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View Full Version : People looting aka stealing during this outbreak

03-16-2020, 10:52 AM
I wanted a new thread for this one too, to be able to point out a few of the better scumbags we have living in the USA.

I cut out the majority of the plain text on the site and mainly posting the beginning of the article and also what some folks replied with.


Far Left Activists Encourage People To Loot Stores During Coronavirus Panic

To no one’s shock, far left activists are now encouraging people to shoplift and loot as the coronavirus panic continues to sweep the nation.

Communist activist Wendy Trevino, who purports to be some kind of author and grant writer, seems to be spearheading this on her twitter page:








03-16-2020, 01:06 PM
Not surprised. One of the first things I thought of watching all the dumbasses panic is when the "other" dumbasses who partied and carried on all weekend like this was a hurricane and going to be gone Monday realized this was "long haul", was them running amok starting once reality sunk in. I figure Amizon/FedEx/UPS deliveries will be especially targeted.

Make no mistake, the leftoids out there are the ones with the wolf pack mentality that will be the roving bands of takers if it goes that far. They are the weakest and least prepared to deal with their own survival. And if one cannot tell by their politicians, they have no problem with taking someone else's stuff.

03-16-2020, 02:19 PM
This is what guns and ammo are for. Shoot the bastards.

For Christ sake... what disgusting human trash. What possible asset are they to humanity?

03-16-2020, 02:29 PM
This is what guns and ammo are for. Shoot the bastards.

For Christ sake... what disgusting human trash. What possible asset are they to humanity?I think it is ridiculous that people/groups can call for actions such as this without fear of recrimination. Especially in today's society where there are idiots who will do just that.

I view these so-called "socialist" leftwingnuts as anarchists than socialists. Looking past the stated goal of "civil unrest as a means of protest" it's easy to see their who plan is the destruction of any cohesion in our society. They're a worse virus than COVID-19.