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View Full Version : Well, Starting Tomorrow, Or Radical Dem Gov Put WI On LOCKDOWN

03-23-2020, 01:37 PM
We don't even have that many cases here, and only a couple dead, FAR more have died from the FLU, but leave it to our little ferret faced, shit stain dem Gov, he's putting the ENTIRE state on LOCKDOWN ANYWAY. As if the national directives weren't having enough of a negative impact, this dumbass is just going to make sure Wisconsin's economy is certainly going to end up in the toilet. I can't help but think this moron is calculating he can run on SAVING Wisconsin and he's the man to fix things. Well... judging by the texts I've been reading from friends here, he couldn't be more wrong. My guess is, this IDIOT is GONE next election, in a LANDSLIDE. Every once and awhile WI elects a dem because of all the new, young, stupid, indoctrinated voters, but the smart ones soon learn, you get SCREWED when you vote for a dem.

But, on the other hand, I almost saw this coming, because people here just haven't been taking this seriously. The amount of people out and about and traffic still, seems like the vast majority of people here in WI were acting like NOTHING was going on. So there's a tiny part of me that actually doesn't blame Ever's. Seems as though the stupid people of WI just WON'T STAY HOME unless they HAVE NO CHOICE. Evidently ASKING them to stay home isn't working. They need to be TOLD, just like the beach partiers in FL, too stupid to do the right thing when ASKED, so they had to be TOLD, the PARTY IS OVER, GO THE FUCK HOME AND STAY THERE until we get this crap under CONTROL, and we WON'T until it STOPS SPREADING, because all you IDIOTS are still out SPREADING IT. For Christ sake, what part about that is so HARD for people to grasp? I just think there's a LOT of people that JUST, DON'T, CARE. They think this is all some sort of huge HOAX and everyone is OVER REACTING. Yes, there are people that stupid... plenty of them.


Evers orders non-essential Wisconsin businesses closed

https://www.channel3000.com/evers-orders-non-essential-wisconsin-businesses-closed/ (https://www.channel3000.com/evers-orders-non-essential-wisconsin-businesses-closed/)

03-23-2020, 02:53 PM
ACP Rules in effect ,

03-23-2020, 09:17 PM
We don't even have that many cases here, and only a couple dead, FAR more have died from the FLU, but leave it to our little ferret faced, shit stain dem Gov, he's putting the ENTIRE state on LOCKDOWN ANYWAY. As if the national directives weren't having enough of a negative impact, this dumbass is just going to make sure Wisconsin's economy is certainly going to end up in the toilet. I can't help but think this moron is calculating he can run on SAVING Wisconsin and he's the man to fix things. Well... judging by the texts I've been reading from friends here, he couldn't be more wrong. My guess is, this IDIOT is GONE next election, in a LANDSLIDE. Every once and awhile WI elects a dem because of all the new, young, stupid, indoctrinated voters, but the smart ones soon learn, you get SCREWED when you vote for a dem.

But, on the other hand, I almost saw this coming, because people here just haven't been taking this seriously. The amount of people out and about and traffic still, seems like the vast majority of people here in WI were acting like NOTHING was going on. So there's a tiny part of me that actually doesn't blame Ever's. Seems as though the stupid people of WI just WON'T STAY HOME unless they HAVE NO CHOICE. Evidently ASKING them to stay home isn't working. They need to be TOLD, just like the beach partiers in FL, too stupid to do the right thing when ASKED, so they had to be TOLD, the PARTY IS OVER, GO THE FUCK HOME AND STAY THERE until we get this crap under CONTROL, and we WON'T until it STOPS SPREADING, because all you IDIOTS are still out SPREADING IT. For Christ sake, what part about that is so HARD for people to grasp? I just think there's a LOT of people that JUST, DON'T, CARE. They think this is all some of huge HOAX and everyone is OVER REACTING. Yes, there are people that stupid... plenty of them.


Evers orders non-essential Wisconsin businesses closed

https://www.channel3000.com/evers-orders-non-essential-wisconsin-businesses-closed/ (https://www.channel3000.com/evers-orders-non-essential-wisconsin-businesses-closed/)Governor Abbott backed away from locking the State down but our Never-say-Die Blue City Mayor didn't balk at doing so. Basically, we have to stay inside unless we have business otherwise is the best I can read it. Which means his bullshit declaration at the moment means nothing to me.

