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02-24-2020, 08:49 PM
Might as well start a thread about this since I think we're going to be talking a lot about it in the future, since it does NOT seem to be SLOWING DOWN in any shape way or form.

But I posted in another thread that there's stories out there that this virus was created in a lab, and that's exactly what they were just talking about on Fox News. They said that they "DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHERE it came from, but that there's indications it did come from a lab."

I think China stole it from a Canadian lab as the stories are saying, and then mishandled it in their lab, exposing a rat, a dog, a snake, whatever, and then someone took that animal out of the lab like they always do to make extra money, and sold it at one of their disgusting open air markets, and therefore spreading the virus, which is basically right now... OUT OF CONTROL. Of course they're trying to LIE about the virus being STOLEN from a Canadian lab, but governments LIE about just about everything, from the Roswell UFO crash, to Area 51 not existing, (funny, I've been there twice), to Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide... all lies...




I also just heard that there ARE, STILL, FLIGHTS going from the US to CHINA, and from China to the US, and all over Europe as well. So we've been lied to again that flights have been stopped to and from certain areas of the world... they haven't.

This is going to get bad I think. The stock market crashed more than 1,000 points by closing today amid Coronavirus fears.

02-25-2020, 10:46 AM
Might as well start a thread about this since I think we're going to be talking a lot about it in the future, since it does NOT seem to be SLOWING DOWN in any shape way or form.

But I posted in another thread that there's stories out there that this virus was created in a lab, and that's exactly what they were just talking about on Fox News. They said that they "DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHERE it came from, but that there's indications it did come from a lab."

I think China stole it from a Canadian lab as the stories are saying, and then mishandled it in their lab, exposing a rat, a dog, a snake, whatever, and then someone took that animal out of the lab like they always do to make extra money, and sold it at one of their disgusting open air markets, and therefore spreading the virus, which is basically right now... OUT OF CONTROL. Of course they're trying to LIE about the virus being STOLEN from a Canadian lab, but governments LIE about just about everything, from the Roswell UFO crash, to Area 51 not existing, (funny, I've been there twice), to Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide... all lies...




I also just heard that there ARE, STILL, FLIGHTS going from the US to CHINA, and from China to the US, and all over Europe as well. So we've been lied to again that flights have been stopped to and from certain areas of the world... they haven't.

This is going to get bad I think. The stock market crashed more than 1,000 points by closing today amid Coronavirus fears.

Our own media (by that I mean, currently, a report from LBC radio) has said that a lot of conspiracy theories are out there. They report that one doing the rounds claims that the US created the virus and then spread it to China. Apparently, that theory was traced back to Russia as its source.

Better to just go with what we know is true, rather than with rumours.

I think we're close to seeing 'Covid 19' achieve 'pandemic' status (though South America and the African continent have been free of it, so far). I think that's becoming inevitable.

Here's the thing ... thanks to the monumentally stupid EU, a foundling policy of theirs is that all Member States have to agree to the free movement of its citizens, from one Member State country to any other Member State country, however individuals choose to travel. Well ... Italy now has a bad outbreak of it, and they're starting to seal off Italian territories (did I see a report about Tom Cruise being stuck in an Italian hotel, there to start filming for a Mission Impossible sequel ?). Now, with free movement across Europe, this virus is certain to spread, which in turn means that America would have to safeguard itself from any potential carrier from anywhere in Europe.

As for European citizens -- I'm sure they're celebrating EU policies and wisdom, around now ..... and I don't think the UK exited the EU quickly enough for it to make a major difference to us, either.

We 'rescued' our supposedly non-infected people off of that Japanese ship recently ... yet, four tested positive for the virus after reaching the UK. I wonder how many other people have been thought to be infection-free, when in fact, they're not.

[Me ... I'm reminded that 'Corona' was once a UK manufacturers' name for a range of fizzy drinks ... every time I hear about an outbreak of the 'Corona' virus, I'm thinking bottles of Cherryade ... ]

02-25-2020, 01:36 PM
Our own media (by that I mean, currently, a report from LBC radio) has said that a lot of conspiracy theories are out there. They report that one doing the rounds claims that the US created the virus and then spread it to China. Apparently, that theory was traced back to Russia as its source.

Better to just go with what we know is true, rather than with rumours.

I think we're close to seeing 'Covid 19' achieve 'pandemic' status (though South America and the African continent have been free of it, so far). I think that's becoming inevitable.

Here's the thing ... thanks to the monumentally stupid EU, a foundling policy of theirs is that all Member States have to agree to the free movement of its citizens, from one Member State country to any other Member State country, however individuals choose to travel. Well ... Italy now has a bad outbreak of it, and they're starting to seal off Italian territories (did I see a report about Tom Cruise being stuck in an Italian hotel, there to start filming for a Mission Impossible sequel ?). Now, with free movement across Europe, this virus is certain to spread, which in turn means that America would have to safeguard itself from any potential carrier from anywhere in Europe.

As for European citizens -- I'm sure they're celebrating EU policies and wisdom, around now ..... and I don't think the UK exited the EU quickly enough for it to make a major difference to us, either.

We 'rescued' our supposedly non-infected people off of that Japanese ship recently ... yet, four tested positive for the virus after reaching the UK. I wonder how many other people have been thought to be infection-free, when in fact, they're not.

[Me ... I'm reminded that 'Corona' was once a UK manufacturers' name for a range of fizzy drinks ... every time I hear about an outbreak of the 'Corona' virus, I'm thinking bottles of Cherryade ... ]
Well that's the thing, how do we know what's the truth about it's origins and what isn't? I think what we immediately hear is usually the cover up, and the truth filters out later, that's why I'm not totally buying the story that it came from bats or snakes. Far as I gather there's different strains of this virus, and this strain isn't like the known ones. Kinda gives credence to the story that it was cooked up in a lab. But I do think it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Even the numbers of infected and dead appear to be tampered with...


02-25-2020, 03:26 PM
Russia Knows Just Who to Blame for the Coronavirus: America

Conspiracy theories are all over state media, following past patterns of disinformation.


02-25-2020, 05:11 PM
World Health Organization chief is a Chinese puppet, STILL claiming there is no coronavirus “pandemic” as global cover for the Communist regime



02-25-2020, 05:13 PM
Iranian strain of coronavirus a “morphed” version of the one in Wuhan

(Natural News) During a recent segment on the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), a CNBC commentator explained that the strain currently circulating in Iran is different than the one that originated in Wuhan.

A clip of the segment that was shared to Twitter by Disclose.tv shows the commentator explaining how the situation has changed now that the novel disease appears to be mutating.

“At the end of the day, we don’t have any solutions, we don’t have any cures, we don’t have any vaccines. And this virus is morphing,” he’s heard stating.

“There’s a report out today that the coronavirus cases found in Iran are a different strain, and they did not come out of China. So, that can be troubling if that proves to be true.”

Some of the latest reports out of Iran reveal that schools are closing, hospitals are filling up, and chemicals are being sprayed in subways as the number of cases in the Middle Eastern country skyrocket.

As it turns out, the earliest known cases in Iran of this particular strain of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) were in people that hadn’t even traveled to China, suggesting that it started some other way that authorities have yet to determine.

According to reports, the Iranian government has designated at least 230 hospitals across the country as treatment centers for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). There are also 14 provinces where all cultural events, including soccer matches, have been put on hiatus.


02-25-2020, 05:21 PM
Trump Says U.S. ‘Very Close’ To Creating Coronavirus Vaccine


President Trump on Tuesday said the United States is “very close to a vaccine” for the coronavirus that is sweeping the globe.

In a press conference in India, Trump also defended his administration’s decision to repatriate nearly two dozen Americans on a cruise ship who are suffering from the illness.

“I felt that we should bring them back, they’re Americans, we should bring them back,” Trump said.

“As far as what we’re doing with the new virus, I think that we’re doing a great job. I felt that — and the decision was made in Japan, let these Americans come back and we will see — but they were immediately put into quarantine. There is no problem whatsoever with quarantine.”

“I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away,” Trump said about the outbreak of coronavirus, known as COVID-19. “Now they have studied it, they know very much. … In fact, we are very close to a vaccine,” he said.

The number of coronavirus cases in the U.S. has now topped 50, including the former passengers aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Worldwide, more than 2,700 people have died from the virus and more than 80,000 are infected.

At his press conference, Trump also touted a $2.5 billion spending plan that his administration sent to Congress.

Trump said on Monday that the epidemic is under control in the United States.

“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” Trump wrote on Twitter, where he is on a two-day state visit.

The White House is preparing to request emergency funding from Congress in order to address coronavirus, which has suddenly spread at an alarming rate across the world.

“We need some funding here to make sure that we protect all Americans,” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said Monday on Fox News. Gidley did not say how much funding would be requested.

In India, Trump also said China appears to be getting control of the virus.

“They’ve had a rough patch and … it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more,” Trump said. “They’re getting it more and more under control so I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away, but we lost almost 1,000 points yesterday on the (stock) market.”


02-25-2020, 05:27 PM
I hope he's wrong, but this could be the BIG ONE we've all wondered if would ever happen... and I'm a PREPPER...


Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year

A Harvard epidemiologist calls a global COVID-19 pandemic 'likely' while CDC doctors say they are bracing for it to spread beyond the current 15 cases in the US

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch told The Wall Street Journal that "it's likely we'll see a global pandemic" of coronavirus, with 40 to 70 percent of the world's population likely to be infected this year.

"What proportion of those will be symptomatic, I can't give a good number," added Lipsitch, who is the Director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Two other experts have recently given similar estimates.

Ira Longini, a biostatistician and adviser to the World Health Organization (WHO), has predicted that two-thirds of the global population may eventually contract COVID-19.

Prof Gabriel Leung, the chair of public health medicine at Hong Kong University, says if the transmission estimate of 2.5 additional people for each infected rate is accurate, that would result in an "attack rate" that would affect 60 to 80 percent of the world's population.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has already said that it is preparing for the coronavirus to have a greater impact in the U.S. than the 15 confirmed cases currently.

In an interview with CNN on Feb. 13, Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said, “Right now we're in an aggressive containment mode.” He added that “this virus is probably with us beyond this season, beyond this year, and I think eventually the virus will find a foothold and we will get community-based transmission."

Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, recently confirmed that the CDC is taking steps to prepare for the coronavirus to “take a foothold in the U.S.”

Along with communicating with health care facilities and resources, Messonnier says that the CDC is in constant talks with the medical supplies manufacturers, distributors and other health care partners to ensure there are plenty of preventative devices like masks and gloves available in the U.S. in the event of a larger outbreak.

Some of these partners have reported higher demand for N95 face masks and respirators.

She also took the time to explain the CDC’s recommended use of any preventative supplies, especially face masks. Because the virus isn’t spreading through the community in the U.S., Messonnier only advises using face masks if “you are sick or under investigation and not hospitalized,” before one enters a health care provider’s office, or when caring for a potential infected patient.

When alone and at home, however, Messonnier says that people do not need to wear a mask.

She also confirmed that 195 people from Wuhan have completed the 14-day quarantine and left the March Air Reserve Base to be self-monitored with the help of state and local health authorities.

Additionally, amid reports of poor treatment of quarantined individuals and the military staff tending to them, Messonnier stated that the individuals discharged “pose no health threat to their surrounding communities or the community they will return to.”

After the CDC confirmed that a lab error led to the accidental discharge of an infected patient from a San Diego hospital, Messionnier told reporters that the CDC and other health officials are adding “additional quality controls” to keep patients organized.


02-25-2020, 07:06 PM
HPD - ya mind if I merge your thread here into an older running one? -- http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?68912-U-S-To-Evacuate-Americans-Aboard-Cruise-Ship-Quarantined-At-Japan-Port

Gunny started that one about the cruise ship and the virus, and it morphed into overall coverage.

I didn't want to move it instantly and have you think I deleted it. But I'll move it in a little while...

02-25-2020, 07:17 PM
Iranian strain of coronavirus a “morphed” version of the one in Wuhan

(Natural News) During a recent segment on the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), a CNBC commentator explained that the strain currently circulating in Iran is different than the one that originated in Wuhan.

A clip of the segment that was shared to Twitter by Disclose.tv shows the commentator explaining how the situation has changed now that the novel disease appears to be mutating.

“At the end of the day, we don’t have any solutions, we don’t have any cures, we don’t have any vaccines. And this virus is morphing,” he’s heard stating.

“There’s a report out today that the coronavirus cases found in Iran are a different strain, and they did not come out of China. So, that can be troubling if that proves to be true.”

Some of the latest reports out of Iran reveal that schools are closing, hospitals are filling up, and chemicals are being sprayed in subways as the number of cases in the Middle Eastern country skyrocket.

As it turns out, the earliest known cases in Iran of this particular strain of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) were in people that hadn’t even traveled to China, suggesting that it started some other way that authorities have yet to determine.

According to reports, the Iranian government has designated at least 230 hospitals across the country as treatment centers for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). There are also 14 provinces where all cultural events, including soccer matches, have been put on hiatus.


Iran is such a closed society, though .. how do we confirm the exact nature of the Iranian strain ?

Also .. how does anybody know, with certainty, just what links Iran maintains with China ? For all we know, contacts are frequent and plentiful. It's not as though Iran's going to advertise them.

We in the UK have a Channel 4 presenter (one of our TV stations) who's just returned from Iran, and he suspects that it's possible he caught the virus. He's self-isolated, upon return to UK soil. It'd be nice to believe that he'd voluntarily give a sample of his infected blood (IF it is !) for examination .. but he's Left wing.

I'm referring to Jon Snow.


Anyway ...... the big problem, here, is knowing what to believe and what to dismiss as unfounded rumour. As the virus spreads, so it's ever-riper for stories about it that are a far cry from truth.

02-25-2020, 07:23 PM
I hope he's wrong, but this could be the BIG ONE we've all wondered if would ever happen... and I'm a PREPPER...


Harvard scientist: coronavirus pandemic likely will infect 40-70% of world this year

A Harvard epidemiologist calls a global COVID-19 pandemic 'likely' while CDC doctors say they are bracing for it to spread beyond the current 15 cases in the US

Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch told The Wall Street Journal that "it's likely we'll see a global pandemic" of coronavirus, with 40 to 70 percent of the world's population likely to be infected this year.

"What proportion of those will be symptomatic, I can't give a good number," added Lipsitch, who is the Director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Two other experts have recently given similar estimates.

Ira Longini, a biostatistician and adviser to the World Health Organization (WHO), has predicted that two-thirds of the global population may eventually contract COVID-19.

Prof Gabriel Leung, the chair of public health medicine at Hong Kong University, says if the transmission estimate of 2.5 additional people for each infected rate is accurate, that would result in an "attack rate" that would affect 60 to 80 percent of the world's population.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has already said that it is preparing for the coronavirus to have a greater impact in the U.S. than the 15 confirmed cases currently.

In an interview with CNN on Feb. 13, Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said, “Right now we're in an aggressive containment mode.” He added that “this virus is probably with us beyond this season, beyond this year, and I think eventually the virus will find a foothold and we will get community-based transmission."

Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, recently confirmed that the CDC is taking steps to prepare for the coronavirus to “take a foothold in the U.S.”

Along with communicating with health care facilities and resources, Messonnier says that the CDC is in constant talks with the medical supplies manufacturers, distributors and other health care partners to ensure there are plenty of preventative devices like masks and gloves available in the U.S. in the event of a larger outbreak.

Some of these partners have reported higher demand for N95 face masks and respirators.

She also took the time to explain the CDC’s recommended use of any preventative supplies, especially face masks. Because the virus isn’t spreading through the community in the U.S., Messonnier only advises using face masks if “you are sick or under investigation and not hospitalized,” before one enters a health care provider’s office, or when caring for a potential infected patient.

When alone and at home, however, Messonnier says that people do not need to wear a mask.

She also confirmed that 195 people from Wuhan have completed the 14-day quarantine and left the March Air Reserve Base to be self-monitored with the help of state and local health authorities.

Additionally, amid reports of poor treatment of quarantined individuals and the military staff tending to them, Messonnier stated that the individuals discharged “pose no health threat to their surrounding communities or the community they will return to.”

After the CDC confirmed that a lab error led to the accidental discharge of an infected patient from a San Diego hospital, Messionnier told reporters that the CDC and other health officials are adding “additional quality controls” to keep patients organized.


I'm sure it'll reach pandemic status within weeks or months. Much of the Northern Hemisphere's land masses have people on them who are infected. The southern hemisphere is largely unaffected so far, but I don't see why that would continue. Does nobody travel to Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Namibia .. ?

The good news is that the Falkland Islands people have an excellent chance of escaping it ... !

On the point of 'the truth appearing later' ... maybe. Then again ... consider 9/11. Conspiracy theories only emerged YEARS after the event, becoming more elaborate over time. It could just be that the earlier reports about Covid-19, while incomplete, were basically representative of the truth.

02-25-2020, 07:45 PM
Trump Says U.S. ‘Very Close’ To Creating Coronavirus Vaccine


President Trump on Tuesday said the United States is “very close to a vaccine” for the coronavirus that is sweeping the globe.

In a press conference in India, Trump also defended his administration’s decision to repatriate nearly two dozen Americans on a cruise ship who are suffering from the illness.

“I felt that we should bring them back, they’re Americans, we should bring them back,” Trump said.

“As far as what we’re doing with the new virus, I think that we’re doing a great job. I felt that — and the decision was made in Japan, let these Americans come back and we will see — but they were immediately put into quarantine. There is no problem whatsoever with quarantine.”

“I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away,” Trump said about the outbreak of coronavirus, known as COVID-19. “Now they have studied it, they know very much. … In fact, we are very close to a vaccine,” he said.

The number of coronavirus cases in the U.S. has now topped 50, including the former passengers aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Worldwide, more than 2,700 people have died from the virus and more than 80,000 are infected.

At his press conference, Trump also touted a $2.5 billion spending plan that his administration sent to Congress.

Trump said on Monday that the epidemic is under control in the United States.

“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” Trump wrote on Twitter, where he is on a two-day state visit.

The White House is preparing to request emergency funding from Congress in order to address coronavirus, which has suddenly spread at an alarming rate across the world.

“We need some funding here to make sure that we protect all Americans,” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said Monday on Fox News. Gidley did not say how much funding would be requested.

In India, Trump also said China appears to be getting control of the virus.

“They’ve had a rough patch and … it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more,” Trump said. “They’re getting it more and more under control so I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away, but we lost almost 1,000 points yesterday on the (stock) market.”


I'd be prepared to take all of Trump's pronouncements as accurate, if it weren't for the European problem.

Italy has a bad infection rate, currently ... add to that the EU's long standing, braindead policy of free movement of peoples across Europe, and this must force Europe to be a threat to the rest of the world.

What special measures has Trump instituted against visitors from that part of the world ? Any ?

02-25-2020, 08:02 PM
HPD - ya mind if I merge your thread here into an older running one? -- http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?68912-U-S-To-Evacuate-Americans-Aboard-Cruise-Ship-Quarantined-At-Japan-Port

Gunny started that one about the cruise ship and the virus, and it morphed into overall coverage.

I didn't want to move it instantly and have you think I deleted it. But I'll move it in a little while...
Yeah for sure, bro. Go for it.

02-26-2020, 01:36 AM
From what I'm hearing, the corona virus is highly contagious but not very deadly to the normal, healthy person. What we don't hear broadcast to us on a daily basis is the fact that the common flu kills 60-65 thousand people in this country each year. Yes, this is something to be aware of and to seek medical attention if necessary but I don't see anything that would have me shopping around for deserted islands, looking for someplace to build a shelter on.


02-26-2020, 08:47 AM
Coronavirus spreads to Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria, Austria and Brazil while cases explode in Italy by 45% in one day


Over the last 36 hours or so, the coronavirus spread has now been confirmed in a slew of new countries, including Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria and Austria. Cases are already confirmed in Belgium, Lebanon, Finland, Sweden, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Israel, Cambodia, Nepal, Afghanistan, Russia and many other countries.

An infection is now suspected in Brazil, which would make it the first South American nation to confirm a coronavirus infection, bringing the virus to a whole new continent. According to Brazil’s Health Ministry, one test of a local patient has reportedly come back positive. A second confirmation test is necessary to make the diagnosis “official.”

These are irrefutable facts, yet we still have naysayers throughout the media and across the cultural landscape who claim none of this is happening, that the coronavirus bioweapon system is “just another flu,” or that it’s a grand hoax being perpetrated by all these countries as some elaborate staged event to commit economic suicide for some unknown reason.

Pandemic denialism is essentially the “Flat Earth” version of epidemiology. According to the denialists, all the nations listed above are faking it, sacrificing their national economics to carry out some sort of elaborate hoax for some unimaginable reason.

Rush Limbaugh, meanwhile, still insists the coronavirus is just “the flu.” It’s a reminder why highly influential people should stick to their areas of expertise and not wander into areas where they very quickly demonstrate their shocking technical ignorance and lack of knowledge.

Coronavirus cases explode in Italy by 45% overnight

Coronavirus infections exploded overnight in Italy, rising to 322 confirmed cases, an increase of 100 from the previous day.

To try to stop the spread of the virus, Italy is running armed road blocks surrounding 12 towns, prohibiting road travel.

According to The Epoch Times, no one in Italy even knows the source of the outbreak, completely obliterating any argument from WHO officials that this is “contained” or “not a pandemic.” Via TET:

Italian health officials haven’t yet identified the source of the outbreak. Angelo Borrelli, the head of the Italian civil protection department, said the case count grew from 222 to 322, representing a 45% increase, in a 24-hour period from Monday evening to Tuesday evening.

According to the pandemic denialists, of course, Italy must be faking it for some reason. Yes, it’s an insane idea, but that’s what is now being promoted by the left-wing media and even some conservative journalists.

Notably, the very bureaucrat in Iran who told everybody the virus was no big deal is now infected himself. Also via TET:

Only a day earlier, a coughing and heavily sweating Iraj Harirchi said at a televised news conference in Tehran that “the situation is almost stable in the country.”

Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour confirmed Harirchi had the virus. Harirchi himself posted an online video saying he had it and that he had quarantined himself at home. He promised that authorities would bring the virus under control.

That’s reassuring, huh? The very government bureaucrat sitting in quarantine after accidentally getting infected is telling us all the government has it under control. The irony is almost pure comedy, if it weren’t so tragic.

San Franciso declares state of emergency while media tells us there’s no emergency at all

San Francisco, meanwhile, has just declared a state of emergency over the coronavirus, even when CDC officials claim there are essentially zero confirmed cases in San Francisco.

According to the SF Chronicle, Mayor London Breed said more resources need to be allocated, “to make sure we are prepared,” even while the entire media establishment in America claims there’s nothing to be prepared for in the first place.

So why did San Fran just declare an emergency, then?

The CDC’s insane policy of “Don’t Test, Don’t Tell” is keeping America in the dark while the epidemic explodes across U.S. cities.


02-26-2020, 08:58 AM
Michigan monitoring 325 people for coronavirus infections, but has tested ZERO


At least 325 people in the state of Michigan are being monitored for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) after having recently returned from travel to mainland China.

Joining the hundreds of other potentially infected people also being monitored in California and several other states, these people in Michigan all took trips to communist China within the past two weeks, or were passengers on an unidentified cruise ship where the virus is present.

Our guess is that this cruise ship was the Diamond Princess vessel from which 16 passengers were sent to locations all across the United States, including to the Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington, though this cannot yet be confirmed.

As of this writing, none of the potential Michigan cases are under quarantine, but state health agency spokeswoman Lynn Sutfin told local media that all of them have been asked to self-quarantine, meaning they have the option to continue moving about in public without restriction.

Sutfin said that, at this time, none of the patients are a high enough risk to be placed under mandatory lockdown.

Michigan is one of the few states that has the equipment necessary to conduct tests for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). Most states, warned Mike Adams, the Health Ranger are ill-equipped to test for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), which means they may have undetected cases roaming around in public.

Thus far, Michigan has tested a total of five people using protocols set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, all of them have come back negative, and there are still no confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) anywhere in Michigan.

In nearby Wisconsin, however, there is now one confirmed case of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19). And in Illinois, we’ve received word that there are now two confirmed cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19).

All of the potential cases in Michigan will continue to be monitored for the hallmark symptoms of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), which include fever, cough and respiratory issues.

“We are keeping track of cases resulting from repatriation efforts separately because we don’t believe those numbers accurately represent the picture of what is happening in the community in the United States at this time,” stated CDC head Dr. Nancy Messonnier as to the disparity in official case numbers being put out by her agency.

Listen below as the Health Ranger talks about why people who live on rural farms as opposed to in densely packed cities have a far greater chance than anyone else of surviving the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19):


02-26-2020, 09:09 AM
Fed up with CDC delays and excuses, U.S. laboratory association urgently requests FDA allow state and local labs to run coronavirus tests without CDC approval


It’s now becoming increasingly clear that the CDC has ordered state labs to halt all coronavirus tests in a desperate effort to avoid all testing and thereby find no evidence of “community outbreaks.”

The CDC’s intention is to obviously cause the coronavirus to spread as widely as possible in America by prohibiting nearly all testing in the United States.

The worse the epidemic gets in America, the more funding and power the CDC receives from the “crisis” once it’s finally unveiled.

Now, the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL), totally fed up with CDC excuses, delays and broken “diagnostic kits,” is asking the FDA for emergency approval to create and run their own local tests for coronavirus infections.

“As of Monday, only five U.S. states – California, Illinois, Nebraska, Nevada and Tennessee – have the capability to test for the virus, according to the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL),” reported CNBC today. “The group, which represents state and local public health labs, sent a letter to FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn seeking permission to develop tests for the virus.”

The APHL CEO, Scott Becker, stated what we’ve been saying for weeks: “We’re weeks and weeks into this response and the desire is to begin community-based surveillance and make sure we have the diagnostics as close to the population as possible, and we’re not there,” he said.

Of course we’re not there. That’s because the CDC is working hard to make sure virtually no one gets tested.

Fewer than 500 people tested in the entire United States, thanks to CDC negligence

While South Korea has so far tested at least 28,000 people for the virus, the CDC has so far tested just 426. That’s despite the fact that California alone is monitoring 8,000 people for possible coronavirus infections. To date, virtually none of those people have been tested at all, and the same story is repeated across Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, Michigan and just about everywhere.


02-26-2020, 09:20 AM
Coronavirus spreads to Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria, Austria and Brazil while cases explode in Italy by 45% in one day


Over the last 36 hours or so, the coronavirus spread has now been confirmed in a slew of new countries, including Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria and Austria. Cases are already confirmed in Belgium, Lebanon, Finland, Sweden, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Israel, Cambodia, Nepal, Afghanistan, Russia and many other countries.

An infection is now suspected in Brazil, which would make it the first South American nation to confirm a coronavirus infection, bringing the virus to a whole new continent. According to Brazil’s Health Ministry, one test of a local patient has reportedly come back positive. A second confirmation test is necessary to make the diagnosis “official.”

These are irrefutable facts, yet we still have naysayers throughout the media and across the cultural landscape who claim none of this is happening, that the coronavirus bioweapon system is “just another flu,” or that it’s a grand hoax being perpetrated by all these countries as some elaborate staged event to commit economic suicide for some unknown reason.

Pandemic denialism is essentially the “Flat Earth” version of epidemiology. According to the denialists, all the nations listed above are faking it, sacrificing their national economics to carry out some sort of elaborate hoax for some unimaginable reason.

Rush Limbaugh, meanwhile, still insists the coronavirus is just “the flu.” It’s a reminder why highly influential people should stick to their areas of expertise and not wander into areas where they very quickly demonstrate their shocking technical ignorance and lack of knowledge.

Coronavirus cases explode in Italy by 45% overnight

Coronavirus infections exploded overnight in Italy, rising to 322 confirmed cases, an increase of 100 from the previous day.

To try to stop the spread of the virus, Italy is running armed road blocks surrounding 12 towns, prohibiting road travel.

According to The Epoch Times, no one in Italy even knows the source of the outbreak, completely obliterating any argument from WHO officials that this is “contained” or “not a pandemic.” Via TET:

Italian health officials haven’t yet identified the source of the outbreak. Angelo Borrelli, the head of the Italian civil protection department, said the case count grew from 222 to 322, representing a 45% increase, in a 24-hour period from Monday evening to Tuesday evening.

According to the pandemic denialists, of course, Italy must be faking it for some reason. Yes, it’s an insane idea, but that’s what is now being promoted by the left-wing media and even some conservative journalists.

Notably, the very bureaucrat in Iran who told everybody the virus was no big deal is now infected himself. Also via TET:

Only a day earlier, a coughing and heavily sweating Iraj Harirchi said at a televised news conference in Tehran that “the situation is almost stable in the country.”

Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour confirmed Harirchi had the virus. Harirchi himself posted an online video saying he had it and that he had quarantined himself at home. He promised that authorities would bring the virus under control.

That’s reassuring, huh? The very government bureaucrat sitting in quarantine after accidentally getting infected is telling us all the government has it under control. The irony is almost pure comedy, if it weren’t so tragic.

San Franciso declares state of emergency while media tells us there’s no emergency at all

San Francisco, meanwhile, has just declared a state of emergency over the coronavirus, even when CDC officials claim there are essentially zero confirmed cases in San Francisco.

According to the SF Chronicle, Mayor London Breed said more resources need to be allocated, “to make sure we are prepared,” even while the entire media establishment in America claims there’s nothing to be prepared for in the first place.

So why did San Fran just declare an emergency, then?

The CDC’s insane policy of “Don’t Test, Don’t Tell” is keeping America in the dark while the epidemic explodes across U.S. cities.



I believe I'm correct in saying that it's found a footing in east Africa (the continent) ? If you're also right about Covid-19 reaching Brazil, that's two Southern Hemisphere continents affected in the past couple of days.

Australia has its own, of course. So, aren't we at the threshold of pandemic status being confirmed ? Or do Greenland and Antarctica (both free of it !!!) ... also have to be included ?

Our British colony in the Falklands is still free of it (three cheers, everybody ..).

What did I say about the sheer stupidity of the EU's 'free movement' policy, in another post ? The Italian cluster of cases is now translating into a spread of the virus into countries neighbouring Italy. That's within just a couple of days after the initial report of the 'explosion' of Italian cases reached the media.

You know, once this is all over, the pandemic having disappeared ... I'll bet that the ever-arrogant EU will have learned precisely NOTHING from any of this. So, there they'll be, complacently ideologically 'pure' in their belief that porous borders across the EU's Member States is a 'wonderful thing' for them, and - to the extent they'd even care - the wider world ....

02-26-2020, 10:17 AM

I believe I'm correct in saying that it's found a footing in east Africa (the continent) ? If you're also right about Covid-19 reaching Brazil, that's two Southern Hemisphere continents affected in the past couple of days.

Australia has its own, of course. So, aren't we at the threshold of pandemic status being confirmed ? Or do Greenland and Antarctica (both free of it !!!) ... also have to be included ?

Our British colony in the Falklands is still free of it (three cheers, everybody ..).

What did I say about the sheer stupidity of the EU's 'free movement' policy, in another post ? The Italian cluster of cases is now translating into a spread of the virus into countries neighbouring Italy. That's within just a couple of days after the initial report of the 'explosion' of Italian cases reached the media.

You know, once this is all over, the pandemic having disappeared ... I'll bet that the ever-arrogant EU will have learned precisely NOTHING from any of this. So, there they'll be, complacently ideologically 'pure' in their belief that porous borders across the EU's Member States is a 'wonderful thing' for them, and - to the extent they'd even care - the wider world ....
Well the CDC, in their ever amazing wisdom, is saying... "this could be bad." Well, pfft, YA!

I would think that we should be hearing it considered a WW pandemic any time now.

I'm kinda hunkered down myself. I'm not going anywhere that I don't have to go. Going to see how this plays out.

02-26-2020, 11:29 AM
[QUOTE=High_Plains_Drifter;951805]Coronavirus spreads to Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria, Austria and Brazil while cases explode in Italy by 45% in one day


Crap, that's what I was afraid of. Once a few plane loads get outta dodge, and a percentage may be sick, and then even if only say like 7 of them got through somewhere. Now they go home to families, hit the stores, then hit the doctors office or hospital with people in the waiting rooms. And then it explodes in a particular area. And then again, some from that area go out of town for whatever the reason, and some will take plains and trains. And just like that.

02-26-2020, 11:51 AM
Crap, that's what I was afraid of. Once a few plane loads get outta dodge, and a percentage may be sick, and then even if only say like 7 of them got through somewhere. Now they go home to families, hit the stores, then hit the doctors office or hospital with people in the waiting rooms. And then it explodes in a particular area. And then again, some from that area go out of town for whatever the reason, and some will take plains and trains. And just like that.
Yep... as of now, I don't think there's any "mandatory" confinement for anyone in America. Some have been asked to "self quarantine," but that's just a joke. This is going to have to get a lot more serious before things here in America get worse. But so far, there's only 57 reported cases here, but they're not TESTING people either. I think this could BLOW UP OUR FACES real easy... we'll see... but if you haven't stored up any dried goods, foods that won't spoil like Spam and such, and water, maybe stash a little cash somewhere, I'd recommend you do. Better to be safe than sorry.

02-26-2020, 12:43 PM
This is an example as to why our markets are getting hammered around.


Half the Population of China, 760 Million, Now Locked Down

In China, 760M people are locked down. Apple just issued a warning. In Japan, there is a sudden spike coronavirus cases.

Apple is supply constrained and Revenue Projections Will Fall Short Due to Coronavirus.

Apple Inc. became the first major U.S. company to say it won’t meet its revenue projections for the current quarter due to the coronavirus outbreak, which it said had limited iPhone production for world-wide sales and curtailed demand for its products in China.

Apple had last month projected record revenue for the current quarter of between $63 billion and $67 billion, which it said was a wider than normal range due to the virus. The technology giant on Monday didn’t provide an updated sales estimate, saying that the situation in China is evolving. It said it would provide more information when it holds its earnings call in April.

The difficulties are extending into supply chains around the world. Volkswagen AG said Monday it would postpone production restarts at some Chinese plants for another week. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV last week said it temporarily halted production in Serbia because it could not get parts from China, which continues to deal with manufacturing delays as it seeks to contain the spread of the virus.

Rest - https://moneymaven.io/mishtalk/economics/half-the-population-of-china-760-million-now-locked-down-E0JtonkZYkKDKd-xGBl4QA

02-26-2020, 12:48 PM
Well... Trump tried to warn companies to move their manufacturing back to America, and to diversify when it comes to finding what we need from somewhere other than JUST China. We have too many fish in the barrel in China. We need to pull the hell otta there, and this virus crap is example #1 WHY.

If it wasn't for the U.S., China would look a whole lot like Cuba. We've been funding and allowing them to steal our technology for their incredible rise to power for decades now. How stupid can we be? Is GREED REALLY that huge of a motivator that you'd be willing to FINANCE the build up of our greatest enemy? It's shameful, and pathetic.

02-26-2020, 01:09 PM
How stupid can we be? Is GREED REALLY that huge of a motivator that you'd be willing to FINANCE the build up of our greatest enemy? It's shameful, and pathetic.

It seems as though greed combined with a lust for power is enough of a motivator for those who see capitalism and conservatism as our greatest enemy.

02-26-2020, 04:59 PM
CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier says the coronavirus pandemic will spread in the USA, a matter of “when” not “if” … while Trump urges everybody to keep buying (overbought) stocks


When listening to the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier warn about the coming pandemic outbreaks across America, you no longer have to read between the lines.

She’s just flat out saying it now: It’s coming. Get prepared. If you aren’t prepared, you’re a fool.

“Now is the time for businesses, hospitals, communities, schools and everyday people to begin preparing,” Dr. Messonnier recently told reporters on a conference call, according to CNBC. “We are asking the American public to work with us to prepare for the expectation that this could be bad.”

The Wall Street Journal adds this unambiguous statement that needs no interpretation:

“We expect we will see community spread in this country,” meaning the virus circulating within local communities, said Dr. Messonnier. She added that the question isn’t if the virus will expand in the U.S., but when.

The coronavirus is coming to America… it’s no longer a question of “if”

Thus, it’s only a matter of time before the coronavirus spreads in America. And with one case already testing positive in Brazil, we now have the coronavirus on a whole new continent.

Over the last 48 hours, the pandemic accelerated rapidly, moving into 8 new countries. It has now been detected in Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria, Austria, Brazil, Italy, Australia, Malaysia, France, Vietnam, Canada, Kuwait, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, USA, Egypt, Finland, Belgium, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Israel, Cambodia, Nepal, Oman, Afghanistan, Philippines and China.

Such a vast, global spread would be impossible if the virus were “contained” as the communist-run WHO continues to falsely claim. (Notably, Google refers all searches on coronavirus to the WHO so that its official lies dominate the narrative.)

This pandemic is so far beyond containment that the question of it going global is already answered. Yes, it’s global. And no, it won’t be contained.

President Trump and Rush Limbaugh are trying to tell everyone it’s no big deal and the WHO has it under control

Both President Trump and Rush Limbaugh are working overtime to downplay the severity of this global pandemic. Rush says it’s no worse than the flu, while President Trump has scheduled a press conference this evening at 6pm Eastern to tell America that there’s no reason to panic and everybody should buy more (overpriced) stocks.

Rush and Trump, it seems, are all-in with the “everything’s awesome” bandwagon, while the independent media (InfoWars, ZeroHedge, Natural News, etc.) are doing the math and warning that this pandemic could be devastating to the U.S. economy and the health of its citizens.

Further complicating this issue is the newly uncovered fact that the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier is reportedly the sister of Rod Rosenstein, part of the anti-Trump conspiracy coup gang that tried to overturn the 2016 election and remove Trump from office. But Rosenstein, notably, is widely reported to be cooperating with AG William Barr and may be providing testimony to help indict other deep state traitors such as James Comey (we’re not holding our breath that anybody gets indicted… too early to tell).

At this point, there are so many conflicting stories, theories and narratives that it’s nauseating to try to navigate the “truth” about all the motivations and agendas here.

So keep it simple. What’s undeniable is that the virus is spreading globally at a breathtaking pace.

It’s also undeniable that the CDC has prohibited nearly all coronavirus testing by U.S. states and local hospitals, meaning there’s virtually no testing taking place anywhere in America.

In my view, the CDC is setting a trap for Trump by getting him to address the nation and tell everyone it’s all under control. Once the testing actually resumes in America, we’ll see hundreds (if not thousands) of cases exploding overnight, and the media will pounce on Trump, blaming him for incompetence and a lack of action to stop the pandemic.

And if you want another conspiracy layer to consider on top of everything else, I wouldn’t even be surprised if some particularly wretched Democrat operatives are spreading the virus on purpose, contributing to the eventual spike of cases in America that can all be blamed on Trump. The Dems can’t wait to blame Trump for people dropping dead in the streets from the coronavirus… and San Francisco just declared a state of emergency, by the way, even though they claim there are no infections in the city so far. (Huh?)

Dr. Messonnier, once again, seems to be telling the truth (for the moment) when she says this pandemic is coming to America. That part seems inevitable.

We already have confirmation from a Homeland Security source that there are over 1,000 confirmed infections in America, and that number is over a week old. Given the roughly 3.5-day doubling period of this virus when left uncontained, that means we might already have > 4000 infections in the United States.

And Trump is about to tell America everything’s under control?

It’s a Trump trap.

In fact, I think the spread of the coronavirus in the United States is deliberate. Listen to the evidence in this podcast, below. Hear all my podcasts (now posting 3 per day) at Pandemic.news or Brighteon.com:


02-26-2020, 05:00 PM
Oh joy, and another way that one person can spread the disease, between South Korea, the USA and also Israel potentially.


Korean Air Flight Attendant Working LAX Flights Diagnosed With Coronavirus

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) – A flight attendant for Korean Air who worked several flights out of Los Angeles International Airport has been diagnosed with coronavirus.

The 24-year-old was diagnosed Tuesday in southern Seoul, according to the Korea Joongang Daily newspaper.

The flight attendant had worked flights between LAX and Seoul–Incheon International Airport on Feb. 19 and 20, according to South Korean media outlets.

The woman also serviced a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel, to Seoul on Feb. 15, South Korea’s Center for Disease Control said. She may have contracted the virus from a South Korean church group who were on a pilgrimage to Israel, the Yonghap News Agency reports.

So far, 30 members of that church group have been diagnosed with coronavirus, according to South Korean health authorities.

Korean Air has closed its operations center at Incheon Airport in order to disinfect the area.

Rest - https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2020/02/26/korean-air-flight-attendant-working-lax-flights-diagnosed-with-coronavirus/

02-26-2020, 05:10 PM
CHINA’s own scientists conclude the CoVid-19 coronavirus did not originate in the Wuhan seafood market


A state-run Chinese media outlet has announced to the world that – big shocker! – the communist regime of China may not be telling the truth about the actual origins of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19).

The Global Times of China published a story about a new study entitled, “New Chinese study indicates novel coronavirus did not originate in Huanan seafood market,” published in the journal ChinaXiv, that links the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) to something else other than that infamous seafood market.

Patient zero, which the study doesn’t identify, is lurking somewhere out there with the evidence needed to trace the virus back to its true source, the study suggests. But as of right now, nobody knows the identify of patient zero, and may never know, which means the whole thing remains a mystery.

By conducting an analysis of genome-wide data, the researchers involved with the study were able to determine that the official story surrounding the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) is questionable, at best. It simply wouldn’t have been possible for tainted seafood to ignite this crisis based on the available evidence, in other words.

“The study believes that patient zero – who has not yet been identified, and whose identity holds the key to unraveling the mystery of the coronavirus source – transmitted the virus to workers or sellers at the Huanan seafood market,” reports Zero Hedge.

“The crowded market facilitated the further transmission of the virus to buyers, which caused a wider spread in early December 2019. According to the researchers, the new coronavirus experienced two sudden population expansions, including one on January 6, 2020, which was related to the Chinese New Year’s Day holiday.”

Community spread of coronavirus was already occurring before it hit the Huanan seafood market

Based on what’s been uncovered, human-to-human transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) was already occurring as far back as November, and simply sped up by the time it reached the Huanan seafood market, the paper contends.

In countries like Australia, France, Japan and the United States, experts have identified at least two different sources of infection. In the U.S. specifically, there are reportedly at least five different sources of infection.

Because the communist Chinese regime took its time in issuing the appropriate emergency response to the pandemic, and also failed to get the message out quickly to as many Chinese people as possible, the number of cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) increased dramatically.

“While the Chinese report did not go so far as to offer alternative theories where the virus may have originated, we find it amusing that the very first comment to the Global Times article is a rather tongue-in-cheek suggestion of what the real answer may be,” reports Zero Hedge, presumably referring to the following comment:

“Must have started in the top secret bioweapons building round the corner then.”

This is the same alternative theory put forth by the New York Post, which surmised that the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) probably leaked from a Chinese laboratory like its only level-4 biosafety facility, which just so happens to exist in the city of Wuhan.

“China has unleashed a plague on its own people,” the Post concluded. “It’s too early to say how many in China and other countries will ultimately die for the failures of their country’s state-run microbiology labs, but the human cost will be high.”


02-27-2020, 08:47 AM
BOMBSHELL: Fewer than 600 people “officially” tested for coronavirus in the entire United States; massive cover-up under way as 47 U.S. states have tested ZERO people


With each passing day of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s becoming more and more clear that the United States is following the “Wuhan plan” for how to contain coronavirus infections: Avoiding testing people, and you can then avoid reporting any “confirmed infections.”

Given the tens of thousands of Chinese nationals entering the United States of America every month, the thousands of Chinese students and the many thousands of residents who are under “observation” by state health authorities in places like Washington and California, a reasonable person might expect that the CDC has so far tested at least 10,000 people for the CoVid-19 coronavirus. But guess how many the CDC has actually tested?

To the great shock of anyone paying attention, the CDC’s own website admits the agency has tested only 414 people in the entire country.

MORE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-23-fewer-than-600-people-tested-for-coronavirus-in-the-entire-united-states-cdc.html

02-27-2020, 08:53 AM
Just heard a doctor interviewed on Fox News say that "most people, if infected, can sit out the virus at home and be just fine." So that reinforces what I've heard before, and that's that only the very old and weak are dying from the Coronavirus. In fact, more people die of the Flu that get infected than do the Coronavirus. I think we could be getting very worked up about nothing, because this doesn't even add up to being as deadly as the yearly Flu season. I think the Ebola and such were much greater threats.

02-27-2020, 02:34 PM
BOMBSHELL: Fewer than 600 people “officially” tested for coronavirus in the entire United States; massive cover-up under way as 47 U.S. states have tested ZERO people

I'm reading conflicting info on this one and that irritates me, as that means someone is lying, or incompetent, or both.

First warnings make me think they obviously aren't fully prepared for this, or at least certain areas/hospitals are not. Shit better be show massive improvement or there will be serious consequences once this thing starts hitting badly.


HHS Secretary Alex Azar: 3,625 Patients Tested by CDC for Coronavirus So Far – 40 Labs Across US Able to Test for Virus Starting Tomorrow

Health and Human Services Secretary Alexander Azar testified before Congress on Thursday morning.

Azar told lawmakers CDC test kits for coronavirus will be distributed today and 40 labs across the US will be able to test for the virus starting tomorrow.

93 US labs will be able to test for the virus starting Monday.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/hhs-secretary-alex-azar-3625-patients-tested-by-cdc-for-coronavirus-so-far-40-labs-across-us-able-to-test-for-virus-starting-tomorrow/

California Coronavirus Patient Went to Hospital Last Week But was NOT TESTED By CDC Despite Requests from Local Health Officials

A person in northern California who has not traveled internationally recently came down with coronavirus this week.
The patient did not have contact with any known people with coronavirus.

Doctors do not know how he caught the virus or from whom.

And now this —
The patient was sent home last week after he went to the hospital.
And the CDC refused requests to check him for coronavirus despite requests from local health officials.




Abbey Marie
02-27-2020, 03:13 PM
With underlying health issues, I am thinking I wouldn’t fare so well. My main concern at this point, though, is what I will do if I cannot get my meds because so much is made in China. I currently get just a 30-day supply. I wonder if I should call my doc and ask her for 90 day scrips?

Also, generally, what do you all keep for emergency food and water supplies? I have some of both, but I think they expire after 5 years.

02-27-2020, 04:15 PM
Trick to staying healthy: wash your hands often.

Abbey Marie
02-27-2020, 05:00 PM
Trick to staying healthy: wash your hands often.

I agree it’s very important, but you need the people around you to do the same.

02-27-2020, 05:34 PM
With underlying health issues, I am thinking I wouldn’t fare so well. My main concern at this point, though, is what I will do if I cannot get my meds because so much is made in China. I currently get just a 30-day supply. I wonder if I should call my doc and ask her for 90 day scrips?

Also, generally, what do you all keep for emergency food and water supplies? I have some of both, but I think they expire after 5 years.
Call your doctor, current advice seems to be to have a 90 day supply on hand, while you keep the monthly prescription going.

If you have food and water for 5 years, I would think that would be fine. Personally wouldn't want to hang around that long if it meant no contact with others. To each their own with that.

02-27-2020, 06:44 PM
Trick to staying healthy: wash your hands often.
Thanks for popping on bro, especially with that comment because I couldn't agree MORE.

I don't get out a whole lot, but even around here in little Podunk town, I wash my hands IMMEDIATELY when I get home, and I use the saniwipes on the carts in stores before I grab the handle.

02-28-2020, 08:39 AM
Chinese state media finally admitting official coronavirus count is a lie


In a shocking turn of events, Caixin, a state-run media outlet in communist China, has finally fessed up about the mass underreporting of coronavirus deaths in Wuhan, ground-zero for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) pandemic.

Confirming what we and others in the independent media have been saying for weeks now, Caixin published an exposé addressing the major discrepancy between the official numbers and the actual numbers, which one doctor based out of Hunan says is a factor of 50 to one.

For every 50 actual deaths, in other words, communist China is only reporting one death, which means the true Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) death count is substantially higher than what the world is being told.

Of particular concern are the number of deaths occurring in prisons and nursing homes, which are almost going completely unnoticed as the communist Chinese regime focuses almost exclusively on what’s going on in Wuhan’s hospitals.

We know that Chinese authorities missed some 500 cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) that emerged in a handful of prisons located both in and out of Hubei, which prompted some journalists and local officials to take a closer look at the situation.

Amazingly, one local nursing home that sits just blocks away from the Huanan seafood market where the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) was initially said to have emerged has seen a sharp increase in the number of deaths among its patients – the highest number of deaths in this short a period of time perhaps ever, some of its workers say.

In this particular nursing home, some 19 people have died since the outbreak first went public, and yet only one of them was attributed to the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19).

Since proper testing isn’t being conducted, in many cases, officials are getting away with blaming things like “pneumonia” or “infection” for this unusual uptick in deaths when, in all likelihood, they’re probably just undiagnosed Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) cases.

“A list of the dead at the social welfare facility obtained by Caixin showed 15 fatalities between Dec. 23 and Feb. 11 and four more Feb. 18,” the state-run news outlet reported. “Of the total of 19 fatalities, only the death of an 83-year-old male Feb. 15 was clearly linked to Covid-19.”

“Either others were attributed to infections, including six to lung infections and two deaths from shock caused by infection. The remaining 10 fatalities were reportedly from other causes, and five of them took place before Feb. 11 when the nursing home started testing for Covid-19.”

One of the nursing home deaths was a 27-year-old female in the prime of her life

While 18 of the 19 deaths during this time period occurred in people above the age of 80, and some in their 90s, with various preexisting conditions, keep in mind that the remaining death occurred in a 27-year-old woman who’s said to have had cholecystitis, or an inflamed gallbladder.

While this case wasn’t officially diagnosed as the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), it is highly suspect in light of all the others that more than likely were. It suggests that this deadly illness isn’t killing just the elderly, but also younger people in the prime of their lives.

“So, their 2,442 death count means at least 122,000 dead,” pointed out one Zero Hedge commenter about the 50-to-one discrepancy in China’s official death count.

“As far as I was concerned even four weeks ago, the ‘infected’ number they were giving was the actual death count,” wrote another.


02-28-2020, 08:47 AM
Solano County, where critically ill woman exposed dozens of hospital workers to the coronavirus, is home to Travis Air Force Base that tried to export infected patients to city near Los Angeles


The California county where a now-critically ill woman exposed dozens of hospital staffers to the coronavirus is also home to Travis Air Force Base, where infected Diamond Princess patients have been housed in a quarantine unit.

The woman was not tested for 11 days because the CDC continues to withhold testing kits from the entire country. California Gov. Newsom declared in a news conference today that California has “just a few hundred testing kits” that he called, “simply inadequate,” reports the SF Chronicle.

The independent media — Natural News, Zero Hedge, InfoWars and Peak Prosperity — has been hammering this point for well over a week, asking why near-zero testing of people is being conducted in America. The totally discredited mainstream media, which has downplayed this entire pandemic from day one, claims it’s a “conspiracy theory” to cite the CDC’s own numbers that show only 445 people have been tested in the entire country:

State-by-state testing numbers are now published on Pandemic.news, revealing that nearly all states have tested exactly zero people.

Although this point should be abundantly self-evident, if you don’t test anyone for the virus, you won’t find any evidence of infections.

The CDC continues to repeat they have “no evidence of community outbreaks” in America — a goal that’s easy to achieve when you aren’t testing anyone.

Travis Air Force Base tried to export infected patients to Costa Mesa, near Los Angeles

Last week, Travis Air Force base attempted to secretly export up to 50 infected patients to the Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa, utterly without any approval of Costa Mesa city leaders. The Fairview center was built to house neurologically impaired adults and has no biocontainment facilities whatsoever. The center has a history of mysterious deaths, violent assaults on patients and even patient rapes. Over 43% of the patients there are given hypnotic drugs, according to public records.

When city officials became aware of the Air Force plan to relocate infected patients there, they balked and filed a federal lawsuit, demanding a judge grant a temporary restraining order to halt the action:

Here’s what the lawsuit document says:

Statement of Facts:

Defendants intend to relocate from 35-50 patients already diagnosed with the Coronavirus from a secure location on Travis Air Force Base, where they are isolated from population centers, to Costa Mesa, a densely population city within a county of over 3 million. (Dempsey Decl. ??2, 6-7). And they plan to do so without first determining the suitability of the facility where the individuals will be housed. The Defendants’ plan was announced at the eleventh hour, with no efforts to include local government leaders or local public health officials. (Id.). Indeed, State officials demanded to know why local emergency personnel notified City leaders at all of the plan to introduce people with a deadly and highly communicable disease into the community.

As we point out in this previous story, the reason Travis Air Force Base needed to export infected patients is because the Air Force base has been overrun with infected patients.

They’ve run out of biocontainment beds, in other words, because California is experiencing a sustained, rapidly multiplying coronavirus outbreak that the CDC knows all about but chooses to hide from the public.

In fact, DHS, the FDA, the CDC and the NIH are all well aware that America’s cities are about to be hit with thousands of coronavirus infections. It’s already beyond containment in the United States, and the public has been lied to from day one.

Only the independent media has been reporting the truth about this virus, and Big Tech is making sure all indy media sources are banned in order to “control the narrative.”


02-28-2020, 09:28 AM
Open borders politicians in Europe are contributing to the spread of Wuhan coronavirus the same way they allowed their countries to be invaded by refugees


Left-wing political ideology is going to be the death of Europe someday, and probably within most of our lifetimes.

A few years ago, the continent’s various countries threw open their doors to waves and waves of mostly Muslim refugees from the war-torn Middle East and North Africa, flooding their cities with people who simply do not share their values or their historic Christian faith.

The results have been predictable: Cities in France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, and Britain where large immigrant communities were formed have become ‘no-go zones’ for birthright citizens. Crime and violence has gotten so bad in some of these regions that police no longer patrol them.

Now, that same open-borders mentality is exposing hundreds of millions of Europeans to Wuhan coronavirus, as Summit News reports:

Even as the coronavirus begins to spread around the continent, EU officials have steadfastly refused to implement border controls, insisting that the sanctity of open borders is more important.

The number of confirmed cases in Italy has soared from 3 to 322 in the space of just five days, with 10 deaths, but authorities insist that the Schengen Area, which abolishes passport checks and border controls between 26 European states, must not be compromised.

And, the news site reports, even though some 50,000 citizens in Lombardy and Veneto are under internal lockdown, there are no such policies in place for national borders.

In Italy, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte refuses to implement border control and security measures, lamely claiming that they wouldn’t do anything to stop the spread of the virus or contain it. That response prompted former Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini to demand that Conte resign “if he isn’t able to defend Italy and Italians.”

But other Italian officials are aligned with Conte’s government.

“We agreed to keep borders open, closing borders would be a disproportionate and ineffective measure at this time,” Health Minister Roberto Speranza also told reporters in Rome on Tuesday.

RT reported that borders will remain open even though Italy is now confirmed to be a major source of the virus spreading into neighboring European countries.

Spreading throughout Europe

“Nearly a dozen towns have been quarantined across the northern Italian regions of Lombardy and Veneto, and supplies across the north have run low. Public events have been cancelled, and panicked shoppers have stripped supermarket shelves of provisions,” the Russian news site reported.

By mid-week, RT noted, the number of confirmed coronavirus victims in Spain rose to seven. Before then, a German tourist and a British man tested positive for the virus on the Canary Islands and in Mallorca, respectively, though both have now been discharged from hospitals.

On Tuesday, Switzerland and Austria, which border Italy to the north, confirmed their first cases of the virus.

“The Swiss patient, a 70-year-old man, had returned from an event in Milan two weeks ago. Across the Alps in Austria, a young Italian couple tested positive for the illness after entering Austria from Bergamo in Italy on Friday,” RT reported.

Two additional cases have cropped up in France, as well. One patient recently returned from Italy while the other from China.

The World Health Organization has declared the outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern,” while WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters on Monday that the virus has “pandemic potential” — though we believe it’s already reached that level.

And in the U.S., health officials have also said they believe the potential for a major outbreak exists.

“Widespread transmission of COVID-19 in the United States would translate into large numbers of people needing medical care at the same time,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters.


02-28-2020, 05:13 PM
Coronavirus update for Feb 28: Mexico confirms infection, stocks puke, U.S. labs to finally begin testing Americans next week after 3-week CDC delay


Updated for Feb. 28th: As we publicly predicted would happen four weeks ago, the coronavirus is exploding around the world. Today, the number of new infections outside China exceeds the number of infections reported inside China.

Here are the highlights of what’s happening so far:

– California looks set to explode into another Italy scenario as local, human-to-human transmission now appears to be taking place in Solano County, where a woman now critically ill with the coronavirus previously exposed dozens of hospital workers in two hospitals. She was not tested for 11 days because the CDC’s testing flow chart — exactly as we’ve been warning for over a week — excludes the testing of people who contract the virus in America and who didn’t visit China.

– The Governor of California stated yesterday that California has only around 200 test kits for the entire state. To this very day, there is virtually zero testing of anyone happening in the entire United States — a fact that many people still are unable to believe (they remain in total denial). The SF Chronicle also confirms this story.

– According to a highly disturbing Wall Street Journal story, federal employees who ran the quarantine sites in California and elsewhere failed to wear proper protective equipment (PPE) and also weren’t trained in how to handle people exposed to the virus. Most disturbingly, as the WSJ subhead says, “Employees weren’t tested for virus before leaving California quarantine sites on commercial flights.”


02-28-2020, 05:18 PM
COVID-19 outbreak hits drug factories, pharmaceutical shortage now inevitable


Drug factories are potentially the next “collateral damage” of the COVID-19 outbreak.

This is after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Thursday that a manufacturer alerted the agency about a disruption in its supply of a certain human drug.

FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn said the shortage is due to an issue with the production of an “active pharmaceutical ingredient” (API) used in the drug. According to Hahn, the still-unnamed manufacturer has confirmed that the shortage was traced to a site hit by the coronavirus.

Hahn, in a statement published on the FDA website, said the agency is now working with the manufacturer – as well as several others – in a bid to mitigate the shortage.

The FDA previously announced that it has kept in touch with over 180 manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, reminding the companies to evaluate their entire supply chain, with particular emphasis on the supply of their products’ APIs.

In addition, the agency said this week that it has identified about 20 drugs that either source all of their main ingredients from, or are finished in China, and that it has contacted their manufacturers to gauge if they would face shortages in light of the COVID-19 outbreak.

As noted by a CBS report, antibiotics such as amoxicillin, doxycycline, penicillin and other key drugs are at risk of running low since 90 percent of their core components are sourced from China. (Related: Desperate scientists inject monkeys with coronavirus to create vaccine.)

Is Big Pharma beholden to China?

This looming shortage is the exact scenario feared by writer Rosemary Gibson, who highlighted America’s dependence on China for medicine in her book “China Rx.”

Gibson, who has long advocated for the rebuilding of domestic drug production capabilities in order to safeguard the U.S. from a disruptive event like the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, is also a senior adviser to the Hastings Center, a bioethics research institute based in the USA.

“We have a couple of perfect storms that are colliding. Large parts of China are locked down. People are not going to work. They are not making essential medicines and even if they were made, transportation routes are blocked,” Gibson said in an interview with CBS MoneyWatch.

According to Gibson, one of her fears is that China could begin nationalizing and hoarding medicines that would otherwise be exported to the U.S. and other countries.

“Whatever supply of essential medicines China has is needed to care for Chinese people that are suffering. It means we in the US are not going to have as much as we thought we would. It’s very scary,” Gibson said in her interview.

Presently, the U.S. relies heavily on China when it comes to drugs and the ingredients needed for their production. In fact, according to the FDA, China, as of 2018, ranked second among the countries that exported drugs to the U.S.

In addition to medicines and their APIs, China also produces and exports numerous FDA-approved medical supply components such as insulin pumps, MRI machines, catheters and dental implants.

China’s hold on the global pharmaceutical industry is so deeply entrenched that according to Jayasree Iyer, executive director at the Access to Medicine Foundation, a non-profit organization that analyzes the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, it would be very difficult for a foreign buyer like the U.S. to replace Chinese API supplies in the event of a substantial supply chain disruption, such as the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak which, as of press time, has already infected 83,368 and killed 2,858 people worldwide.


03-01-2020, 09:03 AM
It never fails. Doesn't matter what the president does, the democrat trash machine will smear the president.


Democrats Smear Trump with More Lies, This Time Regarding Coronavirus

With the coronavirus being a hot topic it’s no surprise that the Democrats are attempting to use it to their advantage, creating false allegations against the Trump administration.
During the Democratic debate on Tuesday night former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg made allegations that a pandemic specialist had been fired at the White House and that funding was being cut for the Centers for Disease Control.

Bloomberg even tried to blame Trump for the spread of the coronavirus despite the fact that there are less than 60 cases in the United States with a majority of the cases coming from individuals who were on the Diamond Cruise ship.

After fact checking Bloomberg’s claims about pandemic specialist being fired it was discovered that the specialist left voluntarily during a restructuring of the National Security Council. The alleged budget cuts were proposed not enacted and the proposal came down as the CDC was winding down its response to Ebola.

While Democrats might feel that President Trump’s response to coronavirus is less than adequate they need to check their facts before making false allegations.

Plus they seem to be overlooking what he has done right. Despite the fact that he overlooked protocol when shutting down travel to China, that decision has likely prevented a larger outbreak and has given the government more time to prepare should an outbreak occur here in the United States.


03-01-2020, 09:58 AM
CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier says the coronavirus pandemic will spread in the USA, a matter of “when” not “if” … while Trump urges everybody to keep buying (overbought) stocks


When listening to the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier warn about the coming pandemic outbreaks across America, you no longer have to read between the lines.

She’s just flat out saying it now: It’s coming. Get prepared. If you aren’t prepared, you’re a fool.

“Now is the time for businesses, hospitals, communities, schools and everyday people to begin preparing,” Dr. Messonnier recently told reporters on a conference call, according to CNBC. “We are asking the American public to work with us to prepare for the expectation that this could be bad.”

The Wall Street Journal adds this unambiguous statement that needs no interpretation:

“We expect we will see community spread in this country,” meaning the virus circulating within local communities, said Dr. Messonnier. She added that the question isn’t if the virus will expand in the U.S., but when.

The coronavirus is coming to America… it’s no longer a question of “if”

Thus, it’s only a matter of time before the coronavirus spreads in America. And with one case already testing positive in Brazil, we now have the coronavirus on a whole new continent.

Over the last 48 hours, the pandemic accelerated rapidly, moving into 8 new countries. It has now been detected in Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Iraq, Spain, Algeria, Austria, Brazil, Italy, Australia, Malaysia, France, Vietnam, Canada, Kuwait, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, USA, Egypt, Finland, Belgium, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Israel, Cambodia, Nepal, Oman, Afghanistan, Philippines and China.

Such a vast, global spread would be impossible if the virus were “contained” as the communist-run WHO continues to falsely claim. (Notably, Google refers all searches on coronavirus to the WHO so that its official lies dominate the narrative.)

This pandemic is so far beyond containment that the question of it going global is already answered. Yes, it’s global. And no, it won’t be contained.

President Trump and Rush Limbaugh are trying to tell everyone it’s no big deal and the WHO has it under control

Both President Trump and Rush Limbaugh are working overtime to downplay the severity of this global pandemic. Rush says it’s no worse than the flu, while President Trump has scheduled a press conference this evening at 6pm Eastern to tell America that there’s no reason to panic and everybody should buy more (overpriced) stocks.

Rush and Trump, it seems, are all-in with the “everything’s awesome” bandwagon, while the independent media (InfoWars, ZeroHedge, Natural News, etc.) are doing the math and warning that this pandemic could be devastating to the U.S. economy and the health of its citizens.

Further complicating this issue is the newly uncovered fact that the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier is reportedly the sister of Rod Rosenstein, part of the anti-Trump conspiracy coup gang that tried to overturn the 2016 election and remove Trump from office. But Rosenstein, notably, is widely reported to be cooperating with AG William Barr and may be providing testimony to help indict other deep state traitors such as James Comey (we’re not holding our breath that anybody gets indicted… too early to tell).

At this point, there are so many conflicting stories, theories and narratives that it’s nauseating to try to navigate the “truth” about all the motivations and agendas here.

So keep it simple. What’s undeniable is that the virus is spreading globally at a breathtaking pace.

It’s also undeniable that the CDC has prohibited nearly all coronavirus testing by U.S. states and local hospitals, meaning there’s virtually no testing taking place anywhere in America.

In my view, the CDC is setting a trap for Trump by getting him to address the nation and tell everyone it’s all under control. Once the testing actually resumes in America, we’ll see hundreds (if not thousands) of cases exploding overnight, and the media will pounce on Trump, blaming him for incompetence and a lack of action to stop the pandemic.

And if you want another conspiracy layer to consider on top of everything else, I wouldn’t even be surprised if some particularly wretched Democrat operatives are spreading the virus on purpose, contributing to the eventual spike of cases in America that can all be blamed on Trump. The Dems can’t wait to blame Trump for people dropping dead in the streets from the coronavirus… and San Francisco just declared a state of emergency, by the way, even though they claim there are no infections in the city so far. (Huh?)

Dr. Messonnier, once again, seems to be telling the truth (for the moment) when she says this pandemic is coming to America. That part seems inevitable.

We already have confirmation from a Homeland Security source that there are over 1,000 confirmed infections in America, and that number is over a week old. Given the roughly 3.5-day doubling period of this virus when left uncontained, that means we might already have > 4000 infections in the United States.

And Trump is about to tell America everything’s under control?

It’s a Trump trap.

In fact, I think the spread of the coronavirus in the United States is deliberate. Listen to the evidence in this podcast, below. Hear all my podcasts (now posting 3 per day) at Pandemic.news or Brighteon.com:


It's a simple, and, I would've thought, very obvious step to take: draconian measures are necessary, RIGHT NOW, to safeguard against spread of this virus from Europe. There's been an explosion of cases in Italy, and many European countries (my own included) are reporting that cases are building in each. The EU's braindead ideological insistence upon porous borders across all EU countries (nothing has been done to reverse it, except maybe by Italy) cannot help but boost the virus's spread.

You're probably best off just banning all travel from Europe to the US (would Canada follow suit ?).

03-01-2020, 10:52 AM
It's a simple, and, I would've thought, very obvious step to take: draconian measures are necessary, RIGHT NOW, to safeguard against spread of this virus from Europe. There's been an explosion of cases in Italy, and many European countries (my own included) are reporting that cases are building in each. The EU's braindead ideological insistence upon porous borders across all EU countries (nothing has been done to reverse it, except maybe by Italy) cannot help but boost the virus's spread.

You're probably best off just banning all travel from Europe to the US (would Canada follow suit ?).
Can't Britain decided what to do with it's own borders since BREXIT?

