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View Full Version : Do Face Masks Actually Work To Protect You From Getting Sick?

04-09-2020, 09:31 AM
What I have been saying all along. That the N95 certified type stuff, and materials certified, will work, while others may not help directly if in an infected area, they still help prevent spread.


Do Face Masks Actually Work To Protect You From Getting Sick?

Medical Lifestyle expert Dr. Eudene Harry sat down with the Daily Caller’s Caitlin McFall to answer some questions about the effectiveness of face masks and COVID-19.

Last week the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that people where face masks when going outside.

This is contrary to the guidance originally given by the US Surgeon General and the CDC early on in the pandemic.

The original direction advised the public not to wear masks, though this was to prevent people from hoarding masks and ensuring the medical community have adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

“I think what people were initially thinking … if you do wear a face mask … it somehow magically protects them from getting the virus. But that’s not necessarily the case. It’s more of a containment,” Dr. Harry said.

“Now the specialized masks, and the respirators and the N95 – those are designed to prevent the droplets [in the air] from penetrating,” Dr. Harry explained. But these types of masks are still in short supply and the medical community urgently needs them.


04-09-2020, 12:47 PM
Anything stating they don't work was as you have pointed out -- to give the government time to make a run on the masks and hoard them before us mere mortals do.