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View Full Version : Tom Brady officially leaves the Patriots

03-17-2020, 11:55 AM
And many teams in the AFC, especially the AFC East, just breathed a sigh of relief! 20 years of taking over and killing other teams playoff games and super bowls, has officially announced his leaving the Patriots, and sent out a nice message to the team and coach and owners, and then a 2nd one for all of the fans.

I have to say, as a Brady hater for 20 years, and watching him kill my Steelers many times, and watching him win playoff games and SB wins, I am NOT sad to see him go! I hope he goes to the LA Chargers or the new Las Vegas Raiders, as far away as possible!

I got to watch perhaps the best NFL Quarterback of all time beating up on my team at least. He was accurate, very calm in the pocket, very passionate about winning and losing. He wanted to win at all costs. With all of the hatred I have for him and that team, he was still a fantastic QB that didn't do much more than simply win games.

Adios, Tom! https://i.imgur.com/C2onv9C.gif

The first one labeled "Forever a Patriot"


And then the 2nd message to all of the fans in New England, titled "Love You Pats Nation"
