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View Full Version : Senate Panel Plans To Issue First Subpoena In Burisma-Biden Probe

03-02-2020, 12:51 PM
So 'ol Joe won SC. He's till behind Bernie in delegates but that could change, and support for Joe could also come when more and more of this news comes out within congress. Whether or not they stall beyond the election I don't know. But the more congress subpoenas and calls witnesses and gathers information, the more this will bring him down.

I said he was toast awhile back, and he still is! And for the same reasons. Now instead of newspapers and investigators, testimony will be under oath.


Senate Panel Plans To Issue First Subpoena In Burisma-Biden Probe

Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, is preparing to issue the panel’s first subpoena as part of an investigation into Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company linked to Hunter Biden, he said in a letter on Sunday.

Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, told Democratic Michigan Sen. Gary Peters of his plans to subpoena Andrii Telizhenko, a former Ukrainian embassy official and former consultant for Blue Star Strategies, a firm that Burisma hired to fight against corruption allegations.

Telizhenko, who was a consultant for Blue Star from July 2016 to June 2017, has provided some documents to the committee, according to Johnson. But he says that he cannot turn over others without a subpoena because they are protected by a non-disclosure agreement.

“He cannot provide this responsible information unless he is compelled to do so by subpoena,” Johnson wrote to Peters in his letter, which was first reported by CBS News.

Republicans have been investigating whether Hunter Biden leveraged his father’s position as vice president to help Burisma, which has long been dogged by allegations of corruption.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2020/03/02/senate-subpoena-burisma-biden/

03-02-2020, 01:25 PM
Proud to claim Sen. Johnson being from our great state of Wisconsin.