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04-07-2020, 01:15 PM
A "throng". Yeah, sounds like a great idea in the midst of a pandemic. And with fines and possible jail time on the line. And the potential to die from it. Or the potential of passing it along to someone else unwittingly and killing them.

File a lawsuit when the courts are back open again. Do whatever you need to do, once we are sure that it CAN'T potentially kill others. File the FOIA stuff. But until we have full facts and a full grasp on this, whatever it is that sucks right now, can wait, IMO.

I don't think they will get tens of thousands either as they hope for, but whether 10 people or 1,000 - they should arrest all of them, I really don't care. Yes, numbers and models seem to be lowering. But look at NYC overnight. And while some places may start lowering, others may pickup. Who knows. Can you say for SURE?

But then I would think pulling over someone and giving them a ticket for simply driving is overkill. When the time comes for court when things re-open, I would fight that ticket.


Activists To Protest Coronavirus Restrictions With Rally On National Mall In D.C.

A throng of conservative activists plan to rally Saturday on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to protest stay-at-home orders by state governments.

Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman, two well known conservative activists, told The Washington Times they are organizing the event.

“We are taking to the National Mall,” Wohl, 22, said on Friday. “We’re having a mass gathering there in protest of the draconian and really horrifying response to the so-called pandemic.”

“The response is 100 times worse than the virus,” Wohl said about efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19. “That is our belief.”

The organizers claim the event will draw tens of thousands of fellow protesters, which might be overly optimistic given that more than 80% of D.C. residents are Democrats.

And so far, there is little publicity about the event, The Times wrote.

“Scant information for the event could be found on the internet, however, and gathering in groups during the global coronavirus pandemic has largely become taboo, if not illegal. Neither the U.S. National Park Service, which manages the Mall, nor the Metropolitan Police Department in D.C. immediately returned messages inquiring about the event.”

More than 40 states have issued stay-at-home orders, which is crushing the economy. “People are losing tremendous amounts of money and there’s no reason for it,” Wohl said. “This is an unconscionable abuse of government power that’s taking place.”

Police in some states are enforcing the orders. A Pennsylvania woman was stopped by police and issued a citation on Sunday after she went for a leisurely drive during the statewide stay-at-home order intended to stem the spread of coronavirus.

Anita Shaffer, 19, of York County, said she left her home Sunday evening for a short drive when she was pulled over by two state troopers. She faces a ticket of at least $202.25 for breaking the state’s Disease Control and Prevention Act of 1955. She pleaded not guilty, The Patriot-News reported.

“He asked me if I was aware of the stay-at-home act,” she said. She responded: “I am aware of it but I didn’t know it pertained to just driving.”

On the citation, it states she “failed to abide by the order of the governor and secretary of health issued to control the spread of a communicable disease, requiring the closure of all non-life-sustaining businesses as of 20:00 hours on March 19, 2020. To wit, defendant states that she was ‘going for a drive’ after this violation was in effect.”

Meanwhile, residents of a Louisiana Parish complained last week that police signaled the start of a mandatory curfew by blasting a siren. And in New York City, residents have been asked to report their neighbors who violate “social distancing” restrictions.

The Times described the pair as “right-wing provocateurs.”

Along with Mr. Burkman, a lobbyist, Mr. Wohl has earned a reputation as a right-wing provocateur in recent years for pursuing a slew of fringe conspiracies without success. The pair have staged press conferences to allege unsubstantiated accusations against targets ranging from former Democratic presidential candidates Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren, to Mr. [Robert] Mueller, the longtime FBI director who later led the special counsel’s investigation into the 2016 election won by President Trump.

More recently, Twitter suspended Mr. Burkman’s account on the service last month after the company found him in violation of its policy against posting false and deceptive claims about COVID-19. Twitter permanently banned Mr. Wohl more than a year earlier, albeit not before Mr. Trump shared, or retweeted, several of his posts on the platform.


04-07-2020, 01:23 PM
I can see their point. Not real keen on their proposed tactic.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't DC under a stay at home order? So they are violating the law right there.

Next, why would you protest your state government on the National Mall? Minus a Federal stay home order, the States' stay home orders fall under the 10th Amendment. In the Marines that's called aiming your weapon at the wrong target :rolleyes:

Are these a bunch of lily-white conservatives? I might also add the National Mall is Bro-town. Congress is in recess, right? So, who is it they are going to impress?

04-07-2020, 01:30 PM
I see their point too, but they still aren't impressing me. I did see a few what I think were outright abuses thus far, but I believe the rest are emergency restrictions being made for EVERYONE's benefit and health, and the unknown out there.

The law is the law. It sucks, much of it does, and I can see how some of it angers folks. But they CAN potentially die if they get near someone sick or asymptomatic, or they CAN potentially kill someone else, while there or down the road.

And until we know things for sure and restrictions are lifted - I don't believe anyone should be ignoring that and taking chances with others lives.

04-07-2020, 01:36 PM
I see their point too, but they still aren't impressing me. I did see a few what I think were outright abuses thus far, but I believe the rest are emergency restrictions being made for EVERYONE's benefit and health, and the unknown out there.

The law is the law. It sucks, much of it does, and I can see how some of it angers folks. But they CAN potentially die if they get near someone sick or asymptomatic, or they CAN potentially kill someone else, while there or down the road.

And until we know things for sure and restrictions are lifted - I don't believe anyone should be ignoring that and taking chances with others lives.Agreed. Seems like attention-whoring more than anything else.

Nice of them to congregate illegally on the National Mall where the police will have little trouble rounding up the whole lot. There are only 2 fast exits from the Mall out of DC. The 14th Street and Memorial bridges. Otherwise, if you aren't from there? Good luck.

04-07-2020, 01:42 PM
I get their point, but attending a mass gathering is something I would NOT do to support them.

I think there just has to be a better way to approach this right now. We KNOW this virus is spread person to person, so why do this now?

Why not WAIT until this is OVER? The point won't be any less valid later.

04-07-2020, 02:12 PM
We should all know by now...ignorance, and stupidity are not LIMITED to color, religion, political leanings, or gender. In other words The only RIGHT missing from the BILL OF RIGHTS is:"The RIGHT to be Stupid!" And it applies Everywhere.