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04-09-2020, 05:28 PM
`Barr and Mnuchin are saying May! Wanna bet they know something we don't know?!?`
Attorney General Barr: End 'draconian' lockdown by May 1

We can't 'just tell people to go home and hide under the bed'


04-09-2020, 05:31 PM
Hearing on the radio this very second, that a GRANT COUNTY RESIDENT HAS DIED FROM THE VIRUS. That's my county. They said the person was over 80 years old. So there we go, one dead in my county, out of the 3 reported infected.

We'll see what the numbers for today are after 2:00PM.

EDIT: And they just CLOSED DOWN all our state parks too, because "people weren't following social distancing rules."

As I posted on another thread .. one of our police forces gets tough if you're just deemed to have made a 'nonessential journey'. You get followed by drones ! Doesn't matter if there's nobody within several hundred yards of you ... the drone is still watching ...

See ....


04-09-2020, 06:48 PM
Some of the topics that I've been following, including the use of ventilators, that have been troubling but difficult to understand. My guess, like the ventilators more will be coming out shortly:


Hoo Boy: South Korean Study Finds Virus Might Be “Reactivating” In Some Recovered Patients
ALLAHPUNDITPosted at 7:21 pm on April 9, 2020

This is at least the third story in the last few weeks to suggest that patients who’ve had coronavirus and been “cured” don’t always enjoy immunity. First was the report from China about some patients testing negative after recuperating — and then testing positive on a follow-up test. Second was yesterday’s news of a Chinese study that found some people who’ve recovered from the disease had few antibodies in their blood afterward, suggesting that they might be vulnerable to reinfection.

Now there’s a study from South Korea that sounds a lot like the first story I mentioned, but with a new theory to explain what’s happening. As in China, some patients in Korea who seem to have beaten the disease are testing negative and then … positive. Leading doctors to wonder: Are some “cured” patients really not cured? If so, how many others spanning the world are walking around right now, believing they’re out of the woods when in fact they’re still infected?

And how many of them, in so doing, are inadvertently spreading the virus to others in the belief that they’re no longer contagious because they tested negative?

The coronavirus may be “reactivating” in people who have been cured of the illness, according to Korea’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

About 51 patients classed as having been cured in South Korea have tested positive again, the CDC said in a briefing on Monday. Rather than being infected again, the virus may have been reactivated in these people, given they tested positive again shortly after being released from quarantine, said Jeong Eun-kyeong, director-general of the Korean CDC.

“While we are putting more weight on reactivation as the possible cause, we are conducting a comprehensive study on this,” Jeong said. “There have been many cases when a patient during treatment will test negative one day and positive another.”

One possible explanation is errors in testing. Maybe patients are seeing false negatives in their initial post-recuperation test only to receive a more accurate positive result in their second one. If that sounds familiar, remember that experts in the U.S. believe that as many as one in three COVID-19 tests here may be producing false negatives. One would think, though, that South Korean tests must be dependable in light of the fantastic success they’ve had in containing their outbreak. If they’re letting people out of quarantine due to a meaningful number of false negatives, we’d expect a wider outbreak there.

Then again, that’s why they do two post-recuperation tests. Two false negatives are much less likely than one. Another possibility: Maybe the nose and mouth, which are swabbed for the test, are cleared of the virus relatively early in the recovery process whereas other parts of the body remain infected a bit longer. Could it be that the remnants of the virus in the throat or lungs or wherever might “migrate” to the nose and mouth in some patients between the first and second test?

Any scenario here would be more hopeful than a “reactivating” virus.

While we’re on the subject of the strange ways in which the virus operates, the WSJ has a nice explainer about the “cytokine storms” it sometimes triggers. Some patients die not because COVID-19 directly attacks their tissue but because it triggers an immune response in the patient so intense that the resulting inflammation proves fatal.

The out-of-control immune response eventually causes the patients’ lungs to stop delivering oxygen to the rest of organs, leading to respiratory failure and in some cases death, the experts say. The malfunctioning immune system may be driving the rapid decline in lung function experienced by some patients, including younger and relatively healthy ones, after the initial onset of symptoms, doctors say…

In the most severe coronavirus patients, the disease appears to have two stages, doctors and researchers say. First the immune system fails to respond quickly or effectively enough to the virus. Then the immune response becomes too aggressive and floods the body with cytokines.

The surge of cytokines damages blood vessels and allows fluids to seep into the lungs, filling them up like water balloons, doctors say.

