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02-17-2020, 03:16 PM
It was illegal to surveil the Trump campaign starting back in the spring of 2016 (no warrant) so why not move the surveillance overseas until we can get a FISA warrant in the fall and then just backdate everything to the spring? FBI?-sure, DOJ?-cool, NSA?-why not, State Dept?-already there.:

Wife of NSA Inspector General helped him plot Trump coup in Ukraine

Sara M. Lord, Mrs. Robert P. Storch, recruits Ukrainian law students to investigate Trump supporters.
Sara was a former Justice Department attorney now in private practice.
Her husband, Robert, is Inspector General for the NSA. He is a lawyer for the Justice Department.
Mrs. Robert Storch, Sara M. Lord, helped train the last class of 39 from July 21st through July 26th, 2018.
As “investigators” using computer software.
In Dnipro, Ukraine.
Investigating who?
National Security.
Unable to say.
The FBI installed a surveillance server in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In U.S. Embassy offices there.
Shared with the FBI.
Source is a joint FBI/Ukrainian crime unit press release dated Feb. 3rd, 2016.
The joint crime unit is called NABU or National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Storch are partners in the coup to impeach President Donald J. Trump using Ukraine and the:

Justice Department
U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine
NABU (National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine)

NABU is a partnership between the FBI and Ukrainian prosecutors.
To uncover corruption?
Or cover it up?


02-19-2020, 11:16 AM
IDK... I'm really starting to wonder when or if we'll see ANYONE go to JAIL for this OBVIOUS, HORRENDOUS corruption.

And now we have Barr crying that Trump's tweeting is making it IMPOSSIBLE for him to do his job. Really? Or could it be the 1,000+ DEEP STATE SONS A BITCHES that SIGNED ON TO RECOMMENDING YOU RESIGN?

Just incredible... 1,000+? So there's OVER A THOUSAND DEEP STATE ASS WIPES IN THE DOJ. The shit is FAR WORSE than I ever imagined.