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03-28-2020, 12:12 PM


Trump considers ‘enforceable’ quarantine in New York, New Jersey and parts of Connecticut

President Donald Trump said Saturday that he’s considering placing a short-term quarantine on New York, New Jersey and certain parts of Connecticut as the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread.

“I’m thinking about that right now. We might not have to do it but there’s a possibility that sometime today we’ll do a quarantine,” Trump told reporters at the White House Saturday. “Short-term, two week on New York, probably New Jersey and certain parts of Connecticut.”

Trump said he would make a decision today whether to enforce a quarantine. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he spoke with Trump Saturday morning but didn’t discuss a potential quarantine on the state.

“I spoke to the president about the ship coming up and the four sites, I didn’t speak to him about any quarantine. No I haven’t had those conversations,” Cuomo said


03-28-2020, 12:13 PM
What would this mean? I kinda thought we were already under quarantine of sorts.

03-28-2020, 12:17 PM
And now this too... I know this is NYC, but it will affect a lot more than that.


De Blasio says New Yorkers should be 'ready' for the city to stay closed until the end of MAY and predicts 'more than half' of the 8.6million population will become infected with coronavirus - as cases rise to 25,398

De Blasio appeared on Good Morning America on Friday to gave an update on the virus impact in New York City
He said people should be 'ready' for New York to stay closed throughout May
The mayor predicts that half of the city's 8.6m population will become infected
He says that the help needs to keep coming from Trump and the federal government
New York City has more than 23,000 cases of the virus and 365 people have died
In 24 hours between Wednesday and Thursday, 177 people died in its hospitals
The peak of the virus has not yet come; there is now a race against time to make sure hospitals have enough ventilators before it arrives
His prediction came as research from the University of Washington School of Medicine suggested as many as 81,000 would be killed by the virus in the US and that the pandemic will not be over until June

Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Friday that people 'need to be ready' for New York staying in lockdown until the end of May as he gave the grave prediction that at least half of the city would become infected by coronavirus.

Speaking on Good Morning America as the US topped the world's COVID-19 hotspots with 86,000 infections, de Blasio was asked if the city would stay shuttered 'through May'.

He answered: 'I think we need to be ready for that,' then went on to slam President Trump's Easter deadline to reopen the country as something that gave 'false hope' to the nation.

De Blasio also warned that 'more than half' of New York City - which has a population of 8.6million - would become infected with the virus at any one time.

His prediction came as research from the University of Washington School of Medicine suggested as many as 81,000 would be killed by the virus in the US and that the pandemic will not be over until June.

There are now 25, 398 cases in New York City as of Friday morning.

The death toll on Thursday afternoon was 365. An update on that has not yet been given.

Rest - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8159805/De-Blasio-says-people-need-prepared-New-York-staying-closed-end-MAY.html

03-28-2020, 12:19 PM
What would this mean? I kinda thought we were already under quarantine of sorts.
Stricter. It seems over the past weeks, those that are wealthy in particular have taken off out of NY, heading to FL, CT, RI, northern NY, spreading the virus and causing hot spots. So, it's to prevent more of this.

03-28-2020, 12:24 PM
Stricter. It seems over the past weeks, those that are wealthy in particular have taken off out of NY, heading to FL, CT, RI, northern NY, spreading the virus and causing hot spots. So, it's to prevent more of this.

Yups, reading now. I guess would be stay at home orders? I know the mayor in I think Chicago said they may arrest folks who simply leave the house.

F that!! I have to have SOME outlet. If that happened - WHY wouldn't I be able to hop on the phone with someone, get in my truck with windows up and just cruise various neighborhoods, chatting and breaking up the monotony and getting a breather? I can understand forced closures more and no meetups and what not, but what if I simply went for a damn ride? That would be nuts and I would go stir crazy! I really hope they don't do this, or at least don't lock us in our homes like prisoners. :(

03-28-2020, 12:26 PM
All the stats weren't fully released yet, but this of course adds to the doom and gloom.


Coronavirus killing people in New York City at rate of one every 17 minutes

For the past two days, New Yorkers have been dying at a rate of one every 17 minutes, according to the latest grim citywide statistics.

On both Thursday and Friday, another 84 people died in the city from the coronavirus, as the number of positive cases and of those who are critically ill also climbed.

The COVID-19 death toll in the city was 450 as of Friday evening, up from 366 reported fatalities in the morning.

Total citywide coronavirus cases rose to 26,697, up 4.4 percent from the 25,573 reported in the morning.

Mayor de Blasio warned Friday that critical resources to combat the outbreak in the country’s epicenter could run out by Sunday, April 5, as hospitals remain completely overwhelmed.

Rest - https://nypost.com/2020/03/27/another-84-people-killed-by-coronavirus-in-new-york-city/

03-28-2020, 12:41 PM
All the stats weren't fully released yet, but this of course adds to the doom and gloom.


Coronavirus killing people in New York City at rate of one every 17 minutes

For the past two days, New Yorkers have been dying at a rate of one every 17 minutes, according to the latest grim citywide statistics.

On both Thursday and Friday, another 84 people died in the city from the coronavirus, as the number of positive cases and of those who are critically ill also climbed.

The COVID-19 death toll in the city was 450 as of Friday evening, up from 366 reported fatalities in the morning.

Total citywide coronavirus cases rose to 26,697, up 4.4 percent from the 25,573 reported in the morning.

Mayor de Blasio warned Friday that critical resources to combat the outbreak in the country’s epicenter could run out by Sunday, April 5, as hospitals remain completely overwhelmed.

Rest - https://nypost.com/2020/03/27/another-84-people-killed-by-coronavirus-in-new-york-city/


03-28-2020, 01:00 PM
I was thinking and now getting worried. I don't think I can be told to stay indoors at my house for too awfully long. Every few days I need to go for a ride or whatever. I been going to the gas station where I know all the mechanics and what not. 3 bays and the main doors up. I have gloves on and stand like 20 feet back and chat a little. I make sure I don't touch anything. Just rides mainly. But like Monday I have to go pickup medication. I assume they would allow for that at least, I hope. I hope we can still get mail or other deliveries! But if enforced, then I guess the local pizza place and other delivery folks will also be locked down. And no point in grocery stores being open if folks can't leave the house?

Yikes. I seriously hope it doesn't come to that.

03-28-2020, 01:06 PM


Trump considers ‘enforceable’ quarantine in New York, New Jersey and parts of Connecticut

President Donald Trump said Saturday that he’s considering placing a short-term quarantine on New York, New Jersey and certain parts of Connecticut as the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread.

“I’m thinking about that right now. We might not have to do it but there’s a possibility that sometime today we’ll do a quarantine,” Trump told reporters at the White House Saturday. “Short-term, two week on New York, probably New Jersey and certain parts of Connecticut.”

Trump said he would make a decision today whether to enforce a quarantine. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he spoke with Trump Saturday morning but didn’t discuss a potential quarantine on the state.

“I spoke to the president about the ship coming up and the four sites, I didn’t speak to him about any quarantine. No I haven’t had those conversations,” Cuomo said


The British media are covering this. As I just posted on another thread, both the BBC and LBC News Radio's versions are highlighting a degree of disagreement between Trump and Cuomo over the whole quarantining idea.

The trouble with our media is that it's very difficult to know whether contention is being hyped up for propagandist effect, or if we're getting accurate reporting ...

The BBC version (link):