The key word there is “rapid.” A recurring theme in interviews with doctors and nurses over the last few weeks is the sheer speed with which some coronavirus patients go from normal-ish to critical. This new report from Reuters is especially vivid. “It’s insane how sick they get, how quickly,” said one nurse at Mt. Sinai in New York. Another said she was “paranoid, scared to walk out of their room” because they “look fine, feel fine, then you turn around and they’re unresponsive.” If it really is cytokine storms that are causing those sudden collapses then I wonder if it explains why — ta da — hydroxychloroquine might be beneficial in some cases. Hydroxychloroquine is an immunosuppressant, used by rheumatological patients to fight inflammation; if an overreacting immune system is what’s killing some people, logically an immunosuppressant to calm that system would make sense. The Journal story notes, in fact, that doctors are already testing other immunosuppressants as possible treatments. The *possible* efficacy of HCQ in small trials might prove in time to have been an early clue as to why COVID-19 is so lethal.

In lieu of an exit question, here’s a doctor in New York discussing yet another strange quirk of the virus. He was quoted in the Stat article I highlighted last night about doctors possibly overusing ventilators for treatment. My COVID-19 patients aren’t suffering from lung failure, he says, they’re suffering from something that looks more like altitude sickness. So why are we forcing them to let a machine breathe for them, knowing that the ventilator might itself damage their lungs?

04-09-2020, 07:25 PM
Some of the topics that I've been following, including the use of ventilators, that have been troubling but difficult to understand. My guess, like the ventilators more will be coming out shortly:
Well that's some scary shit right there... as if people aren't freaked out enough already.

I'm out of milk. Maybe I'll stay out of milk and not go to the store... :terror:

04-10-2020, 07:12 AM
Going to have to go out again today. Out of milk, and almost eggs.

When you were raised in the "Dairy State," being out of milk is a true emergency... :rolleyes:

04-10-2020, 07:22 AM
Going to have to go out again today. Out of milk, and almost eggs.

When you were raised in the "Dairy State," being out of milk is a true emergency... :rolleyes:

Keep clear of Lefties ... & you'll be OK ...

04-10-2020, 08:59 AM
Keep clear of Lefties ... & you'll be OK ...
Very few people in the store this early. Was a good time to go.

But the check out girl said that she's seen "lots" of strange people in the store, inferring people she's never seen and doesn't recognize. Evidently word has gotten out that our little grocery here is quite well stocked, so people are making the trek to our little town just to horde buy out all our stuff. I can guarantee you, that's the sort of thing that will piss off the towns people here.

04-10-2020, 09:11 AM
Very few people in the store this early. Was a good time to go.

But the check out girl said that she's seen "lots" of strange people in the store, inferring people she's never seen and doesn't recognize. Evidently word has gotten out that our little grocery here is quite well stocked, so people are making the trek to our little town just to horde buy out all our stuff. I can guarantee you, that's the sort of thing that will piss off the towns people here.

Understandable if they shoot those infringers, no?

04-10-2020, 09:21 AM
Understandable if they shoot those infringers, no?
Are we back to being nasty to each other now or what?

I was really enjoying it the other way.

04-10-2020, 09:22 AM
This is interesting...


Many coronavirus patients show signs of heart damage, and doctors aren't sure what it means

It could have significant treatment implications

Many patients who die of COVID-19 show signs of heart damage, and some of those are dying of heart failure and cardiac arrest even when they aren't suffering from the respiratory symptoms more commonly associated with the novel coronavirus, Kaiser Health News reported.

Ditch the fake news ==> Click here to get news you can trust sent right to your inbox. It's free!
Doctors observing this trend are now concerned about what this could mean for how the coronavirus is treated, and how it might impact the way they respond to patients who come in with heart failure who haven't been tested for the coronavirus.

Some doctors have found that COVID-19 can create the false appearance of a heart attack:

That work has already resulted in changes in the way hospitals deal with the cardiac implications of COVID-19. Doctors have found that the infection can mimic a heart attack. They have taken patients to the cardiac catheterization lab to clear a suspected blockage, only to find the patient wasn't really experiencing a heart attack but had COVID-19.
That finding could change the way heart attack patients are evaluated:

"We're taking a step back from that now and thinking about having patients brought to the emergency department so they can get evaluated briefly, so that we could determine: Is this somebody who's really at high risk for COVID-19?" said Dr. Sahil Parikh, an interventional cardiologist at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City, according to KHN. "And is this manifestation that we're calling a heart attack really a heart attack?"

Still there are questions about whether COVID-19 is causing heart damage and cardiac arrest by infecting the heart, or whether the heart issues are a byproduct that is occurring when patients become seriously ill. Any serious medical event has the potential to stress the heart to the point of damaging it, KHN reported.

