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03-17-2020, 02:13 PM

As Trump Warns Americans, ABC Keeps Trying for Cheap Political Points

Monday’s press conference on the continued spread of the coronavirus crisis saw President Trump strike a tone of a seriousness that few presidents had needed to do. While the media had been suggesting Trump was only concerned about stock market numbers, he admitted that the country might be headed into a recession. Despite the President’s new warnings to the American people about the crisis, ABC’s World News Tonight was still intent on scoring cheap political points.

Senior White House correspondent Cecilia Vega began the video portion of her report by chiding: “Despite widespread delays over testing and repeated mixed messages from his administration today, President Trump gave himself high marks.” That was followed up with a soundbite of Trump at the presser giving himself a 10.

“But the confusing messages from the administration continued,” Vega declared as she complained about Trump promoting federalism and allowing states to seek out medical supplies on their own and not be completely reliant on the federal government. “Telling them they should, quote, ‘try getting it yourselves.’ Asked about that today, the President did not back down.”

This actually exposed a fallacy in Vega’s argument. She complained about a slow federal government response and then complained about the states no longer being tied to that slowness. In the soundbite she provided, Trump even said: “If they can get them directly, it's always gonna be faster if they can get them directly if they need them, and I’ve given them authorization to order directly.”

Vega then appeared to mock how “President Trump had said the virus would just disappear” but “now, he’s marking a shift in tone.”

Touting her own actions, Vega played a clip from the presser of her grilling Trump about what he’s saying to his youngest son about the crisis:

VEGA: How are you talking to your own family about this? How are you talking to your youngest son? Do you empathize with this sense of anxiety? People are really scared.

TRUMP: Yeah, no, I think they are very scared. What you can do and all you can do is -- professional, totally competent --

VEGA: But have you spoken to your family?

TRUMP: -- but I think that what we do, and I've spoken actually with my son. He says, "How bad is this?" It's bad. It's bad.

Speaking on Trump being exposed to the virus via a Brazilian official, Vega reported: “The President was tested himself on Friday. He says the test game came back negative.” The negative result wasn’t just something “he says.” The President’s personal physician put out a statement saying he was clean. On top of that, Vega noted Trump was exposed over a week ago and we know that he would likely be showing symptoms by now if he was infected.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2020/03/16/trump-warns-americans-abc-keeps-trying-cheap-political-points

CNN Aims for Cheap Political Points By Omitting Key Trump Corona Quote

CNN does it again. Rather than rally together in a time of crisis, the liberal cable network is trying to score cheap political points. The latest example came as Donald Trump held a call with the nation's governors on Monday to address procurement concerns surrounding vital medical equipment that people may require when getting treatment for COVID-19. Afterwards, CNN White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins joined CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin to talk about it, but left out crucial context of Trump's remarks.

Regarding the purchase of respirators and ventilators, Collins reported, "He essentially told the states they need to work on getting this additional medical equipment that they're saying they need before the federal government is going to try to intervene."

Collins then read a quote from Trump, "Now, he did say the federal government would try to help them, would -- let me read you the quote we got from this he said, 'we will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves.'"

This quote has been widely circulated, but the New York Times added crucial context that Collins and others have omitted. After telling states to try to get the equipment themselves, Trump added a reason as to why, "Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself,” which makes sense as it removes a layer of bureaucracy.

Unfortunately, Collins focused more on the "getting it yourselves" part of Trump's comments than the "we will be backing you up" part as she called out Trump for tweeting at New York Governor Andrew Cuomo after Cuomo implored the feds to do more.

Collins wrapped up by declaring, "That comes as there has been some criticism of the way the Trump Administration has been slow to respond to things that people need like testing. So, of course, that's the only governor the president singled out in the tweet, we're waiting to learn more about what it was he said on the call."

Maybe things are slow, because of the many layers of bureaucratic red tape, which Collins could have referred to, if she reported on Trump's full quote, rather than uncritically repeating Democratic criticisms.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/alex-christy/2020/03/17/cnn-omits-key-statement-trump-amidst-medical-equipment-concerns

Chris Cuomo Blames Trump for Surge in Toilet Paper Buying

As COVID-19 sweeps across the country, CNN's Chris Cuomo is certain that Donald Trump is to blame for the surge in panic buying as he declared in a sometimes misleading and other times mocking address to viewers Friday evening. The CNN host even pinned the scarcity in toilet paper on the President: “When you know things are serious, and Trump is feeding you a lot of BS, what do you do? You go for the TP.”

After playing a clip of HHS Secretary Alex Azar telling the country that stocking up on toilet paper won't save them from the virus, Cuomo accused him of, "joking but also missing the point." This upsurge in the hoarding of toilet paper is Trump's fault, he declared, "People are scared. A pandemic is scary. And the reality is not helped by a president who abused the truth."

Cuomo then played another short clip, this one of Trump's admittedly unwise comments comparing COVID-19 to the common flu. He then appointed himself the presidential mind reader, "He downplayed the threat and did so for selfish reasons, by calling this virus another move on him."

To illustrate his point, he played yet another snippet of Trump at a rally, where Trump said, "Now, the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus… As you say how's President Trump doing? They go, 'oh, not good. Not good.' This is the new hoax." (CNN's ellipsis)

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/alex-christy/2020/03/16/cuomo-blames-trump-panic-buying

03-17-2020, 02:30 PM
THE DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING... I don't listen to them, for the same reason I don't eat out of the toilet.

Unhinged lying shysters.