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View Full Version : Pelosi Leads The Democrats Off The Cliff-NYTs Notes

03-22-2020, 11:39 PM
This is seriously f'd-up. I noticed that Pelosi said the 'Democrats' were creating their own bill-meaning the Senate should scrap what they'd already worked out in a bi-partisan manner.

Pelosi has lost it, first caving to AOC, then the meltdown at the SOTU address, now this:


Stunning NYT Headline: “Senate Democrats Blocked Action On A Trillion-Dollar Stimulus Plan”; Update: McConnell Schedules Revote For 9:45 Am; Update: Romney “Shocked” At Dems
ED MORRISSEYPosted at 9:46 pm on March 22, 2020

It’s stunning because it’s true, and it hints that Democrats might have miscalculated how much political cover they have in this coronavirus crisis. After three days of bipartisan negotiations, Senate Democrats suddenly decided to block the CARES Act on a procedural vote. The New York Times leaves no doubt as to which party made the move, and which party risks getting blamed for the fallout:


The link to McConnell's address in the Senate is at site, magnificent for both concern and clarity of what the Democrats have just pulled.

03-23-2020, 12:41 AM
and now the Democrats have refused to meet in early morning, instead going to meet around noon, with no vote scheduled:


U.S. Stock Futures

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif S&P (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/sandp/)
-106.75 / -4.66%


Fair Value


Data as of 1:24am ET

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif Nasdaq (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/nasdaq/)
-279.00 / -4.00%


Fair Value


Data as of 1:24am ET

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif Dow (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/dow/)
-901.00 / -4.73%


Data as of 1:24am ET

Next column headline:

Asian markets and Dow futures drop as US Congress fails to move forward on coronavirus bill (https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/22/investing/dow-futures-limit-down-sunday/index.html)
Mar 23 12:32am:Dow futures fell 5%, hitting the "limit down" maximum allowable limit and halting futures from falling further within minutes after futures trading began Sunday. More (https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/22/investing/dow-futures-limit-down-sunday/index.html)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-23-2020, 03:56 AM
and now the Democrats have refused to meet in early morning, instead going to meet around noon, with no vote scheduled:


U.S. Stock Futures

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif S&P (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/sandp/)
-106.75 / -4.66%


Fair Value


Data as of 1:24am ET

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif Nasdaq (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/nasdaq/)
-279.00 / -4.00%


Fair Value


Data as of 1:24am ET

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif Dow (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/dow/)
-901.00 / -4.73%


Data as of 1:24am ET

Next column headline:

Asian markets and Dow futures drop as US Congress fails to move forward on coronavirus bill (https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/22/investing/dow-futures-limit-down-sunday/index.html)
Mar 23 12:32am:Dow futures fell 5%, hitting the "limit down" maximum allowable limit and halting futures from falling further within minutes after futures trading began Sunday. More (https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/22/investing/dow-futures-limit-down-sunday/index.html)

The dem party consistently works against the best interests of the American people. By this move they show more of their true colors-as this move is designed to take any and all credit away from Trump and try to grab it for themselves. It is indeed a calculated , heartless and vicious power play on her part. One that should be recognized as such and come back to haunt and destroy whats left of this liberal worthless hag's political career....
This move is all about taking credit away from Trump-- with the thought the people be damned!
Those millions suddenly unemployed and cast into the dark winds, need that money sooner rather than later, they also need that ray of light that it will bring. I hope that this cold- hearted and viciously calculated play truly destroys that anti-american piece of scum. - Tyr

03-23-2020, 07:44 AM
The dem party consistently works against the best interests of the American people. By this move they show more if their true colors-as this move is designed to take any and all credit away from Trump and try to grab it for themselves. It is indeed a calculated , heartless and vicious power play on her part. One that should be recognized as such and come back to haunt and destroy whats left of this liberal worthless hag's political career....
This move is all about taking credit away from Trump-- with the thought the people be damned!
Those millions suddenly unemployed and cast into the dark winds, need that money sooner rather than later, they also need that ray of light that it will bring. I hope that this cold- hearted and viciously calculated play truly destroys that anti-american piece of scum. - Tyr
WINNER, WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER - - - - :rock: - - - :clap:

