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View Full Version : Bernie Sanders should accept it is down to a two-person race: Trump and Biden

03-14-2020, 04:08 PM
Normally I agree with this. When you have zero shot, get together with the leader and work together to win the presidency, if you can.

But in this case it's Bernie. He was outright cheated in 2016, and once again in 2020 IMO. His decision, but if me and they cheated me, I'm all in and trying my best to get my followers to stay with me and vote for me, even if it hurts the leader. Shouldn't have cheated me!


Bernie Sanders should accept it is down to a two-person race: Donald Trump and Joe Biden

On Tuesday, the race for the presidency became a two-person race. Those two people are Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Bernie Sanders knows this, especially after resounding defeats in Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi and Missouri. He should move quickly to help Biden accomplish their primary goal — sending Trump packing.

I worked in Congress with Sen. Sanders. He is a determined, dedicated elected official, one who has never forgotten that being a public servant means you serve the public — not yourself or the privileged few. He has built a passionate base of small donors and supporters. All of us who did not support Bernie should nevertheless be listening to what his supporters are saying.

However, the trajectory of choice is now apparent. Bernie took a road that I believe is angrier than the one the majority of Democrats — indeed, a majority of Americans — want to travel.

If we take Bernie at his word, we must defeat Trump. To accomplish that, he should now transform his role to one that helps Biden beat Trump.

Rest - https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/03/11/michigan-missouri-idaho-mississipi-voters-have-bernie-sanders-quit-column/5019828002/

03-14-2020, 04:11 PM
I don't know about all this either. When it's time, and a great candidate is there, it'll happen. I don't think America is against it, just against those who have ran.


To beat Trump, a woman of color vice president is more than a consolation prize. It's a necessity.

Looking at the remaining two white men competing for the Democratic nomination to take on fellow white man President Donald Trump, I feel a familiar heartbreak. A grief known to many women of color whose brilliance is passed over, again and again, as we are told to wait our turn. Elizabeth Warren's recent decision to suspend her campaign has compounded that tremendous sense of loss.

It's a feeling that has grown since Julian Castro dropped out, followed by Kamala Harris and then Cory Booker. The Super Tuesday contests last week basically sealed the fate of this historic Democratic primary: Either Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden will compete against Trump, ending my dream that a woman or man of color, or a white woman who carried our issues, would have a clear shot to lead our nation.

But Democrats can't win on grief. They need the enthusiasm of women of color like me to win. Without us, the country will suffer another four years of Trump.

Only a historic increase in the number of voters of color, especially women of color, will deliver the swing states that Democrats must carry to win. This is what we saw in 2018, when Democrats took back the House of Representatives with a 37 percent rise in turnout among women of color from the 2014 midterms. This is what we are hoping for in 2020.

So how do we get there? How do we motivate voters of color and ensure that 2020 can still be a year of positive political transformation? We get there with a woman of color vice president on the Democratic ticket.

Some are calling the vice presidency a consolation prize, but it's much more than that. It's a winning strategy and likely a necessity.

Women of color have the numbers to generate a Democratic victory—if we show up at the polls. In swing states across the country, women of color dominate Democratic voter rolls. We are a third of Democratic voters in Florida, North Carolina and Texas. In Georgia, we're 44 percent. For us to show up like we did in 2018, we need Democrats to prove that they still care about us, see us and value us.

Rest - https://www.newsweek.com/beat-trump-woman-color-vice-president-more-consolation-prize-its-necessity-opinion-1491694

03-14-2020, 09:18 PM
Remember what Project Veritas got... a Burn supporter on video that said if he isn't nominated, Milwaukee is going to BURN DOWN.

I'd love it. WI already has a very good amount of conservatives. WI voted for Trump last election, and if the Burn supporters riot at the DNC convention in Milwaukee, a dem won't stand a chance of winning WI after that, period, Biden, whoever, won't matter. The dems won't win WI.

I don't think they will regardless, but that would just put an additional nail in their coffin.

03-14-2020, 09:46 PM
You act like Bernie is in this to win it. He knew that Hillary ripped him off last time but stayed around to the bitter end even though he had no chance of winning. And what did he do about it? He made a point of saying that he was tired of hearing about her emails during the debates and never questioned her criminal activity throughout the campaign. He also went out and campaigned for her after the convention. Why? Could a million dollar lake home outside of Burlington, VT be the answer?

Now this year, Bernie was headed to being the unquestioned winner until the DNC establishment bought off all the other candidates and turned the race completely around in less than a month. Let me guess, Bernie will stay in till the bitter end with 0% chance of winning only to walk off with some decent parting gifts. Given his penchant for private jet travel, I'd say a G4 is probably in his future.

03-15-2020, 03:50 AM
It's no coincidence that Bernie's an angry commie, and his base are angry commies, too.

I fully expect riots against the Democrats from this merry band of socialists, and it'll be a beautiful thing to watch this monster they've created turn on them.

I just hope the cops stand back so they don't get hurt. It's high time the Democrats got a good actal beatdown from a mob of leftists. It might beat the lot of them back toward center.

03-15-2020, 12:43 PM
Normally I agree with this. When you have zero shot, get together with the leader and work together to win the presidency, if you can.

But in this case it's Bernie. He was outright cheated in 2016, and once again in 2020 IMO. His decision, but if me and they cheated me, I'm all in and trying my best to get my followers to stay with me and vote for me, even if it hurts the leader. Shouldn't have cheated me!


Bernie Sanders should accept it is down to a two-person race: Donald Trump and Joe Biden

On Tuesday, the race for the presidency became a two-person race. Those two people are Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Bernie Sanders knows this, especially after resounding defeats in Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi and Missouri. He should move quickly to help Biden accomplish their primary goal — sending Trump packing.

I worked in Congress with Sen. Sanders. He is a determined, dedicated elected official, one who has never forgotten that being a public servant means you serve the public — not yourself or the privileged few. He has built a passionate base of small donors and supporters. All of us who did not support Bernie should nevertheless be listening to what his supporters are saying.

However, the trajectory of choice is now apparent. Bernie took a road that I believe is angrier than the one the majority of Democrats — indeed, a majority of Americans — want to travel.

If we take Bernie at his word, we must defeat Trump. To accomplish that, he should now transform his role to one that helps Biden beat Trump.

Rest - https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/03/11/michigan-missouri-idaho-mississipi-voters-have-bernie-sanders-quit-column/5019828002/

Hang in there Bernie! :thewave: