward to those fireworks. He's going to have all the antifa thugs on him now that this recording is public. :thumb:

02-12-2020, 07:21 PM
To paraphrase a line from an old TV commercial

Bloomberg is not a moderate but he plays one on TV

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-12-2020, 07:26 PM
Trying to prove. If you have enough money. You can BUY the Presidency, and become the King the Democrats who hate Trump claim Trump is doing.

FOLLOW THE MONEY....And you'll find
EVERYBODY "CAN BE BOUGHT FOR A PRICE." Money is behind Every aspect of Life. That's why the Dems need to have control and power over ALL OF US.

There is something to what you say. The Middle Class controls a large amount if wealth in this country. That’s why the Dems are out to destroy them.

In their World there will be the wealthy elites (like Bernie, AOC, etc) who decides what’s best for us, the destitute deplorable masses.

That’s what Socialism is.... feudalism but without the castles