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View Full Version : Did Anyone Catch 'Washington' On History Channel?

02-17-2020, 07:45 AM
Years ago I like History Channel, then they started some weird stuff. Haven't watched it in forever.

Saw some previews for the new series, caught it last night. It was pretty good, good enough that I'll watch the second part.

Also caught a preview of upcoming series on Grant. Might try to catch that too. Seems that some new 'powers that be' have taken some control back.

Abbey Marie
02-17-2020, 08:31 AM
Years ago I like History Channel, then they started some weird stuff. Haven't watched it in forever.

Saw some previews for the new series, caught it last night. It was pretty good, good enough that I'll watch the second part.

Also caught a preview of upcoming series on Grant. Might try to catch that too. Seems that some new 'powers that be' have taken some control back.

Glad to hear this. I have it recorded, but was busy watching the season premiere of Outlander last night.

02-18-2020, 01:52 AM
Glad to hear this. I have it recorded, but was busy watching the season premiere of Outlander last night.

Me too! Recorded but watched Outlander. Then watched Daytona 500 today so haven't watched Washington yet.

02-19-2020, 11:12 AM
Missed the first episode, but recorded the 2nd and 3rd episodes last night. Watched a little bit and it looked good. I'll watch it this weekend.

02-23-2020, 11:01 PM
Just finished watching this and, just, wow... pretty touching. Learned a lot about Washington and a young nation. He sure got a raw deal dying two years after he retires to his beloved home, Mount Vernon, and even more ironic, dies of a throat infection that could be cured nowadays in a matter of hours with antibiotics. How sad. I'd really like to visit Mount Vernon.