Heart damage has been found in nearly 20% of coronavirus patients, according to one initial study. This damage has shown up in patients with no previous heart illness.

"We have to assume, maybe, that the virus affects the heart directly," said Dr. Ulrich Jorde, the head of heart failure, cardiac transplantation and mechanical circulatory support for the Montefiore Health System in New York City, according to KHN. "But it's essential to find out."

https://www.theblaze.com/news/many-coronavirus-patients-show-signs-of-heart-damage-and-doctors-arent-sure-what-it-means?utm_content=buffer29d73&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=fb-theblaze&fbclid=IwAR2ANsieKRpxIi1QBRt629OzIew8MIVRv1LPvd0o9 q_dyzyJClwpD13Yct0

04-10-2020, 01:19 PM
Listening to the president and committee on Coronavirus:

* WHO $$ from US will be discussed-a lot-next week
* Social distancing is working-NY and NJ on downside. Boston and Chicago going up still, but slowing the multipliers. LA is also leveling off.
* Quick tests are going up in production, may be able to send to other countries in near future.

04-10-2020, 02:06 PM
Given that Covid-19 has attracted its 'share' of conspiracy theories ... I think I may have found a major source of them. He turns out to be a British nutter.

This immediately, of course, prompts the question: did he once work for the BBC ?

YES, he did. At one time, decades ago, he was quite a respectable, and respected, BBC sports commentator.

Then, he turned nuts.


Originally working as a BBC television sports presenter, Icke claims he saw former British Prime Minister Ted Heath's eyes turn black while the two waited for a Sky News interview in 1989. In 1990, while spokesman for the Green Party, he visited a psychic who he said told him he had been placed on earth for a purpose and would begin to receive messages from the spirit world. These events led him to announce the following year that he was a "Son of the Godhead" and that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes, a prediction he repeated on the BBC's primetime show Wogan. The show turned him from a respected household name into the subject of widespread public ridicule.

Over the next 11 years Icke wrote The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001), in which he developed his worldview of New Age conspiracism. His endorsement of the antisemitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in The Robots' Rebellion and And the Truth Shall Set You Free led his publisher to refuse to publish his books, which were self-published thereafter.

Icke believes that the universe is made up of "vibrational" energy and consists of an infinite number of dimensions that share the same space. He believes that an inter-dimensional race of reptilian beings called the Archons (or Anunnaki) have hijacked the earth and that a genetically modified human–Archon hybrid race of shape-shifting reptilians known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, the Illuminati, or the "elite", manipulate global events to keep humans in constant fear so the Archons can feed off the "negative energy" this creates.

He claims many prominent public figures belong to the Babylonian Brotherhood and are propelling humanity toward an Orwellian global fascist state, or New World Order, a post-truth era where freedom of speech is ended. Icke believes that the only way this 'Archontic' influence can be defeated is if people wake up to the truth and fill their hearts with love. Critics have accused Icke of being a Holocaust denier and an anti-semite, with his theories about reptilians being a deliberate "code"; claims that Icke denies ......

Now, why have I posted all this ? For one reason: Icke has been pushing the theory that 5G spreads Covid-19.

I strongly suspect that it started with him.


YouTube has banned all conspiracy theory videos falsely linking coronavirus symptoms to 5G networks.

The Google-owned service will now delete videos violating the policy. It had previously limited itself to reducing the frequency it recommended them in its Up Next section.

The move follows a live-streamed interview with conspiracy theorist David Icke on Monday, in which he had linked the technology to the pandemic.

YouTube said the video would be wiped.

During the interview, Mr Icke falsely claimed there "is a link between 5G and this health crisis".

And when asked for his reaction to reports of 5G masts being set on fire in England and Northern Ireland, he responded: "If 5G continues and reaches where they want to take it, human life as we know it is over... so people have to make a decision."

Several users subsequently called for further attacks on 5G towers in the comments that appeared alongside the feed.

Mr Icke also claimed that a coronavirus vaccine, when one is developed, would include "nanotechnology microchips" that would allow humans to be controlled. He added that Bill Gates - who is helping fund Covid-19 vaccine research - should be jailed. His views went unchallenged for much of the two-and-a-half-hour show.

Well, I dunno. I feel that British-originated conspiracy theories have a certain class, a certain quality, to them ... that distinguishes them from all the other half-baked stuff out there.

A British conspiracy theory can be guaranteed to be fully-baked, so there !!! ... and our Mr Icke is an institution unto himself.

