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View Full Version : Esper Repeats Navy Capt. Crozier Could be Reinstated

04-16-2020, 04:19 PM
This will be interesting. The military is surely not in the habit of listening to the press or feedback. But during these times I think since people are all at home and all watched it play out, and the feedback and the MSM were all over it. Did it have any effect on all of this?


Esper Repeats Navy Capt. Crozier Could be Reinstated

Defense Secretary Mark Esper reiterated to NBC’S “TODAY" show on Thursday that it is still a possibility Navy Capt. Brett Crozier could return to his post.

The captain was relieved of his duties of the USS Theodore Roosevelt after he raised concerns about the coronavirus outbreak.

Esper said an investigation into the incident is currently under review by the Navy and all options are still on the table.

“It will come to me at some point in time. As I’m in the chain of command, I can’t comment on that further, but I got to keep an open mind with regard to everything," Esper said. "We’ve got to take this one step at a time, let the investigation within the Navy conclude itself . . . and we’ll make very reasoned opinions and judgments as this progresses," he said.

Crozier lost his job on April 2 after he penned a letter to Navy leadership sharing his concerns about the spread of the virus on the aircraft carrier, which was leaked to the media.

The USS Roosevelt has been docked at Guam since March 27.


04-16-2020, 05:15 PM
Allowing politics and the deceitful, uninformed MSM control...in any way...what takes place with the Captain is:

Nothing different from the Clinton, and Obama era armchair, micromanagement that worked to destroy the military. IMO...only. The Captain violated his Officer Oath, and the UCMJ by allowing his letter to be distributed to the press. Whether accidental or intentional. He broke the chain of Command First..of the Pacific Fleet, and the steps of Leadership who SHOULD have been the Only people he wrote to, spoke to, and obeyed.

It was a breakdown from the TOP of his responsibilities as the Commanding Officer of a Fighting Ship. PERIOD.

04-16-2020, 06:04 PM
Allowing politics and the deceitful, uninformed MSM control...in any way...what takes place with the Captain is:

Nothing different from the Clinton, and Obama era armchair, micromanagement that worked to destroy the military. IMO...only. The Captain violated his Officer Oath, and the UCMJ by allowing his letter to be distributed to the press. Whether accidental or intentional. He broke the chain of Command First..of the Pacific Fleet, and the steps of Leadership who SHOULD have been the Only people he wrote to, spoke to, and obeyed.

It was a breakdown from the TOP of his responsibilities as the Commanding Officer of a Fighting Ship. PERIOD.

Thanks! I was hoping you would respond with your perspective! Much better than any angle I see from the press. You and others in the military know best on how things get handled and what was expected here. And also taking an oath of office in the military and all that it entails. I think for myself, seeing the respect and feedback from those who were under his command, I allowed to override the UCMJ and his responsibilities. Why I wouldn't make a good leader I suppose. :(

04-16-2020, 07:26 PM
Thanks! I was hoping you would respond with your perspective! Much better than any angle I see from the press. You and others in the military know best on how things get handled and what was expected here. And also taking an oath of office in the military and all that it entails. I think for myself, seeing the respect and feedback from those who were under his command, I allowed to override the UCMJ and his responsibilities. Why I wouldn't make a good leader I suppose. :(

Our only wish, as veterans is...that the government was run as effectively with solid rules that apply to everyone fairly. The UCMJ covers nearly everything anyone would want to know about being in uniform, and the dedication it takes to uphold the responsibilities. I can't blame that Captain for wanting his chain of command to know. But he went about it all wrong, and once the media got hold of it. He had to know what would happen. Commanding Officers are the Supreme Court Judge in their commands. If they violate what they are expected to enforce. HE LOSES HIS Position as JUDGE over every member of the crew.

I wouldn't claim to be any kind of authority. But experience through learning, and the wisdom gained is really valuable to me. For that I am very proud. Thank You.

04-16-2020, 08:47 PM
Thanks! I was hoping you would respond with your perspective! Much better than any angle I see from the press. You and others in the military know best on how things get handled and what was expected here. And also taking an oath of office in the military and all that it entails. I think for myself, seeing the respect and feedback from those who were under his command, I allowed to override the UCMJ and his responsibilities. Why I wouldn't make a good leader I suppose. :(As AT posted, he went to the media. You have to have express permission from the Top (meaning Public Affairs Officer) to even speak to the media about anything but how nice the weather is or isn't.

IF he honestly believes in his conscience that he did the right thing, the opinion of others isn't going to matter to him. His career is over. He did what he thought was right, he's paying the price, time to move on.

IMO, they will not, and in my GUNNY opinion should not reinstate him for the reasons Icansayit pointed out. He broke the chain -- the trust of his seniors. The other reason I think they probably won't is can you imagine the can of worms that will open in what IS a CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC society?

The idiot that replaced him should be sent packing as well. You don't dog out a senior to his subordinates. It's not okay no matter how you say it nor what justification you think you have.