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View Full Version : Sorry, I finally had to break my vow...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-01-2020, 10:40 AM
I, many weeks ago promised myself not to write a poem about this worldwide calamity that has wrecked such havoc, misery , sorrow, harm and death upon so many. Yet late last night these first verses came to me and this morn that nagging invisible voice( my muse) tormented me until I relented and sat to compose this new poem. Still not sure if it was right to break my vow to myself. But what is done -is done.

If Only

If only, world had continued on usual darken course
life had not turned to this humanity's new divorce
separated by disease and fear of impending death,
fearful of others and even now taking public breath!

If only, sun would shine upon this city's usual throngs
dawn would break upon merriment, laughter and happy songs
bacon, eggs, toast, coffee again would be so very great
we would as before rush to work praying not to be late!

If only, days would return to the ordinary before
across sad world, gaiety would reach every shore
night and loneliness would not deliver such dreaded dread
and we could live without knowing so many are now dead!

If only, we and earth would be truly blessed to endure
And divine hands would wash away this darkness so impure.

Robert J. Lindley, 4-01-2020
Sonnet, ( When The Dark Hand Of Fate Decides To Strike So Many Down )

Note- I told myself that I would not write about this modern day
calamity and its destruction wrecked upon so very many! Yet this
came to me and I knew I'd be wrong to not give it space and air
to breathe. One thought gives me comfort, the knowing that- this
too shall one day pass. May God bless you, one and all....

Copyright © Robert Lindley | Year Posted 2020