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View Full Version : Kavanaugh Accusation Was A Big Story. Biden Accusation? Not So Much

04-14-2020, 01:29 PM
And let's not forget Trump either, while running for office as well. And the infamous "grab her by the..." stuff. And this is EXACTLY what Biden is being accused of in the halls of congress. Trump's actions were worthy of MSM craziness and investigations. Kavanaugh was worse with the MSM and had crazier investigations. And now Biden... and there is little to no pushback, the MSM is ignoring & no investigations. What's that H word that they live and feed off of... hypocrites.


New York Times Editor: Kavanaugh Accusation Was A Big Story. Biden Accusation? Not So Much.

New York Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet on Monday attempted to defend his paper’s decision to wait 19 days to report the sexual assault allegation against Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, claiming this allegation was different than those against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The Times attempted to explain its actions by having its own media columnist, Ben Smith, interview Baquet. Smith asked the tough questions about how the allegation against Biden was somehow different than the one against Kavanaugh.

First, let’s go over some important points about the allegations against Biden and Kavanaugh, as they will become important.


Accused by a former staffer
30-year-old allegation
Allegedly told people at the time it happened
Initially said last year that Biden acted similarly to the hair sniffing and awkward touching he displayed on the campaign trail
Months later added sexual assault to the allegation


Accused by woman without any proof the two had ever even been in the same room
More than 30-year-old allegation
Own friend didn’t think the accuser had met Kavanaugh
No one remembers her saying anything about it at the time
Second accuser wasn’t sure Kavanaugh was culprit until she consulted with Democrat lawyers
Others didn’t think it was Kavanaugh
Third accuser represented by Michael Avenatti, walked back gang-rape claims and was referred for criminal prosecution over false claims

Back to the Times. The very first question Baquet was asked was why the Times waited so long to publish an article on Tara Reade’s allegations against Biden. Baquet responded, saying:

Lots of people covered it as breaking news at the time. And I just thought that nobody other than The Intercept was actually doing the reporting to help people figure out what to make of it. I thought what The New York Times could do and bring to the story was the expertise we had developed over doing more than a dozen of these kinds of stories.

We did what we always do. One thing we have tried to do, going all the way back to the Bill O’Reilly story, is to find out whether people talk to people contemporaneously, whether they describe their stories to people before they became public. And in fact, she had talked to a couple of people who confirm that to us.

But mainly I thought that what The New York Times could offer and should try to offer was the reporting to help people understand what to make of a fairly serious allegation against a guy who had been a vice president of the United States and was knocking on the door of being his party’s nominee.

Look, I get the argument. Just do a short, straightforward news story. But I’m not sure that doing this sort of straightforward news story would have helped the reader understand. Have all the information he or she needs to think about what to make of this thing.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/new-york-times-editor-kavanaugh-accusation-was-a-big-story-biden-accusation-not-so-much