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View Full Version : Are things dropping to Flu like numbers?

03-23-2020, 12:25 PM
This is NOT TO DOWNPLAY this spreading virus at all. NOTHING in addition to the flu is good news - AND this thing is still spreading like wildflower, and it's still killing many many people. Getting sick is what matters to me, and being dead ain't any better.

And far from the 3.4% that I do in fact believe set off a lot of unneeded panic. Absolutely, it IS time to do what we are currently doing. We want to stop this thing spreading at all possible. Hopefully offer the best care for those that end up needing hospitalization.

We need the test kits. I've said that all along. And they need to test more instead of dismissing, but I know supplies dictate that for now. But I think the numbers come back to reality as the increased testing comes along.

But we still have a problem and one that desperately needs "solving". Will this be seasonal like the flu? We don't need anything in addition that that! When can they finalize a vaccine? Until such time, how long to finalize testing of the anti-malaria drugs? And IF successful, how long before it can get out their to the masses?

I know it's a lot more detailed than that, but that's about what my peanut sized brain can allow. :)

Oh, and don't forget the 12 year old girl in Atlanta. She got the virus, no other underlying conditions whatsoever - and yet there she lies with a ventilator. So again, don't underestimate either, as this thing isn't discriminating. Even if the mortality rate drops that much, do you want to take a chance? I sure as hell don't!


If 6 of 7 COVID-19 Cases Are Not Being Reported as One Study Suggests — The Current Mortality Rate Sinks to Flu-Like Levels

The US coronavirus mortality rate dipped to 1.25% on Sunday using deaths (396) divided by confirmed cases (38,167).

The mortality rate for the coronavirus in the US continues to fall as more and more Americans are being tested.

12 days ago the US coronavirus mortality rate was 4.06

Today the mortality rate is down to 1.25%!

4.06% March 8 (22 deaths of 541 cases)
3.69% March 9 (26 of 704)
3.01% March 10 (30 of 994)
2.95% March 11 (38 of 1,295)
2.52% March 12 (42 of 1,695)
2.27% March 13 (49 of 2,247)
1.93% March 14 (57 of 2,954)
1.84% March 15 (68 of 3,680)
1.6% March 17 (116 of 7,301)
1.4% March 19 (161 of 11,329)
1.25% March 20 (237 of 18,845)
01.25% March 22 (396 of 38,167)

But this number may actually be much lower.

Hospitals and urgent care clinics are turning potential COVID-19 victims away on a daily basis. We all now know someone who was told not to come in to be tested because officials were only concentrating on the seriously ill.

That means the current mortality rate is SIGNIFICANTLY lower if you factor in ALL OF THE CASES that are not being reported, and where people are not feeling sick enough to be tested.
That number could be 6-7 times higher than the current number of 38,167 as a recent study suggests.

That puts the coronavirus mortality rate in the US at 0.1% to 0.2%. This is similar number to a flu virus.


03-23-2020, 08:24 PM
I think a lot of this has to do with how spread out we are as a country. The concentrations will always be where the higher populations are.

then again, everyone in MN is freaking the fuck out over the ONE person who has died so far. Just the one. :dunno:

03-23-2020, 09:07 PM
This is NOT TO DOWNPLAY this spreading virus at all. NOTHING in addition to the flu is good news - AND this thing is still spreading like wildflower, and it's still killing many many people. Getting sick is what matters to me, and being dead ain't any better.

And far from the 3.4% that I do in fact believe set off a lot of unneeded panic. Absolutely, it IS time to do what we are currently doing. We want to stop this thing spreading at all possible. Hopefully offer the best care for those that end up needing hospitalization.

We need the test kits. I've said that all along. And they need to test more instead of dismissing, but I know supplies dictate that for now. But I think the numbers come back to reality as the increased testing comes along.

But we still have a problem and one that desperately needs "solving". Will this be seasonal like the flu? We don't need anything in addition that that! When can they finalize a vaccine? Until such time, how long to finalize testing of the anti-malaria drugs? And IF successful, how long before it can get out their to the masses?

I know it's a lot more detailed than that, but that's about what my peanut sized brain can allow. :)

Oh, and don't forget the 12 year old girl in Atlanta. She got the virus, no other underlying conditions whatsoever - and yet there she lies with a ventilator. So again, don't underestimate either, as this thing isn't discriminating. Even if the mortality rate drops that much, do you want to take a chance? I sure as hell don't!


If 6 of 7 COVID-19 Cases Are Not Being Reported as One Study Suggests — The Current Mortality Rate Sinks to Flu-Like Levels

The US coronavirus mortality rate dipped to 1.25% on Sunday using deaths (396) divided by confirmed cases (38,167).

The mortality rate for the coronavirus in the US continues to fall as more and more Americans are being tested.

12 days ago the US coronavirus mortality rate was 4.06

Today the mortality rate is down to 1.25%!

But this number may actually be much lower.

Hospitals and urgent care clinics are turning potential COVID-19 victims away on a daily basis. We all now know someone who was told not to come in to be tested because officials were only concentrating on the seriously ill.

That means the current mortality rate is SIGNIFICANTLY lower if you factor in ALL OF THE CASES that are not being reported, and where people are not feeling sick enough to be tested.
That number could be 6-7 times higher than the current number of 38,167 as a recent study suggests.

That puts the coronavirus mortality rate in the US at 0.1% to 0.2%. This is similar number to a flu virus.

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/if-6-of-7-covid-19-cases-are-not-being-reported-as-one-study-suggests-the-current-mortality-rate-sinks-to-flu-like-levels/We are not going to stop this virus from spreading. It's going to happen. We are trying to slow it down to a manageable number that comes down to total ventilators/bed spaces.

Everything comes down to a numbers game with our government and the media and they've all got a different story. The BIGGEST problem we have is too much information meaning wherever the truth is hiding, it's covered by a lot of BS.

03-24-2020, 12:30 AM
I think we'll find, sooner than later, whether or not this virus is of the magnitude of the Spanish flu or not. If not, we'll celebrate. If it is, gonna be a world of hurt.

It's changing on a dime. Not the virus, but the reaction.

If the president is correct, I'll be all in. If he's wrong, someone else-unlikely Biden, will be taking over a very different country.