03-01-2020, 12:06 PM
Well THIS sounds ominous...


“Recovered” coronavirus patients in China are testing positive a second time

It has come to our attention that supposed recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) doesn’t necessarily mean that a previously infected person is fully in the clear.

New reports suggest that at least 14 percent of former coronavirus patients who appear to have overcome the novel infection end up contracting it a second time after being released from medical care.

This is what’s happening to many former patients who were previously discharged from hospitals throughout South China’s Guangdong province as they’re reportedly testing positive for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) a second time in follow-up visits, an ominous foreboding for the future of full containment.

These secondary infections point to the fact that supposedly recovered patients are actually still carrying around the virus even if their symptoms are gone, adding another level of complexity to an already difficult situation.

According to Song Tie, deputy director of the Guangdong Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Guangdong CDC), nobody knows why this is happening and whether or not such patients are still infectious. If they are, then this global emergency is even more severe than previously believed.

The latest National Health Commission treatment guidelines state that Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) patients are to be considered fully recovered, and thus released from hospitals, once throat or nose swabs show up negative in two consecutive tests. A CT scan must also show that there are no lung lesions present, and no obvious symptoms such as fever.

Patients in the official “recovered” category are still instructed to continue monitoring their health and limiting outdoor activities for at least two weeks after leaving the hospital, as well as checking in for retests in the following weeks.

Listen below as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, warns about how the tens of millions of unprepared people throughout America are actually a bigger threat than the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) itself:


So far, secondary coronavirus infections don’t appear to be transmissible
The only bit of good news, here, is that these secondary cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) appear to be asymptomatic, at least so far. Other associated testing has shown that, so far, among those who tested positive a second time for the Wuhan coronavirus, their close contacts are not testing positive for the disease.

What this all suggests on the surface is that secondary Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) infections may not be transmissible, with an emphasis on the word may. Time will tell as to whether or not this is patently true across the board, or if these handful of patients tested simply got lucky.

Since most of these secondary positive test results were obtained with anal swabs, a rarely used testing method, there are also questions as to its accuracy. Experts say the positive test results obtained from this method have all been “weak positive” results.

The reason for these anal swabs is that Guangzhou Medical University had previously identified the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) in fecal samples, which suggests that the disease may be spreading through feces.

Those patients who’ve tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) a second time in Guangdong are reportedly being put under concentrated observation. Health authorities have also indicated that they are planning to step up their monitoring protocols for first-time patients who are discharged as being recovered.

In Guangdong, there are now at least 1,347 confirmed infections of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), along with at least 805 alleged recoveries.

Over in the southern island province of Hainan, officials there are also confirming secondary infections of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), which is why the rule there is to have all discharged patients remain under home quarantine for at least another 14 days. After this time period, if both throat and anal swabs turn up negative, then patients are free to return back to normal society.

More of the latest coronavirus news is available at Pandemic.news.


03-01-2020, 12:21 PM
Travelers appalled by lack of screening at NYC airports amid coronavirus outbreak


With the coronavirus outbreak exploding around the world, with thousands of confirmed cases in over 40 different countries, international travelers are concerned about the safety measures being practiced to contain the virus and quell the aggressive spread. At the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, passengers looking to get through the immigration process as quickly as possible are appalled by the lack of proper screening conducted by airport employees, especially compared to the procedures done in the countries they had just left.

Emily Ferrara and Blair Haworth are two students returning from Florence, Italy, where their study program was canceled due to the virus outbreak. As reported by Natural News, Italy has about 896 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the second largest outbreak outside of China. However, CBS revealed that these students were never questioned about anything related to the virus once they landed in New York City.

“We didn’t even get checked. Like we’re used to being in Florence where you get your temperature checked. Here they didn’t do anything, which is kind of crazy,” Ferrara said. “Considering, like, how much the cases have spread so fast, like, they should definitely be taking more precautions here.”

Currently, only passengers arriving from Wuhan, China – ground zero of the coronavirus outbreak – are being screened at select airports around the United States, including JFK Airport, San Francisco International, O’Hare International in Chicago, and a number of other international airports. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar claimed that the Trump administration is expanding the number of airports conducting screening from five to 20. However, there is still no information as to whether LaGuardia and Newark airports – two of the closest international entry points to NYC – would be part of the additional 15.

Preparing for the coronavirus

As of writing, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in NYC, although 27 people have been tested for the virus and 700 individuals have opted to self-quarantine as a safety precaution.

COVID-19 is a flu-like disease caused by a member of the coronavirus family that is closely related to the SARS and MERS viruses that have caused outbreaks in the past. The disease is caused by a virus designated as SARS-CoV-2 by the Coronavirus Study Group (CSG) of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. COVID, on the other hand, is short for “coronavirus disease.” Those with confirmed cases reported symptoms such as coughing, fever and shortness of breath. However, severe cases of COVID-19 can lead to pneumonia and death. (Related: Harvard Professor: As much as 70% of the global population will catch coronavirus.)

To prepare for a virus outbreak that the CDC claimed to be inevitable, NYC officials are scrambling to make plans to lessen the impact of the virus. NYC mayor Bill de Blasio said Wednesday that the city is working toward acquiring at least 1,200 brand new hospital beds to be available throughout the city specifically for affected patients.

“We’re in a state of high vigilance, high readiness all across city government to address this crisis,” de Blasio said in a report by CBS.

De Blasio is also looking to acquire at least 300,000 more surgical masks after distributing about 1.5 million masks to hospitals, healthcare centers and first responders, including the New York Police Department (NYPD). Finally, de Blasio requested the CDC to expand its screening of travelers that arrive at international airports from Italy, South Korea and Japan, among others.

“Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand. Anyone needs to be screened and if they have symptoms they need to be quarantined,” de Blasio said.


03-01-2020, 01:51 PM
Can't Britain decided what to do with it's own borders since BREXIT?

Consider the timing involved, with 31st January the cutoff date.

It would've been possible for an infected European to get to our shores in the final days before 31st January, incubate the virus without symptoms appearing before mid-February, spreading it around during that time ... and, symptoms among our own people would only be appearing, NOW.

As of yet, we've had two cases out of the known 35 where our people must've contracted the virus within the UK. They've only just appeared AS cases to consider. [Which fits the pattern, I'd say ....]

The others are all our own people, UK citizens, returning to the UK from virus hotspots such as Italy, Iran, Singapore, some from China. Our biggest problem to date has been whether our own citizens are returning here, infected.

BUT ... as for what we can now do with our borders, well, we're going through a transition period between Brexit Day and working out what our precise form of relationship with Europe, in future, will be. So this isn't quite as cut-and-dried an issue as you'd think it would be !!

See this ...


If you’re an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen ... what you’ll need to enter the UK will not change until at least 2021.

EU, EEA and Swiss citizens can continue to travel to the UK for holidays or short-term trips, without needing a visa.

You’ll need to show a valid passport or a national identity card if you’re a citizen of either:

an EU country

Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland

There will be no change to travel document requirements this year. We may stop accepting national ID cards for entry to the UK for EEA and Swiss citizens after 2020. We’ll announce further details, including the date for this change, in advance to allow travellers good time to plan their trips.

In any case, the 'free movement of people across the EU' basically refers to the right any EU citizen had to go to work in another EU country, or to go and live in another EU country. Citizens of EU member countries can treat other EU Member State countries as though they were their own. People can still travel here as easily as before, as tourists (except for showing a passport; necessary now, not necessary before Brexit).

The real issue is whether our people are willing to close our borders to EU people. So far, our Government has shown no willingness to do that ... all they do is issue warnings about the countries WE are advised not to visit.

03-01-2020, 03:37 PM
Consider the timing involved, with 31st January the cutoff date.

It would've been possible for an infected European to get to our shores in the final days before 31st January, incubate the virus without symptoms appearing before mid-February, spreading it around during that time ... and, symptoms among our own people would only be appearing, NOW.

As of yet, we've had two cases out of the known 35 where our people must've contracted the virus within the UK. They've only just appeared AS cases to consider. [Which fits the pattern, I'd say ....]

The others are all our own people, UK citizens, returning to the UK from virus hotspots such as Italy, Iran, Singapore, some from China. Our biggest problem to date has been whether our own citizens are returning here, infected.

BUT ... as for what we can now do with our borders, well, we're going through a transition period between Brexit Day and working out what our precise form of relationship with Europe, in future, will be. So this isn't quite as cut-and-dried an issue as you'd think it would be !!

See this ...


In any case, the 'free movement of people across the EU' basically refers to the right any EU citizen had to go to work in another EU country, or to go and live in another EU country. Citizens of EU member countries can treat other EU Member State countries as though they were their own. People can still travel here as easily as before, as tourists (except for showing a passport; necessary now, not necessary before Brexit).

The real issue is whether our people are willing to close our borders to EU people. So far, our Government has shown no willingness to do that ... all they do is issue warnings about the countries WE are advised not to visit.
China is now claiming that the number of infected people is going DOWN, but I posted an article above that states the "cured" victims are testing POSITIVE for the virus still... what a mess.

I wonder how bad it will have to get in Europe before they realize that your open borders agenda is going to have to be suspended?

Abbey Marie
03-01-2020, 04:05 PM
Hopefully Brexit wasn’t too late.

03-01-2020, 05:02 PM
I wouldn't listen to a thing China says. Their pollution is the lowest in decades and has been falling since mid-December-meaning that is when enough of their factories were closed or slowed down enough to make drastic differences.

03-02-2020, 09:42 AM
If catching this coronavirus isn't bad enough to think about catching it form other people, what about money, or something you ordered online? It just gets worse and worse...


How long can the new coronavirus last on surfaces?

Some coronaviruses can linger on surfaces for up to 9 days.

China's central bank is taking steps to deep clean and even destroy its cash out of fears that the new coronavirus can survive on the surface of money and potentially spread, according to CNN.

But how long can the new coronavirus linger on surfaces, anyway? The short answer is, we don't know. But if this new coronavirus resembles other human coronaviruses, such as its "cousins" that cause SARS and MERS, it can stay on surfaces — such as metal, glass or plastic — for as long as nine days, according to a new study. (In comparison, flu viruses can last on surfaces for only about 48 hours.)

In the new study, researchers analyzed several dozen previously published papers on human coronaviruses (other than the new coronavirus) to get a better idea of how long they can survive outside of the body. The authors found that these coronaviruses can linger on surfaces for over a week but that some of them don't remain active for as long at temperatures higher than 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius). The authors also found that these coronaviruses can be effectively wiped away by household disinfectants.


03-02-2020, 09:59 AM
I just have a GUT FEELING that this going to get a LOT worse before it gets better. I don't think we have any real idea how many cases there are because we don't have enough test kits, and we have no real idea how many people are infected that aren't showing symptoms yet, or not showing any at all but are carrying and spreading the virus. We're behind in this game, we're still playing catch up. Not enough test kits, people coming and going from foreign countries and not being checked, the virus found in a Post Office, and how much infected stuff did that person touch that got sent out?

IDK... it all just adds up to one incredible bad mess. I can see grocery store shelves going bare because of quarantines, pockets of shear panic and people getting a little crazy, and I mean around the globe. I don't think all our societies are ready for a financial catastrophe, or food supply interruption, or any type of deliveries, I think one will run into the other and effect it and the whole thing will suffer a cascading failure, and if it does... well... no one will be laughing at those stupid preppers anymore.

03-02-2020, 10:38 AM
China is now claiming that the number of infected people is going DOWN, but I posted an article above that states the "cured" victims are testing POSITIVE for the virus still... what a mess.

Interesting, because, if China's claim was actually correct, it would point to the widely accepted status quo as to where it all originated, being true. Viruses have a certain life / potency expectancy, after which they decline and (hopefully) disappear. So if China is experiencing that decline, this points to China as being the source .. which wouldn't help certain conspiracy theories ?

I wonder how bad it will have to get in Europe before they realize that your open borders agenda is going to have to be suspended?

I think it'll go this way: the EU considers it doctrinally sacrosanct to maintain the 'open borders' diktat. After all, they want to sell it as a 'We're all united, we're all chums, we as the EU are one entity only' state of affairs. The psychology behind maintaining that will, from the EU's point of view (i.e those running the whole edifice), be an invaluable necessity just to help instill the 'unity' thinking. They'll never abandon it if they can help it.

For now .. as countries know new infections and see these skyrocket in the coming weeks ... they'll put territories into lockdown, or close borders, but they'll see it as a temporary measure that's forced upon them. The longer-term lesson necessary to best safeguard their citizens (to say nothing of everybody else) will NOT be learned.

The control-freaking heart of the EU's hierarchy will see to that.

Indeed ... they might even argue an opposite proposition, one in line with their eventual objective. They could say, 'If all Member States are prepared to see the EU as just one entity, and forget nationalistic divisions (e.g their very national identity !), we can better coordinate future responses to virus outbreaks, if ONLY they all surrender power to the Almighty EU Parliament.'

Where you've got Leftie-inspired fanaticism, you'll never see realism take hold, if it can possibly be denied. Power is more important to them than that.

That's what I think. I'm sure I'll be proved right. The EU, having established doctrine, will never surrender it.

03-02-2020, 11:40 AM
Interesting, because, if China's claim was actually correct, it would point to the widely accepted status quo as to where it all originated, being true. Viruses have a certain life / potency expectancy, after which they decline and (hopefully) disappear. So if China is experiencing that decline, this points to China as being the source .. which wouldn't help certain conspiracy theories ?

I think it'll go this way: the EU considers it doctrinally sacrosanct to maintain the 'open borders' diktat. After all, they want to sell it as a 'We're all united, we're all chums, we as the EU are one entity only' state of affairs. The psychology behind maintaining that will, from the EU's point of view (i.e those running the whole edifice), be an invaluable necessity just to help instill the 'unity' thinking. They'll never abandon it if they can help it.

For now .. as countries know new infections and see these skyrocket in the coming weeks ... they'll put territories into lockdown, or close borders, but they'll see it as a temporary measure that's forced upon them. The longer-term lesson necessary to best safeguard their citizens (to say nothing of everybody else) will NOT be learned.

The control-freaking heart of the EU's hierarchy will see to that.

Indeed ... they might even argue an opposite proposition, one in line with their eventual objective. They could say, 'If all Member States are prepared to see the EU as just one entity, and forget nationalistic divisions (e.g their very national identity !), we can better coordinate future responses to virus outbreaks, if ONLY they all surrender power to the Almighty EU Parliament.'

Where you've got Leftie-inspired fanaticism, you'll never see realism take hold, if it can possibly be denied. Power is more important to them than that.

That's what I think. I'm sure I'll be proved right. The EU, having established doctrine, will never surrender it.
Well... I wish you all the best over, and hope that maybe credence will be given to any voices of reason that may rise up to counter the embedded leftist thinking, which just might get a lot of you killed if followed.

03-02-2020, 11:27 PM
San Antonio mayor declares public health emergency after CDC officials mistakenly released a coronavirus quarantined patient: “We will hold them accountable”


Officials in San Antonio, Texas, were furious with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday after the agency ‘mistakenly’ released a patient who had been quarantined for having contracted the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Mayor Ron Nirenberg, in declaring a health emergency, blasted the agency for its negligence, calling it “unacceptable” and vowing to hold officials “accountable.”

“We will hold the CDC accountable to providing complete transparency for the public,” Nirenberg said in a statement a day earlier in a Facebook post.

According to the Austin-American Statesman, the mayor said that the patient had been quarantined and fully treated after contracting the virus. He also noted that after treatment the patient twice tested negative for the virus and thus was discharged from the Texas Center for Infectious Disease in San Antonio before a third test came back positive.

The patient — a woman, according to CNBC — “was among the 91 Americans evacuated from Wuhan and placed in federal, 14-day quarantine at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland.”

The Statesman said that the patient has since been returned to the facility and will undergo additional monitoring and testing. And of course, it’s likely that anyone the patient came in contact with will also now have to be quarantined and monitored.

“The fact that the CDC allowed the public to be exposed to a patient with a positive COVID-19 reading is unacceptable,” Nirenberg said in a statement. “This incident is exactly why we have been asking for federal officials to accept the guidance of our local medical community.”

In a separate statement, Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff said, “we will not experience the consequence of no action,” noting further that letters sent to the CDC raising new concerns about monitoring of suspected coronavirus patients and their quarantine procedures have thus far gone unanswered.

Declaring an emergency is no small thing.

The San Antonio declaration comes following a similar designation by Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee (D) after a man died from the virus, becoming the first in the nation to perish from the outbreak. The male victim was in his 50s and did have underlying health problems, but thus far health officials have determined he did had no history of travel or contact with anyone else who is known to have had the virus.

The San Antonio Express-News noted further that Nirenberg’s emergency declaration also orders all evacuees currently under quarantine to remain there for the time being.

And local ABC affiliate KXXV reported:

Mayor Nirenberg has declared that those who have been quarantined at Lackland will not be able to ingress into and travel through the City of San Antonio. Previously quarantined people will also not be allowed to enter San Antonio until further notice.

The state of disaster and public health emergency will last seven days unless continued or renewed by the San Antonio City Council.

One of the big mysteries about the coronavirus has been its ability to re-infect patients who contract it once. The re-infection rate is only about 14 percent or so, according to a report by Natural News, but that is still significant enough to cause health officials on the local and national level some problems, obviously.

It should be noted that the imposition of a state of emergency is no small thing, whether it’s done on a national level or on a state or local level. Not only do such declarations provide governing officials with extra powers, but such declarations inevitably a) cause people some extra jitters; b) cost communities extra funds that could have been put to use elsewhere; and c) can impinge on freedoms.

It’s unclear how long the San Antonio emergency declaration will last or others that are being imposed at various locations around the country. But what is clear is that the virus is becoming a bigger problem by the day.


03-03-2020, 08:16 AM
Hopefully Brexit wasn’t too late.

Already covered in another post ... though the answer, to the extent it even applies, is 'probably yes, it was'.

Brexit, where movement of EU peoples was concerned, addressed the porous nature of borders. Specifically, it was concerned with foreigners from other Member States having as much freedom to come and work here, and to set up home here, as they would in their country of origin.

Where the Coronavirus is concerned, it doesn't make much difference, Abbey. Tourism is still happening. The only real difference is that EU people wave their passports at our officials ... & that's basically it ! People are still entering our country.

In any event, our own citizens are returning from countries badly affected. Advice given ... go home, self-isolate if you think you're at high risk from having contracted it.

I heard a report a couple of days ago about a Brit returning here via Heathrow Airport, London. She approached an airport staff member to ask where she reports to, to get herself screened. The staff member looked at her blankly. There was NOBODY for her to see, in that airport. She was just waved through passport control.

03-03-2020, 09:44 AM
Following a press conference today, we're a lot clearer, now, on Government thinking and approach over this virus, here in the UK.

They're thinking of this as needing a four-stage approach. Stage one is still in effect ... attempted containment. Confirmed cases as of now are 51 ... a jump of 11 from yesterday, and steep rises are expected in the days ahead. Still, until or unless this really takes off in a big way, containment remains the current strategy.

'Worst case scenario' for this virus, should all measures fail, is to expect up to 80 percent of the UK's citizens to contract the virus at some stage, the vast majority recovering from what'll be only mild symptoms. [For some reason as yet unexplained, our officials are convinced the 80% figure cannot or will not be exceeded.] At the other end of the scale, around 20% of our population may become too ill to work.

Our police forces may find themselves so stretched that only major crime is given any attention, with more minor crime deliberately ignored.



Coronavirus latest: NHS to delay non-urgent care and police to drop low-priority cases in event of major outbreak. Emergency laws to tackle virus

Army on standby to help in outbreak

One in five 'may be too ill to work'

One in five employees may be too ill to work during a coronavirus outbreak this year, according to the Government’s battle plan which today put Britain on an unprecedented war footing against the growing threat.

It also disclosed that the police would be told to focus on “responding to serious crimes and maintaining public order” if the disease cuts through their ranks.

The Armed Forces will be on standby “to provide support to civil authorities if requested”.

The blueprint warns “there could well be an increase in deaths arising from the outbreak, particularly among vulnerable and elderly groups”.

Town halls are working on how to deal with a surge in funerals, including the need to keep bodies in storage if the system is overwhelmed.

03-04-2020, 10:24 AM
UK confirmed cases update: we now have 85 of them, an increase of 32 since yesterday.

29 of those 32 are people who had returned from abroad, from Corona virus 'hotspot' countries.

We're doing 'comparatively well' compared to Italy, Germany, France (so far). That said ....

... our Government has a 'resource' they call 'Cobra meetings'. Cobra is a designation of a meeting attended by key figures, its purpose being to address whatever emergency or severe security issue the UK faces at any one time. Decisions / plans of action / emergency powers are decided by these meetings. We're told that Boris is calling an emergency Cobra meeting at 5pm, GMT, in response to the steep increase in cases here in the UK over the past day.

03-04-2020, 10:31 AM
So yesterday the latest was someone came up positive for the virus in "Westchester County" New York. Yikes, I live in Westchester, so I quickly looked up WHERE in the county when I got back home, and the updates said he is from New Rochelle - which is the town next to me, and one I am in daily! All the stores, since my neighborhood is lame, are about a mile south in New Ro as we call it around here. The closed a synagogue and 3 schools that his kid was associated with... AND said he apparently took the Metro North train to that town's exit. Which my wife takes daily and stops there coming and going.

A little too close to home for my liking.

I'm walking with paper towels to open doors and press buttons, and have little mini bottles of Purell. Also washing thoroughly whenever I get back home.

03-04-2020, 10:35 AM
Just noticed the story on Drudge

My wife in NYC daily makes me nervous.


Coronavirus Update: Westchester County Man In Serious Condition; Synagogue, Schools Closed As Precaution

NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) – Hundreds of people who may have been exposed to coronavirus in New York have been told to self quarantine.

The warning comes after a Westchester County man tested positive for the disease.

The man is 50 and lives in New Rochelle but works as an attorney at Lewis and Garbuz, P.C. in Manhattan. He’s a member of Young Israel of New Rochelle. Five hundred to 700 people who attended services there must quarantine themselves at home.

Meanwhile, the death toll from coronavirus is rising in Washington State. Nine people are now confirmed dead there.

The quarantine order is massively disruptive for the faith community in New Rochelle’s north end. New York ordered Young Israel to halt all services, and people who worshiped there on Saturday Feb. 22 or attended a bat mitzvah and/or a funeral there on Feb. 23 must self-quarantine until March 8.

Rest - https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2020/03/03/coronavirus-new-rochelle-infection-communnity-spread/

03-04-2020, 10:36 AM
Shit, now this


Family and Neighbor of NYC Attorney Also Test Positive for COVID-19, Taking State to 6 Cases

The wife, son, daughter and neighbor of a midtown Manhattan lawyer who has been hospitalized in critical condition since being diagnosed with the novel coronavirus have now also tested positive, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.

The son, a student at Yeshiva University in Manhattan, had been symptomatic prior to his father's hospitalization. No details on the son's condition were immediately available. The school said it canceled all in-person graduate courses on the campus as well as the boys' high school. Read the full statement and guidance from Yeshiva University here.

The Westchester father also has a daughter who attends SAR Academy and High School in the Bronx. School administrators voluntarily shut down the facility as a precaution. The neighbor who is now ill drove the Westchester man prior to his hospitalization.

"By definition the more people you test the more people you will find who test positive," Cuomo said at an Albany news conference.

The Westchester man, identified Tuesday as a New Rochelle resident in his 50s who has previous respiratory issues, had not traveled to areas associated with the nexus of the novel coronavirus outbreak and was considered to be the state's first instance of person-to-person spread. He is still in intensive care as of Wednesday morning.

Rest - https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-attorney-in-critical-condition-city-works-to-trace-movements-awaits-more-tests/2311723/

03-04-2020, 10:38 AM
Now sure if this has been posted yet, but here's a great link to a map of this virus. It's searchable and can be broken down.



03-04-2020, 10:55 AM
So yesterday the latest was someone came up positive for the virus in "Westchester County" New York. Yikes, I live in Westchester, so I quickly looked up WHERE in the county when I got back home, and the updates said he is from New Rochelle - which is the town next to me, and one I am in daily! All the stores, since my neighborhood is lame, are about a mile south in New Ro as we call it around here. The closed a synagogue and 3 schools that his kid was associated with... AND said he apparently took the Metro North train to that town's exit. Which my wife takes daily and stops there coming and going.

A little too close to home for my liking.

I'm walking with paper towels to open doors and press buttons, and have little mini bottles of Purell. Also washing thoroughly whenever I get back home.

I don't blame you ! You can't be too careful.

Here in the UK, on a more personal level ... someone who helps manage the living complex I reside at, made a trip to London a few weeks ago. She intended to visit the Tutankhamun exhibition at the Saatchi Galleries, just off of the Kings Road, Chelsea. To get there from Wales, she took a train to Paddington, travelled by Tube on the Circle Line to Sloane Square station, and visited the exhibition.

Unknown to her at the time, the first confirmed London case was reported for the Queen Elizabeth II Conference centre, situated close to Westminster Tube station ... just 3 stations along on the Circle Line, I think. Distance as the crow flies ... around 1.5 to 2 miles.

[I happen to know that conference centre ... I was there in 2014, representing my Office ..]

So, I told this person about her 'close shave' ... when I was able to. Fortunately, she's had no symptoms, and is now well past the incubation period.

We're given basic advice ... wash your hands frequently with warm-hot water, using soap. Failing this, use hand-gels designed for anti-viral cleansing ... alcohol based. Needless to say, these gels are virtually impossible to get, here, now ... people are panic-buying whenever they can.

I've had to draw on the American wing of Amazon to get my own supplies in of gel (I saw 'Purell' listed ... it's not one we see sold on the UK market). Order pending !

Other measures ... I've got myself a couple of large bottles of Isopropryl liquid, because of its high alcohol content, and I'm using them for surface wipes (70%-99% alcohol content, depending on the type you obtain).

I've also bought some bars of soap that include certain oils. Oils such as Neem, Laurel oil (usually matched with Aleppo soap), Tea Tree ... these are all thought to have anti-viral properties. Seems to me that soap containing them, might do a better job than those without ?

Maybe the oils themselves would be worth obtaining, if available.

A tip: if Isopropryl turns out to be difficult to get ... AND, if someone in your household uses a Braun shaver cleaned with their cleaning cartridges ... the liquid in them is formulated similarly to Isopropryl. So, in an emergency ... using unused cartridges might be an idea ...

If nothing else, they will guarantee some healthy shaves .. :rolleyes:

Here in Wales ... so far as I know, only ONE confirmed case has come to light .. that was days ago (England accounts for most of those reported throughout the UK). I daresay that'll change radically in the days ahead.

03-04-2020, 10:58 AM
Yep, one in Wisconsin.

They say those masks will not help you prevent catching it. They're saying the masks are more for people WITH the virus to slow down spreading it.

Also heard that NoKo was finally reporting a case, and that the person was shot and burned. Yep, aren't ya lucky you don't live in NoKo?

03-04-2020, 11:11 AM
Also heard that NoKo was finally reporting a cases, and that the person was shot and burned. Yep, aren't ya lucky you don't live in NoKo?

... Seriously ??

Wow. I hope our UK media don't get hold of that story .. it'll delight our Left wing propagandists, who like to paint America as savage and uncivilised. The anti-gun lobby (do we even need one, here ??) will have a field day with it.

03-04-2020, 11:45 AM
... Seriously ??

Wow. I hope our UK media don't get hold of that story .. it'll delight our Left wing propagandists, who like to paint America as savage and uncivilised. The anti-gun lobby (do we even need one, here ??) will have a field day with it.
I don't know how your anti gun lobby would spin that against guns though, since it wasn't NoKo citizens that shot and burned the person, it was the NoKo GOVERNMENT.

Kind of makes the case citizens SHOULD have guns, not shouldn't... ;)

https://i.ibb.co/hR7m8T5/obeying1.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

03-04-2020, 11:51 AM
... Seriously ??

Wow. I hope our UK media don't get hold of that story .. it'll delight our Left wing propagandists, who like to paint America as savage and uncivilised. The anti-gun lobby (do we even need one, here ??) will have a field day with it.

Searched and found mentions on the MSM, and this story of at least him being executed for leaving home! Like I said, if you search you will find much of this story, I just chose this source was all.

KIM’S CORONA CRACKDOWN North Korea deals with coronavirus by EXECUTING patient who ditched quarantine to go to public bath

NORTH Korea has brutally executed a coronavirus patient for going out in public, reports claim.

Kim Jong-un's dictatorship is dealing with the virus with an iron fist after the man was put to his death for dodging quarantine to go to a public bath.

The patient was arrested by officers and immediately shot as the country takes sickening measures to avoid the killer outbreak spreading.

South Korean Dong-a Ilbo newspaper reported that the man - a government official - had been placed in isolation after travelling to China.

Kim Jong-un imposed military law to enforce a lockdown to combat the virus despite not experiencing any confirmed cases.

Rest - https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10958147/north-korea-executes-coronavirus-patient/

03-04-2020, 12:07 PM
UK confirmed cases update: we now have 85 of them, an increase of 32 since yesterday.

29 of those 32 are people who had returned from abroad, from Corona virus 'hotspot' countries.

We're doing 'comparatively well' compared to Italy, Germany, France (so far). That said ....

... our Government has a 'resource' they call 'Cobra meetings'. Cobra is a designation of a meeting attended by key figures, its purpose being to address whatever emergency or severe security issue the UK faces at any one time. Decisions / plans of action / emergency powers are decided by these meetings. We're told that Boris is calling an emergency Cobra meeting at 5pm, GMT, in response to the steep increase in cases here in the UK over the past day.

UK total increased by another two, following a report from Northern Ireland ... both cases live there. Total now 87.

03-04-2020, 12:14 PM
I don't know how your anti gun lobby would spin that against guns though, since it wasn't NoKo citizens that shot and burned the person, it was the NoKo GOVERNMENT.

Kind of makes the case citizens SHOULD have guns, not shouldn't... ;)

https://i.ibb.co/hR7m8T5/obeying1.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

I take your point. But instead of being taken up by anti-gun people, it'd instead be taken up by those against Capital Punishment.

The UK hasn't allowed the death penalty for several decades ... and in fact, we don't even permit extraditions to the US if it could lead to a death sentence for the 'accused'.

Our Lefties will still consider that they've ample material to launch a fresh 'anti-America' sentiment.

I don't have such qualms. I'm in favour of executions where the culpability for a deserving action is beyond dispute.

03-04-2020, 12:51 PM
I take your point. But instead of being taken up by anti-gun people, it'd instead be taken up by those against Capital Punishment.

The UK hasn't allowed the death penalty for several decades ... and in fact, we don't even permit extraditions to the US if it could lead to a death sentence for the 'accused'.

Our Lefties will still consider that they've ample material to launch a fresh 'anti-America' sentiment.

I don't have such qualms. I'm in favour of executions where the culpability for a deserving action is beyond dispute.
Since I've had the chance to read your posts about the UK and Europe in general, I'll have to say, I had no clue it was THAT, LEFT, over there. I am rather surprised.

03-04-2020, 12:57 PM
This is exactly why I wouldn't ever want to live in a city again. City people will be absolutely SCREWED in a true, 100%, SHTF situation...


Coronavirus fears cause panic-buying among shoppers in Brooklyn and Queens in New York

Preppers know that disaster will strike when you least expect it, but they’re probably just as surprised as non-preppers were at how swiftly the coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread in America. Unfortunately, not everyone had the foresight to set up preps and a survival stockpile, which was proven when shoppers flocked to several stores in Brooklyn and Queens in New York on Monday.

Americans warned to start preparing for “domestic acceleration”

As reports confirmed that there are now 103 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the U.S., frightened shoppers across the country went into “panic buying” mode. Stores ran out of stock as buyers hoarded food and medical supplies. Over the weekend, various supplies flew off of store shelves as health officials confirmed that the first two patients in the country died because of coronavirus in Washington state.

Citizens started panic buying supplies once health authorities cautioned that the public must start preparing for “domestic acceleration of the virus.”

Over the weekend, videos showing shoppers in a frenzy to hoard bottled water, disinfectant wipes, sanitizer and toilet paper popped up all over social media. The shoppers were spotted from California to New York.

Other videos showed people lining up outside supermarkets in Brooklyn on Monday morning, the same day New York Governor Andrew Cuomo confirmed details about the state’s first confirmed case. Cuomo added that Brooklyn would be testing for community spread since there is a chance that the disease could soon spread through the city. He revealed that the first coronavirus patient in New York was a healthcare worker in Manhattan, who is now isolated.

A statement from Cuomo’s office reported that the unidentified woman, who is in her late 30s, was infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19) while traveling in Iran. To date, 91 patients in America have been confirmed to have coronavirus, following one case reported in Rhode Island and a fifth “unknown” origin case confirmed in Chicago on Sunday.

Concerned citizens have also been posting photos of store and pharmacy shelves that were emptied after shoppers hoarded supplies and medication. Some Walgreens stores in southern California have run out of cold and flu medications, cough medicines, masks, thermometers and vaporizers. Meanwhile, buyers in Hawaii were hoarding flatbeds of bottled water, canned goods, paper towels and toilet paper from Costo. During the weekend, photos of empty shelves at grocery stores in New York were also posted online.


03-04-2020, 02:07 PM
Since I've had the chance to read your posts about the UK and Europe in general, I'll have to say, I had no clue it was THAT, LEFT, over there. I am rather surprised.

I'm a bit surprised, myself. What I described was nothing new ... very much the opposite, in fact. Attitudes I've covered in this thread, true of the UK, go back at least three generations. Those for the EU may not be as old, but ... deeply entrenched, nonetheless.

03-04-2020, 02:33 PM
For what it's worth ... here is tonight's London Evening Standard report on the Coronavirus outbreak:


The world has lost its battle to stop coronavirus, a leading health official has said, as the UK suffered its largest surge in cases in a single day.

Infectious disease expert Professor Neil Ferguson conceded: “You can see from the statistics, the number of countries affected, that that battle is really over," as the country saw its biggest spike in cases from 51 to 87.

His comments came as Boris Johnson announced that statutory sick pay will be available from the first day of illness under emergency legislation, as the risk of an epidemic grows increasingly likely.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organisation has warned of a global shortage of protective equipment to fight the deadly Covid-19 virus, and Italy is set to shut all schools across the country from tomorrow, as it grapples with more than 3,000 confirmed cases.

03-04-2020, 03:50 PM
All of this is serious, of course. But think about this for a moment. THE FLU kills more people EVERY YEAR in every country than we lost during all of VIETNAM. Shucks. We lose more people to automobile accidents in this country every year as well.

Try to see past 'THE SKY IS FALLING' being broadcast every hour, of every day.

As far as washing our hands. Didn't ALL OF US learn to WASH OUR HANDS after going to the bathroom when we were young?
It's called Personal Responsibility. Pure and Simple.

The Politicians who blamed Trump for this WANT US to have a Real PANDEMIC in order to gain their power....ANY WAY THEY CAN. If we don't see that for what it really is. We Deserve Joe, Bernie, or God Forbid...Hillary.
Now..go right ahead and BLAST me all you want. I'm used to it now.

03-04-2020, 05:08 PM
All of this is serious, of course. But think about this for a moment. THE FLU kills more people EVERY YEAR in every country than we lost during all of VIETNAM. Shucks. We lose more people to automobile accidents in this country every year as well.

Try to see past 'THE SKY IS FALLING' being broadcast every hour, of every day.

As far as washing our hands. Didn't ALL OF US learn to WASH OUR HANDS after going to the bathroom when we were young?
It's called Personal Responsibility. Pure and Simple.

The Politicians who blamed Trump for this WANT US to have a Real PANDEMIC in order to gain their power....ANY WAY THEY CAN. If we don't see that for what it really is. We Deserve Joe, Bernie, or God Forbid...Hillary.
Now..go right ahead and BLAST me all you want. I'm used to it now.

Granted, 'civilisation as we know it' is not in mortal danger !! The world will go on. It's not as though we're talking global bubonic plague ...

Nonetheless -- consider this:


China’s deadly coronavirus may have the same death rate as Spanish flu, an expert has warned.

While this is the early stages of the disease, deaths from the new virus rose to 17 on Wednesday with hundreds of cases now confirmed, increasing fears of widespread contagion.

The previously unknown flu-like coronavirus strain is believed to have emerged from an animal market in central Wuhan city, with cases now detected as far away as the US.

Professor Neil Ferguson, from Imperial College London, said the current rate of disease could be comparable to the death rate of Spanish flu.

The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 is widely regarded as “the deadliest in history”, and is believed to have infected around 500 million people worldwide, killing between 20 and 50 million.

In the UK, it is thought around 228,000 thousand people died of Spanish flu from around 10 million people who were thought to have been infected - a death rate of around 2%.

Chinese officials have confirmed 440 cases of the new coronavirus strain - 2019-nCoV - so far, with 17 deaths.

Based on existing data, the disease is said to have a 2% death rate. This means that for every 50 people who catch the infection, one will statistically die.

To put this into context, around one in every 1,000 who develop flu die, giving it a death rate of 0.1%.

Death rate is different from the death toll. For example, if 100 people caught the infection and the death rate was 2%, the death toll would be two. Whereas if 1,000 people became ill, 20 would die. The total number of deaths in part comes down to the fatality rate and how many people catch the virus.

Professor Peter Horby from the University of Oxford pointed out that fatality estimations are based on “clinical data around hospital cases”.

Of those in hospital, “15%-to-20% are severe cases”, defined as needing ventilation.

Coronaviruses as a class are common, causing everything from the common cold to epidemics like severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars).

2019-nCoV is thought to have originated in animals before “jumping” over to humans.

“Novel viruses spread much faster because we have no immunity,” Prof Ferguson said.

'Seasonal' flu has a mortality rate of 0.1%. Estimates for Covid-19 vary between 1-2%. If 2% is correct, it's as lethal as Spanish flu was.

With 'normal, seasonal' flu .. a person contracting it shows symptoms within a few days at most. People around the infected person are alerted to the risk of contracting it far quicker than is true of the Coronavirus. With this 'Covid 19' strain, an infected person can be incubating it, showing no symptoms, and simultaneously be infectious to others. So, it spreads, long and far, before evidence of the spread is even seen.

We have means of preparing for and protecting against known, 'common' strains of flu. Covid 19 is far too new for that to have been possible. We can therefore do little to protect ourselves from it, beyond basic hygiene measures.

All of this helps explain why the Coronavirus spread is serious. At its worst, it'll be as bad as Spanish Flu was. And, the Spanish flu pandemic WAS bad.

As for 'blaming politicians' for it .. is this something peculiarly American ? Nobody where I am is blaming any politician for it. No doubt Trump 'is to blame' .. just because Trump lives and breathes, much to the insane chagrin of the American Left .....

03-04-2020, 06:06 PM
Oh boy... here we go... just heard on the local news here that Krogers, among other places, were LIMITING purchases of things like Sani Wipes and Cold and Flu medicine, because of people HORDING. No doubt expecting things to get much worse and thinking they're going to get ahead of the ball game and then GOUGE people selling it later.

Nothing like a global pandemic to bring out the BEST in people... :rolleyes:

03-04-2020, 06:19 PM
I think as they get stock back in, they should limit purchases to ensure no one buys like 10 of any item.

03-04-2020, 06:26 PM
Oh boy... here we go... just heard on the local news here that Krogers, among other places, were LIMITING purchases of things like Sani Wipes and Cold and Flu medicine, because of people HORDING. No doubt expecting things to get much worse and thinking they're going to get ahead of the ball game and then GOUGE people selling it later.

Nothing like a global pandemic to bring out the BEST in people... :rolleyes:

Similarly, here. In the UK, it's the alcohol-based hand gels that are being bought up as soon as they appear. My local chemist was telling an inquiring shopper that they'd managed to get a stock in, but though an entire shelf was filled with gel bottles, every one was bought inside an hour.

That chemist is now restricting sales to two per purchaser. It makes little difference ... they're all bought, before you can say 'Bernie the Bolshevik' ...

Looking at the British version of Amazon, it's very hard to see a supplier still with any stock left. So, that's why, a couple of days ago, I had to go to the American Amazon site and buy a couple from them ...

A BBC report showed us a British gel manufacturer that's struggling to cope with the demand. We were told that they're producing as many bottles in a day as they'd normally produce in a month.

03-04-2020, 06:32 PM
I think as they get stock back in, they should limit purchases to ensure no one buys like 10 of any item.
Yup, they were limiting purchases to only FIVE of any of those type items here.

03-04-2020, 06:34 PM
I think as they get stock back in, they should limit purchases to ensure no one buys like 10 of any item.

As my other post said, that's exactly what's happening over here. Sellers are rationing sales.

Problem is, though ... according to our 'experts', we can expect 2-3 months of epidemic spread and people catching it and (maybe) getting ill, then, another 2-3 months for the virulence of this Coronavirus to subside ... a possible 6 months' worth of active infection and cases of illness. How much do you need to get to cover the better part of half a year, AND with supplies anything but reliable ?

Worst case scenario ... all us Brits will raid foreign Amazon sites and get your supplies, before you do.

Now, why does that ring a bell with me ........... :rolleyes:

03-04-2020, 06:35 PM
Yup, they were limiting purchases to only FIVE of any of those type items here.

... FIVE ???

Sheer luxury ....... :rolleyes:

03-04-2020, 06:45 PM
... FIVE ???

Sheer luxury ....... :rolleyes:


03-04-2020, 08:33 PM
And there is no bottom:


03-05-2020, 11:08 AM
And there is no bottom:


Disgustingly irresponsible for people to defy isolation advice, especially if a hospital worker (!) ... and to go to a place instead where it has a concentration of people !! It's barely believable.

Another three cases, here, all in Scotland, meaning we now have 90 cases in all in the UK. I can barely believe my luck, so far ... Wales, where I am, has still - to the best of my knowledge - reported just ONE case.

Official 'handling' of the viral spread is ramping up a notch, though. As it's becoming clear that a few of our cases involve people who haven't been abroad, we're assuming that 'community' infection (i.e person to person in the UK) is now a proven fact of life. Which means that, officially, the Government is moving to stage #2 with its strategy, called 'delay'. Meaning, that as we can't now contain the virus, efforts to delay its spread are the order of the day.

Stages #3 and #4 are called 'Research' and 'Mitigate', in that order. Each following stage kicks in if the previous one fails.

-- Good to know that Boris is on top of it all !!

03-05-2020, 11:40 AM
If coronavirus infections double every six days, then the U.S. now has THOUSANDS of cases


The mainstream media is now reporting that the state of Washington has 12 new cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), bringing the official total to 39. But an evolutionary analysis by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s Trevor Bedford has found that the number of Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) cases is doubling every six-or-so days, which means there are actually hundreds, if not thousands, of cases lurking beneath the official numbers.

Based on samples collected from Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) patients in the Seattle area, Bedford determined that the official infection count likely doesn’t match the actual count. A specialist in the area of viral dynamics, Bedford believes that many more people than are currently known have the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), and that many of them probably passed it along to others without even knowing they were infected themselves – a phenomenon known as “cryptic transmission.”

There are numerous ways to look at Bedford’s model, but all of them suggest that the true number of infection cases is substantially higher than the official count. He believes that as many as 1,500 people may have contracted the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) from the first known patient in Washington, identified as WA1, who traveled from the Chinese city of Wuhan to Snohomish County back in mid-January.

“There will be more in the whole state,” Bedford warned in a series of tweets posted to his Twitter account. Bedford eerily added that he suspects the situation in the Seattle area right now is roughly the same as the situation was in Wuhan back around the turn of the new year. “Three weeks later, Wuhan had thousands of infections and was put in large-scale lockdown.”

The government isn’t going to help protect you against coronavirus

Bedford put together two viral genome sequences with the help of the research team behind the Seattle Flu Study, one based on WA1 and the other based on WA2. Based on where these two cases fit on the broader evolutionary tree for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), he was able to reconstruct where the disease has likely spread over the past six weeks.

In Bedford’s assessment, WA1 appears to have ignited a chain of transmission that first hit WA2 before quickly spreading to WA3 and beyond. And unfortunately, WA1 must have infected someone who developed only mild symptoms, and was thus overlooked for appropriate surveillance.

“The transmission chain that went through WA2 wasn’t picked up, probably due to the fact that until last week, the testing effort was focused on sick people who were traveling directly from China or who were in direct contact with a known case,” writes Alan Boyle for Geekwire.

In a recent blog post, Bedford agreed, writing that this lack of testing “was a critical error,” and that it “allowed an outbreak in Snohomish County and surroundings to grow to a sizable problem before it was even detected.”

Bedford has made it clear that his research, which was conducted with the additional help of epidemiologist Mike Famulare of the Institute for Disease Modeling, is still preliminary. But its conclusions are worth considering and taking action on, and in response to, as they suggest getting prepared and taking precautions to avoid infection.

One such precaution that holds incredible promise is supplementation with spirulina, which has been scientifically shown to help boost the body’s natural type 1 interferon response, which contributes to fighting RNA viral infections like the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19).


03-05-2020, 01:03 PM
If coronavirus infections double every six days, then the U.S. now has THOUSANDS of cases


The mainstream media is now reporting that the state of Washington has 12 new cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), bringing the official total to 39. But an evolutionary analysis by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s Trevor Bedford has found that the number of Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) cases is doubling every six-or-so days, which means there are actually hundreds, if not thousands, of cases lurking beneath the official numbers.

Based on samples collected from Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) patients in the Seattle area, Bedford determined that the official infection count likely doesn’t match the actual count. A specialist in the area of viral dynamics, Bedford believes that many more people than are currently known have the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), and that many of them probably passed it along to others without even knowing they were infected themselves – a phenomenon known as “cryptic transmission.”

There are numerous ways to look at Bedford’s model, but all of them suggest that the true number of infection cases is substantially higher than the official count. He believes that as many as 1,500 people may have contracted the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) from the first known patient in Washington, identified as WA1, who traveled from the Chinese city of Wuhan to Snohomish County back in mid-January.

“There will be more in the whole state,” Bedford warned in a series of tweets posted to his Twitter account. Bedford eerily added that he suspects the situation in the Seattle area right now is roughly the same as the situation was in Wuhan back around the turn of the new year. “Three weeks later, Wuhan had thousands of infections and was put in large-scale lockdown.”

The government isn’t going to help protect you against coronavirus

Bedford put together two viral genome sequences with the help of the research team behind the Seattle Flu Study, one based on WA1 and the other based on WA2. Based on where these two cases fit on the broader evolutionary tree for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), he was able to reconstruct where the disease has likely spread over the past six weeks.

In Bedford’s assessment, WA1 appears to have ignited a chain of transmission that first hit WA2 before quickly spreading to WA3 and beyond. And unfortunately, WA1 must have infected someone who developed only mild symptoms, and was thus overlooked for appropriate surveillance.

“The transmission chain that went through WA2 wasn’t picked up, probably due to the fact that until last week, the testing effort was focused on sick people who were traveling directly from China or who were in direct contact with a known case,” writes Alan Boyle for Geekwire.

In a recent blog post, Bedford agreed, writing that this lack of testing “was a critical error,” and that it “allowed an outbreak in Snohomish County and surroundings to grow to a sizable problem before it was even detected.”

Bedford has made it clear that his research, which was conducted with the additional help of epidemiologist Mike Famulare of the Institute for Disease Modeling, is still preliminary. But its conclusions are worth considering and taking action on, and in response to, as they suggest getting prepared and taking precautions to avoid infection.

One such precaution that holds incredible promise is supplementation with spirulina, which has been scientifically shown to help boost the body’s natural type 1 interferon response, which contributes to fighting RNA viral infections like the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19).


Interesting news about spirulina ... I'm familiar with that supplement. Its notable 'strengths' are as a protein source, concentrated chlorophyll, and a strong (yet, a plant) source of B12. I wonder how it has value here.

The UK has a tighter central authority .. and they have formulated stages of strategic approaches to meet the progression of the virus. I have faith that they'll act as effectively as any State's Government CAN do, short of stooping to the overly oppressive Chinese model.

News ... our first death in the UK, just reported by the Royal Berkshire NHS Trust. Details sparse so far, except to say that the person was elderly and had underlying health issues.

Wales has just reported its second confirmed case within its borders of an infected person.

03-05-2020, 02:20 PM
I started giving myself injections to strengthen my immune system over a month ago. Thymosin Alpha ... it is a peptide. Also, getting ozone therapy and hyperbaric treatments. All designed to kill infection.

03-05-2020, 03:02 PM
Interesting news about spirulina ... I'm familiar with that supplement. Its notable 'strengths' are as a protein source, concentrated chlorophyll, and a strong (yet, a plant) source of B12. I wonder how it has value here.

The UK has a tighter central authority .. and they have formulated stages of strategic approaches to meet the progression of the virus. I have faith that they'll act as effectively as any State's Government CAN do, short of stooping to the overly oppressive Chinese model.

News ... our first death in the UK, just reported by the Royal Berkshire NHS Trust. Details sparse so far, except to say that the person was elderly and had underlying health issues.

Wales has just reported its second confirmed case within its borders of an infected person.

Hmmm.... I have a 5lb bag of Spirulina here - in fish food form!! Same thing I wonder? They make it from this stuff? Here's an open bag I'm using now...


03-05-2020, 03:11 PM
I drove out last night into New Rochelle after the traffic all died down. I wanted to see what things looked like overall, and also how far we are from the infected guy and the other crap, and it's just a few miles away! Restaurants are going downhill. Asian restaurants are empty!! Same as the veggie places even, which are asian ran, all empty. The chinese buffet place I love to go to - empty. I went into the Shop Rite in town and the store looked fine until you reach the aisle with all the things you need, which is a wasteland now. All a little too close to home for my liking.

And then back there today to see my friend and give him a few things - as the day after tomorrow he will be on a LONG flight on his way to Algeria, to Algiers specifically, were they now have 17 cases. He has to pass through and stop at a monster airport in Spain. And then all the same on the way back! His only lucky portion is that his Dad is a big deal over there. He will be picked up by a limo right on the runway when they land, and directly to a military base where they are not letting people in. Apparently he will be able to though. Don't ask me how. I wouldn't do so if me, but he has no choice.

Hilarious as he has to make this round trip solely to make his signature on paper in person. A muslim family, and while Mom is there and happy - she cannot sign certain legal papers as it must be a male of the family! And yes, parents are long divorced, so must be him. :rolleyes:

03-05-2020, 03:34 PM
Y2K I'm not laughing, or being cynical here but...Come on. Seriously. Think.
As the year 2000 approached, computer programmers realized that computers might not interpret 00 as 2000, but as 1900. Activities that were programmed on a daily or yearly basis would be damaged or flawed. As December 31, 1999, turned into January 1, 2000, computers might interpret December 31, 1999, turning into January 1, 1900.

Abbey Marie
03-05-2020, 03:41 PM
I drove out last night into New Rochelle after the traffic all died down. I wanted to see what things looked like overall, and also how far we are from the infected guy and the other crap, and it's just a few miles away! Restaurants are going downhill. Asian restaurants are empty!! Same as the veggie places even, which are asian ran, all empty. The chinese buffet place I love to go to - empty. I went into the Shop Rite in town and the store looked fine until you reach the aisle with all the things you need, which is a wasteland now. All a little too close to home for my liking.

And then back there today to see my friend and give him a few things - as the day after tomorrow he will be on a LONG flight on his way to Algeria, to Algiers specifically, were they now have 17 cases. He has to pass through and stop at a monster airport in Spain. And then all the same on the way back! His only lucky portion is that his Dad is a big deal over there. He will be picked up by a limo right on the runway when they land, and directly to a military base where they are not letting people in. Apparently he will be able to though. Don't ask me how. I wouldn't do so if me, but he has no choice.

Hilarious as he has to make this round trip solely to make his signature on paper in person. A muslim family, and while Mom is there and happy - she cannot sign certain legal papers as it must be a male of the family! And yes, parents are long divorced, so must be him. :rolleyes:

Jim, don’t go to Chinese buffets, even after things go back to normal. They tend to be roach-infested, more so than regular restaurants.

03-05-2020, 03:49 PM
Y2K I'm not laughing, or being cynical here but...Come on. Seriously. Think.
As the year 2000 approached, computer programmers realized that computers might not interpret 00 as 2000, but as 1900. Activities that were programmed on a daily or yearly basis would be damaged or flawed. As December 31, 1999, turned into January 1, 2000, computers might interpret December 31, 1999, turning into January 1, 1900.

Oh yeah, I knew that "scam" all too well as I was working as a tech at a law firm at the time. 2000 PC's to upkeep - and then Y2K came and the MIS department went crazy and into overdrive. Bios updates, NIC card updates. Windows updates. And like 30 people on the night before running around with diskettes in hand updating every single PC over like 12 floors in the GM building - now the Trump building.

So I probably put in like 100 hours of OT leading up to the New Year. Endless meetings, downloads, updates, network pushouts, more meetings and pouring the floors with our walkies.

The Day of Doom hits and we all worked overnight and of course were there when the dates rolled over. Nothing. No issues, not a one.

Many PC's in various locations were unable to be updated and needed to be revisted. Locked doors, hidden PC's.... all were fine though. We could have literally done NOTHING and it would have still went flawlessly. :laugh:

The firm spent endless money and so much on OT for half the staff, for what turned out to be nothing. Maybe not a hoax, but all unfounded and clocks were fine of course.

Now, NO ONE WOULD LISTEN when some folks rigged some things and did testing in advance, and showing no issues.

Party like it's 1999! LOL

03-05-2020, 03:50 PM
I drove out last night into New Rochelle after the traffic all died down. I wanted to see what things looked like overall, and also how far we are from the infected guy and the other crap, and it's just a few miles away! Restaurants are going downhill. Asian restaurants are empty!! Same as the veggie places even, which are asian ran, all empty. The chinese buffet place I love to go to - empty. I went into the Shop Rite in town and the store looked fine until you reach the aisle with all the things you need, which is a wasteland now. All a little too close to home for my liking.

And then back there today to see my friend and give him a few things - as the day after tomorrow he will be on a LONG flight on his way to Algeria, to Algiers specifically, were they now have 17 cases. He has to pass through and stop at a monster airport in Spain. And then all the same on the way back! His only lucky portion is that his Dad is a big deal over there. He will be picked up by a limo right on the runway when they land, and directly to a military base where they are not letting people in. Apparently he will be able to though. Don't ask me how. I wouldn't do so if me, but he has no choice.

Hilarious as he has to make this round trip solely to make his signature on paper in person. A muslim family, and while Mom is there and happy - she cannot sign certain legal papers as it must be a male of the family! And yes, parents are long divorced, so must be him. :rolleyes:Here are a few somethings to consider:

Panic and caution might not be far from one another, but the former does little to no good and in fact usually causes more harm. It drives the stock market :rolleyes:

This came to mind: These countries where this virus is the worse are all shitholes, to be blunt. They have nowhere near our standard of living nor our basic standard of health even the poor have available to them. Bitching about THAT is a tune for another time. The fact is, no matter how bad we think we have it here, we're pretty hard to beat on the subject.

Our biggest fear should not be what we do and don't have, but the 3rd world shithole people coming into this country every minute. Illegally. Call me a racist and I'll call me pragmatic. I could care less where they come from or what they look like. Asia is the absolute worse I have seen, with the ME running a close second. Africa is jacked up because no one cares any more about Africa than what can be exploited from the place. Mexico is about as bad especially around the border and what do we have sitting on our border right now? A powder keg perfect breeding ground for this crap.

To me, this IS a matter of National security and should be treated as such.

03-05-2020, 03:51 PM
Jim, don’t go to Chinese buffets, even after things go back to normal. They tend to be roach-infested, more so than regular restaurants.

Oh hell no! I wasn't gonna go there. I was just curious and drove and parked and checked out some areas. It's safe to do most everyday things, I just won't be going certain places and won't be touching certain things, and simply taking precautions... like washing my hands non-stop - of which I usually wash my hands on even months. :)

03-05-2020, 04:01 PM
Oh hell no! I wasn't gonna go there. I was just curious and drove and parked and checked out some areas. It's safe to do most everyday things, I just won't be going certain places and won't be touching certain things, and simply taking precautions... like washing my hands non-stop - of which I usually wash my hands on even months. :)The real irony? Chinese people can't afford to eat food like they serve at "Chinese food" restaurants in the States. I wouldn't touch real Chinese food. Fortunately, at the time, there was plenty of beer :beer:

Abbey is correct though. The Asians swarm in as a family and the family runs the restaurant and keep it up to the same standards they had in Asia. They are regularly shut down around here and they are outnumbered only by Mexican restaurants (I'm not counting fast food). Tidbit of info: Most Mexican restaurants here are clean and up to standard.

Abbey Marie
03-05-2020, 04:04 PM
The real irony? Chinese people can't afford to eat food like they serve at "Chinese food" restaurants in the States. I wouldn't touch real Chinese food. Fortunately, at the time, there was plenty of beer :beer:

Abbey is correct though. The Asians swarm in as a family and the family runs the restaurant and keep it up to the same standards they had in Asia. They are regularly shut down around here and they are outnumbered only by Mexican restaurants (I'm not counting fast food). Tidbit of info: Most Mexican restaurants here are clean and up to standard.

Yup. We have two Chinese buffets here, and I won’t step foot in either one. I’ve seen a roach at the table, in daylight, at both.

03-05-2020, 04:06 PM
Here are a few somethings to consider:

Panic and caution might not be far from one another, but the former does little to no good and in fact usually causes more harm. It drives the stock market :rolleyes:

This came to mind: These countries where this virus is the worse are all shitholes, to be blunt. They have nowhere near our standard of living nor our basic standard of health even the poor have available to them. Bitching about THAT is a tune for another time. The fact is, no matter how bad we think we have it here, we're pretty hard to beat on the subject.

Our biggest fear should not be what we do and don't have, but the 3rd world shithole people coming into this country every minute. Illegally. Call me a racist and I'll call me pragmatic. I could care less where they come from or what they look like. Asia is the absolute worse I have seen, with the ME running a close second. Africa is jacked up because no one cares any more about Africa than what can be exploited from the place. Mexico is about as bad especially around the border and what do we have sitting on our border right now? A powder keg perfect breeding ground for this crap.

To me, this IS a matter of National security and should be treated as such.

75,000% agree with you. Hell, I couldn't care any less if folks think I'm racist or whatever. I don't run around using the N word and what not, and keep my thoughts and such to myself. I don't hold any ill will towards any race in this world. I respond accordingly to how people treat me. It can be a homeless black, and if he treats me with respect, that bastard will get the same in return from me! And the white guy with a suit and tie and perhaps a CEO, and won't hold the door for you? Fuck him, and I'd tell him that straight to his face if he did that to me. Not shy to show contempt for jerk offs either though (I know, bad wording).

I said from day one they should slam the borders shut. Setup incoming locations. Limit flights to certain areas and the same incoming. Anyone coming in gets quarantined for 2 weeks before they go home. That's why the incoming must be so limited, so that it can be successfully managed.

Mexican border? Doesn't even exist as an opening until this is over or a vaccine comes forth. Same with other borders. Then of course have a plan internally to manage the virus outbreak, and manage the sick.

The mechanic friend of mine that always works on my truck. He's an older guy from Italy, but I love him to death. His Mom got the virus in Italy... this man is looking like 75 or so to me, so I can only guess how old his Mom must be. So he went to Italy and now can't come back!! They done shut the thing down while he was there! They quarantined 50,000 people in Northern Italy! Damn. He is in the so called red zone and is locked down.

03-05-2020, 04:13 PM
75,000% agree with you. Hell, I couldn't care any less if folks think I'm racist or whatever. I don't run around using the N word and what not, and keep my thoughts and such to myself. I don't hold any ill will towards any race in this world. I respond accordingly to how people treat me. It can be a homeless black, and if he treats me with respect, that bastard will get the same in return from me! And the white guy with a suit and tie and perhaps a CEO, and won't hold the door for you? Fuck him, and I'd tell him that straight to his face if he did that to me. Not shy to show contempt for jerk offs either though (I know, bad wording).

I said from day one they should slam the borders shut. Setup incoming locations. Limit flights to certain areas and the same incoming. Anyone coming in gets quarantined for 2 weeks before they go home. That's why the incoming must be so limited, so that it can be successfully managed.

Mexican border? Doesn't even exist as an opening until this is over or a vaccine comes forth. Same with other borders. Then of course have a plan internally to manage the virus outbreak, and manage the sick.

The mechanic friend of mine that always works on my truck. He's an older guy from Italy, but I love him to death. His Mom got the virus in Italy... this man is looking like 75 or so to me, so I can only guess how old his Mom must be. So he went to Italy and now can't come back!! They done shut the thing down while he was there! They quarantined 50,000 people in Northern Italy! Damn. He is in the so called red zone and is locked down.I can't say as I get, or have a clue why a sudden double-whammy in Italy. One place I've never been. I know it's a big tourist trap.

03-05-2020, 04:33 PM
Here are a few somethings to consider:

Panic and caution might not be far from one another, but the former does little to no good and in fact usually causes more harm. It drives the stock market :rolleyes:

This came to mind: These countries where this virus is the worse are all shitholes, to be blunt. They have nowhere near our standard of living nor our basic standard of health even the poor have available to them. Bitching about THAT is a tune for another time. The fact is, no matter how bad we think we have it here, we're pretty hard to beat on the subject.

Our biggest fear should not be what we do and don't have, but the 3rd world shithole people coming into this country every minute. Illegally. Call me a racist and I'll call me pragmatic. I could care less where they come from or what they look like. Asia is the absolute worse I have seen, with the ME running a close second. Africa is jacked up because no one cares any more about Africa than what can be exploited from the place. Mexico is about as bad especially around the border and what do we have sitting on our border right now? A powder keg perfect breeding ground for this crap.

To me, this IS a matter of National security and should be treated as such.
I read somewhere earlier today, can't find it now, but that over 300 Chinese nationalists have been stopped at our southern border trying to illegally enter, since this virus started. Now... China wouldn't try and sneak a bunch of their INFECTED people into America... or would they?

I hate to not be my usual optimistic self, but I think this coronavirus pandemic is just getting warmed up, and I think it's more deadly than they're stating, and things are going to get MUCH worse before they get better.

I'm glad, again, that I live in a little backwoods, out of the way, off the beaten path town. I can hunker down here and not have to be near anyone else for weeks if I have to.

Abbey Marie
03-05-2020, 05:19 PM
I can't say as I get, or have a clue why a sudden double-whammy in Italy. One place I've never been. I know it's a big tourist trap.

Italy is a dream. I thank God I’ve been there twice.

You go in the off-season. And hire a guide.

03-05-2020, 08:38 PM
Italy is a dream. I thank God I’ve been there twice.

You go in the off-season. And hire a guide.

In the early 90's was the last time I visited Italy while still in the navy. Our normal stopping port was Naples. But we took advantage of the tours every time we were in port there. Rome, Genoa, Pisa, then over to Venice but we couldn't stay there.
What I do remember most, sad to say...which tells me why the Coronavirus MAY be more trouble there IMO is....They still have OPEN TOILET facilities. Don't know whether you saw any of them. But, when you get off the Tourist Track, away from the crowds...the facilities are surprising for you.

What I mean is...Standing in two footprints in the Tile, and Squatting,or standing up over the hole in the floor. NO JOKE. Seems to me, that alone would be an easy, open source for diseases.
For anyone who's never seen or used one. This is another reason to be really happy to live HERE in the U.S.A https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9b/2014_Picunda%2C_Ubikacja_kucana.jpg/170px-2014_Picunda%2C_Ubikacja_kucana.jpg

03-05-2020, 10:01 PM

ALERT: Pandemic projection model shows 2.16 million deaths in USA by July 4th if nothing done to halt nearly all domestic travel (air, rail and roads)


Today I finished tweaking the first draft of a pandemic projection model that simulates the spread of the coronavirus in the United States. The assumptions of the model are explained here, and you will find they are extremely conservative (using R0 value of just 1.82, for example).

The model’s predictions are nothing short of apocalyptic if the virus is allowed to spread without restraint across the United States. According to the model, there will be 2.16 million dead Americans by July 4th if domestic travel is not aggressively halted very soon (see the full projections below). This is not a prediction, since I believe that state governments and the federal government will intervene long before July 4th to declare, essentially, medical martial law.

That is now the only remaining option to stop the spread. It must be done soon. It may already be too late to prevent millions from getting infected.

Before we get to the conclusions of the model, here are the assumptions. As you will quickly see, these are very conservative assumptions:

– R0 value of 1.82, spread out across 14 days. In other words, every 1 infected person spreads the virus to another 1.82 additional people over the course of 14 days. This addresses the “velocity” of the spread. The daily velocity here is 0.13, meaning 1 person spreads to an average of 0.13 additional people per day. (Over 14 days, that’s 1.82 people.)

– After 14 days, a 98% recovery rate for previously infected people.

– No “recurring infections” for previously infected people.

– A 2% mortality rate among those who are infected. The WHO currently says mortality is 3.4% but we are going with a lower number to keep these projections more conservative. This model assumes they die after 14 days and then stop spreading once dead.

– Under this model, the number of total aggregate infections roughly doubles in a little over 7 days.

– We assume a newly infected person become infectious after 24 hours of being infected and remains infectious for the full 14 days, then stops being infectious because they are either immune or dead.

– Those who recover or are dead are removed from the “actively infected” pool so that the simulation only accounts for those who have acquired a new infection within the last 14 days.

– We are aware that 14 days may not be the final correct number, but it is a working number for the current draft of this model. This model will be updated with new data over time.

– The number of newly infected is calculated daily. In essence, this projection model is “compounded” daily.

Caveats and possible weaknesses:

– This model is still in a rough draft form and will no doubt be improved as additional data become available. The model is not yet peer reviewed and should not be cited as predictions or facts.

– The 2% mortality rate used in the simulation has a lag time of 14 days, so if you look at the raw numbers, it doesn’t appear to be 2%. That’s because we assume it takes 14 days for infected people to expire.

– The model assumes no strong intervention from anti-viral drugs, vaccines, government quarantines, medical martial law or similar reconfigurations on social mobility. Thus, this model predicts a scenario where nothing is done to contain the virus. In reality, this model is therefore not predictive for the real world over the long run for the simple reason that such strong interventions are inevitable. (In other words, state and national leaders must intervene or everyone will eventually get infected.)

Here’s what the “Adams model” shows: 2.16 million dead Americans by July 4th if strong travel restrictions are not put in place

As with every exponential growth curve, the numbers appear quite small at first, then suddenly explode as time goes by.

Additional notes / disclaimers:

– The are NOT predictions. These are mathematical projections that assume no strong interventions such as martial law, travel restrictions, social isolation, etc. These numbers are nowhere near “worst case,” however, since they only use an R0 value of 1.82 (the real virus is believed to be closer to 6.6).

– If the numbers don’t seem to “add up,” that’s because there’s a 14-day lag time for the newly infected. Only after 14 days are they either alive and cured (98%) or dead and non-infectious (2%). But during the 14 days they are “actively infectious” and spreading the virus via R0=1.82.

– We will update these projects as the model acquires new data. We are calibrating the model based on the number of reported deaths, which we (foolishly) assume is accurate. This assumption may be false, meaning the reality of the situation may be far worse than this model predicts.

ADAMS pandemic model, Revision 1, using data up to March 5, 2020 to calibrate projections. Geographic scope is the United States of America only (doesn’t include Canada):

By April 4th, 2020, if no travel restrictions are put in place:

8,645 actively infected and transmitting on this day
580 cumulative dead since day one, with 58 deaths on this day
5,432 cumulative recovered since day one

By May 4th, 2020, if no travel restrictions are put in place:

122,529 actively infected and transmitting on this day
10,432 cumulative dead since day one, with 910 deaths on this day
85,332 cumulative recovered since day one

By June 4th, 2020, if no travel restrictions are put in place:

1.7 million actively infected and transmitting on this day
153,000 cumulative dead since day one, with 12,960 deaths on this day
1.2 million cumulative recovered since day one

By July 4th, 2020, if no travel restrictions are put in place:

24.3 million actively infected and transmitting on this day
2.16 cumulative dead since day one, with 183,000 deaths on this day
17.1 million cumulative recovered since day one

From here, the numbers only become more apocalyptic and irrelevant, since no governor or president will allow this exponential growth to continue unabated. For example, if allowed to run without restraint, the simulation says the number of infected Americans by August 5th will exceed the population of the entire country, which is obviously an impossibility since it would run out of people to infect first.

The upshot of this model is that you can now safely assume there will be severe travel restrictions put in place across America.

The chances of that occurring are as close to 100% as you can get, barring some miraculous intervention such as a spontaneous cure or act of God. Because if travel restrictions are not put in place, America falls.

Plan accordingly, since domestic travel in the USA will be largely shut down before the summer

The reason this exercise is important to follow is because it shows why President Trump (and various local governors) must declare emergencies and aggressively restrict travel before June at the latest. Otherwise, the number of infected and dead Americans becomes apocalyptic.

China achieved this by using draconian tactics that violate human rights and would, if applied in America, represent outlandish violations of the Bill of Rights. The tactics used by China, however, were at least somewhat effective at slowing the explosive growth of the virus (although we don’t know for sure how effective since nobody can trust China’s official numbers).

It seems unlikely that similar tactics could be successfully deployed in the United States due to the high mobility and generous freedoms of U.S. citizens. Nevertheless, wherever travel is not halted, this virus will spread. So we can expect all the following to (eventually) occur, as soon as the bureaucrats come to grips with the mathematical reality of this pandemic:

Halting most domestic flights, especially those to large (infected) cities.
Armed roadway checkpoints and highway travel restrictions.
Severe restrictions or shutdowns affecting all forms of public transportation, including subways, rail, Uber vehicles, taxis, airplanes and of course ships.
Quarantined cities, enforced by armed National Guard troops.
Shuttered schools, universities, corporate office and government offices.
Widespread cancellation of public events such as concerts, sporting events, conferences and more.
Arrest and incarceration for those who violate restrictions which are ordered by local governments.
Catastrophic implications for domestic transport, shipping, Amazon.com order fulfillment and food deliveries.
In effect, you might currently have 60 remaining to complete your bugout plan and acquire supplies to survive the coming “medical martial law.”

But this model is using very conservative, low numbers like R0=1.82. That means you might only have less than 30 days before the whole system starts to crater.

It also means, by the way, that naysayers and skeptics can still argue for the next 45 days or so that this epidemic is still “small in America.” That’s the nature of exponential growth: It seems really small at first, then it suddenly explodes overnight, out of control and beyond anyone’s expectations.

That’s because human beings were built to think in linear fashion, not exponential. Even I didn’t realize how quickly this explodes until I ran this model.

And I dare not use higher assumptions that are probably more accurate, perhaps out of my own fear of what that means for society. If those higher number are accurate — such as R0 = 4.5 — then it’s already too late and the collapse of society is now “baked in” for 2020. Let us hope that isn’t the case, but you can safely assume the decision makers at the CDC, FDA and NIH are woefully behind the curve on this and will act too late to stop this.

In essence, you’re on your own. Read Pandemic.news if you want to live, as we’ll be posting videos there with a large number of survival techniques and home formulas for making your own hand sanitizer, for example.


03-05-2020, 10:12 PM
WHO admits global coronavirus death rate HIGHER than initially thought: Now 3.4%


The global mortality rate for coronavirus (COVID-19), the disease caused by the new coronavirus that first appeared in China and is now spreading across the globe, is much higher than what was previously thought, the World Health Organization (WHO) said.

The WHO, in an announcement from their headquarters in Geneva on Tuesday, set the new rate at 3.4 percent, a number that’s much higher compared to their previous estimate, which was pegged at 2 percent.

“Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during the press briefing.

The WHO previously said that the mortality rate of the coronavirus globally could range from 0.7 to up to four percent – depending on the quality of the healthcare system of the country where it is being treated. Early in the outbreak’s onset, however, scientists had concluded the death rate would be around 2.3 percent.

During an earlier press briefing held Monday, WHO officials admitted that they don’t know how COVID-19 behaves, adding that they still don’t have any idea as to how the infection is transmitted and what treatments will work to effectively stop the disease.

“This is a unique virus, with unique features. This virus is not influenza,” Ghebreyesus said during the Monday press briefing. “We are in uncharted territory.”

Ghebreyesus made the statement after several people highlighted what seemed to be overlapping symptoms of both influenza or flu and the coronavirus (COVID-19). This has prompted inquiries as to whether standard flu medication can be used to stop the spread of the new infection.

He also noted in a statement that the coronavirus (COVID-19), which has infected over 95,126 globally, with 3,253 confirmed dead, does not transmit as efficiently as the flu, based on data that they have so far.

According to Ghebreyesus, this means that containment is “still possible.”

Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s Health Emergencies Program, said this finding has given health officials a glimmer of light that the virus could be contained.

“Here we have a disease for which we have no vaccine, no treatment, we don’t fully understand transmission, we don’t fully understand case mortality, but what we have been genuinely heartened by is that unlike influenza, where countries have fought back, where they’ve put in place strong measures, we’ve remarkably seen that the virus is suppressed,” Ryan added.

“We don’t even talk about containment for seasonal flu — it’s just not possible. But it is possible for COVID-19,” Ghebreyesus said. “We don’t do contact tracing for seasonal flu, but countries should do it for COVID-19 because it will prevent infections and save lives.”

Coronavirus mortality rate still subject to change – experts

Health experts, meanwhile, say the fatality rate of the novel coronavirus is still subject to change, with the rate possibly set to drop as the number of cases continues to rise. According to experts, this is because an estimated 80 percent of the coronavirus cases are mild and that the patients checking into hospitals have the most severe symptoms. A report released by Business Insider revealed that people with symptoms mild enough to recover at home without seeking medical treatment are not counted in the official records.

As of press time, the coronavirus is confirmed to have infected 95,126 people, with 3,253 confirmed dead, mostly in China. The disease has since spread to at least 58 other countries, including the U.S., which has more than 125 cases so far, with 11 recorded deaths. (Related: New York State monitoring 700 people for coronavirus, while NYC is on “high alert” for possible outbreaks.)

Nancy Messonnier, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, in a statement published February 25, warned that the further spread of the coronavirus in the U.S. is “inevitable.”


Abbey Marie
03-06-2020, 12:20 AM
In the early 90's was the last time I visited Italy while still in the navy. Our normal stopping port was Naples. But we took advantage of the tours every time we were in port there. Rome, Genoa, Pisa, then over to Venice but we couldn't stay there.
What I do remember most, sad to say...which tells me why the Coronavirus MAY be more trouble there IMO is....They still have OPEN TOILET facilities. Don't know whether you saw any of them. But, when you get off the Tourist Track, away from the crowds...the facilities are surprising for you.

What I mean is...Standing in two footprints in the Tile, and Squatting,or standing up over the hole in the floor. NO JOKE. Seems to me, that alone would be an easy, open source for diseases.
For anyone who's never seen or used one. This is another reason to be really happy to live HERE in the U.S.A https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9b/2014_Picunda%2C_Ubikacja_kucana.jpg/170px-2014_Picunda%2C_Ubikacja_kucana.jpg

Never saw these. I’ve been to Rome, Naples, Sorrento, Amalfi, Capri, Pompeii, and all across Sicily. And we were just there in November. And with that bus tour we stopped at many public rest stops.

03-06-2020, 05:33 AM
Never saw these. I’ve been to Rome, Naples, Sorrento, Amalfi, Capri, Pompeii, and all across Sicily. And we were just there in November. And with that bus tour we stopped at many public rest stops.

France (though not as badly hit by the virus as Italy, of course, though significantly worse than the UK) has these. I came across one at a French port, waiting for a ferry to take me back to the UK.

Let me assure you ... if you need to be told ? ... that, not only are they unsanitary, but the one I found stank of urine. The worst such stink I've ever experienced like it, by far .. putrid !

03-06-2020, 10:00 AM
Latest UK stats .... just announced, our total infected has now shot up to 163. Seems we're catching up to France, who were reporting in the 200's, last time I heard.

I've seen the posts above about the mortality rate. Well ... our people are reducing the original figure, not increasing it ... we're now saying it's down to ONE percent.


Researchers currently think that between five and 40 coronavirus cases in 1,000 will result in death, with a best guess of nine in 1,000 or about 1%.

On Tuesday, the World Health Organization's Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said that "globally, about 3.4% of reported Covid-19 cases have died".

Scientists' estimate of the death rate is lower because not all cases are reported.

On Sunday, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the UK government's "very best assessment" was that the mortality rate was "2% or, likely, lower".

But it depends on a range of factors: your age, sex and general health and the health system you are in.

This is from the BBC.

Abbey Marie
03-06-2020, 11:40 AM
France (though not as badly hit by the virus as Italy, of course, though significantly worse than the UK) has these. I came across one at a French port, waiting for a ferry to take me back to the UK.

Let me assure you ... if you need to be told ? ... that, not only are they unsanitary, but the one I found stank of urine. The worst such stink I've ever experienced like it, by far .. putrid !

Yet, if unsanitary toilets were the reason for the spread of COVID-19, as implied in this thread, it would stand to reason that third world crap-holes would have the lion’s share of cases, not Italy. By all accounts, the spread is through coughing, sneezing, and lack of hand-washing.

03-06-2020, 12:11 PM
Latest UK stats .... just announced, our total infected has now shot up to 163. Seems we're catching up to France, who were reporting in the 200's, last time I heard.

I've seen the posts above about the mortality rate. Well ... our people are reducing the original figure, not increasing it ... we're now saying it's down to ONE percent.


This is from the BBC.

Courtesy of LBC News .... a small, if possibly alarming, extra detail. It turns out that two of the 163 reported are 'British Airways members of staff' ... to be confirmed, but it's thought they were baggage handlers at Heathrow Airport.

Isn't that just 'great' news ?? Arrive at Heathrow from a country NOT affected by Covid-19, and you'll feel secure about your lack of exposure risk. Enter Heathrow on to the scene, with their largely nonexistent Covid checks ... and baggage handlers could be leaving the Coronavirus pathogen on to the surface of the baggage you pick up !!

[Pick up you baggage. Egad ! Wipe your hands with sanitizer, immediately, and keep wiping ... your own luggage is a danger to you !!]

I feel sorry for the infected staff, of course. Maybe Heathrow should implement universally-applied Covid detection checks, for staff and passengers alike ?

03-06-2020, 12:13 PM
Picking up speed slowly in NY, and in New Rochelle by me. Now where the epicenter is if you will, the mans house where they think it all started, is a zoo of TV and news reporters! Poor folks all stuck inside the house with the zoo watching them like they are animals. But at least you can still get things delivered, as they received care packages and food deliveries they showed.

But others they say drove by with windows up, and still had masks on or shirts over their faces. Ok, a little overkill folks! You ain't gonna get it by driving by!

Folks need to simply limit contact with others, limit to a reasonable extent where they go and what they touch. And most importantly is to simply wash your hands thoroughly when you can.

Now the Rabbi where the gent went to congregate has the virus. Who knows how many he may have passed it to before knowing. Same as the guy who started it, and his kids, before they all knew. But 4 more connected to that one guy are found positive since yesterday. They say up to 1,000 people self quarantined as a result so far. Quite a few schools are closed. Now 2 in Mamaroneck are closed due to connections.

I saw a package handler at LAX of all places came down with the virus. How much was he handling before stopping?

And news about the mortality rate, many different, anywhere from 0.7 up to 4% and I think we'll see that changing with different results in different areas. I also read that there are 2 different strains of this virus. Oy!

03-06-2020, 12:23 PM
Picking up speed slowly in NY, and in New Rochelle by me. Now where the epicenter is if you will, the mans house where they think it all started, is a zoo of TV and news reporters! Poor folks all stuck inside the house with the zoo watching them like they are animals. But at least you can still get things delivered, as they received care packages and food deliveries they showed.

But others they say drove by with windows up, and still had masks on or shirts over their faces. Ok, a little overkill folks! You ain't gonna get it by driving by!

Folks need to simply limit contact with others, limit to a reasonable extent where they go and what they touch. And most importantly is to simply wash your hands thoroughly when you can.

Now the Rabbi where the gent went to congregate has the virus. Who knows how many he may have passed it to before knowing. Same as the guy who started it, and his kids, before they all knew. But 4 more connected to that one guy are found positive since yesterday. They say up to 1,000 people self quarantined as a result so far. Quite a few schools are closed. Now 2 in Mamaroneck are closed due to connections.

I saw a package handler at LAX of all places came down with the virus. How much was he handling before stopping?

And news about the mortality rate, many different, anywhere from 0.7 up to 4% and I think we'll see that changing with different results in different areas. I also read that there are 2 different strains of this virus. Oy!

Contagious rabbis, yet ....

My God. I hope we don't get an Islamic strain (how's Iran doing these days ?). Seems to me that its capacity for spread might just be ... 'explosive' .. ?:rolleyes:

03-06-2020, 12:28 PM
Contagious rabbis, yet ....

My God. I hope we don't get an Islamic strain (how's Iran doing these days ?). Seems to me that its capacity for spread might just be ... 'explosive' .. ?:rolleyes:

Iran’s ‘Death to America’ Ayatollahs in an Epidemic Bind. (https://strategypage.com/on_point/2020030322615.aspx)
107 Dead of Coronavirus in Iran, Quarantines Extended. (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-iran-idUSKBN20S192)
Iran coronavirus: Bodies ‘pile up’ in morgue as country feels strain of coronavirus. (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/iran-coronavirus-bodies-pile-up-in-morgue-as-country-feels-strain-of-coronavirus/ar-BB10NclG?li=BBnbcA1)

03-06-2020, 12:34 PM
Iran’s ‘Death to America’ Ayatollahs in an Epidemic Bind. (https://strategypage.com/on_point/2020030322615.aspx)
107 Dead of Coronavirus in Iran, Quarantines Extended. (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-iran-idUSKBN20S192)
Iran coronavirus: Bodies ‘pile up’ in morgue as country feels strain of coronavirus. (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/iran-coronavirus-bodies-pile-up-in-morgue-as-country-feels-strain-of-coronavirus/ar-BB10NclG?li=BBnbcA1)

I think I'm right in saying that the infection rate in Iran has become the highest in the world, since the China outbreak is running out of steam.

Iran's religious leaders must be reflecting on the question of whose side God is on.

03-06-2020, 12:52 PM
I think I'm right in saying that the infection rate in Iran has become the highest in the world, since the China outbreak is running out of steam.

Iran's religious leaders must be reflecting on the question of whose side God is on.
What I've taken from Iran's troubles that we know of, it does appear the leadership of Iran was meeting with Chinese, as their elderly leadership appears to have taken a big hit. The 'norm' isn't leadership, but those that have traveled to those countries with the virus and bringing it home.

Abbey Marie
03-06-2020, 12:58 PM
Picking up speed slowly in NY, and in New Rochelle by me. Now where the epicenter is if you will, the mans house where they think it all started, is a zoo of TV and news reporters! Poor folks all stuck inside the house with the zoo watching them like they are animals. But at least you can still get things delivered, as they received care packages and food deliveries they showed.

But others they say drove by with windows up, and still had masks on or shirts over their faces. Ok, a little overkill folks! You ain't gonna get it by driving by!

And then there’s this:


03-06-2020, 01:31 PM
And then there’s this:


Courtesy of London Underground ? :rolleyes:

What they get up to on the Jubilee Line is nobody's business ...... :cool::cool:

03-06-2020, 02:17 PM
Today in Seattle:


03-06-2020, 03:10 PM
Damn, just went on Amazon to make some usual orders. I wasn't even thinking of "prepping" or things not available. All I wanted was some munchie foods and water. We usually stock some Fiji and Smart Water. They're gouging for that too!! So Poland Spring it is for me.

The others aren't up too awfully much but they're expensive at it is. But there are endless offers out there that are ridiculous. And not to mention, NY has great water, and we still run it through a Brita filter. Prob don't even need the luxury of bottles and I can just refill the dang things.

03-06-2020, 03:36 PM
Damn, just went on Amazon to make some usual orders. I wasn't even thinking of "prepping" or things not available. All I wanted was some munchie foods and water. We usually stock some Fiji and Smart Water. They're gouging for that too!! So Poland Spring it is for me.

The others aren't up too awfully much but they're expensive at it is. But there are endless offers out there that are ridiculous. And not to mention, NY has great water, and we still run it through a Brita filter. Prob don't even need the luxury of bottles and I can just refill the dang things.You buy munchies and water on Amazon :laugh:


03-06-2020, 08:32 PM
So, this woman was on a cruise with large number of infected people, she returned to school. Seriously, this is not how to mitigate. :rolleyes:

https://abc7chicago.com/health/5th-confirmed-ill-covid-19-patient-released-to-recover-at-home-hospital-says/5990270/?fbclid=IwAR3pYhR7tzWEaXgtDcn18Y_b6xF1PIrqHGz9KueE SV8NKunUU1KXgNY9cTU (https://abc7chicago.com/health/5th-confirmed-ill-covid-19-patient-released-to-recover-at-home-hospital-says/5990270/?fbclid=IwAR3pYhR7tzWEaXgtDcn18Y_b6xF1PIrqHGz9KueE SV8NKunUU1KXgNY9cTU)

CHICAGO (WLS) -- A sixth case of novel coronavirus in Illinois was announced Friday evening by health officials in Chicago.

Officials from the Illinois Department of Public Health and Chicago Department of Public Health said a woman in her 50s had tested presumptive positive for COVID-19. The state-administered testing still has to be confirmed by the CDC.

The woman was a passenger on the Grand Princess cruise ship that docked in San Francisco in February.

The woman is an employee of Chicago Public Schools, a special education classroom assistant at Vaughn Occupational High School, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said. She returned to work after disembarking the cruise, health officials said.

She is hospitalized in isolation, and her condition is stable, health officials said Friday.

CPS CEO Janice Jackson said classes at Vaughn would be canceled next week as a precaution. CPS is asking staff that may have been exposed to the virus to self-quarantine at home for 14 days.

The Chicago Department of Public Health will be reaching out to students and their families individually, health officials said.

At the Friday evening news conference, which also included updates from Governor JB Pritzker, officials once again emphasized the risk to the public from novel coronavirus remains low.

The fifth confirmed COVID-19 patient was released from RUSH Medical Center Friday to recover in self-quarantine at home.

On Thursday, Illinois health officials announced a man in his 20s from Cook County had tested positive for COVID-19. Health officials said he had recently traveled to Italy, where he acquired the virus.

The man was treated at RUSH University Medical Center. He was released to home quarantine Friday, after doctors determined he would be able to recover at home, hospital officials said.

RUSH officials said while the patient is still showing symptoms, he "no longer requires hospitalization."

03-06-2020, 09:52 PM
Because this is just too, too, I'll share this post:

NEWS ALERT!! Women age 45-70 are most likely to carry the Corona virus without symptoms. Best course of action is to quarantine them away from men and children. The Temecula Wineries are the designated local quarantine centers. Send women immediately.Note: All cell phones will be confiscated on arrival to prevent mass hysteria. No contact for 14 day quarantine period.
-my car will be leaving at 8:00!


03-07-2020, 09:41 AM
Just in case anybody's interested ... latest UK stats ....

Just announced / updated, our confirmed infections are skyrocketing now. We're up to 206.

Remarkably ... Wales still has had just TWO confirmed cases, out of them. [My guess ... it's because nobody in their right mind visits that country .. ? :rolleyes::cool:]

We've now had our second confirmed UK death from Covid-19, this being an elderly person (male, I think) in his eighties. This adds to a previous death of a woman in her seventies. Both had 'underlying health issues' (in the case of the first death, she'd been previously hospitalised because of them).

In one specific sense, this reminds me of the 'measles' discussion some months ago. My research, then, showed that for several years, our annual death rate had been in single figures ... the cases all being of deaths of people whose immune systems had been weakened by other illnesses. It might be 'early days' yet ... but our experience of the Coronavirus is, so far, shaping up the same way (i.e reason for vulnerability to it, if not the figures that'll be involved !!).

03-07-2020, 10:20 AM
You buy munchies and water on Amazon :laugh:


Hell, I'll grab anything and everything that's legit on Amazon!! That much less I gotta carry home from anywhere else. AND it's usually here the next day, 2 tops.

But, I do the same when I hit Costco, and the same with Stop and Shop and Shop Rite. I always get what the woman puts on the shopping list, but I always grab water when I can, especially if Smart Water or Fiji on sale. I'm a sucker like that! And munchies are simply a must have. Drawers full upstairs, fridge and cabinets full, desk cabinets and anywhere else I can hide munchies from the kids! Hey, truth is, I take "seroquel" at night, which honestly gives me the munchies like an hour later. Mans gotta be prepared!! And ya never know what other life's activities may make you hungry!! :thumb:

Also, in NY, you simply never know when you may get mugged or robbed. Even though I live in a nicer area, that's where folks come to rob!! So I'd rather the Amazon guy get robbed than me! :laugh:

03-07-2020, 10:47 AM
Holy crap, a day later and now they say 4,000 are self quarantined in New York. And the one guy in New Rochelle has infected 28-33 thus far?

BUT, I read a portion of the story below, and the Rabbi is stating that some under quarantine didn't listen and violated that - several times????? WTF?


Around 4,000 New Yorkers are being told to self-quarantine. An 84-year old woman who had contact with a coronavirus patient describes what it's like

Around 4,000 people in New York have been asked to self-isolate at home due to the coronavirus.
Most of the state's cases are linked to a single patient: a 50-year-old attorney from Westchester.
An 84-year-old woman who attends synagogue with that man said she had a conversation with him just days before he was diagnosed.
She said she has preexisting health problems, but she's not worried about getting infected.

Vera Koppel prepared for this Wednesday like any other: She planned to chair a weekly social event at her synagogue in Westchester, New York. A lunch would be followed by a screening of the documentary "Cuba's Forgotten Jewels," about Jewish refugees who escaped to Havana from Europe.

Koppel had expected about 40 people to attend — but then her phone started ringing.

"People kept calling all day long," she said. "There were some who said, 'Oh, I wouldn't put my foot into that building.'"

Earlier that day, a 50-year-old attorney who belongs to the synagogue, Young Israel of New Rochelle, became the second person in New York to be diagnosed with the coronavirus.

By around 4 p.m. that afternoon, Koppel received an email from the state health department informing her that she would have to quarantine herself for at least four days. Her movie screening was canceled.

Koppel said she knows the infected attorney intimately — she attended his wedding and watched his wife, who now has the coronavirus as well, grow up.

"They are just the nicest people," Koppel said. "They have a law firm and they mainly deal with elder law so they're helping many of my community, the elderly people, with their wills and estate planning."

Rest - https://news.yahoo.com/around-4-000-yorkers-being-124100051.html

This now makes 34 cases of the virus near me in Westchester. I don't like this, but I'll worry when they start dropping, and not as much if they start recovering.

Coronavirus News: 44 confirmed COVID-19 cases in New York, officials say

NEW YORK (WABC) -- There are now 44 confirmed cases of novel coronavirus reported in New York state, officials said.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced additional cases on Friday and said they all likely have a connection to a 50-year-old lawyer hospitalized with the disease in Westchester County.

Of the 44 people with positive results, five of them have been hospitalized. The governor said their conditions continue to improve.

The breakdown of the 44 cases is: 34 in Westchester County, 4 in NYC, 4 on Long Island and 2 in Rockland County.

In addition, a Connecticut hospital employee who is a New York State resident has tested positive for Coronavirus.

"The cases in Westchester and Nassau, we suspect they are related to existing cases, a number of young people," Cuomo said.

Cuomo also announced that 4,000 people across the state are in quarantine as a precaution -- that includes 2,700 in NYC, 1,000 in Westchester and 70 in Nassau County.

There are 44 people in mandatory quarantine across the state, including 33 in Westchester, nine in NYC and one in Nassau County.

Officials announced on Friday that Gap closed its corporate offices in Tribeca on Thursday after a worker tested positive for COVID-19.

Among the new cases announced Friday is a man in his 50s who lives in Manhattan. He has mild symptoms and his family is being tested.

Eyewitness News also learned Friday morning that a rabbi is among the patients in Westchester County.

The rabbi of Young Israel of New Rochelle, the synagogue at the center of the coronavirus outbreak, had tested positive. He was already in self-quarantine. He also teaches classes at Yeshiva University in Washington Heights.

"I have the virus and am doing reasonably well," he wrote in a letter to the congregation. "Admittedly, it is hard to comply with the burden the State has placed on us. But as we see, despite all these measures the amount of people testing positive is increasing. We all have to be careful to comply. I have heard alarming reports that some of our members who should remain in quarantine have repeatedly violated it. This, obviously, is irresponsible."

De Blasio said some of the other cases in NYC are a woman in her 80s and man in his 40s. They are both hospitalized in critical condition.

Both have substantial pre-existing conditions, officials said. The man has respiratory issues related to smoking and vaping and the woman is an "advanced age." One is being treated in Brooklyn and the other is being treated in Manhattan.

Health officials in the state had previously announced a cluster of cases connected with the lawyer hospitalized with the disease.

Rest - https://abc7ny.com/5989875/

Then you have these unreasonable folks, that don't think. Just because it's an Asian doesn't mean they have the virus. For starters, they are here. I suppose they could have just come back from China, but odds are slim. And how about you just don't shop there if you can't be rude, even if you somehow think it's in your best interest.

A Customer in Coronavirus-Panicked Westchester Asks for Sushi — If Asians Don’t Touch It

Restaurant struggles to maintain customers after multiple cases of new coronavirus were confirmed in New Rochelle, New York

The Times dispatched a reporter to New Rochelle, New York, in Westchester County to check in on the local community, where, at the time of publication, 10 of the 11 confirmed new coronavirus cases in the state were located, and over 100 other households were under a self-quarantine order. For restaurants in the town, the situation is bleak. In one case, a glatt kosher Asian fusion restaurant hired someone to help with public relations and started offering 15-percent-off coupons to customers.

While the reporter was in the restaurant, the owner received a call from a caterer saying that a customer had just called asking for sushi — but “he didn’t want any Asians to touch it,” the restaurateur told the Times. As of this morning, there have been 13 confirmed cases of new coronavirus reported in New York state, according to the Times, but though the outbreak started in China, the first New York case is a woman who had recently visited Iran, while the other ones have been traced to a Manhattan attorney who has visited Miami and Israel. “People have just gone nuts,” the Westchester restaurant owner said.

Rest - https://ny.eater.com/2020/3/5/21164547/restaurant-new-rochelle-ny-new-coronavirus-fear

03-07-2020, 11:35 AM
Well it started in China. . .

If people in this small group start dying, my guess is that full blown panic will set in:


Experts unsure if 'cured' COVID-19 patients are reinfected or relapsedBy

Brian P. Dunleavy

March 6 (UPI) -- Although the number of new cases of coronavirus continues to climb, well over half of those diagnosed with the disease have been declared fully recovered, according to data from the World Health Organization.

However, reports suggest a new subset of patients affected by the disease, known as COVID-19, may be emerging: A handful of the 60,000 or so people declared cured after treatment have been readmitted to hospitals days or weeks later because their symptoms have returned.

So far, most of these cases of reinfection have been in China, where the outbreak started, and research documenting these cases -- and confirming that they are, in fact, instances of reinfection -- remains lacking, experts say.

"I do not know of any cases at present where I would be definitively convinced that a person had fully recovered from the disease and had been reinfected as opposed to relapsed," William Hanage, assistant professor of epidemiology at the T.H. Chan School of Public Health at Harvard University, told UPI. "A lot of people are concerned about it, but I don't think we have any good evidence for it."

There is a distinction between relapse -- where a patient could be temporarily asymptomatic, only to have the flu-like symptoms of COVID-19 return -- and reinfection. For reinfection, a person would be ruled cured of the virus, and then catch it again, likely from another source, or perhaps with a different strain.


03-07-2020, 02:21 PM
Yikes, now there are 76 cases in New York. Cuomo has declared a state of emergency. Hell, in Pennsylvania they got their first case and instantly declared an emergency then!

57 of these cases in NY are by me in Westchester/New Rochelle. Actually, I think one case is up in Saratoga and 4 in Rockland county, then the rest here.

All the senior homes in New Rochelle and around there have closed to outside visitors.

03-07-2020, 03:29 PM
Is this too much, going too far? Or appropriate to contain the virus?

I think for now it's a tad too much. Neighbors and people down the road aren't going to get sick just from going in their yards or walking down the road. Unless they are going to the infected person's house, then they are fine. I do understand that until they investigate and clean, they don't want people going to and touching in places that may be affected. I don't believe that folks should be like in Iran and start licking things, but I also don't agree with police enforcement - unless they were protecting the public from going into maybe an infected building. But the non-infected from leaving their homes?


Police-Enforced Quarantine Hits California Neighborhood – Residents Ordered to Stay Inside Due to Coronavirus

Sacramento police ordered all residents in a California neighborhood to stay inside on Thursday due to a coronavirus death in the area.

The local health department issued a statement after the police presence in the area.

This is a frightening development.

WIBW reported:

Sacramento County Sheriff deputies and Rocklin Police, some wearing protective gloves, converged on a residential street Thursday as a sheriff’s helicopter circled overhead, ordering people to get inside.

It was later learned that the first California coronavirus patient to die from the illness lived on this block.

The Placer County Health Department issued a brief statement shortly after the police presence, stating: “Law enforcement partners are currently responding to enforce a health officer’s order. We cannot share any additional information to protect patient confidentiality.”

The orders were given under sections of California Health and Safety Code that allows Placer Health to “enforce regulations requiring strict isolation, or quarantine if the action is necessary for the protection of the public health.”


Abbey Marie
03-07-2020, 04:11 PM
Yikes, now there are 76 cases in New York. Cuomo has declared a state of emergency. Hell, in Pennsylvania they got their first case and instantly declared an emergency then!

57 of these cases in NY are by me in Westchester/New Rochelle. Actually, I think one case is up in Saratoga and 4 in Rockland county, then the rest here.

All the senior homes in New Rochelle and around there have closed to outside visitors.

Head to Alaska! (Maybe we’ll join you!)

03-07-2020, 05:36 PM
Head to Alaska! (Maybe we’ll join you!)

I already inquired of NT and no cases there yet. Not sure if they are changing anything about incoming flights or anything like that.

But, as we briefly discussed, a cabin out in the middle of nowhere is probably a dang safe place to be from spreading viruses! Stock the hell up and enjoy an extended vacation! :)

03-07-2020, 06:47 PM
Today in Seattle:

Good lord... and I have relatives living in Seattle.

No word through the family grape vine about their status though... yet.

03-07-2020, 06:53 PM
Hell, I'll grab anything and everything that's legit on Amazon!!
I do too. Who can argue with having what you need delivered right to your front door.

The only problem with that is, now, does the person or persons handling what you get shipped to you have the virus ... :confused:

I'd hate the catch the crap from something sent to my house.

03-07-2020, 08:57 PM
I do too. Who can argue with having what you need delivered right to your front door.

The only problem with that is, now, does the person or persons handling what you get shipped to you have the virus ... :confused:

I'd hate the catch the crap from something sent to my house.

Seems to me that deliveries to your door is an infinitely preferable choice. Providing the delivery person doesn't cough or sneeze directly in your face, all you'd need to do is take delivery, then at the earliest chance, wipe all surfaces you can with an antiviral agent (presumably alcohol based) ... then wash your hands ... & then, you're set.

Alternatively .. there'd be a trip to the store. Maybe several stores. Maybe a big supermarket. The chances of contracting Coronavirus have to be far greater ! Every person you see is a potential carrier. Every surface you touch, a potential source of contagion. Even the air you breathe in any enclosed space may be full of virus traces. The time spent with all these threat around you may be substantial.

Home disinfection is practical. Try disinfecting an entire supermarket. No comparison !!

03-07-2020, 09:37 PM
I already inquired of NT and no cases there yet. Not sure if they are changing anything about incoming flights or anything like that.

But, as we briefly discussed, a cabin out in the middle of nowhere is probably a dang safe place to be from spreading viruses! Stock the hell up and enjoy an extended vacation! :)

I say, head to the Falklands. Enjoy British rule .....

It's a mite warmer there. Not many visitors. The Coronavirus is probably too discerning to set foot on any Port Stanley's baggage handler's spittle.

A remote British outpost, with its own radio station !! The Argies are the bad guys (reference: 1982 invasion). The Internet has been known to work there.

Sheep. It's got lots of sheep !!!

Abbey Marie
03-08-2020, 11:03 AM
We’re heading to a cabin in the White Mountains of NH next week, and flying to Bermuda in late May. I’m wondering if the Bermuda trip will happen...

03-08-2020, 01:09 PM
UK update: another 67 confirmed cases of infection. Now, the total is 273, the biggest single day's rise since Covid-19 was first detected on our shores.

The number of these has also 'shot up' in Wales. From two, to, today, four :scared:......

It seems evident that somebody else has entered Wales !!

No more fatalities anywhere in the UK in the last 24 hours.

Food is beginning to be rationed, along with items like toilet rolls and sanitizer bottles. The exact number you can buy depends on the store you choose to buy from. Items such as pasta, some tinned goods ... can't now be bought in bulk in any one purchase. The same is true for online orders, through Tesco, Ocado & the like.

03-09-2020, 10:42 AM
UK update: another 67 confirmed cases of infection. Now, the total is 273, the biggest single day's rise since Covid-19 was first detected on our shores.

The number of these has also 'shot up' in Wales. From two, to, today, four :scared:......

It seems evident that somebody else has entered Wales !!

No more fatalities anywhere in the UK in the last 24 hours.

Food is beginning to be rationed, along with items like toilet rolls and sanitizer bottles. The exact number you can buy depends on the store you choose to buy from. Items such as pasta, some tinned goods ... can't now be bought in bulk in any one purchase. The same is true for online orders, through Tesco, Ocado & the like.

UK update for today: 319 confirmed cases. Not sure, but I think 4 deaths now. Two more cases in Wales, bringing our mammoth share of the 319 to SIX. On the comparative downside, though, one of the latest is in my home town.

Another emergency 'Cobra' meeting was called today. It concluded, surprisingly, NOT to ramp up any preparedness / combatting measures greater than currently in place.

03-09-2020, 12:21 PM
I already inquired of NT and no cases there yet. Not sure if they are changing anything about incoming flights or anything like that.

But, as we briefly discussed, a cabin out in the middle of nowhere is probably a dang safe place to be from spreading viruses! Stock the hell up and enjoy an extended vacation! :)

If you head up there now, you'll be there until May when the river breaks up and is high enough to allow jet boat traffic.

But don't think that I'd have a problem with that... a 20-mile gap between my family and the nearest living human sounds like a pretty sound idea.

I say, head to the Falklands. Enjoy British rule .....

It's a mite warmer there. Not many visitors. The Coronavirus is probably too discerning to set foot on any Port Stanley's baggage handler's spittle.

A remote British outpost, with its own radio station !! The Argies are the bad guys (reference: 1982 invasion). The Internet has been known to work there.

Sheep. It's got lots of sheep !!!

Well, crap! wtf am I doing way up here with all of these moose, then?

We’re heading to a cabin in the White Mountains of NH next week, and flying to Bermuda in late May. I’m wondering if the Bermuda trip will happen...

I'm heading to Seattle to join the wifey tomorrow night (well, technically day after tomorrow at 2am) and I'm somewhat apprehensive about air travel being shut down. And at that point, it's going to suck.

Shutting down air travel is a huge step, but just in the last few days this thing has blown up! We've got a lot of coverage here in the US, and obviously these cases were all made possible by airplanes.

Heading into the epicenter of this in Seattle is possibly some of the worst timing I can think of, but it can't be helped.

John Hopkins is doing a great job tracking this thing :


I see today that South America is now sporting cases... I expect this thing to absolutely wreck 3rd world countries.

Also, there's multiple cases in Nigeria that just sprung up - Africa is going to get mauled.

Hopefully, the idiots in Iran have stopped licking public objects, but far be it from me to interfere with traditional muslim passtimes.

As soon as we get the first case(s) up here in Alaska, I think I'm going to pull the plug and head up to the cabin with the family and any friends that want to tag along. This was one of the functions in mind during planning and construction. A vacation sounds pretty good.

But first to retrieve the wifey unit.

03-09-2020, 01:06 PM
Only one case in WI so far... but that's so far as we know. I don't think anyone is saying if we can test everyone or not yet.

But I'm glad I live in a tiny little town. I don't have to be around any "clusters" of larger than 2 or 3 people if I don't want to.

There is an auction tomorrow in the town north of me tomorrow at the community center, and I'd love to go, and I think I might. I think I could probably survive the virus even if I did catch it. I think I'm pretty strong and healthy.

03-09-2020, 01:11 PM
Oh boy... here we go...


Ammo stockpiling now underway as coronavirus spreads across America and uncertainty grows about how to stop it


03-09-2020, 01:26 PM
Hopefully, the idiots in Iran have stopped licking public objects, but far be it from me to interfere with traditional muslim passtimes.

Let them continue. Many of them did so proclaiming that their faith would protect them. Allah akbar!! And when many more get sick, they should run out and visit those folks and lick things in their home, REALLY prove to me that their faith will protect them from this virus. :laugh:

As soon as we get the first case(s) up here in Alaska, I think I'm going to pull the plug and head up to the cabin with the family and any friends that want to tag along. This was one of the functions in mind during planning and construction. A vacation sounds pretty good.

But first to retrieve the wifey unit.

Gotta set some ground rules!!

Anyone coming after you, they get quarantined in the new, and cold cabin. Let them sit for 2 weeks or so for the incubation period, then they can join in. Not for me though. I get direct access. I want that warm bed in the back and I'll sleep and live in a huge enclosed ziploc bag if I have to!!

03-09-2020, 01:30 PM
NY is talking about 'not ruling out shutting down the subway system'.

Yikes, that would be insane, and makes me happy I no longer work in the city. Well, I worked about 15 block from Grand Central and would often walk both ways already. But I had another job where #1 it was much more than that without the assist of the subway system and #2 that job required traveling to offsite jobs, like 7-10 per day. Fairly easy with the subway around, but next to impossible without.


Officials not ruling out shutting down mass transit in wake of coronavirus

NEW YORK - Despite the spread of coronavirus, state and local officials are not shutting down mass transit in the city and state, at least not yet. An estimated 4.3 million people ride the New York City subway system a day.

MTA Interim Chairperson Sarah Feinberg told FOX 5 NY morning program 'Good Day New York' and echoed statements from NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio a day earlier, that they are not ruling out the possibility.

"This is a dynamic situation," said Feinberg. "Moment by moment; hour by hour. We will follow the guidance we are given by medical experts."

Rest - https://www.fox5ny.com/news/officials-not-ruling-out-shutting-down-mass-transit-in-wake-of-coronavirus

03-09-2020, 01:43 PM
The scum rises to the top.

People are stealing things from medial offices and hospitals, directly from the places that need them the most. And not thieves off the streets, folks that work there, and doctors too. :rolleyes:

And then perhaps worse, the people who offer absolutely nothing. The others will likely sell their inventory, and at least people get them, even if ripped off a little. But then you have folks trying to collect money to help people, or selling things that don't even have, fake websites with $$$$$$$$ in sales, but all a ripoff. They are on Amazon and Ebay. But they ARE slowly closing them down when they see them.

Then you have every day idiots, maybe not the scum, but still overreacting and even fist fighting over stupid supplies.


Criminals Cash In on Coronavirus

Hospitals from Italy to Japan have reported disappearing inventories of newly precious masks and hand sanitizer

As coronavirus sparks a global run on medical supplies, criminals are moving in.

Hospitals from Italy to Japan have reported disappearing inventories of newly precious masks and hand sanitizer. Authorities in Ukraine, Taiwan and elsewhere have broken up efforts to smuggle such goods across borders. Authorities in the U.S. and elsewhere also report frauds in which people are tricked into buying nonexistent medical supplies or providing financial information to criminals posing as health workers.

With the number of confirmed coronavirus cases globally having climbed above 110,000—as infections outside China continue to mount—supplies of masks are tight, and makers are struggling to keep up with demand. Battling those challenges, medical staff are also now contending with thieves.

“These are episodes of looting…at a time when these health devices are so important,” said Marco Damonte Prioli, director of a hospital in the Liguria region of Italy—the country suffering the worst epidemic in terms of deaths outside China—that reported about 210 masks and 12 bottles of disinfectant missing.

A hospital in Marseille, France, reported almost 2,000 surgical masks taken from the central operating room, and a hospital in Malaga, Spain, said a trauma doctor was caught removing 12 boxes of high-filtration masks from a storeroom. Japanese Red Cross Kobe Hospital reported the disappearance of four 1,500-mask boxes last month.

Also last month, the Taiwanese coast guard seized more than 70,000 surgical masks from a fishing boat about to sail them out of the country. Last week, Ukrainian military personnel, acting on a tip, found five plastic bags holding 3,650 masks at the Romanian border, according to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The alleged smugglers escaped on a motorcycle, the services’s website said.

Criminals are cashing in even when they don’t have the supplies. Britain’s National Fraud Intelligence Bureau, a division of the police, said one person paid £15,000 ($19,570), for masks that never arrived.

“Scammers are taking advantage of fears surrounding the coronavirus,” Colleen Tressler, a consumer education specialist for the U.S. Federal Trade Commission said on its website.

The FTC said criminals set up websites to sell fake products,and use emails, texts, and social-media posts to tout cures and treatments, or solicit donations for victims. They often pretend to be from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Switzerland-based World Health Organization, according to the FTC. The WHO said criminals posing as its officials use emails, phone calls and text messages to steal financial information or install malware on computers.

Italy’s Civil Protection Department warned against door-to-door swindlers pretending to be health-care professionals as a way to scam old people out of their money or get into their homes—sometimes by offering to “sanitize the environment” or to provide free coronavirus tests.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has also warned investors of coronavirus-linked “pump and dump” stock schemes. Online promotions falsely claim that the products of a small listed company can stop coronavirus, sending the shares higher and allowing the swindler to sell at an inflated price.

Shortages have even triggered violence. In Australia, police have been called to stores a number times to break up fights among people panic-buying toilet paper.

On his way to work one day near Tokyo, Manabu Fujita saw people wrestling on the ground outside a drugstore where a line had formed for the remaining stock of surgical masks.

“I was shocked,” he said. “I never would have thought that the struggle for masks would lead fights to break out in Japan.”

Rest - https://www.wsj.com/articles/criminals-cash-in-on-coronavirus-11583739994

And then you have those that are a SPECIAL kind of SCUM. I have seen no less than 20 videos of different people in China spitting on elevator buttons and other places, and one guy even just spitting on the girl walking in front of him. And this isn't the first time/video of someone coughing in others faces to potentially spread the virus. Hell, I saw one guy purposely doing so in a video to the people who came to check on him while he was under quarantine. :rolleyes:

Cabin crew tackle woman who ‘sparked coronavirus panic by coughing on staff deliberately to get them to let her off jet’

SHOCKING footage shows cabin crew tackling an airline passenger who deliberately coughed on staff, it is claimed.

The dramatic unverified video was allegedly filmed on board a Thai Airways flight in Shanghai on Friday.

The clip was shared online by YouTube user Fugu M, who claimed the plane had landed at the city’s Pudong International Airport but was left waiting seven hours for a gate as a result of tighter coronavirus screening.

Tensions on board boiled over when a female passenger started deliberately coughing on staff to get them to open the doors and let her off, according to Fugu M.

They wrote: “One Chinese woman went stir crazy on a Thai Airways flight and deliberately coughed on a female flight attendant to try to pressure staff to open the doors and let her out.

“Senior male flight attendant was having none of it, warned her, then a scuffle ensued.

“He was going to put her in cuffs, but eventually chose not to.”

Rest - https://www.the-sun.com/news/507275/cabin-crew-tackle-woman-who-sparked-coronavirus-panic-by-coughing-on-staff-deliberately-to-get-them-to-let-her-off-jet/

03-09-2020, 02:27 PM
Dow has 35 min to come back some, about 10 min ago was down 7+%

03-09-2020, 03:00 PM
If people are already willing to fight over a SURGICAL MASK, think of what sort of things they'll be willing to do when FOOD becomes in short supply.

Really starting to wonder how much worse this will get before it gets better, and at the same time really glad I've been a prepper for years.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-09-2020, 10:35 PM
Only one case in WI so far... but that's so far as we know. I don't think anyone is saying if we can test everyone or not yet.

But I'm glad I live in a tiny little town. I don't have to be around any "clusters" of larger than 2 or 3 people if I don't want to.

There is an auction tomorrow in the town north of me tomorrow at the community center, and I'd love to go, and I think I might. I think I could probably survive the virus even if I did catch it. I think I'm pretty strong and healthy.

Far too much hysteria being ginned up by the usual suspects. Myself, I am not changing a thing about how I get around and where I go.
As of right now- this is being over-hyped worse than anything Ive seen in my long life, imho..
The numbers do not match anywhere near the over-hyped hysteria being promoted by governments and the media, imho.
Something just seems amiss about it all..--Tyr

03-09-2020, 10:50 PM
Well, crap! wtf am I doing way up here with all of these moose, then?

Could be one of two things.

1. You're a closet sheep hater

2. You prefer to have reliable Internet access for more than 2 hours a day.

If it's the 'sheep thing', you should be ashamed ............ :rolleyes::rolleyes:

03-10-2020, 12:39 AM
Now in Tucson.

TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) - The Pima County Health Department announced Monday, March 9, a resident tested positive for the coronavirus and has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

The PCHD said the patient is cooperating with officials, did not get severely ill and is being quarantined in their home.


03-10-2020, 01:28 AM
Well looky here, it appears that men and women have some differences-at least in China-regarding the virus and how deadly it is. Who'd have thought, gender making a difference?!?!

https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2020/02/25/men-coronavirus?fbclid=IwAR2oN8j-jaJrQ4zrXeyBdgUMsQblcM7tpG7EN82Pve5kDkWdSKvaAILYvR 8

Science, who'd have thunk?

03-10-2020, 01:33 AM
Well, this doesn't sound good:


China / Science
Coronavirus can travel twice as far as official ‘safe distance’ and stay in air for 30 minutes, Chinese study finds
Authorities advise people to stay 1-2 metres apart, but researchers found that a bus passenger infected fellow travellers sitting 4.5 metres away
The scientists behind the research said their investigation also highlighted the importance of wearing face masks because of the length of time it can linger

The coronavirus that causes Covid-19 can linger in the air for at least 30 minutes and travel up to 4.5 metres – further than the “safe distance” advised by health authorities around the world, according to a study by a team of Chinese government epidemiologists.
The researchers also found that it can last for days on a surface where respiratory droplets land, raising the risk of transmission if unsuspecting people touch it and then rub their face.
The length of time it lasts on the surface depends on factors such as temperature and the type of surface, for example at around 37C (98F), it can survive for two to three days on glass, fabric, metal, plastic or paper.
These findings, from a group of official researchers from Hunan province investigating a cluster case, challenge the advice from health authorities around the world that people should remain apart at a “safe distance” of one to two metres (three to six and a half feet).

. . .


03-10-2020, 07:57 AM
Well, this doesn't sound good:


Well, to my mind, it figures. Consider the case of the Diamond Princess, that ship that was (maybe still is ?) anchored just outside Yokohama. People aboard were in an environment where air was circulated through the ship's circulation system. The rate at which people were infected was phenomenal ... and way in excess of what we're expecting, or in fact seeing, in countries across the world, even the worst affected ones.

Society doesn't have its own specific, internal, air conditioning system common to all its citizens. Ships like the Diamond Princess, do.

The observable result was all too clear.

03-10-2020, 08:05 AM
UK stats update: confirmed cases standing at 322.

Our people are expecting a steady rise in cases in the coming days (no surprise there !). We're prognosticating that we should be reaching a peak of them in around 2 weeks' time.

03-10-2020, 08:46 AM
Far too much hysteria being ginned up by the usual suspects. Myself, I am not changing a thing about how I get around and where I go.
As of right now- this is being over-hyped worse than anything Ive seen in my long life, imho..
The numbers do not match anywhere near the over-hyped hysteria being promoted by governments and the media, imho.
Something just seems amiss about it all..--Tyr
I think the "MEDIA," aka, THE DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, is intentionally trying to build this up to be as bad as they possibly can. Why? I think it's obvious... the worse they can make it appear, the more they can trash President Trump.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Abbey Marie
03-10-2020, 09:10 AM
After watching multiple press conferences by the President and his team of experts telling us of all the things they are doing/coordinating to stop this virus (and it’s a lot), I see Schumer saying that Trump cares more about the stock market than he does about containing the virus.

I think steam was about coming out of my ears. Based on what? Because Trump is also talking about small business loans and payroll tax cuts to make sure people don’t lose their jobs because of the epidemic. What a jerk, right?

I truly loathe Schumer. And Pelosi, who was standing next to him, nodding in agreement.

03-10-2020, 09:13 AM
Post on facebook this morning by President Trump...

The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, “The risk is low to the average American.”

All the democrats care about is TRASHING Trump, non stop, 24/7, and it's disgusting... but then, it's coming from very disgusting people.

03-10-2020, 09:35 AM
There's always backfire.

It was Pelosi ripping up the SOTU speech that made me decide to vote for Trump, IF he doesn't do anything to make that impossible.

While the move to close US to China infected areas was brilliant, he has been very slow on advising that schools, businesses that can easily go on 'work from home,' etc, do so. Yes, I believe it's an attempt to prevent panic, but the fear of lack of information-which IS out there, if one digs-has contributed to anxiety. Businesses would be impossibly stupid, which they are not, if they didn't notice the very real problems with supply chains. Again, the president has minimized, when he could have taken credit for 'seeing' the possible impact of such from even before he was elected. He could tout his steps in trying to bring those supply chains home or at least to allies.

With something like this, there's always the medical, the economic, and the political.

Abbey Marie
03-10-2020, 10:31 AM
Info is important, as is taking steps on your own, as I know you have done, and as have I, to a little lesser extent. Russ has been working from home since last week, to protect me mainly.
His company hasn’t made it policy to do so yet, but we are being proactive.

03-10-2020, 11:08 AM
I didn't go to the auction today either, even though there were a few ornate, vintage oil lamps, and I collect them. I just decided I don't want to be a room with a bunch of people right now, not worth it. There'll be other auctions. I prefer the outside auctions anyway.

03-10-2020, 11:54 AM
Well this isn't good! Who wants to see guys in uniform over this!

But we are apparently up to 108 cases now. Yikeys. 173 in all of NY.


NY to Deploy National Guard to New Rochelle, Set Up Containment Area; Tri-State Cases Nearly Quadruple in Days

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a slate of sweeping new directives Tuesday for Westchester County's New Rochelle, which he described as the "most significant cluster in the country" and accounts for the lion's share of the tri-state's surging caseload.

Those measures include deploying National Guard troops to a Health Department command post and setting up a satellite testing facility and one-mile containment area in the city. To date, Westchester County has seen 108 confirmed COVID-19 cases; that's 58 percent of all tri-state cases.

New Rochelle is home to the midtown Manhattan lawyer who has been linked to dozens of cases across multiple states. He was the second confirmed case in the state and its first instance of community spread.

There have since been fresh instances of community spread, including in New York City, which Cuomo said added more than a dozen new cases overnight. Overall, the state of New York sits at 173 confirmed cases, trailing only Washington state (179) as America's most impacted state.

Meanwhile, school closings, community event cancellations and other fallout from the virus are expanding as officials work to contain the spread.

Asked Tuesday whether New York City's iconic St. Patrick's Day Parade, scheduled for next week should be canceled out of caution, Cuomo said officials are still assessing the situation. But it's possible.

"You calibrate your response to the time and the facts and the circumstances in that place at that time," Cuomo said on CNN. "So parades, etc. we look at that on a daily basis."

Rest - https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-adds-5-new-covid-19-cases-tri-state-total-more-than-triples-in-days/2319688/

03-10-2020, 11:55 AM
I honestly didn't go back and look - but did all of you see that Italy has quarantined their ENTIRE country!

03-10-2020, 11:56 AM
Well this isn't good! Who wants to see guys in uniform over this!

But we are apparently up to 108 cases now. Yikeys. 173 in all of NY.


NY to Deploy National Guard to New Rochelle, Set Up Containment Area; Tri-State Cases Nearly Quadruple in Days

Rest - https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-adds-5-new-covid-19-cases-tri-state-total-more-than-triples-in-days/2319688/

Holy CRAP... so is this thing still going to BLOW UP or what?

Are we all in for a wild ride?

03-10-2020, 12:00 PM
Holy CRAP... so is this thing still going to BLOW UP or what?

Are we all in for a wild ride?

I dunno, but getting much worse and much quicker than I thought around these parts. I don't know how all those cases break up and specifically where, but the so called "epicenter" is less than a few miles from me. How many for sure were infected? How many did they pass it to? How many out there are not tested yet? How many don't know yet perhaps, and may be touching crap all over? That's worst case I suppose. But it's growing daily, and I can only assume that the borders of the infected zone are only going to grow larger.

And my fear is that what was brought in for help, will ultimately be used for keeping folks in and out.

03-10-2020, 12:03 PM
As China is out there testing 20,000+ per day - the United States as a whole has thus far tested 6,500? WTF is wrong with this picture? What is the hold up I wonder?

Only 6,563 Americans have been tested for the coronavirus so far

Despite vows to drastically expand the coronavirus testing regime, federal and state public health authorities have tested only 6,563 people for the coronavirus as of Tuesday morning, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and numbers provided by all 50 states.

That count includes people tested by the federal government and by state laboratories. Because those laboratories may not always report people who tested negative for the coronavirus, the true number of people tested is probably somewhat higher.

Confusion about that exact number persists even at the highest reaches government. Earlier on Tuesday, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said he couldn’t provide the figure. “We don’t know exactly how many because hundreds of thousands of our tests have gone out to private labs and hospitals that currently do not report in to CDC,” he said in a CNN appearance.

That number stands in stark contrast to the promises made by leading members of the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force, who have variously asserted that 75,000 people would be tested by last week’s end and that laboratories across the United States would have the capacity to conduct 1.5 million tests by the beginning of this week.

Rest - https://news.yahoo.com/only-5000-americans-have-been-tested-for-the-coronavirus-so-far-151447195.html

03-10-2020, 01:17 PM
As China is out there testing 20,000+ per day - the United States as a whole has thus far tested 6,500? WTF is wrong with this picture? What is the hold up I wonder?

Only 6,563 Americans have been tested for the coronavirus so far

Despite vows to drastically expand the coronavirus testing regime, federal and state public health authorities have tested only 6,563 people for the coronavirus as of Tuesday morning, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and numbers provided by all 50 states.

That count includes people tested by the federal government and by state laboratories. Because those laboratories may not always report people who tested negative for the coronavirus, the true number of people tested is probably somewhat higher.

Confusion about that exact number persists even at the highest reaches government. Earlier on Tuesday, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said he couldn’t provide the figure. “We don’t know exactly how many because hundreds of thousands of our tests have gone out to private labs and hospitals that currently do not report in to CDC,” he said in a CNN appearance.

That number stands in stark contrast to the promises made by leading members of the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force, who have variously asserted that 75,000 people would be tested by last week’s end and that laboratories across the United States would have the capacity to conduct 1.5 million tests by the beginning of this week.

Rest - https://news.yahoo.com/only-5000-americans-have-been-tested-for-the-coronavirus-so-far-151447195.html
Evidently something to do with not enough test kits even in existence.

So the next logical question is, what the hell is the hold up making and distributing them?

03-10-2020, 01:29 PM
I honestly didn't go back and look - but did all of you see that Italy has quarantined their ENTIRE country!

Yep. Meaning, we're back to the scenarios of whether countries will consider sending planes to rescue their citizens, trapped in Italy.

Listening to a report just minutes ago, apparently the Italian authorities are going to the lengths of issuing permits to people which will give them PERMISSION to travel any appreciable distance by car, which drivers must have with them at all times, subject to ad-hoc checks by police. They warn that attempts to forge the documents will lead to prosecution & a possible jail term.

03-10-2020, 01:34 PM
US seriously screwed up testing, it continues.

Skeptics say that the President doesn't want the 'numbers' that come with testing, they will jump hugely.

Others say that the US just wanted to use their own test, assuming superiority.

Why it continues? Everyone wants to know the answer.

Abbey Marie
03-10-2020, 01:40 PM
jimnyc , do you know if that lawyer had been in China?

03-10-2020, 01:51 PM
jimnyc , do you know if that lawyer had been in China?

Nope, but he did travel to Israel and also Miami, so someone else transferred it to him from somewhere, and no one will likely ever know for sure.

The Department of Health has an unknown amount of tests. Last I heard some places needed to call them and then get the folks to come test or get kits. If anyone has them, get them out. If not, mass produce them and get them out. WHO all the way down to the dept. of health, down to hospitals and doctors offices, the medical community from the very top needs to start answering some basic questions and keep folks informed as to when things can be expected. IMO, the health side of our country has done a horrible job so far in getting information out, and getting out mixed information.

03-10-2020, 03:27 PM
THE VIRUS, and Everything related to it, connected to it, done about it...Around the World is.....

HIS FAULT >>>>>>>>>https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61DEARwOV7L.jpg

03-10-2020, 04:12 PM
Interesting read. BTW, I do not blame the president per se, his emphasis is where it has always been-on the economy. Problem is, this virus is much like foreign affairs, the president doesn't always get to keep his attention where he wanted it to be. The question becomes, when, not if, he changes focus:


03-10-2020, 04:46 PM
I'm off to work in a few minutes, leaving you with this link. Sorry about repeat links from same source, but it's the links there and graphs that are garnering my attention.

I'm not freaked out over this disease, but it's 'not just the flu,' which is bad enough as everyone now knows:


The graph about 'with preventative measures and without,' is telling. It's also why it's important that people stop the politics and get their thinking hats on. It should make sense to anyone who thinks that vaccinating their children or grandchildren is a good idea.

03-10-2020, 06:05 PM
It's too serious to be funny.

At least, I think so.


Health minister Nadine Dorries has confirmed she has tested positive for coronavirus.

The Conservative MP is now reportedly self isolating.

According to reports revealed on Tuesday night Ms Dorries, who represents Mid Bedfordshire, fell ill last Friday.

She said in a statement to the BBC: "I can confirm I have tested positive for coronavirus.

"As soon as I was informed I took all advised precautions and have been self isolating at home.

"Public Health England has started detailed contact tracing and the department and my parliamentary office are closely following their advice."

03-10-2020, 06:05 PM
Just heard on our local news that there are two new cases in Wisconsin bringing it up to 3, and they BOTH had just returned from traveling outside of Wisconsin to areas where the virus is known to be present and spreading.

So that's how it'll spread here. People who don't care, dragging it into our state and spreading it around.

03-10-2020, 06:23 PM
Just heard on our local news that there are two new cases in Wisconsin bringing it up to 3, and they BOTH had just returned from traveling outside of Wisconsin to areas where the virus is known to be present and spreading.

So that's how it'll spread here. People who don't care, dragging it into our state and spreading it around.

Containment is a lost cause.

Batten down the hatches and try to protect anyone over 60.

03-10-2020, 06:33 PM
One day at a time. That's what I ask the Lord for each night. One more day to share with my family and friends. HE will decide. Besides using common sense, good hygiene practices, there's nothing anyone can do but wait it out.

Driving one's self insane with fear isn't really living though. Just saying.

03-10-2020, 07:41 PM
Just heard on our local news that there are two new cases in Wisconsin bringing it up to 3, and they BOTH had just returned from traveling outside of Wisconsin to areas where the virus is known to be present and spreading.

So that's how it'll spread here. People who don't care, dragging it into our state and spreading it around.

Exactly the same pattern as here.

The earlier UK cases we'd traced were all, every single one of them, of people who'd returned from overseas hotspots, like China, Iran, Italy. We'd almost got to the 100-mark before the first case turned up of contracting it within the UK. The vast majority are still of people contracting it abroad.

Listening to phone-in programmes as I do (usually LBC, a London radio station) ... I hear of example after example of people landing here at Heathrow, Gatwick, and other such UK airports ... who are just waved through, able to enter the UK without even the suggestion of a check of them.

Where Heathrow's concerned, that's especially bad. The vast majority of travellers having the UK as their destination, then go to the London Underground, and go travelling on the Tube, to anywhere in London or beyond. That automatically makes the Tube trains involved potential carriers.

Anyone bothering ... call up a map of the London Underground, and check out the line serving the Heathrow terminals ... the Piccadilly Line. It alone stretches clear across London ... forget about interchange stations !! You can go from Heathrow Terminal 4 to Cockfosters (SW to N) ... right across London, in the same carriage, in under an hour. You'd be in the immediate company of maybe 30-40 people in that carriage during the journey. Surfaces may become contaminated, air ditto. Etc etc.

That's just one train. Six per hour, every hour, every day ...

03-10-2020, 09:09 PM
Exactly the same pattern as here.

The earlier UK cases we'd traced were all, every single one of them, of people who'd returned from overseas hotspots, like China, Iran, Italy. We'd almost got to the 100-mark before the first case turned up of contracting it within the UK. The vast majority are still of people contracting it abroad.

Listening to phone-in programmes as I do (usually LBC, a London radio station) ... I hear of example after example of people landing here at Heathrow, Gatwick, and other such UK airports ... who are just waved through, able to enter the UK without even the suggestion of a check of them.

Where Heathrow's concerned, that's especially bad. The vast majority of travellers having the UK as their destination, then go to the London Underground, and go travelling on the Tube, to anywhere in London or beyond. That automatically makes the Tube trains involved potential carriers.

Anyone bothering ... call up a map of the London Underground, and check out the line serving the Heathrow terminals ... the Piccadilly Line. It alone stretches clear across London ... forget about interchange stations !! You can go from Heathrow Terminal 4 to Cockfosters (SW to N) ... right across London, in the same carriage, in under an hour. You'd be in the immediate company of maybe 30-40 people in that carriage during the journey. Surfaces may become contaminated, air ditto. Etc etc.

That's just one train. Six per hour, every hour, every day ...

I just came across this:


Washington is all a twitter that they should work from home.

03-10-2020, 09:15 PM
I’ve been looking for this:


There’s a lot of older folks working at Walmart and lots of people of questionable hygiene shopping.

03-10-2020, 09:17 PM
I just came across this:


Washington is all a twitter that they should work from home.

... yes. I posted about it ....


We had a Commons vote today (one voting on whether to accept Huawei technology !). Boris suffered a Conservative rebellion against his drive to adopt it ... but won nonetheless.

I think we'll get to the point (are we there already ?) where we say, 'Keep MP's in the Commons, throw away the key, and they can self-isolate en masse'.

03-11-2020, 01:14 AM
Well this isn't good! Who wants to see guys in uniform over this!

But we are apparently up to 108 cases now. Yikeys. 173 in all of NY.


NY to Deploy National Guard to New Rochelle, Set Up Containment Area; Tri-State Cases Nearly Quadruple in Days

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a slate of sweeping new directives Tuesday for Westchester County's New Rochelle, which he described as the "most significant cluster in the country" and accounts for the lion's share of the tri-state's surging caseload.

Those measures include deploying National Guard troops to a Health Department command post and setting up a satellite testing facility and one-mile containment area in the city. To date, Westchester County has seen 108 confirmed COVID-19 cases; that's 58 percent of all tri-state cases.

New Rochelle is home to the midtown Manhattan lawyer who has been linked to dozens of cases across multiple states. He was the second confirmed case in the state and its first instance of community spread.

There have since been fresh instances of community spread, including in New York City, which Cuomo said added more than a dozen new cases overnight. Overall, the state of New York sits at 173 confirmed cases, trailing only Washington state (179) as America's most impacted state.

Meanwhile, school closings, community event cancellations and other fallout from the virus are expanding as officials work to contain the spread.

Asked Tuesday whether New York City's iconic St. Patrick's Day Parade, scheduled for next week should be canceled out of caution, Cuomo said officials are still assessing the situation. But it's possible.

"You calibrate your response to the time and the facts and the circumstances in that place at that time," Cuomo said on CNN. "So parades, etc. we look at that on a daily basis."

Rest - https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-adds-5-new-covid-19-cases-tri-state-total-more-than-triples-in-days/2319688/

It's weird being in a less populated area. While there are near 60k people here during peak times, the next town/city of same size or bigger is over 40 miles away. The counties are also huge in sq miles, with that in mind, I was a bit shocked to find that with 8 cases in all AZ, 5 are in my county, one of which today they said is community infection, a worker in a school. :rolleyes:

03-11-2020, 01:16 AM
I honestly didn't go back and look - but did all of you see that Italy has quarantined their ENTIRE country!

Yep, it would make more sense to have done that earlier, but no country wants that big of an economic hit. IF they prevent/mitigate the community spread, people will come back and say, "It wasn't that big of a deal, not that many died-like the flu." So, better more die, then try to mitigate, so that you don't look like a 'sky is falling' person.

03-11-2020, 01:18 AM
As China is out there testing 20,000+ per day - the United States as a whole has thus far tested 6,500? WTF is wrong with this picture? What is the hold up I wonder?

Only 6,563 Americans have been tested for the coronavirus so far

Despite vows to drastically expand the coronavirus testing regime, federal and state public health authorities have tested only 6,563 people for the coronavirus as of Tuesday morning, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and numbers provided by all 50 states.

That count includes people tested by the federal government and by state laboratories. Because those laboratories may not always report people who tested negative for the coronavirus, the true number of people tested is probably somewhat higher.

Confusion about that exact number persists even at the highest reaches government. Earlier on Tuesday, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said he couldn’t provide the figure. “We don’t know exactly how many because hundreds of thousands of our tests have gone out to private labs and hospitals that currently do not report in to CDC,” he said in a CNN appearance.

That number stands in stark contrast to the promises made by leading members of the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force, who have variously asserted that 75,000 people would be tested by last week’s end and that laboratories across the United States would have the capacity to conduct 1.5 million tests by the beginning of this week.

Rest - https://news.yahoo.com/only-5000-americans-have-been-tested-for-the-coronavirus-so-far-151447195.html

If they don't do more to mitigate, though there are sounds tonight that they may be getting there, the health care system will be overwhelmed.

Too many serious virus folks in the hospital? There aren't enough respirators. None of this is simple.

03-11-2020, 01:33 AM
Virus related good news:


Iran: Coronavirus Kills Former Interrogator of U.S. Embassy Hostages

Posted by Vijeta Uniyal Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 11:00am
UC Berkeley-educated Hossein Sheikholeslam was also a top architect of the terrorist group Hezbollah.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-11-2020, 05:33 AM
I think the "MEDIA," aka, THE DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING, is intentionally trying to build this up to be as bad as they possibly can. Why? I think it's obvious... the worse they can make it appear, the more they can trash President Trump.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Exactly, the virus is real but the dem party is using this to denigrate Trump- thus they will make it seem a thousand times worse than it actually is.
The virus being real and a threat -they get to magnify that threat to whatever level they think best to trash Trump. Media is in with them , imho.
Thus we do not get an accurate assessment of the true threat level.
Te dem party will play politics to their advantage regardless of whom or how many such action may harm..
Only thing that matters to them - is power! We that are not blind -- we know this is true... --Tyr

03-11-2020, 08:19 AM
Exactly, the virus is real but the dem party is using this to denigrate Trump- thus they will make it seem a thousand times worse than it actually is.
The virus being real and a threat -they get to magnify that threat to whatever level they think best to trash Trump. Media is in with them , imho.
Thus we do not get an accurate assessment of the true threat level.
Te dem party will play politics to their advantage regardless of whom or how many such action may harm..
Only thing that matters to them - is power! We that are not bind --know this... --Tyr

Exactly. Power is all. Say, do, whatever it takes to grab it.

I think we all know this ? Namely, that there is absolutely no depth the Left won't stoop to, to get what they want ... no limit to the sheer viciousness of their strategies and actions in that 'cause'. Trump, according to them, is to blame for every possible ill ... is the 'devil incarnate'

He must be. He exists. He opposes and frustrates Leftie ambition.

The British NHS consistently fails to meet its health targets. This automatically means that Trump is to blame.

I had a boil on my bum a couple of years ago. Had I told the American Left about it, they could've blamed Trump for it.

I know that, I .... DIDN'T. I cite this as proof of my non-Leftie credentials !!!!

03-11-2020, 09:58 AM
This makes me uncomfortable. It's behind a paywall, so:

Read the whole thing here:


There’s an old brain teaser that goes like this: You have a pond of a certain size, and upon that pond, a single lilypad. This particular species of lily pad reproduces once a day, so that on day two, you have two lily pads. On day three, you have four, and so on.

Now the teaser. “If it takes the lily pads 48 days to cover the pond completely, how long will it take for the pond to be covered halfway?”

The answer is 47 days. Moreover, at day 40, you’ll barely know the lily pads are there.

That grim math explains why so many people — including me — are worried about the novel coronavirus, which causes a disease known as covid-19. And why so many other people think we are panicking over nothing.

During the current flu season, they point out, more than 250,000 people have been hospitalized in the United States, and 14,000 have died, including more than 100 children. As of this writing, the coronavirus has killed 29 people, and our caseload is in the hundreds. Why are we freaking out about the tiny threat while ignoring the big one? . . .

But go back to those lily pads: When something dangerous is growing exponentially, everything looks fine until it doesn’t. In the early days of the Wuhan epidemic, when no one was taking precautions, the number of cases appears to have doubled every four to five days.

The crisis in northern Italy is what happens when a fast doubling rate meets a “threshold effect,” where the character of an event can massively change once its size hits a certain threshold.

In this case, the threshold is things such as ICU beds. If the epidemic is small enough, doctors can provide respiratory support to the significant fraction of patients who develop complications, and relatively few will die. But once the number of critical patients exceeds the number of ventilators and ICU beds and other critical-care facilities, mortality rates spike. . . .

The experts are telling us that here in the United States, we can avoid hitting that threshold where sizable regions of the country will suddenly step into hell. We still have time to #flattenthecurve, as a popular infographic put it, slowing the spread so that the number of cases never exceeds what our health system can handle. The United States has an unusually high number of ICU beds, which gives us a head start. But we mustn’t squander that advantage through complacency.

So everyone needs to understand a few things.

First, the virus is here, and it is spreading quickly, even though everything looks normal. Right now, the United States has more reported cases than Italy had in late February. What matters isn’t what you can see but what you can’t: the patients who will need ICU care in two to six weeks. . . .

Second, this is not “a bad flu.” It kills more of its hosts, and it will spread farther unless we take aggressive steps to slow it down, because no one is yet immune to this disease. It will be quite some time before the virus runs out of new patients.

Third, we can fight it. Despite early exposure, Singapore and Hong Kong have kept their caseloads low, not by completely shutting down large swaths of their economies as China did but through aggressive personal hygiene and “social distancing.” South Korea seems to be getting its initial outbreak under control using similar measures. If we do the same, we can not only keep our hospitals from overloading but also buy researchers time to develop vaccines and therapies.

Fourth, and most important: We are all in this together. It is your responsibility to keep America safe by following the CDC guidelines, just as much as it is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s or President Trump’s responsibility to lead us to safety. And until this virus is beaten, we all need to act like it.

03-11-2020, 01:06 PM
Here's what makes me nervous - different days, different doctors, different news, and they are all giving out differing opinions and so called facts. Many have stated that this virus isn't quite as harmful as many think, even that "it may be no more worse than the common cold" and rates as low as 0.1-1%. But then we have the opposite from some, who say it's deadlier than others, that it will kill many, that it may be as high as 4%.

And the latest I read from an article is that perhaps 10x deadlier than the flu?


Coronavirus is 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu, Trump's task force immunologist says

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told lawmakers during a House Oversight Committee hearing Wednesday that COVID-19 — the disease caused by the novel coronavirus — is probably about 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu.

President Trump has often compared COVID-19 to the flu, which affects tens of thousands of Americans each year, in an effort to calm people down, but Fauci clearly wasn't trying to downplay the seriousness of the virus' spread. Fauci is a member of the White House's coronavirus task force.

At the same time, he did clarify that 10 times figure actually brings the new coronavirus' fatality rate lower than official estimates, which hover around 3 percent. The flu has a mortality rate of about 0.1 percent, so, when considering the likelihood that there are many asymptomatic or very mild cases that have gone undiagnosed, Fauci places the new coronavirus' lethality rate at somewhere around 1 percent. While that's a good deal lower than the current data suggests, it still would lead to significant numbers of fatalities, and makes the flu comparisons seem pretty questionable. Tim O'Donnell



And this can't possibly be good if near the truth. We barely have test kits out there yet with unknown numbers of the actual sick. And yet in 10 days they may be overwhelmed? And what do they do with the people?

Trump's former pandemic adviser: 'We are 10 days from our hospitals getting creamed'

Confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus are swiftly ballooning across the United States, and President Trump's former Homeland Security Adviser Thomas Bossert says time is running out to control the spread.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D), who is overseeing one of the country's largest clusters, said "if you do the math" there could be 64,000 cases of COVID-19 in the Evergreen State by May, while New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the positive cases in the city are "coming in so intensely now" that public officials are struggling to keep up with them. He said he wasn't in a position to give the media a "detailed case breakdown" because of the rapidly changing number.

That seems to lend credence to Bossert's claim Tuesday that hospitals could soon be overwhelmed.

Rest - https://theweek.com/speedreads/901251/trumps-former-pandemic-adviser-are-10-days-from-hospitals-getting-creamed

The cases by me in New Rochelle jumped once again of course, and I think like 108+ now? A couple more schools announced closings for 2 weeks.

‘Public Health Version’ of Katrina: Cuomo Rips Feds as New York Cases Near 200

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, facing a mounting coronavirus outbreak unmatched by any other U.S. state but one, eviscerated the federal government Wednesday for what he described as a lack of adequate testing and preparations.

On "Morning Joe," the Democrat said the federal response to the coronavirus outbreak could be the "public health version of Hurricane Katrina."

"We knew this was happening in November and December. We watched China. China did something like 200,000 tests per day. South Korea did about 15,000 tests per day. The United States has only done about 5,000 tests to date," Cuomo said on "Today" just before the MSNBC appearance. "The retrospective is going to be damning."

Cuomo said state governments should take more control of the response to COVID-19 -- and he has: deploying the National Guard to New Rochelle, the hotbed of the New York outbreak, and establishing one-mile radius containment zone around the most infected parts of that community.

The measures the governor announced Tuesday were the most stringent yet in New York state's effort to combat the spread of the virus, which has now infected more than 200 people across the tri-state area. More than half of the patients are in Westchester County, where the midtown Manhattan lawyer linked to the cluster lives with his family. He's still hospitalized.

That lawyer was the second confirmed case in New York and its first instance of community spread. There have since been fresh instances of person-to-person spread, including in the five boroughs.

As of Tuesday evening, Westchester County had seen 108 confirmed COVID-19 cases; that's more than half of all tri-state cases.

The New Rochelle containment zone goes into effect Thursday, March 12 and will remain in effect for two weeks, through March 25. Officials stress it's not a lockdown. Those who aren't quarantined will be able to leave their homes and go to work or elsewhere. Local businesses can remain open. People are free to walk the sidewalks.

Rest - https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/containment-zone-in-new-rochelle-takes-effect-nyc-case-total-climbs-to-40/2321532/

03-11-2020, 01:21 PM
Here's what makes me nervous - different days, different doctors, different news, and they are all giving out differing opinions and so called facts. Many have stated that this virus isn't quite as harmful as many think, even that "it may be no more worse than the common cold" and rates as low as 0.1-1%. But then we have the opposite from some, who say it's deadlier than others, that it will kill many, that it may be as high as 4%.

And the latest I read from an article is that perhaps 10x deadlier than the flu?


Coronavirus is 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu, Trump's task force immunologist says

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told lawmakers during a House Oversight Committee hearing Wednesday that COVID-19 — the disease caused by the novel coronavirus — is probably about 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu.

President Trump has often compared COVID-19 to the flu, which affects tens of thousands of Americans each year, in an effort to calm people down, but Fauci clearly wasn't trying to downplay the seriousness of the virus' spread. Fauci is a member of the White House's coronavirus task force.

At the same time, he did clarify that 10 times figure actually brings the new coronavirus' fatality rate lower than official estimates, which hover around 3 percent. The flu has a mortality rate of about 0.1 percent, so, when considering the likelihood that there are many asymptomatic or very mild cases that have gone undiagnosed, Fauci places the new coronavirus' lethality rate at somewhere around 1 percent. While that's a good deal lower than the current data suggests, it still would lead to significant numbers of fatalities, and makes the flu comparisons seem pretty questionable. Tim O'Donnell



And this can't possibly be good if near the truth. We barely have test kits out there yet with unknown numbers of the actual sick. And yet in 10 days they may be overwhelmed? And what do they do with the people?

Trump's former pandemic adviser: 'We are 10 days from our hospitals getting creamed'

Confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus are swiftly ballooning across the United States, and President Trump's former Homeland Security Adviser Thomas Bossert says time is running out to control the spread.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D), who is overseeing one of the country's largest clusters, said "if you do the math" there could be 64,000 cases of COVID-19 in the Evergreen State by May, while New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the positive cases in the city are "coming in so intensely now" that public officials are struggling to keep up with them. He said he wasn't in a position to give the media a "detailed case breakdown" because of the rapidly changing number.

That seems to lend credence to Bossert's claim Tuesday that hospitals could soon be overwhelmed.

Rest - https://theweek.com/speedreads/901251/trumps-former-pandemic-adviser-are-10-days-from-hospitals-getting-creamed

The cases by me in New Rochelle jumped once again of course, and I think like 108+ now? A couple more schools announced closings for 2 weeks.

‘Public Health Version’ of Katrina: Cuomo Rips Feds as New York Cases Near 200

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, facing a mounting coronavirus outbreak unmatched by any other U.S. state but one, eviscerated the federal government Wednesday for what he described as a lack of adequate testing and preparations.

On "Morning Joe," the Democrat said the federal response to the coronavirus outbreak could be the "public health version of Hurricane Katrina."

"We knew this was happening in November and December. We watched China. China did something like 200,000 tests per day. South Korea did about 15,000 tests per day. The United States has only done about 5,000 tests to date," Cuomo said on "Today" just before the MSNBC appearance. "The retrospective is going to be damning."

Cuomo said state governments should take more control of the response to COVID-19 -- and he has: deploying the National Guard to New Rochelle, the hotbed of the New York outbreak, and establishing one-mile radius containment zone around the most infected parts of that community.

The measures the governor announced Tuesday were the most stringent yet in New York state's effort to combat the spread of the virus, which has now infected more than 200 people across the tri-state area. More than half of the patients are in Westchester County, where the midtown Manhattan lawyer linked to the cluster lives with his family. He's still hospitalized.

That lawyer was the second confirmed case in New York and its first instance of community spread. There have since been fresh instances of person-to-person spread, including in the five boroughs.

As of Tuesday evening, Westchester County had seen 108 confirmed COVID-19 cases; that's more than half of all tri-state cases.

The New Rochelle containment zone goes into effect Thursday, March 12 and will remain in effect for two weeks, through March 25. Officials stress it's not a lockdown. Those who aren't quarantined will be able to leave their homes and go to work or elsewhere. Local businesses can remain open. People are free to walk the sidewalks.

Rest - https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/containment-zone-in-new-rochelle-takes-effect-nyc-case-total-climbs-to-40/2321532/

Just a quick point. On percentage of those who'd die from this ... we, here, aren't finding the level of disagreement you're suggesting.

Our experts are quick to say that it's likely a full, complete, fully informative picture of how this virus has spread isn't available, that there'll be a reservoir of cases unknown in 'real' time, so, they can't be included into a proper assessment. But, that aside, the figure of a 1% lethal rate is agreed upon by the vast majority of experts.

They argue that in fact there could be cases of people who get Covid-19, have such mild symptoms that they easily shrug it off, and so don't take notice of their illness to the extent they become diligent in reporting it.

This, it's argued, suggests an OVER-estimate of the believed-in mortality rate, since estimates can only be based on known cases.

03-11-2020, 02:58 PM
I didn't know all these details, but it jibes with what I've been reading and listening to since January. I agree that in these examples of incompetence, it's not so much the President's fault, as it is the bureaucracy. In any case, it should be pretty clear that when it comes to emergencies, totalitarian governments do have much more control:


I do think that if the President was more focused on the medical, rather than the economic, he may have had exerted more control of those that in their attempts to please were bringing down an avalanche. Bottom line, we now face medical, political, and economic crisis. Which needs to be first?

03-11-2020, 03:52 PM
Italy is dealing with the math now. Hospital surge full on. So, triage:


Italian coronavirus death toll climbs by 196 to 827 in 24 hours - a 31% increase – as country's top doctors say intensive care units should stop treating the elderly

Coronavirus cases in Italy have jumped in the last 24 hours by 196 to 827
Intensive care units in Italy facing an acute shortage of beds due to coronavirus
If beds run out medics should stop treating the elderly and instead focus on those with the best chance of survival and most years to live, top doctors warn
Measures should apply to all patients, not just those suffering from coronavirus
Comes as coronavirus cases in Italy topped 10,000 with more than 600 deaths


PUBLISHED: 14:33 EDT, 11 March 2020 | UPDATED: 15:43 EDT, 11 March 2020

03-11-2020, 04:23 PM
Well the President is going to address the nation tonight:


I will be at work, it would be nice to see some information from you folks during my breaks. ;)

03-11-2020, 04:32 PM
News update - heard on LBC radio, & your media must be 'breaking' with it ...

... All people returning to the US from Europe must self-isolate upon arrival back in America.

The UK's extent of 'draconian' self-isolation measures just says that UK citizens must self-isolate if returning from Italy. Just Italy.

The UK has now had eight deaths. We're told that a second Cabinet Minister is self-isolating ... name not yet released.

03-11-2020, 04:35 PM
News update - heard on LBC radio, & your media must be 'breaking' with it ...

... All people returning to the US from Europe must self-isolate upon arrival back in America.

The UK's extent of 'draconian' self-isolation measures just says that UK citizens must self-isolate if returning from Italy. Just Italy.

The UK has now had eight deaths. We're told that a second Cabinet Minister is self-isolating ... name not yet released.
I've been reading about the 'math' for a couple months now. The best analogy I've seen was the one I posted about the lily pads. Did you catch it? I'm pretty much off to work now, but it's here.

03-11-2020, 04:43 PM
I've been reading about the 'math' for a couple months now. The best analogy I've seen was the one I posted about the lily pads. Did you catch it? I'm pretty much off to work now, but it's here.

Must admit, no, I didn't.

Mid-evening where I am ... I'm keeping an ear turned to my radio, with LBC giving updates. BBC 'News at Ten' is due on in around 20 minutes, which I'll watch.

Oh, one update. We've another of our emergency 'Cobra' meetings called for tomorrow, no doubt triggered by the official 'Pandemic' classification. Speculation is that our 4-part strategy for combatting Covid-19 will be ramped up a notch.

03-11-2020, 04:56 PM
Must admit, no, I didn't.

Mid-evening where I am ... I'm keeping an ear turned to my radio, with LBC giving updates. BBC 'News at Ten' is due on in around 20 minutes, which I'll watch.

Oh, one update. We've another of our emergency 'Cobra' meetings called for tomorrow, no doubt triggered by the official 'Pandemic' classification. Speculation is that our 4-part strategy for combatting Covid-19 will be ramped up a notch.
Here’s the link:

03-11-2020, 05:06 PM
Keep in mind that this was based on a fun post from an American in Italy. What freaks me out a bit is that it aligns with what some informed, but alarmist writers were say two months ago:


03-11-2020, 05:14 PM
News update - heard on LBC radio, & your media must be 'breaking' with it ...

... All people returning to the US from Europe must self-isolate upon arrival back in America.

The UK's extent of 'draconian' self-isolation measures just says that UK citizens must self-isolate if returning from Italy. Just Italy.

The UK has now had eight deaths. We're told that a second Cabinet Minister is self-isolating ... name not yet released.

Update: 2nd Cabinet Minister still not named; however, SIX of our MP's are self-isolating.

Presumably the House of Commons must be suspected of being a nurturing-ground for Covid-19 .... ??? ......

03-11-2020, 05:20 PM
Question: if we're now firmly in 'Pandemic' territory .. does that confirm that it's reached Antarctica ?

Do your people still maintain McMurdo base there ? Have they had an outbreak ?

Where would McMurdo personnel 'self-isolate' to ? Presumably McMurdo is 'roomy'.

03-11-2020, 08:18 PM

03-11-2020, 08:24 PM
News update - heard on LBC radio, & your media must be 'breaking' with it ...

... All people returning to the US from Europe must self-isolate upon arrival back in America.

I just listened to President Trump's address about the steps America will take to tackle the effects of the virus in America (relayed here via BBC, LBC, no doubt Sky News, too).

Trump confirmed A BAN for travel from mainland Europe to America. To last just 30 days .. ?

What surprises me is that travel from the UK is exempted !! I have to say, I think that's a mistake.

Travel from Italy to the UK is now banned. We are NOT applying any equivalent ban to other European countries. This means that (a) infections are likely to increase, here, because we're permitting people to reach our shores from badly infected countries (Italy excepted), and (b) .. therefore, the likelihood of UK people reaching the US with infections correspondingly increases.

What if someone travels from mainland Europe to the UK, maybe spends a couple of days here (symptom-free ?) ... then travels on to the US ?

I've heard story after story of people arriving at Heathrow and Gatwick, and NOT being tested, upon arrival !!!

So, no. I do NOT approve of the UK being exempted from the Europe ban. It is a mistake, in my view.


According to LBC, just announced, apparently Tom Hanks has been tested positive for Covid-19. I think he's abroad at present.

03-11-2020, 08:33 PM
By the way, as is what they habitually do, LBC took commentary on this from others, just after Trump stopped speaking. First up was an American who I believe was a Democrat (don't know her name). She was unrelentingly critical of Trump. Apparently, according to her, Trump doesn't care about people, and just views this as an economic and immigration issue, with no other considerations entering his head ... a suggestion, implied, that Trump is devoid of compassion or caring for anyone on a human level.

This is what invariably happens in our media. If Trump is given rein to express himself, our people make sure it's 'counterbalanced' with something propagandist against him.

Disgusting. Trump can never do anything good, in their worldview. If he might be seen to have done, DEMONISE IMMEDIATELY ...

03-11-2020, 09:00 PM

Great video.

There's no surprise here at all. The EU sees it as a foundling policy to never impede travel of EU citizens moving from one Member State to another. They're dogmatically fanatic about it. Truth, realism, practicality, being open to adaptation to events .. the EU is deaf and blind to all of it. Dogma, in their (increasingly diseased !) world, overrides all.

No wonder the UK's people, as a whole, decided to get shot of the EU ... sanity prevails here !!!

03-11-2020, 09:06 PM
Keep in mind that this was based on a fun post from an American in Italy. What freaks me out a bit is that it aligns with what some informed, but alarmist writers were say two months ago:


Did you notice how closely clustered on the graph, most countries' infection progressions were ? Pretty much overlapping, with just a couple of exceptions (from those exercising greater controls).

I noticed it earlier, on British TV, on Peston's programme on ITV. The same graph, same trends, noted and discussed on that very programme.

03-11-2020, 09:18 PM
So from what I’m reading so far, only thing he said was that no Europe to Us? I’m not seeing the UK exemption.

I’ll watch when I get home.

Aside, Tom Hanks and wife both positive. NBA games cancelled. Player tested positive

03-11-2020, 09:23 PM

03-11-2020, 09:29 PM
I just listened to President Trump's address about the steps America will take to tackle the effects of the virus in America (relayed here via BBC, LBC, no doubt Sky News, too).

Trump confirmed A BAN for travel from mainland Europe to America. To last just 30 days .. ?

What surprises me is that travel from the UK is exempted !! I have to say, I think that's a mistake.

Travel from Italy to the UK is now banned. We are NOT applying any equivalent ban to other European countries. This means that (a) infections are likely to increase, here, because we're permitting people to reach our shores from badly infected countries (Italy excepted), and (b) .. therefore, the likelihood of UK people reaching the US with infections correspondingly increases.

What if someone travels from mainland Europe to the UK, maybe spends a couple of days here (symptom-free ?) ... then travels on to the US ?

I've heard story after story of people arriving at Heathrow and Gatwick, and NOT being tested, upon arrival !!!

So, no. I do NOT approve of the UK being exempted from the Europe ban. It is a mistake, in my view.


According to LBC, just announced, apparently Tom Hanks has been tested positive for Covid-19. I think he's abroad at present.
I just saw the exemption in Fox article. I agree, not a good idea. Dow futures agree, down over another 1000 pats.

03-11-2020, 09:37 PM
Italy: 200 deaths in 24 hours:


03-11-2020, 09:40 PM
Denmark follows Italy in lockdown:


03-11-2020, 10:16 PM
Great... Wisconsin now has SIX cases, yesterday it was THREE, so it's DOUBLED, and 2 of them now are in Dane Co, where I have to go to McFarland to my Ma's apartment to install an in home security camera system.

I think this crap is going to show up EVERYWHERE at some point. Our society is just too connected and mobile, and people just are NOT going to ALL, NOT, travel.

And I suppose tomorrow night I'll hear that there's TWELVE cases in WI, and then the next day, TWENTY FOUR, and so on, as the lily pad example Kathy posted purports.

Not seeing any end to this shit as it is now... getting pretty weird. This could alter the world's power structure for decades to come. One thing America better learn and fast is that outsourcing virtually ALL our medical supplies and drug manufacturing to CHINA, simply out of GREED, was a really, REALLY, STUPID thing to do, and we better bring that back home, like right frickin' now.

03-11-2020, 11:32 PM
Great... Wisconsin now has SIX cases, yesterday it was THREE, so it's DOUBLED, and 2 of them now are in Dane Co, where I have to go to McFarland to my Ma's apartment to install an in home security camera system.

I think this crap is going to show up EVERYWHERE at some point. Our society is just too connected and mobile, and people just are NOT going to ALL, NOT, travel.

And I suppose tomorrow night I'll hear that there's TWELVE cases in WI, and then the next day, TWENTY FOUR, and so on, as the lily pad example Kathy posted purports.

Not seeing any end to this shit as it is now... getting pretty weird. This could alter the world's power structure for decades to come. One thing America better learn and fast is that outsourcing virtually ALL our medical supplies and drug manufacturing to CHINA, simply out of GREED, was a really, REALLY, STUPID thing to do, and we better bring that back home, like right frickin' now.
Not being a jerk, it would go from 12 to 144, then 144 x 144, I’m on break, not doing math. It’s rising exponentially. See Italy.

That’s where the President’s focus on numbers today is so upsetting. Time is being wasted to buy the time needed.

03-12-2020, 07:13 AM
Some lol'd when I brought up the Spanish flu as something to look at with this China virus outbreak, not so funny, others are starting to look at what was done then:


Keep in mind, there wasn't much in the way of airplanes in 1918, though there was a war. Big mistake made by federal government, they wanted to get sailors 'over there,' so they kept the bad news quiet, making viral missiles out of our troops.

Meanwhile, some local areas had more success than others.

03-12-2020, 07:23 AM
Not being a jerk, it would go from 12 to 144, then 144 x 144, I’m on break, not doing math. It’s rising exponentially. See Italy.

That’s where the President’s focus on numbers today is so upsetting. Time is being wasted to buy the time needed.
Aaaahh, OK, it's multiplying exponentially, not simply doubling. I should have caught that.

Heard on the news this morning the virus is in 44 states, and there's 1,300 cases and 36 deaths in America so far, and in almost every case, the infected had caught it in Europe. Now Trump is going to shut down travel to and from Europe, which by new information is now the epicenter of the pandemic.

03-12-2020, 07:46 AM
Aaaahh, OK, it's multiplying exponentially, not simply doubling. I should have caught that.

Heard on the news this morning the virus is in 44 states, and there's 1,300 cases and 36 deaths in America so far, and in almost every case, the infected had caught it in Europe. Now Trump is going to shut down travel to and from Europe, which by new information is now the epicenter of the pandemic.

It can't hurt, but it would have really helped to flatten the curve when he did China. Most of the 'European' based cases came from Americans returning from Europe. They still can go back and forth, at least until Europe stops accepting flights.

UK is exempt, Europe hasn't banned travel, with few exceptions-Italy and Denmark thus far. So, no stopping folks from wherever, if able to get to UK from flying out. Drummond said this from the get go.

Stopping games or at least audiences is good. Same with concerts, etc., but these seem mainly to have been private decisions.

I also heard this evening, that some younger people are getting sick. Not sure how sick or anything about underlying illnesses, so waiting to hear more on this.

Something I do think folks need to consider, this isn't something that is for the next few weeks or even months. Now that it's out there, it will keep recurring. Hopefully an effective vaccine in year to 18 months.

03-12-2020, 07:53 AM

Not good news. Take a look at oil, it was close to $50 a few weeks ago!

U.S. Stock Futures

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif S&P (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/sandp/)
-139.25 / -5.08%


Fair Value


Data as of 8:33am ET

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif Nasdaq (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/nasdaq/)
-402.00 / -5.02%


Fair Value


Data as of 8:33am ET

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif Dow (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/dow/)
-1,231.00 / -5.22%


Data as of 8:31am ET

Futures based on March 2020 contract.
Fair value provided by IndexArb.com (http://indexarb.com/)

World Markets » (https://money.cnn.com/data/world_markets/)
% Change

Nikkei 225 (https://money.cnn.com/data/world_markets/nikkei225) Japan

Hang Seng (https://money.cnn.com/data/world_markets/hang_seng) Hong Kong

FTSE 100 (https://money.cnn.com/data/world_markets/ftse100) England

DAX (https://money.cnn.com/data/world_markets/dax) Germany

Data as of 8:35:46am ET


Commodities » (https://money.cnn.com/data/commodities/)
% Change

Light Crude

Natural Gas



03-12-2020, 09:03 AM
Something I do think folks need to consider, this isn't something that is for the next few weeks or even months. Now that it's out there, it will keep recurring. Hopefully an effective vaccine in year to 18 months.
THAT is one of the most important factors in this entire pandemic. As contagious as it is, unless we get a vaccine, I don't see where this ends.

03-12-2020, 09:37 AM
Dow Jones down 1,700 points already for the day.

03-12-2020, 09:39 AM
Some lol'd when I brought up the Spanish flu as something to look at with this China virus outbreak, not so funny, others are starting to look at what was done then:


Keep in mind, there wasn't much in the way of airplanes in 1918, though there was a war. Big mistake made by federal government, they wanted to get sailors 'over there,' so they kept the bad news quiet, making viral missiles out of our troops.

Meanwhile, some local areas had more success than others.

This is a diversionary point, but I totally disagree on your 'participation in the war' point. It's a good thing that more Brits don't look in on this site than I assume is the true situation .. it'd play well to the very old 'Americans have a habit of turning up late for World wars' legend.

World War 1 ... 1914-1918.

World War 2 ... 1939-1945.

This is how the British see it. We regard both as having been necessary and unavoidable. I'd be surprised if even Noir wouldn't have agreed with that one !

On the wider and more pertinent point ... perhaps the speed of travel wasn't all that pertinent to the 1918 pandemic. There were ocean liners around, and ample opportunity to breed viruses on board those liners for the duration of their voyages. In fact, as the Diamond Princess example showed us, ship conditions do perhaps HELP to be carriers of potential pandemics ?

Saloons. Alcohol, a-plenty, in saloons (not nearly so much in churches !). Was the 1918 pandemic susceptible to alcohol .. ? :rolleyes:

03-12-2020, 09:43 AM
Some updates from around the web.

Tom Hanks and his wife caught the disease.

The NBA isn't messing around and postponed the rest of the season! Trump kills travel from Europe...


Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson Test Positive For Coronavirus As Outbreak Hits ‘Elvis Presley’ Film

We have just received word that Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have tested positive for the coronavirus. Both have been down in Australia for the pre-production of Baz Luhrmann’s untitled Elvis Presley film from Warner Bros. The two-time Oscar winner Hanks is set to play Presley’s longtime manager Colonel Tom Parker in the project.

Warner Bros. was notified that someone in the production had been diagnosed with coronavirus, the studio said in a statement to Deadline, adding that the person is receiving treatment and that “we are working closely with the appropriate Australian health agencies to identify and contact anyone who may have come in direct contact with the individual.”

Rest - https://deadline.com/2020/03/tom-hanks-rita-wilson-test-positive-coronavirus-elvis-presley-movie-1202880431/

NBA suspends season indefinitely after Utah Jazz player tests positive for coronavirus

The National Basketball Association on Wednesday night suspended its season indefinitely after a Utah Jazz player tested positive for the new coronavirus.

“The NBA is suspending game play following the conclusion of [Wednesday night’s] schedule of games until further notice,” the league said in a statement. “The NBA will use this hiatus to determine next steps for moving forward in regard to the coronavirus pandemic.”

Shortly afterward, the National Hockey League said that it is “continuing to consult with medical experts and is evaluating the options” for its ongoing season.

“We expect to have a further update” Thursday, the NHL said.

The NBA said it learned the unidentified Utah player tested positive shortly before the Oklahoma City Thunder was set to host the Jazz on Wednesday.

That game was canceled close to the scheduled tipoff in Chesapeake Energy Arena.

Rest - https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/12/coronavirus-nba-suspends-season-after-player-tests-positive.html

Now this was the right thing to do, and I'm afraid if we truly wanted to kill it off and save the most lives, we would follow Italy's lead. But that is $$$$$$$$$.

President Trump announces landmark restrictions to stop the spread of coronavirus

President Trump, in an address to the nation Wednesday night promised to deliver the "most aggressive and comprehensive effort to combat a virus" in modern history. He announced aggressive measures including an expansion of a travel ban to slow the spread of the virus.

"To keep new cases from entering our shores, we will be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States for the next 30 days," Mr. Trump said. However, he made an exception for the U.K. And exemptions will also be made for American travelers who have undergone screenings. The new travel ban will go into effect late Friday night at midnight.

In his address, the president indicated that trade would also be subject to the suspension. "These prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo, but various other things as we get approval," he said. However, after his speech, he clarified by tweet that it's "very important for all countries & businesses to know that trade will in no way be affected by the 30-day restriction on travel from Europe. The restriction stops people not goods."

Rest - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-makes-statement-on-coronavirus-wednesday-evening-watch-live-stream-today-2020-03-11/

Carnival shares tank after Princess Cruises says it will suspend global operations over coronavirus outbreak

Shares of Carnival Corp. slid by more than 17% in morning trading Thursday after its Princess Cruises line announced it is immediately suspending all operations for two months due to concerns over the rapidly spreading COVID-19 pandemic.