I must live a really crappy life that other than to stick me here with my family (I will address elsewhere), my life hasn't changed much :( :laugh:

03-24-2020, 12:34 AM
It's looking like any lockdowns will be very short lived. I'm assuming they are going to try and lift the closures on areas that have not yet been hard hit. I doubt though that any governor is going to let their state be locked while others move ahead.

It appears that some great experiment is going to be undertaken.

03-24-2020, 09:09 AM
It's looking like any lockdowns will be very short lived. I'm assuming they are going to try and lift the closures on areas that have not yet been hard hit. I doubt though that any governor is going to let their state be locked while others move ahead.

It appears that some great experiment is going to be undertaken.
Yes, from what I've heard on the local news this morning, people are allowed to get outside and take a walk, get some fresh air, exercise, etc. They clarified that what is happening is all non essential business are to close today, and all non essential travel is to.

Evidently WI jumped 100 cases in one day yesterday up to 381, and 4 deaths. That's a pretty dramatic increase, although that number could be jumping merely because of testing. But still, we don't need the people that may not even know they're infected walking around infecting other people. It's that simple. I actually do want WI to get this damn virus under control.

Other than Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin is usually a pretty isolated northern state, and what happens to the rest of the country doesn't really happen up here, to a degree. We just get cold. So the sooner we get this crap under control here in WI, the better.

03-24-2020, 09:11 AM
Governor Abbott backed away from locking the State down but our Never-say-Die Blue City Mayor didn't balk at doing so. Basically, we have to stay inside unless we have business otherwise is the best I can read it. Which means his bullshit declaration at the moment means nothing to me.

I must live a really crappy life that other than to stick me here with my family (I will address elsewhere), my life hasn't changed much :( :laugh:
Me too, because what they're asking everyone else to do is pretty much what I do normally... stay home and stick to myself... ;)

03-24-2020, 09:19 AM
It certainly sounds like we're going back to things as semi-normal. There was no peak and there wasn't time to see if the strong measures were going to get us there.

So, wash your hands, keep distance. It worked so well.

Now in Singapore and Hong Kong, where it peaked low and then flattened, they are back to round 2:


03-24-2020, 10:18 AM
It certainly sounds like we're going back to things as semi-normal. There was no peak and there wasn't time to see if the strong measures were going to get us there.

So, wash your hands, keep distance. It worked so well.

Now in Singapore and Hong Kong, where it peaked low and then flattened, they are back to round 2:


Exactly what happens when you try to go back to normal too soon. We're not even close yet and we haven't peaked. Look at the numbers. We're gonna be in the number 2 spot by weeks end. American exceptionalism.


03-24-2020, 10:27 AM
Exactly what happens when you try to go back to normal too soon. We're not even close yet and we haven't peaked. Look at the numbers. We're gonna be in the number 2 spot by weeks end. American exceptionalism.


Oh yes, great explanation of what i just posted.

03-24-2020, 10:28 AM
It certainly sounds like we're going back to things as semi-normal. There was no peak and there wasn't time to see if the strong measures were going to get us there.

So, wash your hands, keep distance. It worked so well.

Now in Singapore and Hong Kong, where it peaked low and then flattened, they are back to round 2:

https://hotair.com/archives/ed-morrissey/2020/03/24/uh-oh-singapore-hong-kong-reimpose-coronavirus-restrictions-second-wave-cases/Asians are filthy people. They have no real hygiene standard. They are also WAY poorer than our self-proclaimed/alleged "poor". In general, dirtbags here are cleaner than in Asia. And I am not blaming the Asian people (maybe their leaders who certainly should know better).

I've been in both those places. They are cramped unlike anything we see here. It is going to take a LOT to to stop anything contagious there.

I recall Singapore being called "The Cleanest City" at one time. Depends on where you look.

03-24-2020, 10:55 AM
Oh yes, great explanation of what i just posted.
... :laugh:

03-24-2020, 11:09 AM
Ending the 'hunker down' policy early would be a grave mistake. And would have rendered useless the isolation we've all participated in already.

