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View Full Version : NY bar and restaurant owners could be arrested if they break lockdown

03-17-2020, 02:35 PM
I don't know what to think about this. Closures of schools and so many other things seems to be natural. And hell, even closing the bars and restaurants sounds reasonable. But as soon as you hear talk of them stating they will arrest anyone opening anyway, that changes things.


LOCK THEM UP New York bar and restaurant owners could be arrested if they break New York coronavirus lockdown

BAR and restaurant owners in New York could be arrested if they break Mayor de Blasio's strict coronavirus lockdown rules and open their doors to patrons.

The action comes as New York City continues to roll out drastic measures to stop the continued spreading of COVID-19.

Patrons and owners who disobey de Blasio's executive order could be slapped with a disorderly conduct summon and - in more severe cases - be arrested for not complying, according to an advisory sent to the New York Police Department Thursday.

All restaurants in the Big Apple have been limited to strictly takeout or delivery orders as of 9am Tuesday due to the coronavirus outbreak, which has killed 12 people in the city.

At 1,500 cases, New York currently has the largest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country.

Along with shutting down public events and spaces, New York City schools will remain closed until April 1, according to an executive order signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo Monday.

"Every district will be required to submit a plan to ensure children of healthcare workers and first responders have access to child care so that these closures do not strain our hospitals and those who depend on school meal programs getting the support they need," he said in a statement.

Mayor de Blasio confirmed the tearful announcement Sunday that the largest public school system in the country shut its doors as more than a million students prepare for remote learning.

“This is a very troubling moment, a moment where I am just distraught over having to take this action,” he said.


03-17-2020, 02:50 PM
I don't know what to think about this. Closures of schools and so many other things seems to be natural. And hell, even closing the bars and restaurants sounds reasonable. But as soon as you hear talk of them stating they will arrest anyone opening anyway, that changes things.


LOCK THEM UP New York bar and restaurant owners could be arrested if they break New York coronavirus lockdown

BAR and restaurant owners in New York could be arrested if they break Mayor de Blasio's strict coronavirus lockdown rules and open their doors to patrons.

The action comes as New York City continues to roll out drastic measures to stop the continued spreading of COVID-19.

Patrons and owners who disobey de Blasio's executive order could be slapped with a disorderly conduct summon and - in more severe cases - be arrested for not complying, according to an advisory sent to the New York Police Department Thursday.

All restaurants in the Big Apple have been limited to strictly takeout or delivery orders as of 9am Tuesday due to the coronavirus outbreak, which has killed 12 people in the city.

At 1,500 cases, New York currently has the largest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country.

Along with shutting down public events and spaces, New York City schools will remain closed until April 1, according to an executive order signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo Monday.

"Every district will be required to submit a plan to ensure children of healthcare workers and first responders have access to child care so that these closures do not strain our hospitals and those who depend on school meal programs getting the support they need," he said in a statement.

Mayor de Blasio confirmed the tearful announcement Sunday that the largest public school system in the country shut its doors as more than a million students prepare for remote learning.

“This is a very troubling moment, a moment where I am just distraught over having to take this action,” he said.


I don't like giving too many powers to the government, we should have learned that lesson from 9/11. With that said, when one comes down to it, the government has 1 primary job, to protect the lives of their citizens to the best of their ability.

If one citizen is willing to put all others at risk? Lock em up.

03-18-2020, 03:07 PM
I don't like giving too many powers to the government, we should have learned that lesson from 9/11. With that said, when one comes down to it, the government has 1 primary job, to protect the lives of their citizens to the best of their ability.

If one citizen is willing to put all others at risk? Lock em up.

The problem with that is it sets too much precedent to invoke it other times. This goes way too far.

The risk groups have always had health risks for the general public. The ones who should be quarantined are the ones truly at risk. This virus sucks to have, and you feel crappy for a bit, but for a healthy adult this is almost a non-event. If you are worrying about infecting others now, why not all the other times you went out with a cold or other ailment in your whole life?

Travel and contact with the general public has never been advised for people who have underlying health issues. They choose to at their own risk and many times that risk is very high.

I dunno... I just think it is ridiculous to lock up and quarantine the generally healthy people who can fight it off even if they do get it (by also staying home when they are sick, not walking around with it) to protect a smaller percentage of the population.

03-18-2020, 04:38 PM
It's sounding more and more like Martial Law, even though it hasn't been officially declared.

03-18-2020, 04:50 PM
The problem with that is it sets too much precedent to invoke it other times. This goes way too far.

The risk groups have always had health risks for the general public. The ones who should be quarantined are the ones truly at risk. This virus sucks to have, and you feel crappy for a bit, but for a healthy adult this is almost a non-event. If you are worrying about infecting others now, why not all the other times you went out with a cold or other ailment in your whole life?

Travel and contact with the general public has never been advised for people who have underlying health issues. They choose to at their own risk and many times that risk is very high.

I dunno... I just think it is ridiculous to lock up and quarantine the generally healthy people who can fight it off even if they do get it (by also staying home when they are sick, not walking around with it) to protect a smaller percentage of the population.
We disagree, especially with your last paragraph. UK was all with you, until they weren’t, yesterday.

03-18-2020, 06:08 PM
It's Unconstitutional. Govt (of any kind) has no right to remove the rights of Americans who have a business to run. It's just another step toward Socialism, where govt takes control of private citizens and tells them WHAT they can or can't do. This is what happened in ITALY with Mussolini...the other Hitler.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-19-2020, 07:00 AM
It's Unconstitutional. Govt (of any kind) has no right to remove the rights of Americans who have a business to run. It's just another step toward Socialism, where govt takes control of private citizens and tells them WHAT they can or can't do. This is what happened in ITALY with Mussolini...the other Hitler.

Right on the mark!!!!
Those that do not learn from history's mistakes/evil are doomed to repeat it.
They are doing things that in the past are only done after martial law has been declared-- yet doing it now with no such declaration having been made..
That breakdown in lawful conduct, in the constitutionally established system is in itself a very, very grave threat.-Tyr

Abbey Marie
03-19-2020, 09:40 AM
I don't like giving too many powers to the government, we should have learned that lesson from 9/11. With that said, when one comes down to it, the government has 1 primary job, to protect the lives of their citizens to the best of their ability.

If one citizen is willing to put all others at risk? Lock em up.

Totally agree, Kath. The more we do right now to avoid contact, the sooner this scourge will die down. People need to stop thinking about this with an everyday outlook, and look at it as the very real death threat that it is.

I get that younger healthy folks feel practically invincible, and I get that many people dismiss the elderly as old and in the way anyway. But as someone with multiple risk factors, it is offensive and hurtful to see people defying safety measures because they themselves aren’t worried. Not to mention that young people in Europe are now getting extremely ill as well.

What we need now is less defiance (I think we’ve all seen the pics of spring breakers crowding the beaches) and more compassion for others.

03-19-2020, 11:32 AM
Totally agree, Kath. The more we do right now to avoid contact, the sooner this scourge will die down. People need to stop thinking about this with an everyday outlook, and look at it as the very real death threat that it is.

I get that younger healthy folks feel practically invincible, and I get that many people dismiss the elderly as old and in the way anyway. But as someone with multiple risk factors, it is offensive and hurtful to see people defying safety measures because they themselves aren’t worried. Not to mention that young people in Europe are now getting extremely ill as well.

What we need now is less defiance (I think we’ve all seen the pics of spring breakers crowding the beaches) and more compassion for others.

Totally agree with what you say Abbey but we have to make sure to extend that same compassion to the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions that suddenly lost their ability to care for themselves and their families, lost scholarships to college, lost nearly all their life savings for retirement, etc. all because the government decided to shut down the national economy all to keep the fatality count at 50% of the annual flu bug. Just as elections have consequences, government edicts have consequences.

Isn't it funny how the folks go apoplectic when those evil republicans 'shut down the government' for a week but are close to having orgasams watching tumbleweeds blowing the streets of nearly every town in the country?

Abbey Marie
03-19-2020, 03:07 PM
Totally agree with what you say Abbey but we have to make sure to extend that same compassion to the hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions that suddenly lost their ability to care for themselves and their families, lost scholarships to college, lost nearly all their life savings for retirement, etc. all because the government decided to shut down the national economy all to keep the fatality count at 50% of the annual flu bug. Just as elections have consequences, government edicts have consequences.

Isn't it funny how the folks go apoplectic when those evil republicans 'shut down the government' for a week but are close to having orgasams watching tumbleweeds blowing the streets of nearly every town in the country?

I agree that those are all important, and my family will suffer just like anyone else's. But life trumps everything. Who cares about college right away if your loved one is dead?

So, let's imagine you are in charge of the country. Would you let the viral chips fall where they may, to keep the economy purring along? Because at this point, half-assed measures are not going to cut it. The US death count rose dramatically in just 24 hrs. We either take our poor chances with lives for the sake of the economy, or fight this tooth and nail. There is no try.

Abbey Marie
03-19-2020, 03:24 PM
I'd also like to add, economic crises do dissipate once the reasons for it are over, no? There is no coming back from death. Well, unless you are Jesus. Or Lazarus. If those complaining are correct, this will all be over very soon, and we will bounce back.

03-19-2020, 09:42 PM
The problem with that is it sets too much precedent to invoke it other times. This goes way too far.

The risk groups have always had health risks for the general public. The ones who should be quarantined are the ones truly at risk. This virus sucks to have, and you feel crappy for a bit, but for a healthy adult this is almost a non-event. If you are worrying about infecting others now, why not all the other times you went out with a cold or other ailment in your whole life?

Travel and contact with the general public has never been advised for people who have underlying health issues. They choose to at their own risk and many times that risk is very high.

I dunno... I just think it is ridiculous to lock up and quarantine the generally healthy people who can fight it off even if they do get it (by also staying home when they are sick, not walking around with it) to protect a smaller percentage of the population.Yep. We can round up the old and infirm and put them on trains and .....

03-19-2020, 09:49 PM
Yep. We can round up the old and infirm and put them on trains and .....
Yep, she's still singing Boris Johnson's initial song, which he's backed off from.

03-19-2020, 09:57 PM
Yep, she's still singing Boris Johnson's initial song, which he's backed off from.?

03-19-2020, 10:01 PM
Drummond explained it very well at the beginning of the Corona thread. Basically it was most would be infected and survive, creating natural immunity-herd effect. The plan developed to putting those over 70 into isolation for 4 months or so. The problem though would be, what would happen to those over 70 in 4 months? What if a lack of easy prey for the virus weren't available-would it become more effective at striking the younger and healthier? Not much was known about THIS new virus, though they are learning more and more each day.

03-19-2020, 10:15 PM
Drummond explained it very well at the beginning of the Corona thread. Basically it was most would be infected and survive, creating natural immunity-herd effect. The plan developed to putting those over 70 into isolation for 4 months or so. The problem though would be, what would happen to those over 70 in 4 months? What if a lack of easy prey for the virus weren't available-would it become more effective at striking the younger and healthier? Not much was known about THIS new virus, though they are learning more and more each day.I'm not sure what my answer is because I don't like the question. :)

As far as segregating our old and infirm and sticking them in "camps"? That idea isn't getting the "nice Gunny" look at all. So what if later down the lines it turns out blacks/Hispanics/Asians/what have you are more susceptible than the rest? Round them up and off to camp too?

I like old people. Always have. They know things.

03-19-2020, 10:19 PM
I'm not sure what my answer is because I don't like the question. :)

As far as segregating our old and infirm and sticking them in "camps"? That idea isn't getting the "nice Gunny" look at all. So what if later down the lines it turns out blacks/Hispanics/Asians/what have you are more susceptible than the rest? Round them up and off to camp too?

I like old people. Always have. They know things.

Ah abortions and euthanasia are closer than folks think.

I suppose isolation is better than having triage decisions made AFTER your sick, but there were some real flaws in that UK plan, when even I could see the biological holes in the idea. Thankfully they did change it around, but only on this Monday or Tuesday.

03-19-2020, 10:42 PM
Ah abortions and euthanasia are closer than folks think.

I suppose isolation is better than having triage decisions made AFTER your sick, but there were some real flaws in that UK plan, when even I could see the biological holes in the idea. Thankfully they did change it around, but only on this Monday or Tuesday.Yeah. Wonder what happens when you segregate all members of a certain age susceptible to the same virus from everyone else and even one of them has the virus? There's some hard math :rolleyes:

03-19-2020, 11:37 PM
Anyone remember this:?

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Then we come to today. First they told us to stay home.
Then they told us not to go to work.
They told us to close the schools.
They told us to close our businesses.
They told us to quarantine at home.
They told us stay inside for two weeks.
Somebody else told us maybe a month.
Another person said it might be 18 months.
The United States used to give us Freedom to do whatever we wanted,
Whenever we wanted,
Wherever we wanted,
And now only the govt. is in full control. SO...WHERE DID OUR FREEDOM GO?
Who is left to SPEAK FOR ALL OF US NOW?
Our President is doing his best, but His Enemies now support This Kind of Socialism.

03-20-2020, 12:08 AM
We won't be enjoying any of the rights/freedoms that come from God, not government, if a virus kills us off.

I don't want to be the cause or victim of bad choices. I am doing what I can not to spread the virus-if I'm carrying it, unknown. I also don't want it from you, so keep a reasonable distance.

I stay in my home whenever possible. I won't go to a restaurant, but will support them by someone delivering. I wore gloves to take the order and washed after. I do the same at work. Gloves, do wish all wore masks-whether the belief that it only helps prevent infection from infected, the problem is those walking around with the virus don't know it. Yep, wish everyone wore masks.

Obviously there are too many selfish, inconsiderate, disbelieving folks to not set things up for community shaming. Some never consider the 'public good,' just themselves.