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View Full Version : Ilhan Omar - America hating radical muslim supporter

02-13-2020, 10:26 AM
I've been saying this for awhile and she has been proving it for awhile. She has done it time and time again. She is clearly anti Israel/Jewish folks. She's broken several campaign finance laws. She married her own brother. to get him into the country. It just goes on and on. She really needs to be voted out. She is truly and honestly bad for America.


Ilhan Omar Bills Reveal Globalist Foreign Policy Wish List

•Targets Trump’s Wall $$
•Targets Iran Sanctions
•Targets Aid to Israel
•$5B ‘Peace’ Slush Fund
•Cede Sovereignty to UN

Ilhan Omar Bill Would Let Congress Restrict President’s Power on Sanctions, National Emergencies

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has introduced a series of sweeping foreign policy bills, including one that would let Congress limit the president’s power to place international sanctions and declare national emergencies.

Omar describes the legislative package, titled “Pathway to PEACE (Progressive, Equitable, and Constructive Engagement),” as “a bold progressive vision to rethink the country’s approach to foreign policy by centering human rights, justice and peace as the pillars of America’s engagement in the world, and making military action a last resort” in a press release. “I believe in a world where there are no young girls living through war, and no nations that are being destroyed,” she declared in the statement.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/02/13/ilhan-omar-bill-would-let-congress-restrict-presidents-power-on-sanctions-national-emergencies/

Abbey Marie
02-13-2020, 11:02 AM
She needs to be deported.

02-13-2020, 11:32 AM
I've been saying this for awhile and she has been proving it for awhile. She has done it time and time again. She is clearly anti Israel/Jewish folks. She's broken several campaign finance laws. She married her own brother. to get him into the country. It just goes on and on. She really needs to be voted out. She is truly and honestly bad for America.


Ilhan Omar Bills Reveal Globalist Foreign Policy Wish List

•Targets Trump’s Wall $$
•Targets Iran Sanctions
•Targets Aid to Israel
•$5B ‘Peace’ Slush Fund
•Cede Sovereignty to UN

Ilhan Omar Bill Would Let Congress Restrict President’s Power on Sanctions, National Emergencies

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has introduced a series of sweeping foreign policy bills, including one that would let Congress limit the president’s power to place international sanctions and declare national emergencies.

Omar describes the legislative package, titled “Pathway to PEACE (Progressive, Equitable, and Constructive Engagement),” as “a bold progressive vision to rethink the country’s approach to foreign policy by centering human rights, justice and peace as the pillars of America’s engagement in the world, and making military action a last resort” in a press release. “I believe in a world where there are no young girls living through war, and no nations that are being destroyed,” she declared in the statement.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/02/13/ilhan-omar-bill-would-let-congress-restrict-presidents-power-on-sanctions-national-emergencies/Seems to me prosecuting her for her crimes would "vote her out". I don't think you can hod office sitting in a 6x8 cell.

02-13-2020, 03:10 PM
From what I hear she is being investigated right now, but we all know how that turns out when it comes to democrats... ZIP done.


But she needs to be indicted and impeached... then JAILED... and after serving her term, DEPORTED back to the mud hut shit hole she came from.

Anti American muslim trash. She isn't in office to HELP America, she's here to tear it down and IMPLEMENT SHARIA LAW.

But what I'd like to know is how the 60,000 muslim pieces shit the muslim obama forced on MN got the right to VOTE, because that's how she got in office.

02-13-2020, 03:42 PM
From what I hear she is being investigated right now, but we all know how that turns out when it comes to democrats... ZIP done.


But she needs to be indicted and impeached... then JAILED... and after serving her term, DEPORTED back to the mud hut shit hole she came from.

Anti American muslim trash. She isn't in office to HELP America, she's here to tear it down and IMPLEMENT SHARIA LAW.

But what I'd like to know is how the 60,000 muslim pieces shit the muslim obama forced on MN got the right to VOTE, because that's how she got in office.Someone else can probably help on this but ... I don't think Omar can be "impeached" or otherwise removed UNLESS her constituency votes to recall her. Not likely since she represents a district full of ragheads.

If they toss her in prison, IIRC, "policy" is for the party to force her to resign. Again, doubtful that would work on a raghead.

I don't know if a conviction, in and of itself, can remove her. Someone else will have to answer that one.

02-13-2020, 04:04 PM
Someone else can probably help on this but ... I don't think Omar can be "impeached" or otherwise removed UNLESS her constituency votes to recall her. Not likely since she represents a district full of ragheads.

If they toss her in prison, IIRC, "policy" is for the party to force her to resign. Again, doubtful that would work on a raghead.

I don't know if a conviction, in and of itself, can remove her. Someone else will have to answer that one.

The United States Constitution (Article 1, Section 5)[1] gives the House of Representatives the power to expel any member by a two-thirds vote. Expulsion of a Representative is rare: only five members of the House have been expelled in its history. Three of those five were expelled in 1861 for joining the Confederate States of America.[2]

However, the House has other, less severe measures with which to discipline members. Censure and reprimand are procedures in which the House may vote to express formal disapproval of a member's conduct. Only a simple majority vote is required. Members who are censured must stand in the well of the House chamber to receive a reading of the censure resolution.[2] A reprimand was once considered synonymous with censure, but in 1976 the House defined a reprimand as a less severe punishment. Members who are reprimanded are not required to stand in the well of the house and have the resolution read to them.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_representatives_expelled,_ce nsured,_or_reprimanded

02-13-2020, 04:21 PM
The United States Constitution (Article 1, Section 5)[1] gives the House of Representatives the power to expel any member by a two-thirds vote. Expulsion of a Representative is rare: only five members of the House have been expelled in its history. Three of those five were expelled in 1861 for joining the Confederate States of America.[2]

However, the House has other, less severe measures with which to discipline members. Censure and reprimand are procedures in which the House may vote to express formal disapproval of a member's conduct. Only a simple majority vote is required. Members who are censured must stand in the well of the House chamber to receive a reading of the censure resolution.[2] A reprimand was once considered synonymous with censure, but in 1976 the House defined a reprimand as a less severe punishment. Members who are reprimanded are not required to stand in the well of the house and have the resolution read to them.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_representatives_expelled,_ce nsured,_or_reprimandedIt stands to reason that a reprimand not be as severe as censure. It's the same in the military. A reprimand in the Marine Corps can be informal or formal. Censure and you need because she's a to be thinking alternate employment when your EAS rolls around.

I see neither as a solution to someone that needs to be removed. Omar and her gaggle of geese invite controversy and criticism and thrive on it. She'd just cry foul/racism because she's a raghead. Never mind her political and religious ideology are diametrically opposed to the ideals and principles this Nation stands for. That Captain Obvious moment appears to be purposefully lost/ignored by the left/Dems.

Unfortunately, our goverment is based on personal and professional integrity which the left seems to be in short supply of these days. I doubt the FF could imagine such idiocy much less put in failsafes against it.

02-13-2020, 06:56 PM
BUT, if she broke the law... she isn't immune from prosecution by the DOJ. Won't matter if congress takes any measures against her or not.

Why they ever allowed her to wear her BATH TOWEL on her head in the chambers is beyond me too, since headgear is NOT ALLOWED.


That greasy little muslim dog turd just turns my stomach... her and that SHIT STAIN Talib that called our PRESIDENT a MOTHER FUCKER. Can you IMAGINE the NUCLEAR MELT DOWN on the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING had a republican called obama a MOTHER FUCKER?

What total TRASH.

We'll see what happens to her if the republicans take back the house.