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View Full Version : Cher: Republicans Turn Their Heads While Trump Kills Americans

04-17-2020, 01:56 PM
I hate this woman. Bagel toyboy seeking overaged and big mouth has been star. Still dresses like an 18yr old slut and doesn't care for a second how she looks. No self respect and those folks generally don't respect others. She's also illiterate. She's a far left POS too. She has been showing her true colors for years.


Cher: Republicans Turn Their Heads While Trump Kills Americans

Left-wing pop icon Cher has accused Republican supporters of President Donald Trump of turning their heads for financial gain while the president “kills Americans” suffering from the Chinese coronavirus.

Posting on Twitter in her typically incoherent fashion, the 72-year-old star cited an article from Politico arguing that Trump’s decision to remove funding from the China-centric World Health Organization (WHO) actually allowed Beijing to increase its influence across United Nations agencies.

In the rant, Cher accused powerful Republicans around the president of failing to call him out for killing Americans because they are financially benefiting. A version in grammatical English is posted below:

I always knew Trump’s stupidity and cruelty could put live American lives in danger, but I didn’t think all the people around him would be accessories. Senators, heads of his agencies, American businesses, mega donors, all have their hand in the till. These people turn their heads while Trump kills Americans.


The singer has repeatedly accused Trump and his Republican allies of actively killing Americans for their own benefit. Earlier this month, the “Believe” singer suggested that Republicans were so desperate to win elections that they were even willing to kill voters in order to do so.


Cher made the comments after the Supreme Court struck down an attempt by Wisconsin’s Democratic governor Tony Evers to postpone voting in their upcoming presidential primary and local elections because of the ongoing pandemic.

Last month, she also described Trump as a “liar and a murderer” after spreading a wild conspiracy that he was holding back vital medical equipment for those infected with the coronavirus. She later deleted the tweet.


Black Diamond
04-17-2020, 02:11 PM
Isn't she 80 percent plastic now?

04-17-2020, 03:19 PM
Isn't she 80 percent plastic now?

I take it that you mean overall ... not just the 'brain' .. ?

04-17-2020, 05:54 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRBqhrxRyxS6F2KkpILv86_wFtuN7Q FvQX46GIHGe0tFVNoVzAl&usqp=CAU

Black Diamond
04-17-2020, 06:05 PM
I take it that you mean overall ... not just the 'brain' .. ?

It probably got through to her brain via osmosis.

04-17-2020, 06:36 PM
Americans shake their heads....as Cher`s ....small brain is rapidly being eaten away by the lethal ........

** TDS Virus

She belongs in a nursing home...with creepy Joe...

04-17-2020, 09:07 PM
Manages to totally IGNORE the way Liberals, Democrats, Leftists, Progressives, and Hollyweirdo's NEVER say anything about PLANNED PARENTHOOD.....Killing an estimated 3 million Babies because they want to allow SICK women like CHER to abort as their OWN CHOICE???




04-18-2020, 06:13 PM
Cher is a member of the Hollywood elite and, thus, is a soul-less Leftist phony who is out of touch with the common people everywhere. The problem is that she is too busy gazing at herself in the mirror and patting herself on the back to even realize that she hasn’t an iota of a clue. Why anyone would look up to this vacuous excuse of a human being is beyond me.

But then, how is she different from the rest of the Hollywood dunderheads who take it upon themselves to lecture the rest of us as to how we should live our lives?

Cher, Pelosi, and the rest of the Hollywood Democrat phonies have an attitude problem... a sense of entitlement problem... in short they think that, no matter what, no matter who runs on the Democratic ticket, that they are entitled to win the White House. And, when they don’t win, they throw tantrums like spoiled two year olds that don’t get their way.

The past three years just proves my point. The whole bunch of them have subjected the entire country to one senseless sham investigation and another, equally senseless, impeachment.

What really galls them is that an outsider, an unwashed deplorable who doesn’t look down his nose at common people as they do, not only won the Presidency but has outdone them at every turn.

They would be best served if they learned what the rest of us already know, that we are all responsible for our decisions and it is up to us to make good when we are wrong. But then, when you’re a narcissistic, arrogant egomaniac who thinks they can do no wrong, how is this even possible?

04-18-2020, 06:40 PM
WHY the IGNORANT utterances of these DUMBASS celebrities is even REPORTED is beyond me.

I couldn't give a fuck LESS what that old washed up HAG of a PIN HEAD woman has to say.

I would match my education and experience against her's any day, but there isn't anyone standing outside my front door waiting for me to "speak."

I find the way the leftist propaganda wing sticks to these people like glue waiting for them to do or say something they can "report" just absolutely MORONIC.