That he also belongs in one, is a 'happy' coincidence .....

By original courtesy of the BBC .......... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

04-11-2020, 11:19 AM
Sometimes Darwin just won't quit. First Mardis Gras, now this:


Louisiana church expecting 2,000 at Easter service despite coronavirus: 'Satan and a virus will not stop us'
BY BROOKE SEIPEL - 04/10/20 05:12 PM EDT


04-11-2020, 12:06 PM
Anyone else getting sick of hearing, "US has more deaths and infections than Italy." It's like saying, "NYC has more deaths than St. Louis!" Populations are in no way similar other than the fact they are both populated by humans.

I don't know is the whole of Western Europe has 300M people, but if so, then a fair comparison would be US and Western Europe when both are finished with rise and fall.

04-11-2020, 12:14 PM
Germany's rate is lower, but there's been some controversy on how and whom they've counted. In general, US seems to have been doing pretty good. Look at 'Confirmed Case Fatality Rate' Just realized the titles were cut off, it's the percentage number:

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Fatalities (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/coronavirus/):
Global | United States

Deaths /
1M pop
New Deaths
Confirmed Case
Fatality Rate

United States (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/coronavirus/country/united-states/)




United Kingdom






Full Global List of Coronavirus Fatalities (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/coronavirus/)

Black Diamond
04-11-2020, 12:20 PM
Anyone else getting sick of hearing, "US has more deaths and infections than Italy." It's like saying, "NYC has more deaths than St. Louis!" Populations are in no way similar other than the fact they are both populated by humans.

I don't know is the whole of Western Europe has 300M people, but if so, then a fair comparison would be US and Western Europe when both are finished with rise and fall.

All the media sources are jumping in on that and other statistics. They like selling doom and gloom

04-11-2020, 12:22 PM
Anyone else getting sick of hearing, "US has more deaths and infections than Italy." It's like saying, "NYC has more deaths than St. Louis!" Populations are in no way similar other than the fact they are both populated by humans.

I don't know is the whole of Western Europe has 300M people, but if so, then a fair comparison would be US and Western Europe when both are finished with rise and fall.

I'm not sure myself. Pre-Brexit, I would've said 'yes'. Discounting the UK's 65 million + ... I'm not so sure.

04-11-2020, 12:29 PM
I'm not sure myself. Pre-Brexit, I would've said 'yes'. Discounting the UK's 65 million + ... I'm not so sure.

Source gives pop. of 196,007,089 add UK per your number=261,007,089. Closer, with mostly similar health care

04-11-2020, 12:30 PM
Source gives pop. of 196,007,089 add UK per your number=261,007,089. Closer, with mostly similar health care
Weird, Italy and Spain at least are missing, so probably getting close to apples and apples.

04-11-2020, 12:30 PM
All the media sources are jumping in on that and other statistics. They like selling doom and gloom

The UK's 'Metro' newspaper (a freebie publication available at rail stations and on many buses, published for what once were rush-hour commuters) has come up with this:


NY sees more coronavirus diagnoses than any country on Earth and 799 more deaths

Nearly 800 New Yorkers died of coronavirus over the last 24-hours as the state has now confirmed more cases of the virus than any other country on Earth. At least 7,067 have been killed by Covid-19 across the state as of Thursday morning and over 151,000 have tested positive for the virus, Governor Andrew Cuomo said in his daily briefing. ‘We’ve lost over seven thousand lives through this crisis.That is so shocking and painful and breathtaking. I don’t even have the word’s for it,’ the governor said, while comparing the outbreak to 9/11, which saw 2,753 New Yorkers die.

04-11-2020, 12:33 PM
Weird, Italy and Spain at least are missing, so probably getting close to apples and apples.
Bah, that map was whack, my bad.

Better: EU population:

About 1,150,000,000 results (0.84 seconds)