03-23-2020, 07:46 AM
and now the Democrats have refused to meet in early morning, instead going to meet around noon, with no vote scheduled:


U.S. Stock Futures

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif S&P (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/sandp/)
-106.75 / -4.66%


Fair Value


Data as of 1:24am ET

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif Nasdaq (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/nasdaq/)
-279.00 / -4.00%


Fair Value


Data as of 1:24am ET

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowDown.gif Dow (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/dow/)
-901.00 / -4.73%


Data as of 1:24am ET

Next column headline:

Asian markets and Dow futures drop as US Congress fails to move forward on coronavirus bill (https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/22/investing/dow-futures-limit-down-sunday/index.html)
Mar 23 12:32am:Dow futures fell 5%, hitting the "limit down" maximum allowable limit and halting futures from falling further within minutes after futures trading began Sunday. More (https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/22/investing/dow-futures-limit-down-sunday/index.html)

The Fed moves:


U.S. Fed amounts aggressive new steps to combat coronavirus hit to economy
Reuters ReutersMarch 23, 2020

(Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Reserve, citing "tremendous hardship" caused by the coronavirus pandemic, on Monday said it would begin backstopping an unprecedented range of credit for households, small businesses and major employers.

The Fed said in a statement the effort was taken because "it has become clear that our economy will face severe disruptions."


U.S. Stock Futures

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowUp.gif S&P (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/sandp/)
+60.25 / +2.63%


Fair Value


Data as of 8:20am ET

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowUp.gif Nasdaq (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/nasdaq/)
+227.00 / +3.26%


Fair Value


Data as of 8:20am ET

https://i.cdn.turner.com/money/.element/img/3.0/data/arrowUp.gif Dow (https://money.cnn.com/data/markets/dow/)
+391.00 / +2.05%


Data as of 8:19am ET

03-23-2020, 07:51 AM
and for the time being, the MSM seems to be putting the blame on those obstructing aid to the people and businesses:


NBC’s Today: You’d Better Believe It Was Senate Dems Who Torpedoed Coronavirus Relief
ED MORRISSEYPosted at 8:41 am on March 23, 2020

Democrats’ strategic debacle continued apace this morning as news organizations report on their last-minute renege on the coronavirus relief package late yesterday. This is more of a headline than a substantive report, but nevertheless NBC’s Today show makes it clear that Democrats obstructed the bill. If Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer expected the media to carry their water, thus far they have miscalculated:

The new $2.3 trillion-coronavirus aid package was blocked by Senate Democrats on Capitol Hill, where there has also been a new case of the virus, @tomcostellonbc reports.

Despite some headline revisions yesterday on their initial reporting, the New York Times has opted this morning for clarity:

Senate Democrats on Sunday blocked action on an emerging deal to prop up an economy devastated by the coronavirus pandemic, paralyzing the progress of a nearly $2 trillion government rescue package they said failed to adequately protect workers or impose strict enough restrictions on bailed-out businesses. …

In voting to block action, Democrats risked a political backlash if they are seen as obstructing progress on a measure that is widely regarded as crucial to aid desperate Americans and prop up a flagging economy. But they argued the vote on Sunday was premature given their remaining reservations about the measure, while Republicans heaped criticism on them for creating uncertainty for both the public and the markets.

“This is irresponsible and unwise,” said Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine. “They are playing with fire.”

The move enraged Republicans, whose numbers were dwindling after Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky announced on Sunday that he had contracted the coronavirus and prompted two other senators to self-isolate and miss the vote that evening. The Democratic maneuver, they argued, contravened days of bipartisan negotiations and jeopardized faith that Congress was capable of mustering a legislative salve for a shuddering economy.

Democrats got slightly more favorable treatment in the Washington Post, where the headline focuses on the “clash between Republicans and Democrats.” The lead places the blame for obstruction squarely on Democrats, however:

Senate Democrats blocked a massive coronavirus stimulus bill from moving forward Sunday as partisan disputes raged over the legislation aimed at arresting the economy’s precipitous decline.

Lawmakers had hoped to pass the enormous $1.8 trillion bill by Monday, but Sunday night they were scrambling to revive talks, with the stock market poised for another sharp drop and households and businesses fretting about an uncertain future.

The Los Angeles Times avoids the blame game, opting instead for a focus on the agreement that a bill is needed quickly:

Although both parties said they agreed on the urgency of passing a measure quickly as unemployment rapidly mounts and jittery markets prepared to reopen Monday, the two sides remained at loggerheads on several key issues, including how much money to provide state and local governments faced with the crisis and how much authority to give administration officials to decide which major businesses to bail out.

As lawmakers and their staffs prepared to meet into the wee hours, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), warned of “an ugly” Monday in financial markets without a deal. He planned to try again to bring to the floor a key procedural vote on Monday.

“Our nation cannot afford a game of chicken,” McConnell said, adding that he hoped for a “change of heart” from Democrats.

But Senate Democratic leader Charles E. Schumer of New York said he had been meeting with Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin, representing the administration, and that there was a “good chance we’ll have an agreement” in the morning.

The hardball tactics from both parties came at the end of a weekend of negotiations among rank-and-file lawmakers and between congressional leaders and Mnuchin.

That might be more notable for the dog that didn’t bark. Normally, the media frames disputes as GOP generated, with political machinations generally credited to Republicans. The media’s “Republicans pounce” narrative has been used so much that it has become practically a drinking game. The lack of pouncing in the LAT’s story — indeed, the lack of any hint of politics — is at least a failure of Democrats’ attempts to blame Republicans for any impasse.

The two sides will do their best to patch things up before the next vote, which has been moved to noon ET after Schumer objected to McConnell’s 9:45 motion. The markets are going to panic if Congress can’t take effective action quickly, which matters a lot more than who gets blamed for this mess. Voters’ retirement security is burning away while Schumer and Pelosi fiddle on Capitol Hill. McConnell will likely propose a fig leaf of more oversight on Treasury’s management of the bailout fund and perhaps incorporate Donald Trump’s suggestion of a restriction on stock buy-backs, made in yesterday’s presser. If that’s what it takes to get a deal done and restore confidence in leadership, both McConnell and Schumer had better do it.

And Schumer should fire whoever’s handling Democrats’ political strategy in 2020.

03-23-2020, 08:01 AM
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/90560557_210310510183760_2712062085516230656_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=102&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=LkIkTGwIIUkAX-gkEPh&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&_nc_tp=7&oh=52937ceeb2dc020366e5565fa8104d8a&oe=5E9F4EF0

03-23-2020, 10:12 AM
That was the first thing I thought yesterday. I see many Dems talking about and pushing political BS out there in the background, taking advantage of this IMO. Now they will likely condemn the republicans for their efforts and try their own BS. WORK TOGETHER you assholes! You couldn't simply stay the course and get the crap finalized and get the necessary funding out to the people that need it most? Are political games and one upping the other needed right now? :rolleyes:

03-23-2020, 10:21 AM
Yup - Fact


Sen. Bill Cassidy: Pelosi and Schumer Put Relief for Americans on Hold

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) told Breitbart News that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) are obstructing a tentative emergency relief bill to provide financial relief to Americans during the coronavirus outbreak.

“It’s incredibly frustrating,” said Cassidy in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak. “Democrats and Republicans broke down into five working groups. They came to agreement on all five areas — appropriations, for example, tax law changes upon health and welfare issues, etcetera — we put them into a package, and now we had a vote tonight that would just allow us to continue to debate it for the next 30 hours. Keep in mind, all this negotiation has taken place between Democrats and Republicans. Pelosi came over with Schumer after having agreed to everything, and then said no, they that wanted something different, far different.”

Cassidy continued, “So when the original package — which was agreed upon — was brought up just to allow 30 more hours to debate, Democrats voted against. Now we’ve got an American economy which is just tanking because we don’t have certainty as to the government’s response, and Pelosi and Schumer have decided that they are going to obstruct after they helped negotiate the deal.”

Cassidy went on, “This is something that we don’t need at this moment, and we’re speaking about a package, which is huge — which is the biggest package ever put out by the federal government — to help the American people. And it would provide certainty for those who know that tomorrow they’re going to have to make note payments in two weeks.

“I cannot believe that Pelosi and Schumer are attempting to do this,” added Cassidy. “Frankly, I am shocked that Democratic senators are going along with it. I’m not a partisan guy, at this point. I’m so sorry they are.”

Cassidy remarked, “This is about the American people, not about being a Democrat or Republican.”

Cassidy stated, “I know what’s going through the mind of Americans if Congress can’t even get together on this, what does my future look like?”


03-23-2020, 10:24 AM
You gotta be fucking kidding me. They're doing this shit in the midst of suffering? Oh, now this pisses me off. I said awhile back that they better not try and inject pork projects into this, and here they go, and for planned parenthood no less? There should be none in there from either side.


Democrats Push Pork for Planned Parenthood in Coronavirus Package

The Hill reported Sunday that one of the reasons bipartisan support for a massive coronavirus stimulus package has fallen apart is, once again, because Democrats want the bill to prop up Planned Parenthood.

According to the Hill:

A Democratic aide said that the small business provision was drafted to exclude non-profits who receive Medicaid from being eligible for Small Business Administration assistance offered under the bill. That, according to the aide, would impact Planned Parenthood but also community health centers, rape crisis centers and disability service providers.

Planned Parenthood is identified as a nonprofit, not a small business.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday she will be moving ahead with her own emergency relief package and ended hopes for an immediate vote in the Senate to further assistance for the nation in the midst of the crisis caused by the virus that originated in China.

Breitbart News reported:

Senate Republicans and the White House have insisted that they will continue to push for the $1.6 trillion economic relief package, which would include $350 billion in support for small businesses and $250 billion for unemployment insurance. The package would also include direct cash payments to individuals around $1,200 per individual, with additional funds going to families with children.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/03/22/report-democrats-push-for-small-business-assistance-for-planned-parenthood/

03-23-2020, 10:40 AM
And rightfully so, IMO.


McConnell Furious After Senate Democrats Screw American Public – Block Emergency Coronavirus Package

Senate Democrats on Sunday blocked phase 3 of the Coronavirus economic stimulus bill.

60 votes were needed for this bill.

All Democrats, and Independents who caucus with Dems voted no.

5 Republican Senators are currently in self-quarantine and missed the vote.

The vote failed at 47-47.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) switched his vote to “no” which allows a second vote.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was playing politics on Sunday and said she’s working on her own pork-filled emergency relief Coronavirus package.

McConnell was furious after the Senate Dems blocked the emergency stimulus bill and went off on them from the Senate floor.

“I changed my vote which gives me the opportunity to move to reconsider at a later time. That’s all I can do in the face of obstruction. I can understand obstruction when you’re trying to achieve something. This obstruction achieves nothing,” McConnell said.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/mcconnell-furious-after-senate-democrats-screw-american-public-block-emergency-coronavirus-package-video/

03-23-2020, 11:10 AM
To democrats, it's partisanship games, this time, every time, all the time, and the American people are just inconvenient statistics, we can all go to hell.

Democrats are the party of trash. That was true 5 years ago when I first said it, it's even more true today.

03-23-2020, 08:08 PM
found this on Twitter. Fantastic rant session and he calls out all the D's bullshit.


03-23-2020, 09:12 PM
Wonder how many Dems out there are figuring out on a matter they cannot ignore that it is their own party obstructing progress thereby endangering their lives :thinking5: