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View Full Version : Justice Department Declines To File Charges Against Andrew McCabe

02-15-2020, 10:32 AM
I'm going to go with President Trump's statement at the end of the article. If you're going to bust one, you need round them all up.

Personally, I think wasting taxpayer dollars at the monumental rate to bust people for process crimes is, well, a waste. It's a waste of manpower, time and resources when in most cases the "crimes" are people changing how they state something and the Government busting them on literalism.

It's lose/lose. Anyone that watches these crime shows knows that if you don't alter your wording you get accused of rehearsing; and, if you do alter your wording you lied. If the US government wants you guilty, you may as well find a country that doesn't extradite. This is one reason I am actually surprised the dems haven't been able to nail the President on "something".

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:12 PM PT — Friday, February 14, 2020Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe will not be charged for lying to federal investigators. The DOJ declined to charge McCabe after an inspector general’s report found he “lacked candor, including under oath, on multiple occasions.”
In a statement to McCabe’s lawyers, the DOJ said, “Based on the totality of the circumstances and all of the information known to the government at this time, we consider the matter closed.”
McCabe, who is now a CNN contributor and think tank official, blasted the fact it took so long to drop the charges. He was fired in 2018 just days before receiving his pension.
“As glad as I am that the Justice Department and D.C. U.S. Attorney’s Office finally decided to do the right thing today, it is an absolute disgrace that they took two years, put my family through this experience, before they finally drew the obvious conclusion they could have drawn a long, long time ago,” stated McCabe.

The news came after Inspector General Michael Horowitz alleged that McCabe lied under oath at least four times and misled his former boss, James Comey. In January, unsealed court documents showed McCabe had apologized to a bureau investigator about a media leak.
He was reportedly asked if he knew how FBI information about the Clinton Foundation ended up in a 2016 article by The Wall Street Journal. He initially denied knowing about the leak, but walked back his claim in a follow-up interview.
Despite his admission, he previously denied that he did anything wrong. When asked whether he would take a deal, he said, “Absolutely not.”
“I never intentionally mislead anyone about anything,” he said. “I will not stand up and claim something that I didn’t do.”

The closure of McCabe’s criminal probe created an uproar on social media amid the controversy surrounding the sentencing of Roger Stone (https://www.oann.com/president-trump-congratulates-attorney-general-barr-for-taking-charge-of-stone-case/). Supporters of the president called out the fact that Stone was found guilty of lying to Congress while McCabe admitted to lying under oath, but has received no criminal penalty.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1216894183233015814/pKN6ApEC_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec)Jack Posobiec https://abs.twimg.com/emoji/v2/72x72/1f1fa-1f1f8.png


"Roger Stone lied under oath in an investigation that's why he needs to be locked up until he dies unlike Andrew McCabe who lied under oath in an investigation and doesn't need to be charged"

- Legalbros today

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Many have also pointed out that other Obama-era officials have been let off the hook for their alleged misconduct under a Trump appointed Department of Justice.

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1035192110675243008/rOFScozb_normal.jpg (https://twitter.com/Liz_Wheeler)Liz Wheeler


So when Roger Stone lies to the feds, they recommend 9 years in prison. When Flynn lies to the feds, they try to send him to prison. But when Andy McCabe lies to the feds, they let him go free. Does that sound like justice?!

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The DOJ previously declined to bring charges against James Comey for how he handled the memos of his conversations with President Trump.
The president has increasingly ramped his calls for the disgraced DOJ officials to be indicted for unfairly targeting his 2016 campaign and prosecuting his advisers in the Russia investigation.

“They put a man in jail and destroy his life, his family, his wife, his children? Nine years in jail? It’s a disgrace. In the meantime, Comey walks around making book deals. What they did is a disgrace.” – Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States


02-15-2020, 01:51 PM
It would definitely appear that if you're a democrat, you have perpetual immunity, but if you're a conservative, you've got a target on your back to be vilified, prosecuted and destroyed for any little farcical BS they can drum up, and no, that's not an exaggeration.

It is infuriating to watch.

02-15-2020, 02:52 PM
“They put a man in jail and destroy his life, his family, his wife, his children? Nine years in jail? It’s a disgrace. In the meantime, Comey walks around making book deals. What they did is a disgrace.” – Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States

So very true, and not just this case, but seemingly overall. They want to recommend a punishment to ruin his life. For actions that pale in comparison to the actions of Comey, Mccabe, Stzrok, Page, Clapper, Brennan... and many many before them. How about Schiff and his endless lying to congress? And the Democrats yawn at all these actions, but call it the end of America if and when a republican does the same.

And they are doing the same to Trump and have been for years now. They would love nothing better to get rid of him ASAP. And if that means destroying his life, his wife or the lives of his children, they would do so in a heartbeat if that meant they could take him down. And worse, they would lie or cheat in a heartbeat to destroy his life.

But then if there is a proven lie by democrats in congress, they ignore it. And then they will lie about the lie.

02-15-2020, 03:42 PM
I suspect, based on other kinds of legal bargaining we have seen. That McCabe is probably saving his own butt by agreeing to a deal. A deal where he gets to become a WITNESS for the DOJ-Barr. After all. He does have access to all of the Crooks, and all of their LIES that created the CARTEL...later to become the COUP that involved Obama's DOJ Lynch, Holder, protecting, and covering up the Hillary Clinton dirty deeds she has gotten away with....all without punishment....TILL NOW.
The next shoe has to drop, and Hillary needs to be Indicted with all of the others.

JUST AN OLD SAILOR....Sharing my opinion.

02-16-2020, 04:12 PM
Today...Trey Gowdy said something just like it. Video.