Search Results

Featured snippet from the web

European Union/Population

http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAANkAAACQCAMAAAC yNz7gAAAAwFBMVEUAM5n/zAAAMpr/zgD/0AD/0wAAL5sAMJoALZwAJZ7/1gAAIKAAK5wAKZ2diF3/2gAAGKIAHKBPVIWIf2iSgmp cnHGpEnguzD5yQusllT1ygBIVYS2mk1RWYHuyR/rwiS9o01hYH04RY/LrD4XOJNrZH0sQZLwxBgACaVATYqSf2xmZ3mThWSrkleYhWAUN 5ehj1guPZR4bXlKSJDVsTFLUIeBem41SIt0b3XDpkBjXIOYiVi ag2aJd3JLS4xcWYcHXc fAAAHEUlEQVR4nO2ci3aiOhSGMRdCIOB9UAeLFSvqWK0W1Pb08 v5vdQK2HYp1Rqcg0ZVv1qymkkYCOzvJ5mcrikQikUgkEolEIpF 8E1D0CeQFuNiu0Tot hTygSgu/3 J0CZuXuZNoz/wj4vrGTUMozK0kT2s8NL5dg kRxP779ayZk4LtpyZZd3 x1LHyZn4TDDvpz4hQ0/HGJVKJYSx7vXV1PH /Dy6ptbuFqkz1VjDjzrGu Y3mPb5IFjc1dJ9FRO2bN2n7ZHQRzu Z/Yj3Tl231qm7VNM1Lvyxtz5tNrGJVjC7crOEXNTvhP9ngGNw Y DkZRSU3apNFByEeoYyTrq1G1UYD9OYtKwo42sHis1WrhBpfwCy 81hKOgf0sI /GQ Wfvw0PzHmdWu2F19 EvPCYHp7CAJTmlevaPiwhl2PfJEZUxdGtAR1YupMwR3JjRxVRC fq8cLUSd8UMzG4LI8g9BUTYHiasi2hul7sOQruu9ru/QBvaH/VbXSZsxzjm3GnF3t23aNK5k/F861RMZZz0jRq1/Lh q7fY9TpCoVEvvge31c/OnZB04e3X6m1c3zNFd/xkHkAOcuhhpgVMB5UQhMFc9A2Ouewg1 tgO9T XpmjhTbueC7qLAU3RsW8LXuvo6WrNw zLtbU3eWo5pXvBO8Z6QfOgipG6PUOcuFA6XmhodCFE/TFNkcSNtVopcSUyUHTLljU59HNVbVmKHbPFNXcdgjsLHy/hrzXM0VfOl4UeUxEQkxutJ69HakiRCYBs7tZX2HWtQVYQ7La1R e7ye9RaV/VirdHOoGuke0FBoYLJ4WaI2BMY6CHOteGxlg2o03lbRrXHdQDv O2iTFLtTuv1 syH0FvV69PV4vtTLVmseJsrD0J/xtuedouZ5NS o sYwziKWLY3mTS6tMtxZBJirOvOTmTyRKhs6eN431gqO4NMTAew Qbu8bRL7y4ws/F g7CHqGmxtRlmt sho04r2oshTC3Uixi89PosMYzNA8aKYq/7L HvdHKl4iA8yCMPs7EYNIR9kCHlZz5LHncXAx 61g/VpdpZDpzp2rl3sD4pc/RsT1BvQStN3s7vAFddvVujAQZMCzREQ5ykKvtEwODDs8Xe0cRD SKAb25BT4WA0MxmbsE83hOivTUdfDOCICzPGgyFXxnijit5r8a DOzJiUSiUSSBXnPN4XNZ3nrFYvTQ7Kco4K0XlAAi4V2NdcvqNp hMV2r5hwVjCKZ V66PQDmoqc8zZE IffUcTlicEaPPuqZ1Vz0ipEesmr2kP84ir7qZGtjMmzfWdYsig q2LctqT7J EGtO4najSOYsKgxP1jWta2/1ihBhvrXP3GSA6fB20TaSqdvdrHa1B0AHt2irV8T28sCnm8cAj KW9jWQidDs4aXROpc9uHBXsvRwo/DgOQO970aWD7jM9caCHkACVYEnf5OWXqxudt4 CHVFy3kRRwUivGOQVFawEkR4y00jmYRjTMnT4YIA5RQXVAeRD2 EHl6aljcyP36pnQvlN zueb6XO5t6bq85U7yqX9vahrd819okpXXi7LBMC8FXcdxOy7mc X7DkOtvan26HqYS8 G662vZ/TUivcP9XNOgVygpgsSiUQikeSK1DcegdQ35orUNx5B8fpGRdU 9I2als2uPnrt8F3fqBW1GNa6s0ajYcX6xkZjusrgjT8wWE0bjV jfaEVtnzIel4D02zipb8zkpeikvhE7Rb1R8knfuMhI37gQRt I8tI3PmiFygAvV9848hDUMYQvGeobXyDEOkTeiYNWqbOI9I2vb T1jfaPuvAqib9y4fob6Rt8VSt84zkzfGAqib2SZ6xvH2xerASt U3why1TcWv9xPc/SDIQH78CVgPjzyL4bnkq1mXD9qhIBBfXweIW6 mtzJVvMnyL1/PtlqjnpV31yKn60mBii2/nDMxF150G1xc55sIWa1Wq2MMcQjXjDM9Onu/G4avN6I1x9XeMEUVsdOhk6rw/ hEoprOUy0vrFcF86ifqt5zTaXWORaWTK/0t 4xu36QlMDv5G4l5Y7/Xx1cTkV/wB/Q1iLU9MJLApA5 lb R9p24ZyUUvOYimckOts1Wg 6MnRvwZf5G1bDOKVsNHzjOrt//Mn/jGWWrufFRJ0DI/rTL3p /UX2xEQpayL8RPKeLQmd66XreLOPkZM2sKH9jrwVbvSh/o5WYDswlLjeV65Y E AZxZ8gfS9gJjHWbjuxgE/lb0w4d0Da7togpul5gmerUcNGHCQ0F1YyZLw3fyPg9aKbq7LGy aVjRzJ/25yp808f78/fON/2k4DPfyAe4P1OpSenyp78jfvqnw9f5W 8COL8jcvP Rsvgy/zN14C4D1/Y iKmzP0nyBj5S1/IxiLPW8dzb78jRKJRCKRSCQSiUQiuXT B50qjIkMJY6nAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC (https://www.google.com/search?q=eu+population&rlz=1C1KGNW_enUS840US840&sxsrf=ALeKk02AjN_8JfRzd7or8Xp2AzX4fV2Mog:158662636 2832&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=VIIBXXfYw0bgQM%253A%252CVFBgOSnj9irqoM%252C%25 2Fm%252F0_6t_z8&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQduw4EwLu--rfVuxrSLr8s9MW41w&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0rf3l8-DoAhWTOn0KHZJfBMoQ_B0wAXoECAkQAw#imgrc=VIIBXXfYw0b gQM:)

