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03-18-2020, 10:10 AM
I tell ya, these little commie bastards are PUSHING IT. WHY at this point, after THREATENING to withhold medical chemicals to "throw us into coronovirus hell," and now this, THREATEN our military with an EMP, would America even THINK about continuing to do business with these mother fuckers? We need to start DIVESTING from china like RIGHT NOW, anything and everything, the WHOLE SHA-BANG, PULL OUT. Let's see how cocky china is WITHOUT America's MONEY, or our TECHNOLOGY that they NON STOP STEAL. Good Lord I'm sick of these little pricks. They are our WORST ENEMY, and they've had us BENT OVER for DECADES, ALL BECAUSE OF THE GREED OF CORPORATE AMERICA, I'm SICK of it. At some point, the GREEDY people need to be told NO, SORRY, what you're doing involves NATIONAL SECURITY, and we can't ALLOW you to SELL OUT AMERICA. This is where you get when WORSHIPING THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR is what influences your actions, and NOT PATRIOTISM, or NATIONALISM. Corporate America needs a good shot of BOTH.


China Threatens EMP Attack in South China Sea

Chinese state media on Tuesday rather unsubtly decided this would be a good time to chat with a panel of “experts” about the possibility of using an electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP) against American ships that enter portions of the South China Sea illegally claimed by Beijing.

The timing suggests it was a bit of saber-rattling by a Communist Party nervous about its power and prestige after the Wuhan virus disaster, but some degree of escalation in the South China Sea has long been a concern for the U.S. Navy and ships from across the free world.

To put it bluntly, an EMP strike on U.S. warships would involve detonating a small nuclear warhead above them, but China’s state-run Global Times threw in some speculation about “low-energy laser devices” to keep their saber from rattling too loudly:

To counter US’ repeated trespasses into Chinese territorial waters, the Chinese military has the option of using new approaches, including the deployment of electromagnetic weapons, Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and commentator, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

Firing at US warships is not a good choice unless the US fires first, and that would result in the start of a China-US military conflict, Song said, noting that bumping into US ships might also not be a good counter, as lessons have been learned from the Black Sea bumping incident between the Soviet Union and US in 1988.

But the use of electromagnetic weapons, including low-energy laser devices, could be viable, as they can temporarily paralyze US ships’ weapon and control systems without visible conflict but can send a strong warning, according to Song.

Electromagnetic weapons can emit electromagnetic waves that can potentially jam electronic devices of target vessels and will not cause casualties, military observers said.

The US accused a Chinese destroyer of using lasers on February 17 on its patrol aircraft near Guam, even though it was the US aircraft that had initially conducted repeated close-in reconnaissance that interrupted the Chinese fleet’s normal navigation and training. This is a good example and could be applied more, Song said.

This is almost as dishonest a framing of the February laser incident, and others like it, as the Chinese fairy tale about a U.S. Army lab developing the coronavirus. The Chinese laser attack on a U.S. Navy aircraft flying over international waters on February 17 was unprovoked, unprofessional, unsafe, and a clear violation of both maritime law and safe-conduct policies for the region endorsed by Beijing.

These EMP threats were prompted by the most recent series of U.S. Freedom of Navigation operations (FONOP) in the South China Sea, which essentially involve sailing through waters claimed by China to demonstrate that international freedom of navigation will be protected. The Chinese are particularly exercised by the presence of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt and its strike group in the region, and while the Global Times did not explicitly mention it, the USS Theodore Roosevelt’s visit to Vietnam was deeply troubling to Beijing.

“This is the third time in just a week US warships are known to have trespassed into the South China Sea: US guided missile destroyer McCampbell on March 10 trespassed into China’s territorial waters in the Xisha Islands, and amphibious assault ship America and littoral combat ship Gabrielle Giffords sailed in operations in the South China Sea on Friday,” the Global Times complained.

