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View Full Version : Screw you Costco

04-12-2020, 11:23 AM
I refuse to wait in hours long lines with the infected to shop there. Right now it's been ordering online from everywhere. But some groceries, dry and fresh, some snacks, a lucky pack of TP, some tissues and some other things. That was on 4/2 and nothing yet. It did say that the 2 day delivery that I chose, COULD be up to 5-6 days when I made my purchase. Today is day 9. Not even an email that it shipped yet. Their live chat is turned off. Their phone lines are about as bad as the lines out front. I can't get a hold of anyone to either inquire about my order or to even cancel it.

I know things are backed up and they are working hard. But either you have the stuff or you don't, you can either ship it or you can't. And either you can handle customer service inquiries or you cannot. Who the hell knows where my order stands. :dunno:

04-12-2020, 01:43 PM
I refuse to wait in hours long lines with the infected to shop there. Right now it's been ordering online from everywhere. But some groceries, dry and fresh, some snacks, a lucky pack of TP, some tissues and some other things. That was on 4/2 and nothing yet. It did say that the 2 day delivery that I chose, COULD be up to 5-6 days when I made my purchase. Today is day 9. Not even an email that it shipped yet. Their live chat is turned off. Their phone lines are about as bad as the lines out front. I can't get a hold of anyone to either inquire about my order or to even cancel it.

I know things are backed up and they are working hard. But either you have the stuff or you don't, you can either ship it or you can't. And either you can handle customer service inquiries or you cannot. Who the hell knows where my order stands. :dunno:

Very annoying indeed ... & more than a little incomprehensible.

Here, I managed to register with all but one of my chosen supermarket chains. Weeks ago ... 2 of them had delivery slots. I took each one, ordered, and without fail, each order was delivered just when it was supposed to be. No, the big problem is finding an available slot ... haven't seen one anywhere (from a supermarket, anyway !) for the past 2 weeks.

Have you tried finding one specialising in ready meals ? I found a UK site still taking orders, AND delivering reliably. Perhaps you've got a US equivalent you could use ?

04-12-2020, 02:01 PM
Very annoying indeed ... & more than a little incomprehensible.

Here, I managed to register with all but one of my chosen supermarket chains. Weeks ago ... 2 of them had delivery slots. I took each one, ordered, and without fail, each order was delivered just when it was supposed to be. No, the big problem is finding an available slot ... haven't seen one anywhere (from a supermarket, anyway !) for the past 2 weeks.

Have you tried finding one specialising in ready meals ? I found a UK site still taking orders, AND delivering reliably. Perhaps you've got a US equivalent you could use ?

Yep, many have at least temporarily moved to that or tried, but now everywhere and everyone is now overwhelmed. No magic place to go to, at least not here in my area.

04-12-2020, 02:17 PM
Yep, many have at least temporarily moved to that or tried, but now everywhere and everyone is now overwhelmed. No magic place to go to, at least not here in my area.

04-12-2020, 02:35 PM
Yep, many have at least temporarily moved to that or tried, but now everywhere and everyone is now overwhelmed. No magic place to go to, at least not here in my area.

Very sorry indeed to know that.

As bad as our situation is here, I know I still have alternatives. One Indian Takeaway is still taking delivery orders, & possibly two more are, all based locally. Last week I fixed up a regular supply of meals from Wiltshire Farm Foods. Just an hour ago, I found another Company that looks like it offers a near-identical range, on 'oakhousefoods.co.uk' -- also still accepting orders. Are you ABSOLUTELY SURE that there's no company like them, within your delivery area ?

Abbey Marie
04-12-2020, 04:03 PM
My problem is the Instacart strike. I ordered groceries last Thursday, with delivery scheduled any day from Friday-today. Today they let me know it won’t be coming until Tuesday to Thursday. So we are now possibly at a full week. I ordered ingredients I really needed to make several recipes. Our governor expects us to peak this week or next, so I’m really hoping to keep all of us out of the stores completely for a while. Things were going ok until the strike.

I’m not sure where we are all headed with availability of groceries. I do have canned goods so we won’t starve anytime soon, but I was hoping to keep those around in case it all hits the fan. In order to do that, I need the buy fresh food every few days.

I’m going to try to stay positive. I think we are healthy (so far), have a roof over our heads, and Russ can work from home. Many people would be very glad to say that I’m sure.

04-12-2020, 04:45 PM
My problem is the Instacart strike. I ordered groceries last Thursday, with delivery scheduled any day from Friday-today. Today they let me know it won’t be coming until Tuesday -Thursday. So we are now possibly at a full week. I ordered ingredients I really needed to make several recipes. Our governor expects us to peak this week or next, so I’m really hoping to keep all of us out of the stores completely for a while. Things were going ok until the strike.

I’m not sure where we are all headed with availability of groceries. I do have canned goods so we won’t starve anytime soon, but I was hoping to keep those around in case it all hits the fan. In order to do that, I need the buy fresh food every few days.

I’m going to try to stay positive. I think we are healthy (so far), have a roof over our heads, and Russ can work from home. Many people would be very glad to say that I’m sure.

Not knowing what 'Instacart' was, or anything about a strike, I looked it up. This is what I found:


So, from this, I gather they're on strike because they feel they don't have the necessary protections available to them ?

On a purely human level, I see their issue, and sympathise. EVEN SO ... why doesn't some form of 'national spirit', or even a selfless form of humanitarianism, neutralise any temptation to go on strike ? That they ARE on strike diminishes my sympathy considerably.

We have NHS workers here, doing gruelling work shifts, many complaining that they don't have the necessary protective clothing to use ... yet, they still work on. Despite the clear threat to their own health, the thought of striking is VERY far from their minds.


That's also despite knowing that NINETEEN of their colleagues have so far been killed by Covid-19.

So, strangely, my sympathy for those Instacart employees is in short supply.

'Land of strikes' as we in the UK once were, and even given our culture of NO mask wearing ... nobody, anywhere, is talking about striking. We've better things to do.

04-12-2020, 09:00 PM
Haven't been to Costco since February. Saw this virus thing coming back in January.

Ya'll know I'm a prepper, right? Couple years ago I purchased survival food and gear from Food4Patriots. Been sampling it this week. Actually really easy to make (just add hot water) and tastes pretty good.

Tomorrow we are going practice what it's like not having any water coming to house. We are not going to turn on faucets for 24 hours.

We have solar thermos that makes hot water. Going to try it out. Also have a solar generator. We've got it primed and works pretty good.

We have not been to town since March 31st but I started social distancing around first week of March.

I already have some veggies planted (love my Pico de Gallo) ... tomatoes, jalapenos, bell peppers, Swiss chard, lettuce....

And for excitement we walk through the desert out back and look for interesting stuff. Found a skinned rabbit, a lost backpack full of meds and illicit drugs (turned over Park Rangers), almost stepped on baby rattlesnake, flushed out a bobcat and atoon of quail .... and for more exercise have dig up and transplanted 6 ocotillo plants. Plus, we are creating several smaller cacti gardens in front yard so digging up and bringing rocks from around the property up to the house.

So, for me, this thing isn't hurting to much yet.

04-13-2020, 02:53 PM
So live chat said a 1 hour wait!! And then I let it sit, and it now says 1 hour and 25 minutes, it's growing!! Says I am 3199 in the queue.

No way to cancel online for me. Can't get live chat, yet. They're open for calling today, but after trying for 15 minutes, then hearing the "they are backed up" and it will be a long wait due to the volume - it eventually just stated too much volume and to call back another time and disconnected with me! WTF?

Oh well, I guess I'm kidnapped and buying it now no matter the wait. Meanwhile, I got a few items via ebay - from China!! One took 12 days and the other 13!!!

04-13-2020, 05:56 PM
I refuse to wait in hours long lines with the infected to shop there. Right now it's been ordering online from everywhere. But some groceries, dry and fresh, some snacks, a lucky pack of TP, some tissues and some other things. That was on 4/2 and nothing yet. It did say that the 2 day delivery that I chose, COULD be up to 5-6 days when I made my purchase. Today is day 9. Not even an email that it shipped yet. Their live chat is turned off. Their phone lines are about as bad as the lines out front. I can't get a hold of anyone to either inquire about my order or to even cancel it.

I know things are backed up and they are working hard. But either you have the stuff or you don't, you can either ship it or you can't. And either you can handle customer service inquiries or you cannot. Who the hell knows where my order stands. :dunno:Daughter pretty much said the same. She joined Sam's Club because they put your stuff together and you pick it up. At COSTCO here, you still have to shop.