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View Full Version : Dr. Fauci Downplayed Hydroxychloroquine 2 Weeks Ago

04-04-2020, 11:18 AM
Today is not pick on Fauci day. I actually like him, to an extent, but he ain't perfect either. Apparently he shot down Fox news just yesterday about this medication, downplaying it.

I get it, he's a professional, many studies have not been done. How effective is it on a 21 year old in perfect health? And an 80 year old with emphysema? Other illnesses. I suppose as a professional, he would want it done the fully properly FDA full studies way. And maybe that is normally the right way to go.

But with all I know thus far - if I got sick today, I want that medication before anything else, and certainly before a ventilator!!! And below, all an example of evolving information, and then running with it and making projections and statements, only for things to change a week later.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. He is not trying to hurt anyone or hurt America, he too is doing his best. But WAY too much contrary info going around...


Dr. Fauci Downplayed Hydroxychloroquine 2 Weeks Ago -- Now Considered "Most Effective Therapy" for COVID-9 by Global Survey of Doctors

NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci is amassing quite a record these past three months.

** In January Dr. Anthony Fauci told Newsmax TV that the United States did not have to worry about the coronavirus.

Now, three months later, he wants to shut down every state!

** Dr. Fauci warned of an apocalyptic pandemic and later compared the coronavirus to a bad flu.

** Dr. Fauci based all of his predictions on models and then told reporters this past week, “You can’t really rely on models.”

And on March 20th Dr. Fauci “corrected” the president during a press briefing on hydroxychloroquine saying, “You got to be careful when you say ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial… It was given to individuals and felt that maybe it worked.”

** Exactly two weeks later hydroxychloroquine has been deemed the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus in an international poll of more than 6,000 doctors.

Will the liberal media report any of this?

Or will we continue to allow this “expert” to destroy our economy, freedoms and way of life?

And he won’t lift the social distancing restrictions until there are no more new cases — which could be years!


04-04-2020, 12:01 PM
Today is not pick on Fauci day. I actually like him, to an extent, but he ain't perfect either. Apparently he shot down Fox news just yesterday about this medication, downplaying it.

I get it, he's a professional, many studies have not been done. How effective is it on a 21 year old in perfect health? And an 80 year old with emphysema? Other illnesses. I suppose as a professional, he would want it done the fully properly FDA full studies way. And maybe that is normally the right way to go.

But with all I know thus far - if I got sick today, I want that medication before anything else, and certainly before a ventilator!!! And below, all an example of evolving information, and then running with it and making projections and statements, only for things to change a week later.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. He is not trying to hurt anyone or hurt America, he too is doing his best. But WAY too much contrary info going around...


Dr. Fauci Downplayed Hydroxychloroquine 2 Weeks Ago -- Now Considered "Most Effective Therapy" for COVID-9 by Global Survey of Doctors

NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci is amassing quite a record these past three months.

** In January Dr. Anthony Fauci told Newsmax TV that the United States did not have to worry about the coronavirus.

Now, three months later, he wants to shut down every state!

** Dr. Fauci warned of an apocalyptic pandemic and later compared the coronavirus to a bad flu.

** Dr. Fauci based all of his predictions on models and then told reporters this past week, “You can’t really rely on models.”

And on March 20th Dr. Fauci “corrected” the president during a press briefing on hydroxychloroquine saying, “You got to be careful when you say ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial… It was given to individuals and felt that maybe it worked.”

** Exactly two weeks later hydroxychloroquine has been deemed the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus in an international poll of more than 6,000 doctors.

Will the liberal media report any of this?

Or will we continue to allow this “expert” to destroy our economy, freedoms and way of life?

And he won’t lift the social distancing restrictions until there are no more new cases — which could be years!


I'm not a conspiracy theorist. He is not trying to hurt anyone or hurt America, he too is doing his best. But WAY too much contrary info going around...
Yep. That's why I haven't had a whole bunch to say on the topic. It reminds me of the mid-80s when they first "discovered" AIDS. Had us so paranoid about how you could contract it at first no one would even get too close to anyone else. As it turned out, most of the BS they threw out at us was wrong.

Not downplaying a thing. Just doing my Marine thing: Waiting and watching. Can't say I've been impressed thus far.

04-04-2020, 12:04 PM
Yep. That's why I haven't had a whole bunch to say on the topic. It reminds me of the mid-80s when they first "discovered" AIDS. Had us so paranoid about how you could contract it at first no one would even get too close to anyone else. As it turned out, most of the BS they threw out at us was wrong.

Not downplaying a thing. Just doing my Marine thing: Waiting and watching. Can't say I've been impressed thus far.

Hey, Gunny! Where ya been for a few days? Aren't you supposed to be home ya bastard? And if home, no breaks allowed here!!!

04-04-2020, 12:12 PM
Hey, Gunny! Where ya been for a few days? Aren't you supposed to be home ya bastard? And if home, no breaks allowed here!!!Go read my other thread. I'm hardly getting a break. I had to force one just to log on and tell y'all what was up :)

04-04-2020, 12:46 PM
I've listened to Rush a couple times this week, and he's been hammering on Fauci pretty good.

He pointed out that he was the one that made all these end of the world predictions based on the MODELS, and now Fauci is saying we can't rely on models.

I'm not really impressed with the guy myself.

Abbey Marie
04-04-2020, 02:56 PM
I think we need to give everyone working hard to help us, a big fat break. All of them.
But I agree with Jim that I want that medicine ASAP if I get this virus.