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View Full Version : *Kucinich: Traitor Of All America*

09-11-2007, 08:44 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But I found his latest mission to Syria to kiss the feet of the Syrian King.
2. What a complete failure of the Neoliberal Reality.
3. The two countries he proposes to send in as replacements for USA troops are the two who are usurping American forces right now in Iraq.
4. So Denis boy has gone into the camp of those who help blow up our men in Iraq.
5. And proclaims how GW Bush is all wrong in going there in the first place.
6. This Is A Freakin Outrage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. He should be put on trial as a TRAITOR!!!!!! drag out the squirrel:pee: Denis Kucinich
8. Go see the video here:



09-11-2007, 04:40 PM
I think Kucinich should be tried for treason. He crossed a major line here.

09-11-2007, 06:14 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But I found his latest mission to Syria to kiss the feet of the Syrian King.
2. What a complete failure of the Neoliberal Reality.
3. The two countries he proposes to send in as replacements for USA troops are the two who are usurping American forces right now in Iraq.
4. So Denis boy has gone into the camp of those who help blow up our men in Iraq.
5. And proclaims how GW Bush is all wrong in going there in the first place.
6. This Is A Freakin Outrage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. He should be put on trial as a TRAITOR!!!!!! drag out the squirrel:pee: Denis Kucinich
8. Go see the video here:



Kucinich is correct. Bush violated a number of US treaty obligations as well as international law in invading Iraq. That the occupation of Iraq has failed to meet even the minimum requirements set forth in the Geneva Conventions for a belligerent occupying power can be laid at Chimpy McPresident's feet as well. Foaming at the mouth like a rabid squirrel just because you find the truth distasteful isn't going to change that truth. Deal with it.

09-11-2007, 06:18 PM
Kucinich is correct. Bush violated a number of US treaty obligations as well as international law in invading Iraq. That the occupation of Iraq has failed to meet even the minimum requirements set forth in the Geneva Conventions for a belligerent occupying power can be laid at Chimpy McPresident's feet as well. Foaming at the mouth like a rabid squirrel just because you find the truth distasteful isn't going to change that truth. Deal with it.

So the way to deal with it is to fly over to Syria and make a fuss about it ??
Now there is some real courage !!! :laugh2:

09-11-2007, 06:20 PM
Kucinich is correct. Bush violated a number of US treaty obligations as well as international law in invading Iraq. That the occupation of Iraq has failed to meet even the minimum requirements set forth in the Geneva Conventions for a belligerent occupying power can be laid at Chimpy McPresident's feet as well. Foaming at the mouth like a rabid squirrel just because you find the truth distasteful isn't going to change that truth. Deal with it.

No he isnt. Ive studied international law. Its not as strict as you guys seem to think.

09-11-2007, 07:21 PM
Sorry bout that,

Double Post.


09-11-2007, 07:22 PM
Sorry bout that,

Kucinich is correct. Bush violated a number of US treaty obligations as well as international law in invading Iraq. That the occupation of Iraq has failed to meet even the minimum requirements set forth in the Geneva Conventions for a belligerent occupying power can be laid at Chimpy McPresident's feet as well. Foaming at the mouth like a rabid squirrel just because you find the truth distasteful isn't going to change that truth. Deal with it.

1. But I don't think so my bullypulpit adversary.
2. You lean left, like the Move-on crowd.
3. We went into Iraq legally, if not, then we would be jailed.
4. My Party, is dead on correct, in taking down Saddam and his boys.
5. The left in general in perfect harmony with OBL, like a choir, are claiming This Presidency has broken laws in fighting against Islam, where ever we fight them, through wire taps, arrests, Gitmo, list goes on.
6. The Neoliberal mindset, is, *What War*, and what happened on 9~11?
7. I think *The Neoliberals* are so invested in Americas defeat after 9~11, that this will be the only major stumbling stone we will need again when *2008 Presidential Election* comes around.
8. How can so many Neoliberals think that by trashing American Policy, they can forge America into retreating from this *War on Islam*.
9. Keep it up, its to late to change course now, we will bury you bastards!
10. Drag out the squirrel,:pee:Neoliberals


09-11-2007, 10:07 PM
Kucinich is correct. Bush violated a number of US treaty obligations as well as international law in invading Iraq. That the occupation of Iraq has failed to meet even the minimum requirements set forth in the Geneva Conventions for a belligerent occupying power can be laid at Chimpy McPresident's feet as well. Foaming at the mouth like a rabid squirrel just because you find the truth distasteful isn't going to change that truth. Deal with it.

Incorrect. The only thing holding back the resumption of hostilities between the US and Iraq was a ceasefire agreement Saddan Hussein agreed to, then immediately set out violating on a regular basis. The US had legal grounds to resume hostilities as early as 1993 when he got popped with a bio weapons lab.

09-11-2007, 10:09 PM
No he isnt. Ive studied international law. Its not as strict as you guys seem to think.

The anti-Bush crowd makes up their own international law the same way they make up their own US Constitution -- as it suits their Bush-hating accusations.

09-12-2007, 04:31 AM
Incorrect. The only thing holding back the resumption of hostilities between the US and Iraq was a ceasefire agreement Saddan Hussein agreed to, then immediately set out violating on a regular basis. The US had legal grounds to resume hostilities as early as 1993 when he got popped with a bio weapons lab.

Please provide citations supporting your assertion. And I'll provide supporting documentation for mine.

09-12-2007, 04:36 AM

09-12-2007, 04:38 AM
Kucinich is correct. Bush violated a number of US treaty obligations as well as international law in invading Iraq. That the occupation of Iraq has failed to meet even the minimum requirements set forth in the Geneva Conventions for a belligerent occupying power can be laid at Chimpy McPresident's feet as well. Foaming at the mouth like a rabid squirrel just because you find the truth distasteful isn't going to change that truth. Deal with it.

<a href=http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1305709,00.html>http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1305709,00.html</a>

<a href=http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0321-10.htm>http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0321-10.htm</a>

<a href=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article532480.ece>http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article532480.ece</a>

<a href=http://www.notinourname.net/war/perle-20nov03.htm>http://www.notinourname.net/war/perle-20nov03.htm</a>

Regarding the last link, when one of the chief architects of the invasion od Iraq questions its legality, it would seem fairly certain that it was indeed illegal.

09-12-2007, 05:50 AM
Please provide citations supporting your assertion. And I'll provide supporting documentation for mine.

You desire to play a battle of links for what is common knowledge? You DO know the difference between a ceasefire and a peace treaty, correct?

You amaze me, bully. For someone as intelligent as you have shown yourself to be, engaging in a game of semantics just cuz you don't like the President.

You are wrong. Perhaps if I have time to humor you later, I'll see what I can dredge up since I don't keep a stockpile of links on hand to support what everybody and their brother knows is fact.

09-12-2007, 06:48 AM
Sorry bout that,
1. But I don't think so my bullypulpit adversary.
2. You lean left, like the Move-on crowd.
3. We went into Iraq legally, if not, then we would be jailed.

Sorry 'bout that Cheesy...

The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN charter. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3661134.stm)

09-12-2007, 08:15 AM
Sorry 'bout that Cheesy...

The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN charter. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3661134.stm)

Sorry 'bout that Jafarislam...


09-12-2007, 08:33 AM
Please provide citations supporting your assertion. And I'll provide supporting documentation for mine.

They violated the No-Fly zone rules on a weekly basis. They would turn on radar tracking stations, which was illegal, and we'd bomb the fuck out of them.



09-12-2007, 08:40 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But talk about caging your words, Kofi said, when asked, "Was this an Illegal war?" ~"Yes if you wish".
2. Bullsh!t!
3. He should of stood up before the war and fought against it, which he was absent.
4. If you wish, I can sell you the *Golden State Bridge*.
5. Kofi is gone, this is one reason he had to go, he was a neoliberal in bed with Islam, he had to go, or we stop funding that cr@p!
6. Bullypulpit, you really ought to bring more forceful links, that was too easy.
7. Kofif Quote:

"Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance with the UN's founding charter. In an interview with the BBC World Service broadcast last night, he was asked outright if the war was illegal. He replied: "Yes, if you wish."

