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View Full Version : FBI, Crowdstrike, DNC, Russia, Roger Stone....

03-07-2020, 03:04 PM
And lies and lies and more lies. And a man's life was and is in the balance, and yet it's appearing more and more that it's based on lies and politics.

There is a LOT LOT here in these 2 articles to read here and at the rest of the links. I'm gonna post the pertinent parts, I think.

It would be VERY difficult to believe that any of these actions were simply folks bad at their job, and were highly incompetent. Many of the actions point to deliberate actions. It appears to me that many folks lied from the FBI to the DNC to Crowdstrike to try and blame the hack of the DNC server on the Russians. Hell, they had so much "proof" too. And Russian folks were even indicted!

Here's where it started yesterday with this article:


Crowdstrike and Their PR Firm Now Distance Themselves from Russia’s Link to Wikileaks — HUGE DEVELOPMENT

For more than three years of the mainstream media (MSM) promoted the biggest fraud in US history – that the Russians hacked the DNC’s emails and gave the emails they hacked to WikiLeaks who then leaked the emails before the 2016 election.

Now, suddenly the firm at the center of this fraud, Crowdstrike, is taking a step back from their previous actions related to the entire sham.

For years now the FBI and Mueller investigation claimed that Russia hacked the DNC during the lead up to the 2016 election. This is central to the Russia-Collusion narrative. Roger Stone tried to obtain information in his trial that the Mueller team had evidence that Russia gave the emails they hacked from the DNC to WikiLeaks but corrupt Obama Appointed DC judge, Amy Berman Jackson, wouldn’t let him bring this up in his case, even though his charges were based on the entire scam. --- Had they cooperated, it would have come out that this was never really the case. And more. Stone supported back then that Crowdstrike never inspected the server, and he was right.

President Trump indicated that he knew Crowdstrike was at the center of the Russia collusion scam when he made his infamous phone call with the Ukraine’s new President Zelinsky. The President reportedly said the following:


The President was interested in Crowdstrike, not the Bidens. The Bidens only came up after the President had the discussion above, and the Bidens were brought up by Ukrainian leader Zelinsky.

Clearly if you read the call transcript you can see that the President’s request was regarding Crowdstrike and the Bidens only came up after their corrupt actions were mentioned by the Ukrainian leader.

This must have hit a nerve, because just a couple weeks ago, on February 16, 2020, 60 Minutes had a report authored by Scott Pelley, regarding Crowdstrike’s claims that Russia hacked the DNC in 2016. Pelley and 60 Minutes made an effort to clear Crowdstrike’s name in their piece where the far left media outlet suggested The Gateway Pundit (TGP) pushed conspiracy theories and flashed an image of a 2017 TGP report.


Who Is Crowdstrike?

We reported that Crowdstike is related to the Ukraine and this is through Ukrainian billionaire and longtime contributor to the Clinton Foundation Victor Pinchuk. We also know Crowdstrike is connected to James Clapper and the Atlantic Group:

Pinchuk serves on the International Advisory Board of a Washington-based think tank called the Atlantic Council. This group is “connected to Ukrainian interests through its “Ukraine in Europe Initiative,” which is designed to galvanize international support for an independent Ukraine within secure borders whose people will determine their own future.” Also serving on the International Advisory Board of the Atlantic Council is James Clapper, who served as Obama’s Director of National Intelligence. Funnily enough, Bongino discovered that the Chief Technology Officer of “the only company that investigated the hacking of the DNC’s servers and quickly determined it was the Russians, is a nonresident senior fellow in cybersecurity” at the Atlantic Council. His name is Dmitri Alperovitch (owner of CrowdStrike).”

We also know that in July 2015 Google invested $100 million into Crowdstrike –

Google Capital, the two-year-old growth equity arm of search giant Google (GOOG), announced its first security investment on Monday morning.

The fund has pumped $100 million into cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. It was joined by cloud computing company Rackspace (RAX), which is a customer, and the firm’s existing investors Accel and Warburg Pincus. The new infusion represents a Series C round for the Irvine, Calif.-based company, bringing its total funding raised to date to $156 million.

Holes in Crowdstike’s Claims —

There are many holes with the ‘Russia hacked the DNC emails’ claim, much of what has already been posted here at TGP.

Several individuals previously shared they have sources who claim that the DNC servers were never examined by Crowdstrike:


It was also uncovered in the Roger Stone case that CrowdStrike gave the US government three “draft reports” on the so-called hack by Russia which were full of redactions and the FBI just took their word for it. It was also reported that the DOJ never received the unredacted copies of Crowdstrike’s reports:


Former NSA whistleblower Bill Binney previously reported he has evidence the DNC emails were not hacked but copied most likely on to a flashdrive or something similar.

Binney has proof for his assertion but Crowdstrike and the DNC to date have provided no support that it was Russia who hacked the DNC.

Binney also claims that the Mueller gang wouldn’t even look at his data because they knew it would show something different than what they presented in their final bogus report (i.e. Mueller’s dossier as referred to by Devin Nunes).

Apelbaum’s Argument

Cyber expert Yaacov Apelbaum says the 60 Minutes and Crowdstrike claims are completely false:

If Crowdstrike gave the FBI any data it was drive images (we don’t even know which ones). This did not include memory dumps, network pocket captures, firewall activity, etc. This additional data is crucial and should have been examined in real-time by the FBI. If indeed any drive images were given to the FBI, these would have been contaminated because they continued to use these drives for weeks after the alleged hack.