The announcement impacts the cruise line’s fleet of 18 ships, the company said, and will affect voyages from Thursday to May 10. Princess Cruises President Jan Swartz said the company is taking the “bold action” to reassure investors of its commitment to the well-being of its passengers.

Pre-market trading in the stock was halted pending the news. Shares of Carnival, which owns Princess Cruises, have fallen more than 57% since Jan. 1.

Current Princess voyages that are underway and scheduled to end before March 17 will carry on as planned, the company said. Voyages that extend beyond March 17 will be ended at the “most convenient location for guests,” the company added.

Rest - https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/12/carnivals-princess-cruises-to-pause-global-ship-operations-for-60-days-over-coronavirus.html

03-12-2020, 09:46 AM
THAT is one of the most important factors in this entire pandemic. As contagious as it is, unless we get a vaccine, I don't see where this ends.

Not sure that I agree. Sure, getting a vaccine is the ultimate answer. I agree there.

Nonetheless, this virus builds, then subsides. That's what China is experiencing. The virus appears to be subsiding in a big way in China. Didn't I hear, days ago, that China had started reporting ZERO new cases, day-by-day ?

My thinking ... around 3 months to grow, another 3 months to subside. I think we've far worse times ahead, but a trail-off by July should be well underway. The fact that Covid-19 doesn't do quite as well in hot conditions, as we'll have by July, will aid its demise.

Will it flare up again in the winter of 2020-2021 ?? THAT's the big question, I think. By then, hopefully, a vaccine won't be far away.

03-12-2020, 10:07 AM
It can't hurt, but it would have really helped to flatten the curve when he did China. Most of the 'European' based cases came from Americans returning from Europe. They still can go back and forth, at least until Europe stops accepting flights.

UK is exempt, Europe hasn't banned travel, with few exceptions-Italy and Denmark thus far. So, no stopping folks from wherever, if able to get to UK from flying out. Drummond said this from the get go.

Stopping games or at least audiences is good. Same with concerts, etc., but these seem mainly to have been private decisions.

I also heard this evening, that some younger people are getting sick. Not sure how sick or anything about underlying illnesses, so waiting to hear more on this.

Something I do think folks need to consider, this isn't something that is for the next few weeks or even months. Now that it's out there, it will keep recurring. Hopefully an effective vaccine in year to 18 months.

I've already said it, but I'll say it again ... because this is something I feel strongly about.

I definitely do NOT agree with exempting the UK from the ban. It makes no sense to me.

There are countries in Europe that have done better than we have, here, in getting cases of coronavirus !! I haven't checked our latest figures, but it must easily top the 400 mark, and growing rapidly every day. Holland, for example, is running at less than 100 cases; Portugal is still in single figures !! Switzerland ... around a quarter of our total in the UK of active cases.

Trump needs to reconsider. If he still think the UK's contagion rate is 'acceptable' as a risk for America ... then the only way his case remains consistent and even rational is for him to only ban the worst-hit European countries (e.g Italy, France, Spain). Holland, Switzerland, and especially Portugal, by that criterion, should not be included.

03-12-2020, 10:09 AM
I'm tired of this guy. He's so full of shit, and he is way more damaging to Americans. I don't believe a word he says. He lies about Trump calling the virus a hoax. And quite frankly, I think he outright made up this doctor of his conversation.

And look at the news and the internet, one would need an IQ below maybe 10 at this point to not believe things.


Joe Scarborough Suggests Widespread Belief That Coronavirus Is ‘A Hoax’ Due To Trump ‘Misinformation’

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough on Thursday blamed President Donald Trump’s “misinformation” on people believing the coronavirus is “a hoax.”

Using anecdotal evidence, Scarborough hinted that there was widespread belief in the United States that the coronavirus was “not real.”

“I have a very good friend who is a physician who, yesterday, told me that half of his clients, half of his clients, do not believe, or at least yesterday afternoon, did not believe that the coronavirus was real,” the “Morning Joe” host told viewers.

“They believed it was a hoax made up by the media. And this is a guy who had been their doctor for 15, 20 years. The president has spread a lot of misinformation, did a lot of dangerous things,” Scarborough claimed.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2020/03/12/joe-scarborough-coronavirus-hoax-donald-trump-misinformation/

03-12-2020, 10:24 AM
Well, this is the arsenal of antibacterial things I have on hand, and I'm hoping "antibacterial" is the same as "disinfectant."

https://i.ibb.co/LNMLX1p/20200312-101615.jpg (https://ibb.co/nPTHNjk)

03-12-2020, 10:27 AM
I'm tired of this guy. He's so full of shit, and he is way more damaging to Americans. I don't believe a word he says. He lies about Trump calling the virus a hoax. And quite frankly, I think he outright made up this doctor of his conversation.

And look at the news and the internet, one would need an IQ below maybe 10 at this point to not believe things.


Joe Scarborough Suggests Widespread Belief That Coronavirus Is ‘A Hoax’ Due To Trump ‘Misinformation’

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough on Thursday blamed President Donald Trump’s “misinformation” on people believing the coronavirus is “a hoax.”

Using anecdotal evidence, Scarborough hinted that there was widespread belief in the United States that the coronavirus was “not real.”

“I have a very good friend who is a physician who, yesterday, told me that half of his clients, half of his clients, do not believe, or at least yesterday afternoon, did not believe that the coronavirus was real,” the “Morning Joe” host told viewers.

“They believed it was a hoax made up by the media. And this is a guy who had been their doctor for 15, 20 years. The president has spread a lot of misinformation, did a lot of dangerous things,” Scarborough claimed.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2020/03/12/joe-scarborough-coronavirus-hoax-donald-trump-misinformation/
This is pure, uncontrolled, HATRED for Trump coming out of this ASS CLOWNS cake hole.

TDS might have been started as a joke, but it's not anymore. It is very, VERY real.

03-12-2020, 10:33 AM
Well, this is the arsenal of antibacterial things I have on hand, and I'm hoping "antibacterial" is the same as "disinfectant."

Nice! Here is mine, but just my desktop for safe cleaning. I have a ton in my truck too for portability, but only one thing of wipes there for now, but have the gloves in case in the truck. Have about the same on the downstairs counter area for preparation!


03-12-2020, 10:52 AM
As the Dems are out there doing not much more than blaming Trump for anything and everything they can.

By no means does this make everything OK, or mean that he handled every last thing perfectly. No one has. It's a new virus and every day is something new and unexpected.

My main issue is the test kits, and I don't know who is responsible for making them, distributing them and getting them to doctors offices and hospitals. That's on the medical field, somewhere.

Otherwise, I think people are handling as good as can be expected thus far. No need for "blame" from either side when shit like this hits the fan.


Trump passes coronavirus test with flying colors: Goodwin

Big and bold, optimistic and compassionate. President Trump’s Oval Office address was exactly what America needed to hear

This is what it looks like when a president rises up to meet a crisis head-on.

With fear and panic spreading across the land and threatening to take down the economy, Trump is facing the greatest test of his presidency. Although battle-hardened by brutal fights with Democrats, the biased media and foreign adversaries, he is presented with problems of a different magnitude with the coronavirus.

It is a global menace that has declared war on America. Truth be told, sometimes in recent weeks, the president has appeared to be a reluctant commander-in-chief.

Thankfully, as of Wednesday night, that reluctance is history, replaced by a president who left no doubt that he is all in on the battle against this deadly scourge. Now effectively a wartime president, Trump’s repeated assurances of victory were music to the ears of a rattled nation.

His willingness to change course and step up his game reflects an understanding that this is a critical moment both for the country and his presidency. “History has proven time and time again, Americans always rise to the challenge and overcome adversity,” he said at one point, as if to underscore that he accepts the seriousness of the stakes at hand.

The haters will never admit it, but Trump’s ability to meet the moment now is a reminder about why he was elected and how he has managed to guide the great American jobs machine to unprecedented heights. The only mystery is why supposedly intelligent people on the left refuse to acknowledge that millions of their fellow citizens are better off now than they were four years ago.

Rest - https://nypost.com/2020/03/12/trump-passes-coronavirus-test-with-flying-colors-goodwin/

Andy Puzder: Trump coronavirus response will protect America’s economy, workers and businesses

Showing strong and effective leadership when we need it most, President Trump addressed the nation Wednesday night and unveiled a two-pronged program of health and economic actions to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

The president’s action plan should win bipartisan support to respond to the most serious health and humanitarian crisis our nation has faced in my nearly seven decades.

“We are all in this together,” the president correctly said. “We must put politics aside, stop the partisanship.” He called on America to fight the pandemic “together as one nation and one family.”

We can only hope that those on both sides of the political aisle will heed his call to respond as one nation and one people, as our leaders have done so often in our past when facing a crisis.

While the coronavirus pandemic is a medical crisis, President Trump pointed out that it “is not a financial crisis.”

That’s a crucial point we should all remember. This pandemic is unlike the savings and loan crisis of the late 1970s, the tech bubble in the late 1990s, or the real estate bubble of 2007. Our nation’s economic fundamentals are strong.

Rest - https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/trump-coronavirus-plans

03-12-2020, 11:17 AM
And this scumbag racist continues her usual racist ways, only now taking advantage of this virus to jump all over Trump.


Pathetic: Joy Reid Spends Hour Lying, Fear-Mongering, Trashing Trump on Coronavirus

With hours like Wednesday night from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern, MSNBC’s Joy Reid will have the hour long held by Chris Matthews sealed up. Engaging in irresponsible behavior, lying to viewers, and bringing out a parade of guests to serve as clapping seals, Reid did nothing to responsibly inform the public about the coronavirus and instead fear-monger thanks to her hatred for President Trump and Fox News.

Reid’s lies began seconds into the show, warning that “we’re witnessing in real time how the quality of leadership in a country matters” and “[i]t matters how transparent and, frankly, competent a government is in a time of crisis like this” because Trump has gone from “tossing it off as a political hoax to just seemingly scrambling.”

She added that Trump has “caused” “damage” to the country “by the confusion his own administration's erratic response has caused.”

Speaking soon after to Governor Gina Raimondo (D-RH), Reid insisted with help from a Politico article that there are two separate “sort[s] of attitude[s] toward this in red America versus blue America” with the implication being those on the right incapable of dealing with the virus or being too dumb to understand.

In reaction to basic suggestions about limiting human interactions from former Planned Parenthood head Dr. Leana Wen, Reid again lied about Trump thinking this was “a hoax”: “Yeah and believe that it's real. Like, don’t believe that it’s a hoax, even if an official in, let’s say, government tells you.”

And then in going to the first commercial break, Reid gloated that “the coronavirus crisis is once again laying bear Donald Trump's glaring inadequacies as President.”

Without citing any evidence and thus dismissing daily White House briefings and warnings from career government officials, Reid argued that the White House have “been much more focused on downplaying the severity of the coronavirus outbreaks in order to protect the stock market, the economy, and Trump politically.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/curtis-houck/2020/03/11/pathetic-joy-reid-spends-hour-lying-fear-mongering-trashing-trump

03-12-2020, 11:24 AM
Damn, first I read like 6 days, then the period was 9 days, then the last was 2 weeks - and that's what the school and church closings are following, a 2 week closure periods near me.

But now this reads of the possibility of 37 days!


Coronavirus patients may be contagious for weeks longer than first thought, study says

Some people who get the coronavirus could be contagious for a lot longer than the two-week quarantine period that many countries are using, a new study says.

Researchers looking at cases in China say patients could spread the virus for up to 37 days after they start showing symptoms, according to the study published in the British medical journal The Lancet.

On average, survivors still had the virus in their respiratory system for about 20 days and could presumably continue to spread the disease, researchers found.

“The shortest observed duration of viral shedding among survivors was 8 days, whereas the longest was 37 days,” the researchers said.

There have been 127,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 around the world since the virus first emerged, according to Johns Hopkins University, and more than 4,700 people have died.

Rest - https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article241124531.html

03-12-2020, 11:32 AM
Well, this is the arsenal of antibacterial things I have on hand, and I'm hoping "antibacterial" is the same as "disinfectant."

https://i.ibb.co/LNMLX1p/20200312-101615.jpg (https://ibb.co/nPTHNjk)

I'm unfamiliar with most American products ... not surprisingly. I'd only become familiar with Lysol (courtesy of Kathianne, I think) less than 24 hours ago ....

But advice we've had is that whatever you use, it needs to be antiviral, not antibacterial, to be effective. That's why there's been a heavy emphasis on recommending alcohol-based products, and a 70% or above content of whatever solution or substance has that percentage.

Bleach based products should be effective. Ditto disinfectant, I think.

Check out labels, & see if 'anti-viral' appears. If 'yes', it's probably OK. If not, it may not be up to the job where Covid-19 is concerned.

03-12-2020, 11:46 AM
And this scumbag racist continues her usual racist ways, only now taking advantage of this virus to jump all over Trump.


Pathetic: Joy Reid Spends Hour Lying, Fear-Mongering, Trashing Trump on Coronavirus

With hours like Wednesday night from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern, MSNBC’s Joy Reid will have the hour long held by Chris Matthews sealed up. Engaging in irresponsible behavior, lying to viewers, and bringing out a parade of guests to serve as clapping seals, Reid did nothing to responsibly inform the public about the coronavirus and instead fear-monger thanks to her hatred for President Trump and Fox News.

Reid’s lies began seconds into the show, warning that “we’re witnessing in real time how the quality of leadership in a country matters” and “[i]t matters how transparent and, frankly, competent a government is in a time of crisis like this” because Trump has gone from “tossing it off as a political hoax to just seemingly scrambling.”

She added that Trump has “caused” “damage” to the country “by the confusion his own administration's erratic response has caused.”

Speaking soon after to Governor Gina Raimondo (D-RH), Reid insisted with help from a Politico article that there are two separate “sort[s] of attitude[s] toward this in red America versus blue America” with the implication being those on the right incapable of dealing with the virus or being too dumb to understand.

In reaction to basic suggestions about limiting human interactions from former Planned Parenthood head Dr. Leana Wen, Reid again lied about Trump thinking this was “a hoax”: “Yeah and believe that it's real. Like, don’t believe that it’s a hoax, even if an official in, let’s say, government tells you.”

And then in going to the first commercial break, Reid gloated that “the coronavirus crisis is once again laying bear Donald Trump's glaring inadequacies as President.”

Without citing any evidence and thus dismissing daily White House briefings and warnings from career government officials, Reid argued that the White House have “been much more focused on downplaying the severity of the coronavirus outbreaks in order to protect the stock market, the economy, and Trump politically.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/curtis-houck/2020/03/11/pathetic-joy-reid-spends-hour-lying-fear-mongering-trashing-trump

Our people say the same. I'm listening to LBC radio as I'm typing this. Just minutes ago, I heard Eddie Mair (the current broadcaster hosting his own phone-in there, he's ex-BBC) refer to Trump's speech and the travel ban information as 'confused and confusing').

The 'Trump dismissed Covid-19 as a hoax, just days ago' claim was claimed by another LBC presenter shortly after he'd given his address on it (part of a discussion he had with an American, I think she was a Democrat, at the time).

If you ever felt you wanted a small sample of pure anti-Trump bile, many LBC presenters have their versions of it .. but far and away the worst of it comes from James O'Brien. O'Brien is a hard-Left sympathiser, though he was anti-Corbyn to a great extent.

He is equally opposed to Boris Johnson, and his attacks on Brexit had (still have, when he still refers to it) to be heard to be believed.

We get a steady diet of anti-Trumpism here. I'm not seeing differences between what you describe from Democrats to the content we're spoonfed. All of it summarised, it'd amount to a conclusion that Trump was racist, bigoted, a maverick who's a danger to world security, possibly an idiot, disinterested in facts or advice not fitting his prejudices ...

...and that's the 'polite' version .....

03-12-2020, 12:16 PM
As I'm typing, Boris Johnson has given his on-air speech to outline where our Government is on combatting the UK's outbreak. He's handed over to a scientific adviser, who's giving a lecture containing some gratifyingly informative information about the virus itself, and approaches required to deal with it.

He's come up with this one interesting observation. He says that the UK outbreak is following the Italian experience of it, with the difference that we're about four weeks behind Italy with our own.

.... Meaning, one thing: conditions in the UK, four weeks from now, will equal where Italy now stands. Now ... President Trump, starting tomorrow, is instituting a 30 day ban on travel to America from mainland Europe, yes ? It's one NOT including the UK.

All this means - unless there's a change of course ? - that, before that travel ban is over, America will be accepting UK people flying from a country AS STRICKEN WITH CORONAVIRUS INFECTIONS AS ITALY NOW IS.

If Trump thinks this will be acceptable, I wonder why he's bothering with a travel ban at all, other than to delay, NOT stop, it all being imported within US territory.

03-12-2020, 12:22 PM
My main issue is the test kits, and I don't know who is responsible for making them, distributing them and getting them to doctors offices and hospitals. That's on the medical field, somewhere.
Was listening to Fox News this morning, what I could stand to listen to that is, but this question was asked of Pence and others, WHERE'S ALL THE TEST KITS and WHY AREN'T THEY GETTING THEM TO HOSPITALS AND CLINICS? Pence, whom I honestly really don't care for because he's a CONSUMMATE politician and TALKS like one, speaks for a long time and never answers a question, and he didn't answer this question either, but another congressman, can remember his face but not his name, said that it's up to the CDC to get test kits out.

But I agree, what in the HELL is the damn HOLD UP?

My guess is it's got something to do with some chemical or compound the test kit needs that WE DON'T HAVE, that we need to get from CHINA, or produce it OURSELVES but we're NOT, so they're all keeping that on the DOWN LOW so people don't get PISSED OFF, and screw up their CASH COW they're all invested in CHINA.

I tell ya, I absolutely HATE the way America has just SOLD OUT BUSINESSES AND MANUFACTURING to China. It's actually a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE, let alone being a DISGRACEFUL display of GREED over COUNTRY. People will just SELL THEIR OWN MOTHER for that stinking ALMIGHTY DOLLAR.

03-12-2020, 02:32 PM
Not sure that I agree. Sure, getting a vaccine is the ultimate answer. I agree there.

Nonetheless, this virus builds, then subsides. That's what China is experiencing. The virus appears to be subsiding in a big way in China. Didn't I hear, days ago, that China had started reporting ZERO new cases, day-by-day ?

My thinking ... around 3 months to grow, another 3 months to subside. I think we've far worse times ahead, but a trail-off by July should be well underway. The fact that Covid-19 doesn't do quite as well in hot conditions, as we'll have by July, will aid its demise.

Will it flare up again in the winter of 2020-2021 ?? THAT's the big question, I think. By then, hopefully, a vaccine won't be far away.

You could be right, though there's a premise that you trust China's numbers and that they didn't do more to get those numbers than we know.

As for the sailors in WWI, it wasn't to kill them or allies, but for some reason the president and other politicos wanted the numbers to be where they 'needed' to be.

War and disease always have components: health, economic, and political.

Where do you think the politicians concentrate? IMO, rarely are they primarily focused on the first. Dead men don't vote, survivors do.

03-12-2020, 02:40 PM
If anyone's interested (& before the scientific talk was given, that followed) ... here's Boris, talking today on Coronavirus ... as his Government moves to Stage 2 of its 4-part strategy. It's from YouTube ... hopefully it'll play !!


03-12-2020, 02:40 PM
Damn, first I read like 6 days, then the period was 9 days, then the last was 2 weeks - and that's what the school and church closings are following, a 2 week closure periods near me.

But now this reads of the possibility of 37 days!


Coronavirus patients may be contagious for weeks longer than first thought, study says

Some people who get the coronavirus could be contagious for a lot longer than the two-week quarantine period that many countries are using, a new study says.

Researchers looking at cases in China say patients could spread the virus for up to 37 days after they start showing symptoms, according to the study published in the British medical journal The Lancet.

On average, survivors still had the virus in their respiratory system for about 20 days and could presumably continue to spread the disease, researchers found.

“The shortest observed duration of viral shedding among survivors was 8 days, whereas the longest was 37 days,” the researchers said.

There have been 127,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 around the world since the virus first emerged, according to Johns Hopkins University, and more than 4,700 people have died.

Rest - https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article241124531.html

and that's the problem. New virus, not much known. Yet. Learning curve should be quick, but in short run it's 'too long.' That was the point of those who kept saying, 'this isn't the flu.' Finally the doctors are saying it loud and clear.

03-12-2020, 02:45 PM
Finally the President is stopping the rallies, for the time being.


I think it's important that his most 'die hard' fans stay living. They can vote. ;)

03-12-2020, 03:00 PM
jimnyc Fox, 'Bill Hemmer' is doing a segment on New Rochelle, the current 'hot zone' of Chinese virus.

03-12-2020, 03:02 PM
Lots of people running around Seattle with facemasks, headgear and gloves... and the usual crowds of people have diminished substantially.

Here at the hospital they're operating on my wife right now, and I'm hanging out here in the waiting room... but was just informed that they're probably going to kick everyone out that's not a patient.

I understand the thinking - they're worried about the health of their patients and guys like me hanging around only increases the threat to vulnerable patients in the facility.

03-12-2020, 03:08 PM
Lots of people running around Seattle with facemasks, headgear and gloves... and the usual crowds of people have diminished substantially.

Here at the hospital they're operating on my wife right now, and I'm hanging out here in the waiting room... but was just informed that they're probably going to kick everyone out that's not a patient.

I understand the thinking - they're worried about the health of their patients and guys like me hanging around only increases the threat to vulnerable patients in the facility.
Prayers continue. Both for successful surgery and you all remaining healthy and out of there ASAP.

03-12-2020, 03:24 PM
Was listening to Fox News this morning, what I could stand to listen to that is, but this question was asked of Pence and others, WHERE'S ALL THE TEST KITS and WHY AREN'T THEY GETTING THEM TO HOSPITALS AND CLINICS? Pence, whom I honestly really don't care for because he's a CONSUMMATE politician and TALKS like one, speaks for a long time and never answers a question, and he didn't answer this question either, but another congressman, can remember his face but not his name, said that it's up to the CDC to get test kits out.

But I agree, what in the HELL is the damn HOLD UP?

My guess is it's got something to do with some chemical or compound the test kit needs that WE DON'T HAVE, that we need to get from CHINA, or produce it OURSELVES but we're NOT, so they're all keeping that on the DOWN LOW so people don't get PISSED OFF, and screw up their CASH COW they're all invested in CHINA.

I tell ya, I absolutely HATE the way America has just SOLD OUT BUSINESSES AND MANUFACTURING to China. It's actually a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE, let alone being a DISGRACEFUL display of GREED over COUNTRY. People will just SELL THEIR OWN MOTHER for that stinking ALMIGHTY DOLLAR.

Trouble is, this is a very new virus. It's not even properly understood yet. Yet ... people expect its nature to have been analysed, that information used to work out an accurate (& preferably fast) way of detecting it, then for this to be applied to designing the kit that'll do the job ... all before mass production commences. It's not too surprising if it all takes a little time.

China was the first country to see this virus, so, it stands to reason that they've had the greatest chance of all of us to study it and to do all the preparatory work that'll combat it. If a lot of the testing kits do come from China .. that would make sense. They've had a better chance than anyone has to work on them !

Here in the UK, our strategy has moved AWAY from testing. We accept that the virus will spread, and a chief reason to test was to identify cases to help track down active cases and 'spreaders'. As part of a containment effort, testing was invaluable. But if Angela Merkel's correct ... 80 percent of people will come down with it (in Germany, anyway).

Not so much a case of 'if', but 'when'.

03-12-2020, 03:47 PM
MAJOR SCORE... and right here in my little town. Went to walmart first in the town north of here and they were out of EVERYTHING, BARE SHELVES, saw a couple people wearing masks too.

My younger sister was in a PANIC, there's NOTHING in Madison, and here we have a 91 year old Mom to care for, so she's ECSTATIC that I found stuff for them to take over this weekend. I wouldn't even THINK of going over to Madison this weekend but I'm installing a security camera system in Ma's apartment.

https://i.ibb.co/N9zVqdL/20200312-143925.jpg (https://ibb.co/hBv7NJK)

This was the store shelves in our grocery store. I think I got there in a nick of time though. I think in another couple hours it'll all be gone...

https://i.ibb.co/7YxdFHH/20200312-144115.jpg (https://ibb.co/NVgdzXX)

Found these at the Family Dollar here in town, that I never go in, and these were about gone too... got one each for Ma, sister and me...

https://i.ibb.co/pK2ygZK/20200312-151847.jpg (https://ibb.co/7pv4HVp)

These are for me...

https://i.ibb.co/jJQGFfs/20200312-153247.jpg (https://ibb.co/Y018GQw)

And this is for Ma and little sis...

https://i.ibb.co/SVzdPFG/20200312-153325.jpg (https://ibb.co/P1d9Nq0)

03-12-2020, 03:49 PM
This may resemble someone:

https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/89617922_2819984061421668_4585327344570335232_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=4BbRs1sWHTEAX_y9AHC&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-2.xx&oh=b78af7eda679e35bf5f051200ba2652d&oe=5EA54EF2

03-12-2020, 04:08 PM
This may resemble someone:

https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/89617922_2819984061421668_4585327344570335232_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=4BbRs1sWHTEAX_y9AHC&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-2.xx&oh=b78af7eda679e35bf5f051200ba2652d&oe=5EA54EF2

First Lysol, now Clorox. These are unknown in the UK. OK, now to see what Clorox is ....

An equivalent to Lysol's brand in the UK is 'Flash'. Our supplies are disappearing. One or 2 still to be found on shelves, so this isn't as 'desperate' a problem as hand gel is .... YET .....

By the way, I've begun to discover what my problem was in getting stocks of hand gel from the US was. Though I've yet to learn why my Amazon order is stalling (it still is), a separate one made on eBay for 'Purell' has been stopped by your own Customs people. Seems your people aren't allowing overseas shipments of it. Message says:

We are writing to inform you that your recent purchase through the Global Shipping Program from [xxxxxxx] cannot be completed.

The item in question has been deemed restricted.

I'm guessing this is going to apply to all attempts to get hand gel - regardless of brand. So, yep. They're gold dust !

03-12-2020, 04:10 PM
Day-by-day, I'm coming to trust this Dr. CDC was caught flat-footed and heads should roll, after the crisis has passed:


He's speaking about the testing, but serious question is also why the respirator mask shortage? Those should have been stockpiled before this happened. The motto is, 'Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.' CDC just buried their heads in the sand.

03-12-2020, 04:11 PM
Very odd, but my sister said the stores around Madison and McFarland were out of DISH SOAP and LAUNDRY DETERGENT too, so I got them that too.


Since there's two cases in Madison now, that we KNOW OF, they're all in FULL PANIC MODE there. I hate to think where this going.

03-12-2020, 04:25 PM
Day-by-day, I'm coming to trust this Dr. CDC was caught flat-footed and heads should roll, after the crisis has passed:


He's speaking about the testing, but serious question is also why the respirator mask shortage? Those should have been stockpiled before this happened. The motto is, 'Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.' CDC just buried their heads in the sand.
I have a bunch of those masks. Bought them for painting. I also have a big double filter respirator for painting, and even a full military M17A2 gas mask with brand new filters.

I just called a good friend of mine here in town and told him about the TP and such disappearing in town here, and NONE to be found anywhere else, and suggested he go RIGHT NOW to see if there was anything left.

03-12-2020, 04:36 PM
I have a bunch of those masks. Bought them for painting. I also have a big double filter respirator for painting, and even a full military M17A2 gas mask with brand new filters.

I just called a good friend of mine here in town and told him about the TP and such disappearing in town here, and NONE to be found anywhere else, and suggested he go RIGHT NOW to see if there was anything left.

Our authorities have been advising that face masks are far less effective than many will believe. Certainly, I've seen nobody in recent days wearing one. Perhaps it's because of a shortage of them, but I've met nobody myself who has tried to get one.


Retailers have reported a surge in sales of face masks over fears about the spread of the coronavirus.

But as the UK government warns the outbreak is a "serious and imminent threat to public health", are face masks an effective tool to protect against the disease, which has claimed more than 1,000 lives?

Dr Nathalie MacDermott, a clinical lecturer at King's College London, told Sky News there is "not any good evidence" to suggest surgical masks can protect the general public from the virus but there are other methods.

She said: "Surgical masks are not designed with a very decent filter on them so they're not able to really filter out finer particles such as viruses.

"They also don't always fit ideally around the face to provide enough protection for someone.

"We breathe out humidified air which essentially moistens the mask over time and once that mask becomes moist, it's really no longer very effective."

03-12-2020, 04:45 PM
Nice! Here is mine, but just my desktop for safe cleaning. I have a ton in my truck too for portability, but only one thing of wipes there for now, but have the gloves in case in the truck. Have about the same on the downstairs counter area for preparation!


So that's what Clorox is. Pity I didn't spot this earlier. Good to know my attention span is as 'good' as ever !! :confused::confused:

03-12-2020, 05:26 PM
Damn, more major updates.

Dow Jones has worst day since 1987, drops over 2,000 points.

MLB has suspended spring training.

NHL has suspended play immediately.

NCAA March Madness has been canceled for this year!

Us sports geeks are gonna go nuts! And don't forget, the NBA already started with the postponing yesterday.


Dow plunges 10% amid coronavirus fears for its worst day since the 1987 market crash


Dow plunges 10% for its worst day since the 1987 crash as coronavirus fear crushes Wall Street bulls


MLB suspends spring training, delays Opening Day at least two weeks


NHL suspending play immediately due to virus


NCAA cancels March Madness basketball tournaments due to coronavirus


03-12-2020, 05:41 PM
How much longer before we see total anarchy?

If I've said it once I've said it a hundred times, all that needs to happen is for the truckers to stop going into cities and the SWHTF. Then look out. I can see trucks being hijacked by desperate people, and that would end the deliveries right there. The military would have to take over under armed guard, and is there enough military support to take care of all the major cities? I doubt it.

It's not going to take much more. People are already in a state of panic. We need some good news or this just has nowhere to go but WORSE.

This NO TESTING KITS is the REAL PROBLEM, big time. The CDC needs to quit with the excuses and get with the program. The outcry asking WHY is just going to keep getting LOUDER and more INTENSE, and if the reason comes out that it's because a testing component has to come from CHINA, and we DON'T HAVE ENOUGH OF IT, then, THEN the public is going to get PISSED, and all these companies that outsourced their supplies and manufacturing to CHINA just for the sake of GREED are going to be under INTENSE PRESSURE to BRING THAT BACK TO AMERICA, and they're not going to LIKE IT if it means LOSING MONEY. The people be damned... all these mercenaries care about is MONEY. It's disgusting. Sell out your OWN NATION just for the sake of GREED.

03-12-2020, 05:59 PM
Get ready for this... read it... take it for what it is... I'm not passing judgement for anyone else... you make up your own mind if it's whacked or not...


The Lies We Are Being Told About The Coronavirus

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Social media platforms and WHO ( The Reprobates) continue to hide the truth from the American people, the blood of Our Nation people is on their hands, StevieRay Hansen…

This day is here– get ready, the virus WILL spread throughout the US and Europe, governments will respond the same way China’s government has; martial law and full-blown concentration camp culture. This would lead to civil war in the US because we are armed and many people will shoot anyone trying to put us into quarantine camps. Europe is mostly screwed. The establishment then suggests that paper money be removed from the system because it is a virus spreader. China is already pushing this solution now. Magically, we find ourselves in a cashless society in a matter of a year or two; which is what the globalists have been demanding for years. Everything goes digital, and thus even local economies become completely centralized as private trade dies. “AntiChrist Is On His Temporary Thorne”
StevieRay Hansen

The truth is that all of the warnings of alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ have turned out to be correct The word translated “pestilence” is often translated as “plague” or “disaster” …

Much more here: https://hnewswire.com/the-lies-we-are-being-told-about-the-coronavirus/

03-12-2020, 06:03 PM
Our authorities have been advising that face masks are far less effective than many will believe. Certainly, I've seen nobody in recent days wearing one. Perhaps it's because of a shortage of them, but I've met nobody myself who has tried to get one.

From the CDC: 'Face masks aren't useful for regular people. Medical people need them. Regular people would use them wrong. Medical people are trained in proper way to use.

Medical people are the same as regular people, the only difference is they were taught how to use them.

Let's use Hong Kong for example, shall we? Hong Kongers have been using the masks since November in huge numbers, (which may be a tip off to when China started a noticeable problem?) It's part of China, indeed China sends huge numbers of mainlanders there to try and quell the disturbances. Yet, Hong Kong has how many infections and deaths?


Now it's not without cases, but they have MITIGATED the problem and bought time. Shouldn't the US learn from that?

03-12-2020, 06:24 PM
From the CDC: 'Face masks aren't useful for regular people. Medical people need them. Regular people would use them wrong. Medical people are trained in proper way to use.

Medical people are the same as regular people, the only difference is they were taught how to use them.

How odd... as if it takes a degree to know how to put a little mask over your face with rubber straps.

Do they expect people to put them on with the mask on the back of their heads? ... :laugh:

03-12-2020, 07:08 PM
So the CDC now decides who the 'REGULAR' people are? This whole thing has become an overgrown political game of ONEUPSMANSHIP, depending on who everybody wants to listen to, and believe.

What a shame, so many so-called intelligent human beings are so easily convinced to FEAR THE WORST of everything because of Hatred, Ignorance, Stupidity, and LACK OF PROPER personal hygiene and responsibility.

I'm 73. They say I'm in the Biggest Risk among victims. When this new version of Y2K is over. I plan to still be here. Like it or not, ignore me or not. Really tired of seeing so much absolute Foolishness Everywhere today.