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View Full Version : Tucker Carlson Tells Government To ‘Stop Lying To Us’ During COVID-19 Crisis

03-31-2020, 01:25 PM
Excellent video. I couldn't agree more with him! :clap:

Was it Kath who posted similar previously as well? Should be mainstream.

"masks don't work unless you work in a hospital?" or "You're too dumb to wear a mask" :)


Tucker Carlson Tells Government To ‘Stop Lying To Us’ During COVID-19 Crisis


Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Monday that governments need to “stop lying to us” during the coronavirus crisis because “honesty is essential at times like this.”

Carlson was specifically talking about the official line about protective face masks — with government sources telling the public that these devices “don’t work,” or were only for those already infected with the coronavirus — when in fact, there was really a fear that a shortage would affect health professionals working with the infected.

“That’s why honesty is essential at times like this. When the government lies, people know,” Carlson said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “They can tell, and then they stop listening.”

“From the beginning of the Chinese coronavirus epidemic, mask shortages have been a major problem,” Carlson noted, adding that when this shortage became a problem for the United States, official sources should have said they wanted to use what they had for the “sick and elderly … People would have understood that because it makes sense.”

“But the government didn’t do that. Instead they told us lies. Dumb lies that anyone who thought about it for a second could see right through. They told the public, ‘You shouldn’t buy masks because masks don’t work.’”

The Fox News host cited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines that recommended masks “for those who are sick or their caregivers.” That declaration caused the media to repeat the official line. One article “suggested believing in masks is some kind of superstition like not walking under ladders or being afraid of black cats. It’s insulting. It’s ridiculous. They are telling you masks don’t work unless you work at a hospital?”

“Of course masks work. Everyone knows that. Dozens of research papers have proved it … We understand only certain people should get them … we get it. But stop lying to us because it makes us cynical. It divides the country. Tell the truth.”

Monday, President Donald Trump addressed the issue of Chinese propaganda during the coronavirus and spreading disinformation about the disease. “They do it and we do it,” said during an interview on “Fox & Friends.”


03-31-2020, 01:28 PM

yup, was me. I've been saying so since the beginning. Look at Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan. They learned during SARS and have employed wide use of masks whenever there is a contagious disease even hinted at. Many use everyday, I'd assume they are immune compromised.

I've no doubt it was because of healthcare shortage, but they should not have lied.

03-31-2020, 01:30 PM

yup, was me. I've been saying so since the beginning. Look at Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan. They learned during SARS and have employed wide use of masks whenever there is a contagious disease even hinted at. Many use everyday, I'd assume they are immune compromised.

I've no doubt it was because of healthcare shortage, but they should not have lied.

Well, I'm glad I have my little stash! Hopefully won't need them much, but glad and even feel better about them now.

03-31-2020, 07:16 PM
Roommate had an endoscopy today. They gave him mask to wear in waiting room so he bright me one.

Last year I bought some masks for when working with resin. Then found a resin that doesn't emit odors. I still have those masks but they are not for bacteria or virus. They definitely cover my mouth and nose and would make me aware of of touching my face.

I also have a respirator for when I used to mow grass. Not sure how people would react if I wore that while out getting groceries.

03-31-2020, 09:17 PM
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:39 AM PT — Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The CDC is reportedly considering recommending Americans cover their faces in public amid the nation’s fight against the coronavirus.
According to recent reports (https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/490308-cdc-may-urge-americans-to-cover-faces-in-public-report), the agency is weighing recommendations to advise people to shield their faces with cloth coverings rather than surgical or N95 masks.
No final decision has been made on the potential recommendation, however, an official said it could help “flatten the curve” of the outbreak if enacted.
On Monday, President Trump appeared to be open to the possibility of all Americans wearing face masks for a short period of time. He made the following comments on the matter:

“So we’ll take a look at it for a period of time, not forever. I mean, you know, we want our country back. We’re not gonna be wearing masks forever, but it could be a for a very short period of time after we get back into gear.”

Medical masks are urgently needed by professionals fighting the virus, but facial cloth coverings could potentially reduce the chances a person spreads the illness to others.


Bandana will work.

03-31-2020, 09:31 PM
I would think that any kind of face covering would be better than none. The finer the mesh, the better.

03-31-2020, 09:42 PM
I would think that any kind of face covering would be better than none. The finer the mesh, the better.I used them for years in the Marines and as a construction worker. They block blowing sand really well :). Still have some should I need one. They aren't going to protect anyone from direct contact, but as you said, it's something between you and others.

04-01-2020, 12:34 AM
I used them for years in the Marines and as a construction worker. They block blowing sand really well :). Still have some should I need one. They aren't going to protect anyone from direct contact, but as you said, it's something between you and others.

Guy in store today had bandana on. I have shemagh in my bug out bag ...I should use that. Thanks for idea.

04-01-2020, 10:54 AM
For a mask to be truly effective, there can't be any OPENINGS in the seal of around your face, or it's defeating the purpose. Air will just come in the gaps.

If things do get worse, much worse, and there's a need for me to wear a mask, thankfully I have a double element half face respirator I bought for painting, but, it's got brand new filters in it and it's ready to go. Do a much better job than any little paper deal with a couple little weak rubber bands holding it on. I hope it doesn't get that bad.