We've got a grand total of 32 cases in Alaska so far as of this morning, but everyone has been staying home, essential workers only going to work. A lot of people taking advantage of this and riding sleds, going to their cabins, which is a great way to keep yourself isolated.

I wouldn't get too pissed at your Guvnuh, HPD... he's trying to save lives at the expense of your local economy and everyone's inconvenience, but IMO it's the right thing to do.

Just watched Cuomo in NY, and he's staring down the barrel of over 25k cases today - and projects over 140k within 14 days. He needs 40k ventilators before then, and as it stands right now, there's going to be 26,000 people that will die because of the ventilator shortage.

NY is raging out of control. I think the rest of us should take this very seriously and simply stay home for the next month. In 2 weeks time, I fervently hope I'm not reading about 26,000 New Yorkers are dead because the health care system got overwhelmed.

Just my 2 cents. There's only 700k of us here in AK, in an area 2.5 times the size of Texas, but we're doing our part by isolating ourselves.

03-24-2020, 11:39 AM
Ending the 'hunker down' policy early would be a grave mistake. And would have rendered useless the isolation we've all participated in already.

We've got a grand total of 32 cases in Alaska so far as of this morning, but everyone has been staying home, essential workers only going to work. A lot of people taking advantage of this and riding sleds, going to their cabins, which is a great way to keep yourself isolated.

I wouldn't get too pissed at your Guvnuh, HPD... he's trying to save lives at the expense of your local economy and everyone's inconvenience, but IMO it's the right thing to do.

Just watched Cuomo in NY, and he's staring down the barrel of over 25k cases today - and projects over 140k within 14 days. He needs 40k ventilators before then, and as it stands right now, there's going to be 26,000 people that will die because of the ventilator shortage.

NY is raging out of control. I think the rest of us should take this very seriously and simply stay home for the next month. In 2 weeks time, I fervently hope I'm not reading about 26,000 New Yorkers are dead because the health care system got overwhelmed.

Just my 2 cents. There's only 700k of us here in AK, in an area 2.5 times the size of Texas, but we're doing our part by isolating ourselves.

Yep, I agree, that's why I had to add in my OP that I almost have to give our Gov credit, because we spiked 100 cases in one day, and I'm sure that's because of testing. But that also means we've had lots of people walking around infected, infecting others and don't even know it, and that is exactly what we don't need. Top that off with far too many people here in WI waltzing around like nothing at all was going on and there you have it. Too stupid to do the right thing when asked so, well, now you're being TOLD, get your don't give a shit ass back home and stay there until we get this spread under control, ya moron.

03-24-2020, 01:31 PM
Well, it's 1:30PM here in little backwoods, Podunk, WI... think I'll take a little drive around town and see if it looks like a ghost town or not, maybe take a few pics to post when I get back.

03-24-2020, 01:57 PM
changed mind

03-24-2020, 02:38 PM
So... here's Podunk... not exactly busy... (if you click on the pictures they open at ibb, and you can click on them again and enlarge them...)

https://i.ibb.co/rfQwDmJ/IMG-0002.jpg (https://ibb.co/bR6KcPn)

... a little further down the main drag, looking north...

https://i.ibb.co/wLRbXzy/IMG-0003.jpg (https://ibb.co/hMynjms)

... same thing...

https://i.ibb.co/7CkJcQH/IMG-0004.jpg (https://ibb.co/F3HbvX9)

... our bridge over the Wisconsin River on the north end of town... yeah we're a river town... Se7en lives on the river... lucky puke...

https://i.ibb.co/2dTsYcR/IMG-0005.jpg (https://ibb.co/L13Jh9B)

... looking back down our main drag to the south, my end of town...

https://i.ibb.co/qkg7N5n/IMG-0006.jpg (https://ibb.co/YpdPcZW)

... looking down my dead end road at my place on the right, you can just see my shop through my trees...

https://i.ibb.co/Y8QLvPP/IMG-0007.jpg (https://ibb.co/P4j6BFF)

03-24-2020, 02:42 PM
Where's the grocery? :laugh2:

03-24-2020, 02:44 PM
That looks an awful lot like Rice Lake, WI. I've got a ton of family in Rice Lake.

03-24-2020, 02:51 PM
That looks an awful lot like Rice Lake, WI. I've got a ton of family in Rice Lake.

It looks like most of Wisconsin-outside of the cities. ;)

03-24-2020, 02:55 PM
Where's the grocery? :laugh2:
Top pick, turn left right there by the bank, and it's just behind it. Good sized grocery too, very glad we have it.

03-24-2020, 02:57 PM
That looks an awful lot like Rice Lake, WI. I've got a ton of family in Rice Lake.
I love it. It's home. Have many generations of my family from here and around the area, going back to around 1840, most all either deceased by now or moved away. I only have a few living relatives here now... THAT I KNOW OF.

03-24-2020, 02:58 PM
It looks like most of Wisconsin-outside of the cities. ;)
And we only really have two cities, Madison, which is actually on the small side as cities go, and Milwaukee. Leftist dumps, both of them.

03-24-2020, 03:03 PM
Wisconsin is where many Illinois folk have their summer homes. Lake Geneva is likely the biggest for IL. The Dells were a summer staple growing up. Door County was another as we got older.

I really like Kenosh's Renaissance Fair. I don't think I had a boyfriend that we didn't do that. Milwaukee was where we went in high school, when drinking age was 18. LOL! Some really dangerous rides home!

Madison is beautiful, as is the U of W campus there. The lake is gorgeous.

03-24-2020, 03:15 PM
Wisconsin is where many Illinois folk have their summer homes. Lake Geneva is likely the biggest for IL. The Dells were a summer staple growing up. Door County was another as we got older.
We call ILL people that come up here "FIBs." You probably already know what that stands for... :rolleyes:

I really like Kenosh's Renaissance Fair. I don't think I had a boyfriend that we didn't do that. Milwaukee was where we went in high school, when drinking age was 18. LOL! Some really dangerous rides home!
Oh yeah... drinkin' and drivin' and driving like a maniac was rite of passage in Wisconsin... :laugh:

That practice is pretty much done.

Madison is beautiful, as is the U of W campus there. The lake is gorgeous.
Madison isn't a bad looking town, it's all the ultra leftists living there running the city that ruin it. I stay as far as away from it as I can.

And the Madison isthmus has a lake on either side, Lake Mendota and Lake Monona, and then there's also Lake Waubesa down by McFarland where I graduated HS. I've spent a lot of time on Lake Waubesa with my Dad fishing, and a little further SE, Lake Kegonsa. Four good sized lakes in the general area.

03-24-2020, 03:19 PM
We call ILL people that come up here "FIBS." You probably already know what that stands for... :rolleyes:

Oh yeah... drinkin' and drivin' and driving like a maniac was rite of passage in Wisconsin... :laugh:

That practice is pretty much done.

Madison isn't a bad looking town, it's all the ultra leftists living there running the city that ruin it. I stay as far as away from it as I can.

And the Madison isthmus has a lake on either side, Lake Mendota and Lake Monona, and then there's also Lake Waubesa down by McFarland where I graduated HS. I've spent a lot of time on Lake Waubesa with my Dad fishing, and a little further SE, Lake Kegonsa. Four good sized lakes in the general area.

I really do like cities and also the country. Funny thing for me, politics rarely come up, even where I live. There are few people that I meet day in, day out where I know their politics. I have found that mostly people are good. I'm sure a few of them have voted D and I don't care.

03-24-2020, 03:21 PM
We call ILL people that come up here "FIBS." You probably already know what that stands for... :rolleyes:

Oh yeah... drinkin' and drivin' and driving like a maniac was rite of passage in Wisconsin... :laugh:

That practice is pretty much done.

Madison isn't a bad looking town, it's all the ultra leftists living there running the city that ruin it. I stay as far as away from it as I can.

And the Madison isthmus has a lake on either side, Lake Mendota and Lake Monona, and then there's also Lake Waubesa down by McFarland where I graduated HS. I've spent a lot of time on Lake Waubesa with my Dad fishing, and a little further SE, Lake Kegonsa. Four good sized lakes in the general area.

I've hear of FIB, but seriously never knew what it was an acronym for. Just went to look it up, no answer there, though 'widely used' for IL folks.

03-24-2020, 03:27 PM
I really do like cities and also the country. Funny thing for me, politics rarely come up, even where I live. There are few people that I meet day in, day out where I know their politics. I have found that mostly people are good. I'm sure a few of them have voted D and I don't care.
I truly am an extreme case. I never minded being around Madison when I was young and didn't give a hoot about politics, and I'd have to agree there are some very friendly, good people in and around Madison. Far as cities go, yes it's one of the more liberal cities in America, but it's not really that big and it does have it's good qualities. If I was as near to Milwaukee as I am to Madison... I'D MOVE.

I've hear of FIB, but seriously never knew what it was an acronym for. Just went to look it up, no answer there, though 'widely used' for IL folks.

03-24-2020, 03:31 PM
I truly am an extreme case. I never minded being around Madison when I was young and didn't give a hoot about politics, and I'd have to agree there are some very friendly, good people in and around Madison. Far as cities goes, yes it's one of the more liberal cities in America, but it's not really that big and it does have it's good qualities. If I was as near to Milwaukee as I am to Madison... I'D MOVE.

LOL! Just jealous! While not likely true now, IL had more money and really did use WI and MI as their summer playgrounds. Both are beautiful states with really nice natural sites. IL has plenty of 'country' but it's all flat and full of corn, soybeans, and cows. ;)

03-24-2020, 04:05 PM
Well, another big spike for WI. We're up to 457 now, and they're saying for every one of those cases, there's probably another 2 or 3 out there walking around not tested yet and possibly spreading it.

Only 5 dead so far though.

03-24-2020, 05:42 PM
Well, another big spike for WI. We're up to 457 now, and they're saying for every one of those cases, there's probably another 2 or 3 out there walking around not tested yet and possibly spreading it.

Only 5 dead so far though.

481 you have to up date it hourly if you want to keep up ,

one in iowa co, Dodgeville 26 yo girl went to party in Madison , she thought it didn't affect young people ,
at least 2 weeks of going about her daily life , how many people did she affect ,
I think they should tell people where they work , could be Culvers window , nothing could go wrong there "sic"

one good thing boss's kid lives Milw , wanted to come home . mom and dad said No to the kid for the first time in his life He's 27 never had a job yet .yep bun head

03-24-2020, 06:56 PM
481 you have to up date it hourly if you want to keep up ,

one in iowa co, Dodgeville 26 yo girl went to party in Madison , she thought it didn't affect young people ,
at least 2 weeks of going about her daily life , how many people did she affect ,
I think they should tell people where they work , could be Culvers window , nothing could go wrong there "sic"

one good thing boss's kid lives Milw , wanted to come home . mom and dad said No to the kid for the first time in his life He's 27 never had a job yet .yep bun head
So she's the case in Iowa Co. Well, you can bet there's a lot more then. You better be careful when you're down in that area.

Fox news, 25 year old guy, in medically induced coma on a ventilator... ya... it doesn't kill young people... :rolleyes:

I don't think my son is taking it very serious either. They don't wash their hands, disinfect anything, nothing, they're just going about their business as they have to. He figures EVERYONE is going to get it sooner or later, and he and his family surely won't die. They can just pray their way out of it anyway since they're super Christians.

03-24-2020, 08:31 PM
So, the new lockdown order for Wisconsin is being called the "Safer At Home" order, and it's for THIRTY DAYS, and, yes, we CAN be FINED and/or JAILED for DISOBEYING IT.

So we're LOCKED DOWN until APRIL 24th. Ya we'll see how well that goes over. I think Ever's is going to wind up being more HATED in Wisconsin than he ever could have imagined.

Sure wish we still had Gov Walker.

03-24-2020, 09:25 PM
Yeah, "lockdown" :rolleyes: You civilian-types got a funny way of observing a lockdown :laugh:

Best I can tell, kids, old people and housewives if there is such a thing anymore don't have an "essential" reason to be out and about. Otherwise it's business as usual. I didn't figure that was going to go over. Too many independent blue collar workers who have to work to eat for something as ambiguous as "essential personnel only" to fly.