8. Thats got to hurt,...Hehehehehe,......drag out the squirrel:pee:Kofi Annan
9. Jafar is moot, again.


GW in Ohio
09-12-2007, 11:39 AM
Sorry bout that,

1. But I found his latest mission to Syria to kiss the feet of the Syrian King.
2. What a complete failure of the Neoliberal Reality.
3. The two countries he proposes to send in as replacements for USA troops are the two who are usurping American forces right now in Iraq.
4. So Denis boy has gone into the camp of those who help blow up our men in Iraq.
5. And proclaims how GW Bush is all wrong in going there in the first place.
6. This Is A Freakin Outrage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. He should be put on trial as a TRAITOR!!!!!! drag out the squirrel:pee: Denis Kucinich
8. Go see the video here:



Most Americans agree with Kucinich that Bush's Iraq invasion was a terrible mistake.

We should be talking with Syria. We have a number of common interests that we should be working toward. But we won't get any real diplomacy until the Bush crowd vacates the White House.

09-12-2007, 12:18 PM
Most Americans agree with Kucinich that Bush's Iraq invasion was a terrible mistake.

We should be talking with Syria. We have a number of common interests that we should be working toward. But we won't get any real diplomacy until the Bush crowd vacates the White House.

kucinich has been on the islamist side since the beginning. He has always been a traitor and is a disgrace to ohio.

What common interests do we and syria have gw? The destruction of Israel? The annexation of Lebanon by syria? The reestablishment of the baathist regime in iraq? Those are syrias goals. Are they yours as well?

GW in Ohio
09-12-2007, 12:52 PM
kucinich has been on the islamist side since the beginning. He has always been a traitor and is a disgrace to ohio.

What common interests do we and syria have gw? The destruction of Israel? The annexation of Lebanon by syria? The reestablishment of the baathist regime in iraq? Those are syrias goals. Are they yours as well?

Common interests?

Neither the US nor Syria wants to see Iran dominate the Middle East. We have a common interest in curbing Iranian power.

Lebanon? The country is torn down the middle now. Half the country is against the current regime and wants to be under Syrian rule. We should give Lebanon to Syria, in exchange for a stable Middle East and a truce with Israel.

Here in Ohio, we leftists think very highly of Dennis Kucinich.

We don't think Bush is a traitor; we just think he's a moron.

09-12-2007, 01:10 PM
Common interests?

Neither the US nor Syria wants to see Iran dominate the Middle East. We have a common interest in curbing Iranian power.

Lebanon? The country is torn down the middle now. Half the country is against the current regime and wants to be under Syrian rule. We should give Lebanon to Syria, in exchange for a stable Middle East and a truce with Israel.

Here in Ohio, we leftists think very highly of Dennis Kucinich.

We don't think Bush is a traitor; we just think he's a moron.

You really are a dreamer with no sense of the cruel realities that exist in this world, that would explain why you could defend that cartoon character that looks like a bad Perot Caricature. Kucinich makes Ralph Nader look like an Einstein and he is definitely a traitor.

Only a moron would accuse a person that has accomplished as much in their life as President Bush has of being a moron. Again, if performing well at making speeches is proof of intelligence, Stephen Hawking must be retarded in your whoafully inept mind

GW in Ohio
09-12-2007, 01:27 PM
You really are a dreamer with no sense of the cruel realities that exist in this world, that would explain why you could defend that cartoon character that looks like a bad Perot Caricature. Kucinich makes Ralph Nader look like an Einstein and he is definitely a traitor.

Only a moron would accuse a person that has accomplished as much in their life as President Bush has of being a moron. Again, if performing well at making speeches is proof of intelligence, Stephen Hawking must be retarded in your whoafully inept mind

I'm sorry....there were accomplishments in the boy-king's life? And I missed them?

Do you list invading Iraq as an accomplishment? Just about everyone else on the planet considers it the biggest fuckup since Hitler decided to invade Russia.

Getting elected governor of Texas? Do you think that would've happened if his name wasn't Bush?

What else you got?

I'll tell what I think is quite an accomplishment, and that's the way he managed to avoid any kind of meaningful military service during Vietnam.

09-12-2007, 02:04 PM
Most Americans agree with Kucinich that Bush's Iraq invasion was a terrible mistake.

We should be talking with Syria. We have a number of common interests that we should be working toward. But we won't get any real diplomacy until the Bush crowd vacates the White House.
Common interests such as getting out of Lebanon, leaving Israel in peace, renounce terrorism and stop sponsoring it?

