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View Full Version : Whom would you choose?

Abbey Marie
02-13-2020, 10:56 AM
Taking Trump out of the picture for the moment, who would you love to see in the Oval Office? The only restrictions are that they are living, lol, and have been in politics.

I’m probably forgetting someone, but two who come to mind for me right away are:
1. Rudy Giuliani
2. Nikki Hailey

02-13-2020, 11:08 AM
Taking Trump out of the picture for the moment, who would you love to see in the Oval Office? The only restrictions are that they are living, lol, and have been in politics.

I’m probably forgetting someone, but two who come to mind for me right away are:
1. Rudy Giuliani
2. Nikki Hailey

I would love to see Nikki in there, that would be sweet!!

I like Trey Gowdy a lot, but for the pit bull in him. I like McConnell too, but don't know if he has the toughness in him. I know Pence will be discussed.... I'm liking Nunes more and more. Kevin McCarthy.

But right now, I think my vote out of them goes to Haley.

02-13-2020, 11:30 AM
I don't get y'all and Nikki Haley. She's a 1st generation American and her parents are Indian -- the towel-head type. That's a no. Caving on the SC flag is a deal breaker. And yes, I DO feel obligated to point this out EVERY time her name is mentioned. I will sit home before I will vote for her.

I can think of no one or two people I would want in office that don't require a caveat or two. I DO like the idea of Gowdy. Not just because of the pit bull in him that jimbob likes, but because he's a damned-good lawyer and the Dems wouldn't be getting away with their shyster legal games so much as they have with Trump.

Rand Paul with several caveats. Got to drop the isolationist-think. Doesn't work in today's world. Cut ties with some worthless loser countries? You bet. Stop pretending to be "friends" with countries that hate us? Yeppers to that too. Stick our head in the sand? Won't work. The rest of the World is a dangerous place and it won't go away just because we ignore it.

Abbey Marie
02-13-2020, 11:44 AM
Paul’s caveats are scary.

02-13-2020, 11:49 AM
Paul’s caveats are scary.I agree. I've often said you either are 110% in agreement with him, or you want to sew his lips shut:laugh: There's no middle ground.

I'll go ahead and break jimbob's parameter ... the last President I voted "FOR" was Ronald Reagan and I'd vote for him again. Pickings are extremely slim in today's offerings.

02-13-2020, 02:20 PM
I don't get y'all and Nikki Haley. She's a 1st generation American and her parents are Indian -- the towel-head type. That's a no. Caving on the SC flag is a deal breaker. And yes, I DO feel obligated to point this out EVERY time her name is mentioned. I will sit home before I will vote for her.

I can think of no one or two people I would want in office that don't require a caveat or two. I DO like the idea of Gowdy. Not just because of the pit bull in him that jimbob likes, but because he's a damned-good lawyer and the Dems wouldn't be getting away with their shyster legal games so much as they have with Trump.

Rand Paul with several caveats. Got to drop the isolationist-think. Doesn't work in today's world. Cut ties with some worthless loser countries? You bet. Stop pretending to be "friends" with countries that hate us? Yeppers to that too. Stick our head in the sand? Won't work. The rest of the World is a dangerous place and it won't go away just because we ignore it.

I guess with Haley I was thinking that she is just getting stronger and stronger as time goes on. She can be quite a tough cookie when necessary, and also just seems like a nice woman. <-- I know, not exactly a reason to vote... But if it's against Biden again, or Sanders, or even by then maybe one of the squad - you wouldn't be able to prevent me from running fast enough to vote for anyone that is running on the right. Our overall choices collectively may not be the greatest ever, but its better than some of the worst ever on the other side!!

And I'm liking Rand more and more myself. BUT, I haven't forgotten all of the kookiness I recall about him. And I'm not so sure how tough he would be if presented a situation that requires that big stick.

Gowdy I just love everything about him. Great politician IMO and a damn great and tough lawyer. And knows the constitution quite well.

Abbey Marie
02-13-2020, 02:21 PM
I agree. I've often said you either are 110% in agreement with him, or you want to sew his lips shut:laugh: There's no middle ground.

I'll go ahead and break jimbob's parameter ... the last President I voted "FOR" was Ronald Reagan and I'd vote for him again. Pickings are extremely slim in today's offerings.

Hey! That was my parameter.

02-13-2020, 03:07 PM
Right now ... just about anybody in Freedom Caucus.

02-13-2020, 03:55 PM
Devin Nunes, and Trey Gowdy. Both Congressmen...Extremely Sharp, and Unafraid of anyone...Seemingly. Constitution is on their Side.

02-13-2020, 07:42 PM
Matt Gaetz or Ted Cruz.

02-14-2020, 04:21 AM
Matt Gaetz or Ted Cruz.

Cruz needs to stay in TX to help keep it red.

02-14-2020, 03:20 PM
Cruz needs to stay in TX to help keep it red.Yes. Just say NO to Beto. He'll be back, I'm sure. He's one of those people on "the list" who need to not be using natural resources such as oxygen.