446 million inhabitants

The EU covers over 4 million km² and has 446 million inhabitants - the world's third largest population after China and India.Feb 10, 2020

EU in figures | European Union

europa.eu › european-union › about-eu › figures › living_en

People also search for (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1KGNW_enUS840US840&sxsrf=ALeKk02AjN_8JfRzd7or8Xp2AzX4fV2Mog:158662636 2832&q=european+union+population&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLSz9U3iDcria-yUEJia_E55-fm5ucFZ6aklidWFi9i1MpOttLPyU9OLMnMz9MvLgHSxSWZyYk5 8UWp6UAhq4L8gtIcsOwiVsnU0qL8gtTEPIXSPKCAAkIOAJhu7J tzAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0rf3l8-DoAhWTOn0KHZJfBMoQMSgAMAV6BAgREAE)
http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADEAAAAaCAMAAAA pKUTbAAAAclBMVEX/// yITOrAA6vCSWtABeuACKuAB6vDCavDSY8O24iIGEvLmcoJmM2N WszMmlWVX4dG19CQXFJSHa4t8ZdXINiYodxcZFRUHvV1d0XFVy/v8yXl61 fpqQkKinp7krKmVyMlq2HzCGhqBsI1KwAAXIyNMg2L/NAAABKElEQVQ4jb2U226DMAyGs66D hBCIAcgJHQw3v8VR8sq7QKFu36yFPvCkuPDL0ADaAmVBrl7Wt6/PzII6hpMM7oWoZuwU5jiUtzK8mF/z8vZAwHsW6RBYjLoQt20zEFkAdtYA05a661SVjulTzJo0BxGdI nlyjx4jPPyc8kgANVaT13VD7afU9 sSPfiM4OQwcvZahNlE/QWwGhPqqqCBGdBjZoCQYQtOPs5mmdV9eD6mHrfIS2XawZRtboO Dm1CaAlbX8dxKb4yCOng0VVvLDhttlYrf1bVpLahrcTJ4hiwGU 4nSJ3GNL62ZPUY4nItMgiWE1PFFfEkmYk2O8l4B7lGHnc3N6zj Cb6D3GIfb3vueI4v6h2U/5Tl9vR22SmP1acsRU7MDvkFWwkdOwQeZ2YAAAAASUVORK5CYII =
United States
328.2 million

(https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1KGNW_enUS840US840&sxsrf=ALeKk02AjN_8JfRzd7or8Xp2AzX4fV2Mog:158662636 2832&q=usa+population&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLSz9U3iDcria-yUOIEsS2TzcsNtPic83Nz8_OCM1NSyxMrixcxamUnW-nn5CcnlmTm5-kXlwDp4pLM5MSc-KLUdKCQVUF-QWkOWHYRK19pcaICQgAA1VsfNGcAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0rf3l8-DoAhWTOn0KHZJfBMoQxA0wBXoECBEQBA)
144.5 million

