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View Full Version : Just Sent Sean Hannity a Message...

02-13-2020, 10:08 PM
Can anyone else that watches Hannity relate to this? This is what I sent to him...

Ya know Sean, and I DO like you, I just have to comment that... you are the KING of INTERRUPTERS when it comes to your guests. You have guests on your show, then YOU do MOST OF THE TALKING. Your "questions" go on FOREVER, and then when your guest finally does get the chance to speak, it isn't long before you INTERRUPT THEM. You HAVE to STOP TALKING a little bit. Yes I KNOW it's YOUR SHOW, but for the love of GOD, PLEASE, let your guests SPEAK and DON'T INTERRUPT THEM, and try and make your "questions" shorter and more concise and not LONG RANTS, you're just eating up your guests speaking time. Sometimes I just turn you off, change the channel, whatever, because you talk TOO MUCH. I wouldn't like you doing that to me. If you invited me on your show to speak, then PLEASE, LET ME SPEAK. Try and assess how much YOU talk OVER your guests. Good Lord, you need to SLOW DOWN some brother, give the people you've invited on your show the chance to SPEAK. So far, the ONLY one that's given the chance to speak, UNINTERRUPTED, is Levin. It's not fair to us the listeners or your guests.

Didn't mean to DUMP on you so bad but, holy cow man, this has bothered me for a long time.

Abbey Marie
02-14-2020, 12:08 AM
I stopped listening to his radio show long ago because he spends the first 40 minutes (!) giving a monologue. And he never stops with the lists. Any example he wants to make, he list about 6-10 things to illustrate his point.

And they tend to be the same lists. I.e., Dems say we want to “Throw Granny off the cliff”, etc. I felt like he’s talking to a 6 year old.

If you get Sirius, Andrew Wilkow on Patriot is my favorite.