Syria is a state sponsor of terrorism... they want peace like Bill Clinton wants to be celibate. They support Hamas which, in turn, airs television shows to children in Palestine teaching them to hate Jews and encouraging them to join the 'intifada' against Israel and the West (especially the United States)...

Yes, I see how we have a lot in common.

Dennis Kucinic is a traitor and a rat (in fact, he looks like one) and most Americans will agree with me on that one. I can see why you leftists like Kucinic, you both have the same set of values.

09-12-2007, 02:12 PM
I'm sorry....there were accomplishments in the boy-king's life? And I missed them?

Obviously you have.......
BA in History from Yale, Masters from the Harvard Business School(both while suffering from dyslexia), beat alcoholism, married to the love of his life, CEO of numerous companies including the Texas Rangers Baseball team which he sold for a huge profit, a supersonic jet fighter pilot that flew one of the most unstable aircraft in the U.S. arsenal and lived to tell about it, Governor of one of the larest and most influential states in the U.S., elected President of The United States twice........ what have you done ace?

Do you list invading Iraq as an accomplishment? Just about everyone else on the planet considers it the biggest fuckup since Hitler decided to invade Russia.

He led our military in the resumption of a war that started in 1991 after Saddam broke the cease fire agreement many times. Although suggested by the previous administration that Saddam be dealt with, the President of that administration didn't have the intestinal fortitude to do anything about him. The Bush Administration successfully destroyed Saddam and his government, how was that a fuckup?

Getting elected governor of Texas? Do you think that would've happened if his name wasn't Bush?

Who knows, would Ted Kennedy have gotten away with vehicular manslaughter and being a raging drunk throughout his Senatorial career if his last name wasn't Kennedy. Would John Kerry not be homeless if he hadn't married 2 extremely rich women, one of which recieved her money strictly because of her Republican husband. How about Hillary Clinton, where would she be without her husband's coat tails?

What else you got?

You are a fool that does nothing but parrot other fools like Mikey Moore.

I'll tell what I think is quite an accomplishment, and that's the way he managed to avoid any kind of meaningful military service during Vietnam.

Working with a force that protects the North American continent from invasion isn't meaningful? What did Bill Clinton or Al Gore do during Vietnam?

GW in Ohio
09-12-2007, 02:39 PM
Obviously you have.......
BA in History from Yale, Masters from the Harvard Business School(both while suffering from dyslexia), beat alcoholism, married to the love of his life, CEO of numerous companies including the Texas Rangers Baseball team which he sold for a huge profit, a supersonic jet fighter pilot that flew one of the most unstable aircraft in the U.S. arsenal and lived to tell about it, Governor of one of the larest and most influential states in the U.S., elected President of The United States twice........ what have you done ace?

He led our military in the resumption of a war that started in 1991 after Saddam broke the cease fire agreement many times. Although suggested by the previous administration that Saddam be dealt with, the President of that administration didn't have the intestinal fortitude to do anything about him. The Bush Administration successfully destroyed Saddam and his government, how was that a fuckup?

Who knows, would Ted Kennedy have gotten away with vehicular manslaughter and being a raging drunk throughout his Senatorial career if his last name wasn't Kennedy. Would John Kerry not be homeless if he hadn't married 2 extremely rich women, one of which recieved her money strictly because of her Republican husband. How about Hillary Clinton, where would she be without her husband's coat tails?

You are a fool that does nothing but parrot other fools like Mikey Moore.

Working with a force that protects the North American continent from invasion isn't meaningful? What did Bill Clinton or Al Gore do during Vietnam?

Wow, what an amazing list of accomplishments. He "worked with a force that protects the North American continent from invasion"?

Excuse me while I process that through the Bullshit Translator......


Okay, let's see what that translates to........

"He avoided military service in Vietnam by getting himself bumped to the head of the line for the Texas ANG. But he didn't like that, so he got himself transferred to the Alabama Air National Guard, where he protected the North American continent from invasion by drinking heavily and campaigning for GOP candidates."


09-12-2007, 03:15 PM
Common interests?

Neither the US nor Syria wants to see Iran dominate the Middle East. We have a common interest in curbing Iranian power.

Lebanon? The country is torn down the middle now. Half the country is against the current regime and wants to be under Syrian rule. We should give Lebanon to Syria, in exchange for a stable Middle East and a truce with Israel.

Here in Ohio, we leftists think very highly of Dennis Kucinich.

