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04-01-2020, 02:12 PM
What a coinkydink that this was the next article that pops up for me. And has similar feelings.

Maybe some, errr, someone, should read this and take it to heart. But will likely be tickled pink at their actions.


Showing respect in a time of lockdown because of the coronavirus crisis

There is absolutely no good reason for those on the left to attack Dr. Birx, but they do

In this time of lockdown and social distancing, it is surprising to find that there are some beneficial revelations reminding us about the real nature of the world, and the impact of people around us.

While we are not going to parties or gathering with large groups, we are getting to know who our neighbors are, and those, by the painful sight of their businesses being temporarily closed, who make our neighborhoods bustling places of business and socializing.

And as we hunker in front of the computers or our smartphones, we’re meeting other people who are having a tremendous impact on our lives now; people whom we never would have really known in any other circumstance.

Dr. Deborah Birx, a key member of President Trump’s coronavirus task force, is one of those people. She has become a person who people look forward to hearing from every day during the briefings on our continuing fight against COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus.

And yet she has been a hero prior to this. Her extraordinary resume tells us of her commitment to the country but also to saving lives. The 63-year-old mother of two is a board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, allergy and immunology, and diagnostic and clinical laboratory immunology, according to her biography at the State Department.

She served in both Republican and Democratic administrations, is an ambassador at-large, coordinator of the United States government activities to combat HIV/AIDS and the U.S. special representative for global health diplomacy. Her bona fides are clear, as is her standing as an example of a woman who is her own person.

Not surprisingly, despite the fact that she has devoted her adult life to saving lives, primarily anonymously versus so many who pursue a public-facing career, the legacy media and the left in general have decided that Dr. Birx is no longer in favor and must be mocked and marginalized. Why is this? Because she gets along with Mr. Trump, and has dared to occasionally praise him and his work.

Dr. Birx is the latest example of someone who has committed the crime of working well with the president and contributing to the success of his work, which is a vision focused on getting this nation back on its feet. That work is now greatly focused on stopping this virus and making sure the fewest number of people are affected by the scourge.

Despite this being a time of crisis for the nation, The New York Times is reliably trying to set the usual divisive and caustic tone so preferred by the left. In a recent article, it offers up a melange of gossip, sniping and whining implying that Dr. Birx has succumbed to some sort of mind-control unleashed by Bad Orange Man, rendering her weak and untrustworthy.

The tweets of Maggie Haberman, one of the two reporters on the article, makes clear the bias and intention of the piece. Promoting it she wrote: “An astute Trump advisor once described the president as ‘turning’ people so they start to adopt his views, in a binary Trump sees as him vs media. Some fear Dr. Deborah Birx is the latest example. …”

We’ve been told for years Mr. Trump is an idiotic, incapable, dumb puppet of Russia, a traitor to the country and so mentally unstable that we should remove him by invoking the 25th Amendment. Yet somehow the woman doctor is so shallow and malleable that this incompetent Bad Orange Man is able to control her mind.

As opinion writer Stephen L. Miller noted on Twitter about The Times’ smear of Dr. Birx: “The NY Times is actually running a piece that a woman with an MD, BS, rose to the rank of Colonel in the US Army, was Barack Obama’s World AIDS Coordinator, was awarded the meritorious service medal and legion of merit — has been brainwashed and hypnotized by Donald Trump.”

There have been attempts to pit Dr. Anthony Fauci, also a lead on the coronavirus team, against the president. What you don’t see or hear are suggestions that he doesn’t know what he’s doing, or is not in control of the choices he makes. No, that denigration is reserved by liberals for the woman on the team who is enjoying the respect of Americans and the president.

The good news is Dr. Birx, and other Americans who have committed themselves to the health and well-being of this nation, remains steadfast and focused on her work. Getting to know her and all the heroes who continue to work securing our future has been inspiring. While the small-minded and cynical choose to attack those who are helping because it might make Mr. Trump look good, Americans across the board recognize what really matters in this time of pandemic, and it’s about coming together and lifting everyone up.


04-01-2020, 02:49 PM
I'm going to play off the title, rather than the stupid attacks on anything Trump related. It seems Schiff is working on a bill to investigate the administration's reaction to the virus. I swear, I may spit.

Now, lowering my BP I thought I'd mention two things-one of which might be good for people here.

1. An image on FB was a picture with a bit of green tissue in the window. The post explained that it was a very elderly neighbor who agreed to hang 'green' for 'I'm good.' 'Yellow,' for 'I need someone to run an errand.' and 'Red,' for 'I don't feel well, please get help.'

Costs nothing and could bring so much comfort.

2. For kids or grandkids or even a version for you and whomever in your home you might walk with.
Make a visual 'scavenger hunt.' First firehydrant; red door; driveway with no car. One with at least 3 in drive; etc.

04-01-2020, 03:29 PM
The democrats just do not know when to quit. It doesn't "SEEM" as though they keep up their shit even in a time of great crisis when the nation should be coming together, they just DO, and it's disgusting.

Democrats are the party of trash, period, end of story, and I hope America gets a belly full of it and send the majority of them PACKING come November.

Black Diamond
04-01-2020, 03:35 PM
If Schiff goes after trump on this, it will cost the dems dearly.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-01-2020, 04:09 PM
If Schiff goes after trump on this, it will cost the dems dearly.
Sorry- but no it will not...
It hasnt since I can remember going back 50 plus years now. And every promise to do just that since before Trump , the elected Republicans have failed to even come close to doing any of that.
The game is now so rigged, so damn corrupt, the stakes( the trillion dollar money vault) is so high that any moral/ethical/decency/patriotic reasons for actually making that traitorous and TOTALLY corrupt anti-american party pay for its actions will never even approach any level of true justice!
Best that may happen would be a mere symbolic scratch at the surface of that behemoth.
And myself -I truly doubt even that pitiful small action will be made at all..
As they have the media, the business/corporations, the entire education system, the well ingrained cover their asses power of the federal government under their thumbs.
Trump doing what he has done to them is a rarity, one that is- not ever likely to occur again in a hundred years.
And that my friend is why they(DEM PARTY AND -IT ALLIES) are moving Heaven and Earth to try to destroy him- and to destroy those that support him- those that believe in this nation as it was founded..
In the top three greatest threats to this nation the dem party has been since the 60's ....
And currently it has been number one for at least the last three decades.
A very sad, very tragic and very worrisome reality....-Tyr

Black Diamond
04-01-2020, 04:29 PM
Sorry- but no it will not...
It hasnt since I can remember going back 50 plus years now. And every promise to do just that since before Trump , the elected Republicans have failed to even come close to doing any of that.
The game is now so rigged, so damn corrupt, the stakes( the trillion dollar money vault) is so high that any moral/ethical/decency/patriotic reasons for actually making that traitorous and TOTALLY corrupt anti-american party pay for its actions will never even approach any level of true justice!
Best that may happen would be a mere symbolic scratch at the surface of that behemoth.
And myself -I truly doubt even that pitiful small action will be made at all..
As they have the media, the business/corporations, the entire education system, the well ingrained cover their asses power of the federal government under their thumbs.
Trump doing what he has done to them is a rarity, one that is- not ever likely to occur again in a hundred years.
And that my friend is why they(DEM PARTY AND -IT ALLIES) are moving Heaven and Earth to try to destroy him- and to destroy those that support him- those that believe in this nation as it was founded..
In the top three greatest threats to this nation the dem party has been since the 60's ....
And currently it has been number one for at least the last three decades.
A very sad, very tragic and very worrisome reality....-Tyr

I was thinking it would cost them at the voting booth. I agree there has been some rigging. Hillary vs sanders and now Amy and Butt get behind Biden to screw sanders.
I don't think the American public will go for another horseshit investigation from Schiff especially regarding Corona.

04-01-2020, 04:43 PM
I was thinking it would cost them at the voting booth. I agree there has been some rigging. Hillary vs sanders and now Amy and Butt get behind Biden to screw sanders.
I don't think the American public will go for another horseshit investigation from Schiff especially regarding Corona.
I personally think that Trump initially was in denial about the threat, coming concurrently with the impeachment nonsense, he wanted nothing to be gong up the economy. I’m not saying he didn’t get the problem, rather he had the foresight to see where the markets would go.

Once the problem was obvious, he settled in. IMP it was late, but not too late. An aside here, I doubt I’m the only one who gave him some grace, because of the impeachment nonsense. The ads hurt themselves with that and now are compounding it.

04-01-2020, 05:09 PM
I personally think that Trump initially was in denial about the threat, coming concurrently with the impeachment nonsense, he wanted nothing to be gong up the economy. I’m not saying he didn’t get the problem, rather he had the foresight to see where the markets would go.

Once the problem was obvious, he settled in. IMP it was late, but not too late. An aside here, I doubt I’m the only one who gave him some grace, because of the impeachment nonsense. The ads hurt themselves with that and now are compounding it.
I suck at texting.