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View Full Version : Now 3 People I Have Connections With Test Positive

04-01-2020, 12:49 AM
2 police friends of my brother tested positive-quite a few of the other police now have to stay home. (There's also some firefighters and paramedics in the same town, also positive, but I don't know them.)

Now this girl, a friend of my niece and daughter-and her grandfather. Posted on her FB page:

***Please people, do not call the local health department or other authorities. They can not answer everyone's questions nor give out my personal information! I posted this in hopes I can help others and if you feel any symptoms you stay home. The only reason you should go to the ER is if you can not breathe or you have chest pains! Stop the panic! *****
So I can try to prevent this from happening to somebody else, I am 1 in 20 people who tested positive for Covid-19 within Kendall County. I have not gone to any stores or traveled anywhere beside the Urgent care/ER yesterday.
My symptoms started around March 20th, I just had cramps, nausea and sweating. Almost thought I was going to get my womanly friend.
The next few days passed and the back pain and nausea got worse. I did not want to eat, I had this pain behind my eyes, no matter how much water I drank it did not go away. It felt like I was being hit with the flu.
March 24th came and I woke up with the same symptoms and I was sweating like crazy. No fever just had these constant sweats I felt the need to shower multiple times because I was drenched. I also had not been able to smell, there was a terrible musty smell in my nose that made me even more sick to my stomach. I spent the day sleeping and trying to clench my nose shut because it was such a nasty smell.
Fast forward to yesterday, March 29th.. Still no cough, nose congestion.. nothing cold like, more like flu symptoms.. Still not gone away, my back pain was so bad I needed to take myself to the urgent care. By the time I got there they ran blood test, urine test and a CT due to having pain in my right lower abdomen when pressure was being placed. I went back to my room, and waited.. 30 minutes passed and the nurse brought in a mask along with letting me know “The doctor is unable to come in, stay calm and he will call your phone with your results” .. well that is one way to freak someone out.
My CT scan showed pneumonia in my lower lungs, which was an indicator of Covid-19, They told me the ER will be waiting for me and I needed to go straight there. I had to keep my IV in, keep the mask on and stop no where. I got my swab at the hospital and sat for hours along with getting a chest X-ray to be 100% sure what we were dealing with..
Today came, and I am positive for Covid-19. Please people, I am begging you, PLEASE stay home. You may show no signs, or have signs that seem nothing like the virus. My poor grandpa Loren L Peterson (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009457859348&__tn__=%2CdK-R-R&eid=ARCtXU3cn8elBjumZyPrM8-Xye85cnG14SEn1j6uRDR-ZdODFMn5Xi-jvRq2cLaYv0sKbx8OvIj-qC2C&fref=mentions) is fighting for his life in ICU as he was exposed to me before the “stay at home” order was placed. Please pray, please keep my family safe and in your prayers. 😔 Bad stuff always happens to good people.

04-01-2020, 02:21 AM
That's pretty awful. Prayers that she pulls through, and the others too.

04-01-2020, 02:24 AM
That's pretty awful. Prayers that she pulls through, and the others too.
I think she's home, still recovering. She's in her mid-30s, with 3 small kids. What's going on with her grandfather though isn't good. Obviously no one can visit, so he's in ICU, in critical condition. The sadness and guilt, :(

04-01-2020, 02:28 AM
Yeah, I just looked at his FB page, he's retired military and looks like a kindly older guy, and loves his grandbabies.

That would be a lot of guilt to carry. I hope for her sake he makes it.

04-01-2020, 10:13 AM
Truly hoping these people recover. I hope also they have access to Hydrochloroquine.