(https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1KGNW_enUS840US840&sxsrf=ALeKk02AjN_8JfRzd7or8Xp2AzX4fV2Mog:158662636 2832&q=russia+population&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLSz9U3iDcria-yUOIAsc2S8qq0-Jzzc3Pz84IzU1LLEyuLFzFqZSdb6efkJyeWZObn6ReXAOniksz kxJz4otR0oJBVQX5BaQ5YdhGrYFFpcXFmogJCDACgEjxYaQAAA A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0rf3l8-DoAhWTOn0KHZJfBMoQxA0wBXoECBEQBg)
http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADIAAAAhCAMAAAC sowi2AAAAY1BMVEXeKRDeJRDdHRD/6wD/5QDiSg/fMRDocw34wQblYg3naQ3/5wD/4AD/3gD/4wDrgwzwnQrjUw7lXQ7/8QDyqAn5yQXcDBHqfwzpeQzgOg/vlQrnbQ391QP 2QLhRA/1tQfsiQsh1kB2AAAAtUlEQVQ4je2SzRKDIAyEySqI ENFpdXWtu//lAWpvQLTq3vI5JBvkk3C2N8iZNSGaC51KkQDBWScKLXHbPdEGE GIQwTYa GiLyXCzYgYsVTKyHKt1X1n GOzsS7QRdN2fbEFP9DqGR0Ny yQydIxaMIG7Ksvy rYLqXsDKNUrfw6QM3jp4FeLSBFOA3furgXJuAdiDAV3jrjaxzM uDtQDkFDs bUe0RJlfhjP4Fiz3Lq1KkMfQDvVwVtdmM/HQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
1.386 billion

(https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1KGNW_enUS840US840&sxsrf=ALeKk02AjN_8JfRzd7or8Xp2AzX4fV2Mog:158662636 2832&q=china+population&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLSz9U3iDcria-yUOIEsVMMTMuNtfic83Nz8_OCM1NSyxMrixcxamUnW-nn5CcnlmTm5-kXlwDp4pLM5MSc-KLUdKCQVUF-QWkOWHYRq0ByRmZeogJCCAAy8WFeaQAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0rf3l8-DoAhWTOn0KHZJfBMoQxA0wBXoECBEQCA)

04-11-2020, 01:15 PM
These reports on possible 'reactivation' have been circulating for at least a few days. This could be troubling or could be a testing problem-especially if they were China provided tests:


More recovered coronavirus patients in South Korea are testing positive again
By Yaron SteinbuchApril 10, 2020

The number of people in South Korea who tested positive for the coronavirus for a second time after apparently recovering has risen to 91 — an increase of 40 from the 51 reported earlier this week, according to a report.

Jeong Eun-kyeong, head of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters that the virus may have been “reactivated” rather than the patients being reinfected, Reuters reported.

Health authorities in the country said epidemiological investigations were under way to figure out what is behind the disturbing trend — as many countries are hoping that people will develop sufficient immunity to prevent a resurgence of the pandemic.

“The number will only increase — 91 is just the beginning now,” said Kim Woo-joo, professor of infectious diseases at Korea University Guro Hospital, adding that patients had likely “relapsed” rather than been reinfected.

Enlarge ImageA man has his temperature checked during early voting for the April 15 general elections in Seoul, South Korea.
A man has his temperature checked during early voting in the April 15 general elections in Seoul, South Korea.AP
False test results also could be the cause, other experts said, or remnants of the virus could still be in people’s systems but not be infectious or of danger to the host or anyone else.

“There are different interpretations and many variables,” said Jung Ki-suck, professor of pulmonary medicine at Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital.

“The government needs to come up with responses for each of these variables,” Jung said.


04-11-2020, 08:01 PM
Source gives pop. of 196,007,089 add UK per your number=261,007,089. Closer, with mostly similar health care

I know it's not your fault, but even the map is wrong. Monaco is NOT that Island shown. Monaco is in the South of France. Been there. That Island marked Monaco is actually CORSICA. If they can't get even Maps correctly marked...Imagine how wrong most of the reporting is too!

04-13-2020, 03:34 PM
These reports on possible 'reactivation' have been circulating for at least a few days. This could be troubling or could be a testing problem-especially if they were China provided tests:

This suggests ... what ? That subtle mutations are creeping in, making immunity far harder to hang on to ? Or, that the body can't maintain what capacity for immunity it possesses ?

I wonder if this means that our societies are just stuck with Covid-19, unless scientists can come up with such a broad-spectrum vaccine that it meets all possible Covid variations ?

Anyway ... I've found this, suggesting plasma therapy as an answer:


Doctors in the UK say they're increasingly frustrated the government has yet to approve trials for plasma therapy to help treat coronavirus patients.

The therapy involves extracting plasma from the blood of people who have recovered from the virus, and giving it to those who are critically ill.

The idea is that antibodies produced by patients who have had survived the virus will boost the immune systems of those who are trying to beat the disease.

Trials are already under way in other countries including China, France, Germany and the US but no decision has been made in the UK.

Dr Colin Hamilton-Davies leads the acute cardiac critical care unit at Bart's Hospital in London and has spent 30 years looking at this line of research.

He said lives could be saved if action is taken immediately.

"We have a national health service and blood service that is the envy of the world, we have a very substantially-sized department of blood transfusion, and for people harvesting blood plasma, we could step it up within a week.

"We could be administering it, not just to one or two people, but hundreds of patients."

There are no effective treatments for COVID-19 patients. Studies are under way into the use of antivirals and steroids, but many say the use of plasma therapy has yet to be adequately explored.

Dr Hamilton-Davies has written to Health Secretary Matt Hancock and Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab offering his expertise.

Over-caution will be the death of us. Literally.

04-13-2020, 03:45 PM
This suggests ... what ? That subtle mutations are creeping in, making immunity far harder to hang on to ? Or, that the body can't maintain what capacity for immunity it possesses ?

I wonder if this means that our societies are just stuck with Covid-19, unless scientists can come up with such a broad-spectrum vaccine that it meets all possible Covid variations ?

Anyway ... I've found this, suggesting plasma therapy as an answer:


Over-caution will be the death of us. Literally.
That was my best guess on what would get us through till vaccine. However, it seems that those recovered do not have sufficient antibodies for the most part.

😜That together with reinfections is a bit baffling.

04-15-2020, 05:15 PM
If found to be so, very troubling:


04-23-2020, 12:17 PM
.......... so, there !!!

The following report refers to TODAY. See:


Human vaccine trials for Covid-19 will begin on Thursday, in a bid to make the UK the first country to create a drug to provide immunity against the disease, the Health Secretary announced.

Matt Hancock said human tests on a vaccine developed by Oxford University will start on Thursday, an outcome that would normally take “several years” to achieve.

The news marks a major breakthrough in the battle against coronavirus, and potentially offers the Government a way out of the crisis that has crippled the country.

Should the trials prove successful, the focus will turn to how the vaccine can be manufactured at scale to start treating the population and stop the spread of Covid-19.

Mr Hancock praised the speed at which scientists had worked on the vaccine trials, pointing out that reaching the stage of testing on humans would normally take considerably longer.

In normal times, reaching this stage would take years and I'm very proud of the work taken so far," he said, adding that both trials were "making rapid progress".

He went on: "At the same time, we will invest in manufacturing capability so that if either of these vaccines safely work, we can make it available for the British people as soon as humanely possible."

The Health Secretary said the Government would do “everything in our power” to support the work, and announced it will provide £20m in additional funding to help with clinical trials. A further £22.5m will be provided for trial of a second vaccine, at Imperial College, London.

Mr Hancock said the process for finding a vaccine would take “trial and error” but he has told UK scientists leading the search he would “back them to the hilt and give them every resource they need”.

"After all, this is a new disease, this is uncertain science but I'm certain we will throw everything we've got at developing a vaccine," he said.

"The UK is at the front of the global effort. We have put more money than any other country into a global search for a vaccine and, for all the efforts around the world, two of the leading vaccine developments are taking place here at home - at Oxford and Imperial.

"Both of these promising projects are making rapid progress and I've told the scientists leading them we will do everything in our power to support."

So there we have it ... The Brits Are Pulling Their Finger(s) Out, and getting on with what needs to be done. Who knows ... the world's cure for Covid-19 may turn out to be a British one (?).

I can believe it. We are world leaders in cybersecurity issues, courtesy of GCHQ. We have leading virologists working at Porton Down (they proved beyond dispute EXACTLY where the toxin the Russians used in their attack on Salisbury, came from).

Now we have the Oxford people on the case.

Anyway -- this is the leading story in our news media, currently. Should be interesting to see what happens in the coming months (how's that for an understatement ?).

04-23-2020, 12:56 PM
I hope they do it!