“Xisha Islands” is China’s name for the Paracel Islands, which the guided-missile destroyer USS McCampbell sailed near on March 10. Vietnam and Taiwan both have claims in the Paracels. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) claimed it “warned” the American ship to leave, while the U.S. Navy said the ship completed its “security and stability operations” normally.

USS America and USS Gabrielle Giffords conducted joint operations in the South China Sea on Friday to test unified command and control and practice tactical maneuvers. The ships do not appear to have ventured into the waters claimed by China.

“By combining America’s lethality provided by the Navy-Marine Corps Team with the speed and maneuverability of a littoral combat ship, we’re forging new ways to operate together in one of the most important regions in the world,” Expeditionary Strike Group 7 commander Rear Adm. Fred Kacher said.

The PLA pulled a few deliberately provocative maneuvers of its own on Monday, sending a flight of warplanes across the Taiwan Strait in a rare night exercise. The Taiwanese scrambled their own fighters to “shadow, intercept, and disperse the Communist warplanes,” according to Taiwan’s defense ministry.

The South China Morning Post quoted analysts who said Beijing wanted to send one of its periodic threats to Taiwan while also demonstrating the coronavirus epidemic has not weakened the PLA:

“In addition to enhancing all-weather capability of its military fleet, the communist warplanes’ fly-by is aimed at sending out the message that it is business as usual with PLA war games despite the coronavirus outbreak in mainland China,” said Alexander Huang Chieh-cheng, a professor of international affairs and strategic studies at Tamkang University in Taipei.

He said the PLA’s night drill was also aimed at testing the response of forces such as the United States and telling them that the mainland’s air force can carry out night-time combat operations.

“Of course, it is also aimed at intimidating Taiwan,” Huang said.

The Global Times portrayed the night exercise as a warning to Taiwan that will become more frequent if “secessionist forces remain stubborn and continue their secessionist activities.”

The Chinese state newspaper curiously quoted only Taiwanese sources about the incident, but slipped in a comment from an unnamed “military expert” who said Monday’s flight was unprecedented proof that the PLA “is fully capable of launching military operations on the island at any time of a day.”

https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2020/03/17/china-threatens-emp-attack-south-china-sea/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1FdeF4TG3Yzev8HOcnxyuVTf42RjWm0je4h19Yj BYyvijlcexmURC9HcI

03-18-2020, 10:46 AM
I tell ya, these little commie bastards are PUSHING IT. WHY at this point, after THREATENING to withhold medical chemicals to "throw us into coronovirus hell," and now this, THREATEN our military with an EMP, would America even THINK about continuing to do business with these mother fuckers? We need to start DIVESTING from china like RIGHT NOW, anything and everything, the WHOLE SHA-BANG, PULL OUT. Let's see how cocky china is WITHOUT America's MONEY, or our TECHNOLOGY that they NON STOP STEAL. Good Lord I'm sick of these little pricks. They are our WORST ENEMY, and but they've had us BENT OVER for DECADES, ALL BECAUSE OF THE GREED OF CORPORATE AMERICA, I'm SICK of it. At some point, the GREEDY people need to be told NO, SORRY, what you're doing involves NATIONAL SECURITY, and we can't ALLOW you to SELL OUT AMERICA. This is where you get when WORSHIPING THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR is what influences your actions, and NOT PATRIOTISM, or NATIONALISM. Corporate America needs a good shot of BOTH.


China Threatens EMP Attack in South China Sea

Chinese state media on Tuesday rather unsubtly decided this would be a good time to chat with a panel of “experts” about the possibility of using an electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP) against American ships that enter portions of the South China Sea illegally claimed by Beijing.

The timing suggests it was a bit of saber-rattling by a Communist Party nervous about its power and prestige after the Wuhan virus disaster, but some degree of escalation in the South China Sea has long been a concern for the U.S. Navy and ships from across the free world.