We don't think Bush is a traitor; we just think he's a moron.

your ideas make no sense.

Yeah lets give Lebanon to Syria. Let them oppress the people. Like we even have the authority to give Lebanon to anyone. Freaking stupid.

And I am sure Syria would be so upset about Iranian influence spreading through the Mideast. I mean Iran only supports them with most of their weapons. I am sure they are going to get really upset over their closest ally.

Most people in Ohio dont live in that district. Most people couldnt care for Kucinich. If they did he could atleast win his own state in the primaries... not that it would matter much.

09-12-2007, 04:26 PM
kucinich is a major joke in Ohio. Except for the fools in his district and ignorant people like gw most everyone thinks kucinich is just a silly fool. He's shown he's also a traitor. But gw looks up to him so you can all figure out how high his elevator goes.

09-12-2007, 08:37 PM
Sorry 'bout that Cheesy...

The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN charter. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3661134.stm)

Who gives a rat's ass WHAT that asslicker has to say?

09-12-2007, 08:41 PM
Most Americans agree with Kucinich that Bush's Iraq invasion was a terrible mistake.

We should be talking with Syria. We have a number of common interests that we should be working toward. But we won't get any real diplomacy until the Bush crowd vacates the White House.

Some agree for the right reasons and some just because it suits their political agenda to do so with no real clue as to whether or not it was a mistake. The latter rode the bandwagon waving pompoms and the minute the ride got bumpy jumped.

I have more respect for terrorists than sell-outs.

09-12-2007, 08:58 PM
kucinich is a major joke in Ohio. Except for the fools in his district and ignorant people like gw most everyone thinks kucinich is just a silly fool. He's shown he's also a traitor. But gw looks up to him so you can all figure out how high his elevator goes.

All I've ever seen of him "fool" pretty much covers.

GW in Ohio
09-13-2007, 07:22 AM
your ideas make no sense.

Yeah lets give Lebanon to Syria. Let them oppress the people. Like we even have the authority to give Lebanon to anyone. Freaking stupid.

And I am sure Syria would be so upset about Iranian influence spreading through the Mideast. I mean Iran only supports them with most of their weapons. I am sure they are going to get really upset over their closest ally.

Most people in Ohio dont live in that district. Most people couldnt care for Kucinich. If they did he could atleast win his own state in the primaries... not that it would matter much.

avatar: You don't know what you are talking about. Syria and Iran represent Sunni and Shiite interests. As such, they will always be opposed to one another, even if they sometimes work together.

From what I can see, the Lebanese might be better off under Syrian control.

In any case, unlike you and the rest of the right-wingnuts around here, I think we ought to let the Middle East take its own course, instead of trying to micromanage events there. Things could not possibly be any worse than they are now, with the US trying to influence events. As the Iraq situation clearly shows, we have no idea what the fuck we're doing over there.

However, the whole situation will change when we get an administration that is competent, so we'll just have to hang on until January '09, and hope the Idiot in Charge doesn't screw things up any worse than he already has.

09-13-2007, 08:40 AM
Common interests?

Neither the US nor Syria wants to see Iran dominate the Middle East. We have a common interest in curbing Iranian power.

Lebanon? The country is torn down the middle now. Half the country is against the current regime and wants to be under Syrian rule. We should give Lebanon to Syria, in exchange for a stable Middle East and a truce with Israel.

Here in Ohio, we leftists think very highly of Dennis Kucinich.

We don't think Bush is a traitor; we just think he's a moron.

Actually, most of the folks I talk to in Columbus, OH think Bush is an evil little troll.

09-13-2007, 09:45 AM
Incorrect. The only thing holding back the resumption of hostilities between the US and Iraq was a ceasefire agreement Saddan Hussein agreed to, then immediately set out violating on a regular basis. The US had legal grounds to resume hostilities as early as 1993 when he got popped with a bio weapons lab.Was the usa a signatory of the Cease fire agreement between Kuwait and Iraq? Why was it "our" duty to take care of the situation and how did we have "grounds" to do such"?

I have not read the rest of this thread yet Gunny, so if you or someone else has answered this, I will catch it as I go through the posts in the thread...and ignore me! :)


09-13-2007, 10:00 AM
I think Kucinich should be tried for treason. He crossed a major line here.
And you are a Lawyer, right? Maybe you can explain to me how you can call Kusinich's actions TREASON?

I was not able to view the tape, cuz I am on dial up...

Did he reach these standards?

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as: "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavour.

09-13-2007, 10:25 AM
And you are a Lawyer, right? Maybe you can explain to me how you can call Kusinich's actions TREASON?

He should be charged with a federal crime under the Logan Act.

09-13-2007, 03:34 PM
And you are a Lawyer, right? Maybe you can explain to me how you can call Kusinich's actions TREASON?

I was not able to view the tape, cuz I am on dial up...

Did he reach these standards?

I think youve already answered your question by providing the law.

09-13-2007, 03:37 PM
avatar: You don't know what you are talking about. Syria and Iran represent Sunni and Shiite interests. As such, they will always be opposed to one another, even if they sometimes work together.

From what I can see, the Lebanese might be better off under Syrian control.

In any case, unlike you and the rest of the right-wingnuts around here, I think we ought to let the Middle East take its own course, instead of trying to micromanage events there. Things could not possibly be any worse than they are now, with the US trying to influence events. As the Iraq situation clearly shows, we have no idea what the fuck we're doing over there.

However, the whole situation will change when we get an administration that is competent, so we'll just have to hang on until January '09, and hope the Idiot in Charge doesn't screw things up any worse than he already has.

Actually, you dont know what you are talking about. You see Shiite and Sunnis are more than willing to put down the personal animosity to attack a common enemy: the jews. This is exactly why Iran has a history of funding and supplying Syria. Because its a way both nations can attack Israel.

Syria and Iran will be more than content to work together till their Israeli genocide is over or until one side attacks the other. till then i think you arer misguided if you are thinking either is going to have a problem with the other.

09-13-2007, 03:41 PM
Kucinich is correct. Bush violated a number of US treaty obligations as well as international law in invading Iraq. That the occupation of Iraq has failed to meet even the minimum requirements set forth in the Geneva Conventions for a belligerent occupying power can be laid at Chimpy McPresident's feet as well. Foaming at the mouth like a rabid squirrel just because you find the truth distasteful isn't going to change that truth. Deal with it.

chessy has a real problem dealing with truth... and you'll see this the longer he stays...


09-13-2007, 03:52 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. But I don't think so my bullypulpit adversary.
2. You lean left, like the Move-on crowd.
3. We went into Iraq legally, if not, then we would be jailed.
4. My Party, is dead on correct, in taking down Saddam and his boys.
5. The left in general in perfect harmony with OBL, like a choir, are claiming This Presidency has broken laws in fighting against Islam, where ever we fight them, through wire taps, arrests, Gitmo, list goes on.
6. The Neoliberal mindset, is, *What War*, and what happened on 9~11?
7. I think *The Neoliberals* are so invested in Americas defeat after 9~11, that this will be the only major stumbling stone we will need again when *2008 Presidential Election* comes around.
8. How can so many Neoliberals think that by trashing American Policy, they can forge America into retreating from this *War on Islam*.
9. Keep it up, its to late to change course now, we will bury you bastards!
10. Drag out the squirrel,:pee:Neoliberals


When will you be joining our valiant troopers in their mission to bring democracy to... wait, that was last year's mission... in whatever their mission is this year?



1) right... you don't think.
2) left right, we're ALL americans... something you always forget to mention.
3) who is this WE you are talking about? Are you a member of the bush administration? Or a member of the military?
4) psssst... they all dead... when can the troops come home? when your insatiablr blood lust has been sated? How many more americans have to die before that happens?
5) you're insane
6) got a link to this mindless bullshit?
7) so again I ask, if the war is so important to you, why are you flapping your pudgy fingers on that keyboard of yours day in and day out... shouldn't you be IN the military doing your best to do your hero's bidding?
8) What war on Islam? It's supposed to be the Global War On Terror. Who allowed YOU to change the mission?
9) bring it on, chessy...
10) :fu:

09-13-2007, 09:47 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. Look skippy.:lol:
2. You know I'm right.
3. You just can't handle the truth.
4. Who ever gets the Neoliberal Nomination.
5. Is doomed.
6. Neoliberals have over played the *War Hand*.
7. You're screwed right along with the IslamoNeoliberal Party.
8. Hehehehehehehehe,................:dance:
