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View Full Version : ormer AG and Deep State Hack Sally Yates Lied to Congress About Flynn

02-19-2020, 06:49 PM
Seems like the same story every time. A democrat being busted for lying and exposing how they get no punishment.


Former AG and Deep State Hack Sally Yates Lied to Congress About Flynn, Russia and Logan Act — Still Walks Free 3 Years Later

In May 2017 Former Attorney General Sally Yates went before Congress and lied about General Michael Flynn being compromised by Russia.
Yates knew General Michael Flynn was not compromised. She lied anyway.

The Deep State was listening in on all of General Flynn’s conversations. They knew Russia had nothing on him. They knew this was a lie.

Crooked Sally Yates told Congress that the Logan Act was the first reason she intervened in the Flynn case — the reason FBI agents were sent to the White House to interview Flynn in the Trump administration’s early days.

Sally Yates is a criminal and a liar.

We also know that a Deep State spy set up General Flynn. And Flynn not only reported his trip to Russia before he went, he also took training on how to act and then provided the intelligence community information upon his return on what he learned. All of this information has been kept quiet by the intelligence community for two years until early this year.

Yates hid this evidence from Congress.

So will Sally Yates ever face justice for lying to Congress?

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/reminder-former-ag-and-deep-state-hack-sally-yates-lied-to-congress-about-flynn-russia-and-logan-act-still-walks-free-3-years-later/