To put it bluntly, an EMP strike on U.S. warships would involve detonating a small nuclear warhead above them, but China’s state-run Global Times threw in some speculation about “low-energy laser devices” to keep their saber from rattling too loudly:

To counter US’ repeated trespasses into Chinese territorial waters, the Chinese military has the option of using new approaches, including the deployment of electromagnetic weapons, Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and commentator, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

Firing at US warships is not a good choice unless the US fires first, and that would result in the start of a China-US military conflict, Song said, noting that bumping into US ships might also not be a good counter, as lessons have been learned from the Black Sea bumping incident between the Soviet Union and US in 1988.

But the use of electromagnetic weapons, including low-energy laser devices, could be viable, as they can temporarily paralyze US ships’ weapon and control systems without visible conflict but can send a strong warning, according to Song.

Electromagnetic weapons can emit electromagnetic waves that can potentially jam electronic devices of target vessels and will not cause casualties, military observers said.

The US accused a Chinese destroyer of using lasers on February 17 on its patrol aircraft near Guam, even though it was the US aircraft that had initially conducted repeated close-in reconnaissance that interrupted the Chinese fleet’s normal navigation and training. This is a good example and could be applied more, Song said.

This is almost as dishonest a framing of the February laser incident, and others like it, as the Chinese fairy tale about a U.S. Army lab developing the coronavirus. The Chinese laser attack on a U.S. Navy aircraft flying over international waters on February 17 was unprovoked, unprofessional, unsafe, and a clear violation of both maritime law and safe-conduct policies for the region endorsed by Beijing.

These EMP threats were prompted by the most recent series of U.S. Freedom of Navigation operations (FONOP) in the South China Sea, which essentially involve sailing through waters claimed by China to demonstrate that international freedom of navigation will be protected. The Chinese are particularly exercised by the presence of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt and its strike group in the region, and while the Global Times did not explicitly mention it, the USS Theodore Roosevelt’s visit to Vietnam was deeply troubling to Beijing.

“This is the third time in just a week US warships are known to have trespassed into the South China Sea: US guided missile destroyer McCampbell on March 10 trespassed into China’s territorial waters in the Xisha Islands, and amphibious assault ship America and littoral combat ship Gabrielle Giffords sailed in operations in the South China Sea on Friday,” the Global Times complained.

“Xisha Islands” is China’s name for the Paracel Islands, which the guided-missile destroyer USS McCampbell sailed near on March 10. Vietnam and Taiwan both have claims in the Paracels. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) claimed it “warned” the American ship to leave, while the U.S. Navy said the ship completed its “security and stability operations” normally.

USS America and USS Gabrielle Giffords conducted joint operations in the South China Sea on Friday to test unified command and control and practice tactical maneuvers. The ships do not appear to have ventured into the waters claimed by China.

“By combining America’s lethality provided by the Navy-Marine Corps Team with the speed and maneuverability of a littoral combat ship, we’re forging new ways to operate together in one of the most important regions in the world,” Expeditionary Strike Group 7 commander Rear Adm. Fred Kacher said.

The PLA pulled a few deliberately provocative maneuvers of its own on Monday, sending a flight of warplanes across the Taiwan Strait in a rare night exercise. The Taiwanese scrambled their own fighters to “shadow, intercept, and disperse the Communist warplanes,” according to Taiwan’s defense ministry.

The South China Morning Post quoted analysts who said Beijing wanted to send one of its periodic threats to Taiwan while also demonstrating the coronavirus epidemic has not weakened the PLA:

“In addition to enhancing all-weather capability of its military fleet, the communist warplanes’ fly-by is aimed at sending out the message that it is business as usual with PLA war games despite the coronavirus outbreak in mainland China,” said Alexander Huang Chieh-cheng, a professor of international affairs and strategic studies at Tamkang University in Taipei.

He said the PLA’s night drill was also aimed at testing the response of forces such as the United States and telling them that the mainland’s air force can carry out night-time combat operations.

“Of course, it is also aimed at intimidating Taiwan,” Huang said.

The Global Times portrayed the night exercise as a warning to Taiwan that will become more frequent if “secessionist forces remain stubborn and continue their secessionist activities.”

The Chinese state newspaper curiously quoted only Taiwanese sources about the incident, but slipped in a comment from an unnamed “military expert” who said Monday’s flight was unprecedented proof that the PLA “is fully capable of launching military operations on the island at any time of a day.”

https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2020/03/17/china-threatens-emp-attack-south-china-sea/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1FdeF4TG3Yzev8HOcnxyuVTf42RjWm0je4h19Yj BYyvijlcexmURC9HcI

Surprise, surprise. Checked the BBC ... and have been listening to LBC News for hours. Not a mention of this AT ALL from those news outlets.

I've found two British newspapers covering stories of belligerence from China, but according to these, America isn't the target of it. The targets mentioned by our people are Vietnam, the Philippines, and Australia.

From the Leftie Guardian ...


Chinese ships have been ramming into and firing water cannons at Vietnamese vessels trying to stop Beijing from putting an oil rig in the South China Sea, according to officials and video footage on Wednesday, in a dangerous escalation of tensions over waters considered a global flashpoint.

Several boats have been damaged and at least six Vietnamese on board have been injured, officials said.

Elsewhere in the sea, the Philippines arrested 11 Chinese fishermen for catching endangering turtles, angering Beijing and further exposing regional strains.

China has recently been harassing Vietnam and Philippine vessels and fishermen in the potentially oil and gas rich waters it claims almost entirely – a shaky stance to many international law experts.

But China's deployment of the oil rig on 1 May and the flotilla of escort ships, some armed, is seen as one of its most provocative steps in a gradual campaign of asserting its sovereignty in the South China Sea. With neither country showing any sign of stepping down, the standoff raises the possibility of more serious clashes.

From the considerably less Leftie Daily Mail ...


Australia's position that China should adhere to an international ruling on the disputed South China Sea received a stinging rebuke from a state-backed newspaper at the weekend.

The prominent Global Times described Australia as 'delirious' for its decision to support a ruling in the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague that China had no historic claim to the waters and it had violated the Philippines' economic and sovereign rights.

The article mocked Australia as a 'paper cat' and said if the country stepped into the contested waters, it would be an 'ideal target for China to warn and strike.'

Between your post and mine, I'm getting the impression that, at its heart, the Chinese authorities believe that (a) much of the world is feeling hostility towards China because of where the Covid-19 virus came from, and (b) they think that other powers will believe that they've been weakened as a credible world power because of the extent of harm to their society because of it.

It's the reaction of a wounded animal that feels itself under attack ... fending off 'belligerents'.

I think this is what we're seeing here. China is lashing out, saying to the world .. 'We're still mighty, you take us on for any reason whatever at your peril'.

H'm. All I can say is that we'll all have to hope that China gets over its paranoia !

03-18-2020, 10:52 AM
Surprise, surprise. Checked the BBC ... and have been listening to LBC News for hours. Not a mention of this AT ALL from those news outlets.

I've found two British newspapers covering stories of belligerence from China, but according to these, America isn't the target of it. The targets mentioned by our people are Vietnam, the Philippines, and Australia.

From the Leftie Guardian ...


From the considerably less Leftie Daily Mail ...


Between your post and mine, I'm getting the impression that, at its heart, the Chinese authorities believe that (a) much of the world is feeling hostility towards China because of where the Covid-19 virus came from, and (b) they think that other powers will believe that they've been weakened as a credible world power because of the extent of harm to their society because of it.

It's the reaction of a wounded animal that feels itself under attack ... fending off 'belligerents'.

I think this is what we're seeing here. China is lashing out, saying to the world .. 'We're still mighty, you take us on for any reason whatever at your peril'.

H'm. All I can say is that we'll all have to hope that China gets over its paranoia !
I would tend to agree with that assessment brother, but there's an old saying my Mother used to say... "you can catch more flies with sugar than salt." The way china is acting isn't going to win over anyone. It can only alienate them even further, but it's basically the only way they know how to act. Aggression is how they deal with dissidents in their own nation. Problem for them is, that doesn't work so well on the world stage. China is their own worst enemy at this point.