Crowd Strike was completely wrong (most likely intentionally) about the Russian hack of the Ukrainian Artillery allegation. And we know for a fact that they used the same forensic techniques to reach that conclusion as they did on the DNC hack.

Apelbaum posted a report in January 2019, with information basically proving that the DNC was not hacked by the Russians. Apelbaum’s first argument is this –

According to the WaPo (using CrowdStrike, DOJ, and their other usual hush-hush government sources in the know), the attack was perpetrated by a Russian unit lead by Lieutenant Captain Nikolay Kozachek who allegedly crafted a malware called X-Agent and used it to get into the network and install keystroke loggers on several PCs. This allowed them to see what the employees were typing and take screenshots of the employees’ computer.

This is pretty detailed information, but if this was the case, then how did the DOJ learn all of these ‘details’ and use them in the indictments without the FBI ever forensically evaluating the DNC/HRC computers? And since when does the DOJ, an organization that only speaks the language of indictments use hearsay and 3rd parties like the British national Matt Tait (a former GCHQ collector and a connoisseur of all things related to Russian collusion), CrowdStrike, or any other evidence lacking chain of custody certification as a primary source for prosecution?

A second point by Apelbaum is –

… that three of the Russian GRU officers on the DOJ “Wanted by the FBI” list were allegedly working concurrently on multiple non-related projects like interfering with the 2016 United States elections (both HRC and DNC) while at the same time they were also allegedly hacking anti-doping agencies (Images 2-3).

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/breaking-exclusive-crowdstrike-and-their-pr-firm-now-distance-themselves-from-russias-link-to-wikileaks-huge-development/

And more today.

We Caught the Mueller Team in Massive Lie – Roger Stone Was Right!

Yesterday we reported breaking news that the firm that started the entire Russia collusion lie, Crowdstrike, is now backpedaling.

Today we show how Crowdstrike’s actions now leave the Mueller gang exposed with no place to hide.

As we reported yesterday, the firm Crowdstrike is backpedaling on their actions related to the fraudulent claim that Russians hacked the DNC and shipped these hacked emails to WikiLeaks.

Summary from Yesterday

For more than three years of the mainstream media (MSM) promoted the biggest fraud in US history – that Russians hacked the DNC’s emails and gave the emails they hacked to WikiLeaks who then leaked the emails before the 2016 election. Now, suddenly the firm at the center of this fraud, Crowdstrike, is taking a step back from their previous positions related to the entire sham. This past Tuesday, the website Personal Liberty received an email from John Eddy, Executive Vice President of the PR firm Goldin Solutions. The email follows:

My firm works with CrowdStrike and we read your article titled “Trump seeks to boost Sanders and foment discord among Democrats” (https://personalliberty.com/trump-seeks-to-boost-sanders-and-foment-discord-among-democrats/ [personalliberty.com]). We need to request important updates to the article.

The article states that the “FBI was denied access to the emails and the conclusion that they were stolen and released by ‘Russian intelligence operatives’ was made by the DNC-hired cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, which has ties to Ukrainian oligarchs and the Council on Foreign Relations.” This is incorrect.

CrowdStrike’s founders have no connections to Ukraine. The company also provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI that they requested, and the conclusions have been fully supported by the US Intelligence community (https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/). Additionally, CrowdStrike was hired by the DNC to respond to the suspected breach of its servers, and did not do any investigations around the release of the information.

Could you please update the article for accuracy to clarify that CrowdStrike does not have ties to Ukraine, and that the company was hired by the DNC to investigate the hack of the servers?

Note the phrase from Crowdstrike’s PR firm, stating that Crowdstrike “did not do any investigations around the release of the information.”

(The Gateway Pundit contacted Crowdstrike’s PR Firm Goldin Solutions and they confirmed their email to Personal Liberty.)

So after three and a half years of the fraudulent Russia collusion scam being repeated so often that half of America believes that Russia hacked the DNC and gave their emails to WikiLeaks and colluded with Donald Trump, now Crowdstrike says it has nothing to do with concluding that Russians gave the emails to WikiLeaks??!!

See entire post here.

What Does This All Mean?

This leads us back to the fraudulent Mueller sham and the Roger Stone case.

The Mueller gang indicted 37 individuals and 3 companies during its two year reign of terror and attempted coup of the Trump Administration and then they indicted Roger Stone.

Of the 38 individuals indicted by the Mueller gang, 30 were Russians who will never be brought to justice for a couple of reasons. One reason is they supposedly live in Russia and their chances of coming to the US for trial are basically nil. They certainly would never volunteer to do this and risk being thrown in prison. The second reason is that we don’t really even know if they are real people.

But of the 38 individuals, the Mueller gang made the mistake to indict 12 Russian Intelligence Officers.

FOX News reported in July 2018 –

The Justice Department on July 13 announced that 12 Russian intelligence officers were indicted for allegedly hacking the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the 2016 election.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/breaking-exclusive-we-caught-the-mueller-team-in-massive-lie-roger-stone-was-right/

03-07-2020, 07:59 PM

That little, "I'll wear a wire to entrap the president" sons a bitch was KNEE DEEP in this scandal... can't tell he wasn't. HE, ordered the Mueller investigation. And that JACKASS, Sessions, RECUSING himself was an absolute FARCE. I think that man is a complete IDIOT.