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View Full Version : President Trump Congratulates Attorney General Barr For ‘Taking Charge’ Of Stone Case

02-12-2020, 01:32 PM
You talk about having some freakin' nerve. Nancy Pelosi has the gall to cry "political interference"? There's just no end to the shameless "dumb" in "dumbocrat":rolleyes:

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:42 AM PT — Wednesday, February 12, 2020President Trump recently congratulated William Barr for his new role in the Roger Stone case. While taking to Twitter Wednesday, he praised the U.S. attorney general for taking over the “totally out of control” case against his former campaign adviser.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/874276197357596672/kUuht00m_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)Donald J. Trump


Congratulations to Attorney General Bill Barr for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not have even been brought. Evidence now clearly shows that the Mueller Scam was improperly brought & tainted. Even Bob Mueller lied to Congress!

95.6K (https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=1227561237782855680)
5:53 AM - Feb 12, 2020 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1227561237782855680)
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This comes one day after the Justice Department changed and reduced the prosecutor’s recommended prison sentence for Stone after he was found guilty of lying to Congress and witness tampering.
The four prosecutors on the case then resigned in protest. According to reports, Aaron Zelinsky, Adam Jed, Michael Marando and Jonathan Kravis resigned Tuesday after the department announced it would seek to overrule their recommendation.
President Trump was quick to slam their suggested sentence and called it a “miscarriage of justice.” He said the whole prosecution was ridiculous and accused the defense of “cutting and running” for political reasons. The president even claimed Stone’s case was the result of “an illegal investigation.”

Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for an investigation into the Justice Department over its plan to reduce Stone’s prison sentence.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1114294290375688193/P9mcJNGb_normal.png (https://twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi)Nancy Pelosi


By tweet @realDonaldTrump (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump) engaged in political interference in the sentencing of Roger Stone. It is outrageous that DOJ has deeply damaged the rule of law by withdrawing its recommendation. Stepping down of prosecutors should be commended & actions of DOJ should be investigated.

105K (https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=1227421325217685507)
8:37 PM - Feb 11, 2020 (https://twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi/status/1227421325217685507)
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Pelosi’s claims of “political interference” came despite President Trump insisting he had nothing to do with the decision. The House speaker went on to applaud all four of Stone’s prosecutors for deciding to step down.

Stone was found guilty last year on seven counts of lying to Congress, obstruction and witness tampering. At this time, it is unclear whether or not President Trump will grant him a pardon.

02-13-2020, 03:04 PM
Be careful what you ask for Nancy, you might not want to investigate too deeply:

Roger Stone Jury Forewoman’s Anti-Trump Posts Surface After She Issues Defense of Prosecutors

BY ZACHARY STIEBER (https://www.theepochtimes.com/author-zachary-stieber)
February 13, 2020 Updated: February 13, 2020https://www.theepochtimes.com/roger-stone-jury-forewomans-anti-trump-posts-surface-after-she-issues-defense-of-prosecutors_3237060.html
Print (https://www.theepochtimes.com/roger-stone-jury-forewomans-anti-trump-posts-surface-after-she-issues-defense-of-prosecutors_3237060.html#Print)

The forewoman of the jury that convicted former Donald Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone (https://www.theepochtimes.com/t-roger-stone) showed clear animus against Trump in a slew of social media posts that surfaced after she identified herself as the foreperson while issuing a defense of government prosecutors who withdrew from the case this week (https://www.theepochtimes.com/prosecutors-quit-case-after-doj-seeks-lighter-sentence-for-roger-stone_3235031.html).
Tomeka Hart said Wednesday that she led the jury that convicted Stone on seven counts of witness tampering, obstruction of a congressional investigation, and lying to Congress last year. Hart said she wanted to speak out following four prosecutors’ withdrawal from the case after the Department of Justice issued revised sentencing recommendations to federal judge Amy Berman Jackson.
“I want to stand up for Aaron Zelinsky, Adam Jed, Michael Marando, and Jonathan Kravis—the prosecutors on the Roger Stone trial,” Hart wrote on Facebook (https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/politics/2020/02/12/memphis-woman-tomeka-hart-head-juror-roger-stone-trial-defends-prosecutors-after-they-quit/4742550002/). She said she was pained to see the Department of Justice “interfere with the hard work of the prosecutors,” who “acted with the utmost intelligence, integrity, and respect for our system of justice.”


And if you wade a little further out into the Swamp:

The Jessie Liu clue: A D.C. cover-up that IS SpygateFour federal prosecutors resigned (https://libertyunyielding.com/2020/02/11/four-fed-prosecutors-resign-from-roger-stone-case-after-ag-barr-overrules-sentencing-proposal/) from their case on Tuesday when Attorney General William Barr overruled the sentencing recommendation they made for Roger Stone, whom Robert Mueller had forwarded charges against involving “five separate counts of lying to the House Intelligence Committee and two charges of obstructing a congressional investigation and intimidating a witness.”
Notably, the Justice Department’s lead counsel in the Stone case, Jessie Liu – the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia – had recently turned over that role to Timothy Shea, because Ms. Liu had been nominated for a post at the U.S. Treasury. Liu was also the lead counsel for some time on the Michael Flynn case.
On Tuesday, Trump withdrew the Liu nomination (https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/trump-jessie-liu-treasury-department-nomination) for the Treasury job, about the same time the four prosecutors, three of whom were members of the Mueller team, announced they were off the Stone case. Liu was previously scheduled for a Senate hearing on Thursday.


02-13-2020, 03:13 PM
I said they would start this and they did so with older crap and now with new crap. They would love nothing better than to continue their crap. Unbelievable.


Pelosi: Trump’s ‘Political Interference’ in Stone Sentencing ‘Is an Abuse of Power’

During a press conference on Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated that President Trump engaged in an “abuse of power” “by engaging in political interference in the sentencing of his associate, Roger Stone” and that the matter should be investigated.

Pelosi said, “We also saw the president this week demonstrate, once again, that he does have — has no respect for the rule of law. His assault on the rule of law by engaging in political interference in the sentencing of his associate, Roger Stone…this is an abuse of power that the president is again trying to manipulate federal law enforcement to serve his political interests.”

Pelosi further stated that Attorney General William Barr “has deeply damaged the rule of law by withdrawing the DOJ’s sentencing recommendation, the act of interference in Trump’s retribution against the lead attorney in the Stone case. … This all must be investigated.”


02-13-2020, 03:19 PM
Did anyone really think that after the farce impeachment went nowhere, that the democraps would QUIT what they're doing and REASSESS if it's HURTING THEM OR NOT? NOT... A CHANCE! I honestly believe their HATE and UNBRIDLED QUEST FOR POWER knows NO BOUNDS, and NOTHING is out of the question when it comes to what they'll do or say. They are INSANE, and so FILTHY CORRUPT it boggles the mind. Who are the IDIOTS STUPID enough to VOTE for any of these people? Other than people that have NO PROBLEM with CORRUPTION and LOW LIFE LYING TACTICS.

They'll keep up their CRAP FOREVER! They are the party of TRASH, period.

02-13-2020, 03:33 PM
Maybe Trump had an opinion based on this, and perhaps Barr knew about this, and I bet others surely did too!!


Roger Stone’s Legal Team Releases Statement on Anti-Trump Lead Juror Tomeka Hart – They Are “Determining Appropriate Next Steps”

Corrupt Obama-appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson last week denied Roger Stone’s sealed motion for a new trial.

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila — according to the February 5th order issued by Judge Jackson, Roger Stone cited a problem with a juror, however his motion was denied.

The details of the juror are unknown because the order released Wednesday was redacted, however, Roger Stone’s defense team in November tried to strike down several potential jurors who were overt Trump-hating leftists.

Several potential jurors in Stone’s case ended up being Trump-hating, Obama-era officials who admittedly voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 so Stone’s lawyer’s tried to strike them as potential jurors. But Amy Berman Jackson wouldn’t let that happen.

One of the potential jurors actually had a husband who worked in the DOJ and played a role in the Russian collusion hoax that ultimately took down Roger Stone — and Judge Jackson allowed her to remain as a potential juror!

One juror is a far left Beto O’Rourke donor who wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post following the verdict against Trump with his jury of far left peers.

And another juror was a Democrat candidate for office in Tennessee.

Lead Juror Tomeka Hart has a history of anti-Trump rhetoric and her social media is littered with Trump-hating conspiracies.


This same juror is a Trump-hating conspiracy nut.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/breaking-roger-stones-legal-team-releases-statement-on-anti-trump-lead-juror-tomeka-hart-they-are-determining-appropriate-next-steps/

Roger Stone Lead Juror Testified She Had No Bias Against Him – But She Attacked Roger Stone on Twitter Shortly After He Was Arrested!

Corrupt Obama-appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson last week denied Roger Stone’s sealed motion for a new trial.

According to the February 5th order issued by Judge Jackson, Roger Stone cited a problem with a juror, however his motion was denied.

On Wednesday it was revealed the jury foreperson, Tomeka Hart, a former Dem Congressional candidate was a rabid Trump-hating left-wing activist.

It gets worse…

Tomeka Hart testified during the jury selection that she had no biases against Roger Stone and that she ‘hardly paid attention’ to the Russia investigation, but she specifically attacked Stone on Twitter shortly after he was arrested.

The Daily Caller reported:

Hart was interviewed on Nov. 5, 2019 along with a group of other potential jurors. Hart is not identified by name in the transcript (she is referred to as Juror Number 1261), but the description matches her resume. Hart ran for Congress and also served as the foreperson on a grand jury in Tennessee for two years.

“Is there anything about that that affects your ability to judge him fairly and impartially sitting here right now in this courtroom?” Jackson queried.

“Absolutely not,” Hart answered.

“What is it that you have read or heard about him?” asked Jackson.

“So nothing that I can recall specifically,” Hart replied. “I do watch sometimes paying attention but sometimes in the background CNN.”

“So I recall just hearing about him being part of the campaign and some belief or reporting around interaction with the Russian probe and interaction with him and people in the country, but I don’t have a whole lot of details. I don’t pay that close attention or watch C-SPAN,” she continued.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/roger-stone-lead-juror-testified-she-had-no-bias-against-him-but-she-attacked-roger-stone-on-twitter-shortly-after-he-was-arrested/

02-13-2020, 03:48 PM
I said they would start this and they did so with older crap and now with new crap. They would love nothing better than to continue their crap. Unbelievable.


Pelosi: Trump’s ‘Political Interference’ in Stone Sentencing ‘Is an Abuse of Power’

During a press conference on Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated that President Trump engaged in an “abuse of power” “by engaging in political interference in the sentencing of his associate, Roger Stone” and that the matter should be investigated.

Pelosi said, “We also saw the president this week demonstrate, once again, that he does have — has no respect for the rule of law. His assault on the rule of law by engaging in political interference in the sentencing of his associate, Roger Stone…this is an abuse of power that the president is again trying to manipulate federal law enforcement to serve his political interests.”

Pelosi further stated that Attorney General William Barr “has deeply damaged the rule of law by withdrawing the DOJ’s sentencing recommendation, the act of interference in Trump’s retribution against the lead attorney in the Stone case. … This all must be investigated.”

https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2020/02/13/pelosi-trumps-political-interference-in-stone-sentencing-is-an-abuse-of-power/ANyone bother to notify Naughty Nan that her "abuse of power" endless echo didn't even make it to a trial? As in EPIC FAIL.

So would this be pathetically stupid? Or stupidly pathetic?

02-13-2020, 03:53 PM
Maybe Trump had an opinion based on this, and perhaps Barr knew about this, and I bet others surely did too!!


Roger Stone’s Legal Team Releases Statement on Anti-Trump Lead Juror Tomeka Hart – They Are “Determining Appropriate Next Steps”

Corrupt Obama-appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson last week denied Roger Stone’s sealed motion for a new trial.

As reported earlier by Cristina Laila — according to the February 5th order issued by Judge Jackson, Roger Stone cited a problem with a juror, however his motion was denied.

The details of the juror are unknown because the order released Wednesday was redacted, however, Roger Stone’s defense team in November tried to strike down several potential jurors who were overt Trump-hating leftists.

Several potential jurors in Stone’s case ended up being Trump-hating, Obama-era officials who admittedly voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 so Stone’s lawyer’s tried to strike them as potential jurors. But Amy Berman Jackson wouldn’t let that happen.

One of the potential jurors actually had a husband who worked in the DOJ and played a role in the Russian collusion hoax that ultimately took down Roger Stone — and Judge Jackson allowed her to remain as a potential juror!

One juror is a far left Beto O’Rourke donor who wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post following the verdict against Trump with his jury of far left peers.

And another juror was a Democrat candidate for office in Tennessee.

Lead Juror Tomeka Hart has a history of anti-Trump rhetoric and her social media is littered with Trump-hating conspiracies.


This same juror is a Trump-hating conspiracy nut.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/breaking-roger-stones-legal-team-releases-statement-on-anti-trump-lead-juror-tomeka-hart-they-are-determining-appropriate-next-steps/

Roger Stone Lead Juror Testified She Had No Bias Against Him – But She Attacked Roger Stone on Twitter Shortly After He Was Arrested!

Corrupt Obama-appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson last week denied Roger Stone’s sealed motion for a new trial.

According to the February 5th order issued by Judge Jackson, Roger Stone cited a problem with a juror, however his motion was denied.

On Wednesday it was revealed the jury foreperson, Tomeka Hart, a former Dem Congressional candidate was a rabid Trump-hating left-wing activist.

It gets worse…

Tomeka Hart testified during the jury selection that she had no biases against Roger Stone and that she ‘hardly paid attention’ to the Russia investigation, but she specifically attacked Stone on Twitter shortly after he was arrested.

The Daily Caller reported:

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/roger-stone-lead-juror-testified-she-had-no-bias-against-him-but-she-attacked-roger-stone-on-twitter-shortly-after-he-was-arrested/Justice is blind. Just not as blind as these Demtards. I'd think a motion for retrial would be granted based on conflict of interest alone. IMO, politically active people shouldn't be sitting on juries deciding the fate of people involved in politics.

But what do I know?:rolleyes:

02-13-2020, 04:18 PM
Justice is blind. Just not as blind as these Demtards. I'd think a motion for retrial would be granted based on conflict of interest alone. IMO, politically active people shouldn't be sitting on juries deciding the fate of people involved in politics.

But what do I know?:rolleyes:
Not just sitting on the jury but acting as the jury foreperson! Good luck on getting the judge granting a mistrial, she's a more rabid partisan than the jury foreperson. She's the Obama judge that stuck Manafort in solitary confinement and shuffled him off to Rikers instead of Club Fed. No, a motion for retrial will probably have to be dealt with on appeal.

02-13-2020, 04:23 PM
Not just sitting on the jury but acting as the jury foreperson! Good luck on getting the judge granting a mistrial, she's a more rabid partisan than the jury foreperson. She's the Obama judge that stuck Manafort in solitary confinement and shuffled him off to Rikers instead of Club Fed. No, a motion for retrial will probably have to be dealt with on appeal.I'd have hung the jury and let 11 people hate me for it. More have for less :halo9: