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View Full Version : Thank God It's Only STREP

04-04-2020, 12:10 PM
How many of y'all are going to lie and say that before the China virus you would have even considered saying that? I'd be lying. I HATE STREP. Only thing I really have ever been sick from.

So, the daughter has STREP. I was happier'n Hell to hear it :) THEN I got to run this place with 3 kids by self for 3 days while she lay semi-comatose. STREP, btw, will kill you just as dead as the China flu. Just takes longer. But it can be cured with antibiotics.

I somehow managed thus far to make sure no one else got it and to take care of her and the 3 little terrorists.

So that's where I've been the past few days. Log in on here and find out y'all are drinking your asses off. :laugh:

04-04-2020, 12:52 PM
How many of y'all are going to lie and say that before the China virus you would have even considered saying that? I'd be lying. I HATE STREP. Only thing I really have ever been sick from.

So, the daughter has STREP. I was happier'n Hell to hear it :) THEN I got to run this place with 3 kids by self for 3 days while she lay semi-comatose. STREP, btw, will kill you just as dead as the China flu. Just takes longer. But it can be cured with antibiotics.

I somehow managed thus far to make sure no one else got it and to take care of her and the 3 little terrorists.

So that's where I've been the past few days. Log in on here and find out y'all are drinking your asses off. :laugh:
I've only had a couple beers once since this whole china virus thing started. I'm slackin'... :beer:

04-04-2020, 01:23 PM
How many of y'all are going to lie and say that before the China virus you would have even considered saying that? I'd be lying. I HATE STREP. Only thing I really have ever been sick from.

So, the daughter has STREP. I was happier'n Hell to hear it :) THEN I got to run this place with 3 kids by self for 3 days while she lay semi-comatose. STREP, btw, will kill you just as dead as the China flu. Just takes longer. But it can be cured with antibiotics.

I somehow managed thus far to make sure no one else got it and to take care of her and the 3 little terrorists.

So that's where I've been the past few days. Log in on here and find out y'all are drinking your asses off. :laugh:

Ok, you get a reprieve. But you ain't dead, so don't do that on us, and get better ya bastard. Hope you have those antibiotics!!

Sure are a lot of folks complaining about being stuck home with their kids!! Saw one woman who "home schooled" her kids for "One Hour and 11 minutes" and then stated she felt teachers deserve to get paid one billion dollars per year!

And then the lady whining to "President Trunk" about what is he going to do to help her with her little terrorists. And that she needs "free weed" as the dispensary ain't offering free weed and she needs it to put up with her kids. As she was puffing one and cursing away I may add, but damn was it some funny shit!!

04-04-2020, 02:05 PM
Ok, you get a reprieve. But you ain't dead, so don't do that on us, and get better ya bastard. Hope you have those antibiotics!!

Sure are a lot of folks complaining about being stuck home with their kids!! Saw one woman who "home schooled" her kids for "One Hour and 11 minutes" and then stated she felt teachers deserve to get paid one billion dollars per year!

And then the lady whining to "President Trunk" about what is he going to do to help her with her little terrorists. And that she needs "free weed" as the dispensary ain't offering free weed and she needs it to put up with her kids. As she was puffing one and cursing away I may add, but damn was it some funny shit!!I really don't have time to whine. My daughter has 3 kids and she's a school teacher and they're still teaching. Meaning I have 3 kids to deal with. I don't know what this woman's crybabying about, but I'm 60. Sixty and 3 kids 11 and under don't go together well.

I am a Marine. Screw the pussy shit. It's gear up and one foot in front of the other. If the bullet's got my name on it, I'll get to rest :)

04-04-2020, 02:06 PM
How many of y'all are going to lie and say that before the China virus you would have even considered saying that? I'd be lying. I HATE STREP. Only thing I really have ever been sick from.

So, the daughter has STREP. I was happier'n Hell to hear it :) THEN I got to run this place with 3 kids by self for 3 days while she lay semi-comatose. STREP, btw, will kill you just as dead as the China flu. Just takes longer. But it can be cured with antibiotics.

I somehow managed thus far to make sure no one else got it and to take care of her and the 3 little terrorists.

So that's where I've been the past few days. Log in on here and find out y'all are drinking your asses off. :laugh:

Where's the son-in-law?

Earlier this year I had severe headaches and sore throat. Went in and was tested for strep? Negative. Had severe sinus infection. Glad it wasn't strep but it took two rounds on antibiotics, allergy meds, nasal sprays, vitamin B and C IV infusion and an oxygenated plasma infusion to get over it.

And, I've been taking peptide injections to increase immune system. And I still have really bad allergies right now. Sneezing, eyes itching, stuffy nose. Everything in Arizona is blooming.

But there's nothing else to do but work in yard and hiking around the desert.

04-04-2020, 02:58 PM
Where's the son-in-law?

Earlier this year I had severe headaches and sore throat. Went in and was tested for strep? Negative. Had severe sinus infection. Glad it wasn't strep but it took two rounds on antibiotics, allergy meds, nasal sprays, vitamin B and C IV infusion and an oxygenated plasma infusion to get over it.

And, I've been taking peptide injections to increase immune system. And I still have really bad allergies right now. Sneezing, eyes itching, stuffy nose. Everything in Arizona is blooming.

But there's nothing else to do but work in yard and hiking around the desert.The SIL got caught with his hand in the wrong cookie jar end of Nov and got his butt kicked out. He made about one attempt at visitation and haven't seen nor heard from him since. Haven't seen any child support either.

To be honest, it's probably better all around he and his teenage clone are gone. If I was stuck in the house with those two attention whore drama queens I'm sure I would have shot them by now :) The 3 munchkins are hard enough to deal with just being 3 little munchkins. I don't need the 2 most immature males I know in RL on top of them. Trust me when I say this whole Chinese flu/daughter having STREP deal would be about THEM.

I just got back from getting my sinus meds at the drive thru. I was worried about that. It is Sinus Hell season here which adds to the stress. "What kind of cough was THAT?" A Chinese cough or pollen cough?:laugh: Then I was worrying about the STREP because I had to deal with the daughter and her laundry and meals. Kids were on lockdown and there was no negotiating early release. She's past contagious and no one else is showing any signs so all the names the granddaughters called me appear to have been worth it.

At this point in time I wish I WAS back in the desert. No one else wants to be there. My kind of place :)

04-04-2020, 10:16 PM
At this point in time I wish I WAS back in the desert. No one else wants to be there. My kind of place :)

Came across our first snake of the season today. Had crawled in one of our rat bait boxes in front courtyard. Just a coachwhip ... not venomous but really fast. Came out and promptly crawled into the jasmine bush by front door.

Probably same snake I saw last summer in the ironwood tree just outside front courtyard. It was crawling up into dove nest ... chased off the hen and then ate the eggs.

04-05-2020, 08:23 PM
Where's the son-in-law?

Earlier this year I had severe headaches and sore throat. Went in and was tested for strep? Negative. Had severe sinus infection. Glad it wasn't strep but it took two rounds on antibiotics, allergy meds, nasal sprays, vitamin B and C IV infusion and an oxygenated plasma infusion to get over it.

And, I've been taking peptide injections to increase immune system. And I still have really bad allergies right now. Sneezing, eyes itching, stuffy nose. Everything in Arizona is blooming.

But there's nothing else to do but work in yard and hiking around the desert. @SassyLady (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=83) I keep trying to mention this as you have mentioned stuff you take in a couple of threads and I always get sidetracked.

As of this morning, I take 12 supplements. Must be slacking. I used to around 20. Probably give myself a headache trying to remember which ones I quit taking. Don't know what good it'll do if any, but when I came out of the hospital I was sorely lacking in a few minerals. Calcium and iron I believe were the 2 worst.

I have taken this basic handful for about 40 years, give or take a few sports supplements of the day here and there. I lie to think they help. My ex's Dr called them "expensive piss".:laugh: