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04-17-2020, 02:08 PM
Long and slow investigation. So long as the guilty are weeded out in the end, I'm cool with that. And we know what went down with the FISA reports and we correct from the beginning.


US Attorney Joe diGenova: “Bill Barr Announced There Are Going to be Indictments” In Deep State’s Crossfire Hurricane Sham

Former US Attorney Joe diGenova was on the radio earlier this week and he dropped some bombshells when discussing the ongoing work related to the crimes committed by Obama’s Deep State actors.

Here is a section of what diGenova said early in the interview:

Bill Barr announced there are going to be indictments in this case. When he went on the Laura Ingraham Show the other night, and gave an amazing interview for an Attorney General of the United States.

He said, yeah sure John Durham could write a report but that’s not what he’s doing. He’s getting ready to bring indictments if he has the evidence, quote unquote. But if he has the evidence is like a passe footnote. What the Attorney General was saying after saying that Crossfire Hurricane was one of the greatest travesties in American history, and that he was deeply disturbed about the evidence that he had seen. I think it’s pretty clear that John Brennan, if he doesn’t have a lawyer now then he better get one because the indictments are coming.

As we have discussed on this program for a long time. This was never about John Durham writing a report. He can do that if he wants to but the most important thing is to bring indictments and the Attorney General just said to us, that’s exactly what he’s doing.

Other notes from great interview:

The FBI was not only pushing garbage to get the Carter Page FISA warrant, they knew they were pushing garbage.
The items redacted in the FISA Report from the DOJ IG Horowitz are redacted because they implicate foreign governments which are likely: the UK, Italy, Australia and perhaps others.

The entire interview is well worth your time. It looks like indictments are finally coming!


04-17-2020, 02:37 PM
I'll believe it when the indictments come down. How many times has Joe diGenova said something like this in the past 4 years?

04-17-2020, 02:47 PM
When the action happens and I see Liberal (leftist) scum in handcuffs...I will believe it

04-17-2020, 02:47 PM
I'll believe it when the indictments come down. How many times has Joe diGenova said something like this in the past 4 years?

Long and slow! :laugh2:

But so long as they actually DO come down with them, I'm cool with it. And the story hasn't changed barely, it's just that since they first brought up investigating those involved in the wrongdoing and lying to get the warrants, to investigating it, apparently very innnnnnnnn dedddddddddeeeeeepppppppthhhhhhh. I hope that means because of thoroughness. But it keeps chugging along since Barr was on it and then Durham and it changed to a "criminal" investigation. Why it's so damn long I have no idea, but at least it's the same and characters only grew and not less. So it's just really time, and I'm not a very patient person. But none of them has really been wrong on this, just things coming out about the investigation and no results yet.

Now, take someone like Lindsay Graham. That's different. He outright states he'll do this and that and call this and that one in for investigations, gets me all excited and then does jack shit! A shame, because I fell for it hook, line and sinker, and like 5 or 6 times before I realized he has NOT changed. :(

04-17-2020, 03:11 PM
Are you Ready Patriots? I know I've been waiting for this for almost 4 years!


04-17-2020, 03:58 PM
Investigation Into Steele Dossier Continues, Republican Senators Demand Intel Docs On ‘Crossfire Hurricane’

The infamous report filled with anonymous sources that alleged President Trump colluded with Russian operatives during the 2016 election, otherwise known as the Steele dossier, was backed and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

After three-plus years of investigating, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Minn.) are demanding answers.

In a recent letter to to FBI Director Christopher Wray, the two Republican chairman requested that Wray turn over all intelligence documents that led the probe in to the Trump campaign — otherwise code-named as “Crossfire Hurricane.”

The request came after revelations indicating that the FBI was aware of Russian operatives feeding disinformation to the lap of ex-spy Christopher Steele.

If you have watched any interview of former FBI Director James Comey and his successor Andrew McCabe dating back to 2018, there is no mention of this inkling of information. Instead, they flocked to hear say.

“I’m about to talk with him about allegations that he was involved with prostitutes in Moscow, and that the Russians taped it and have leverage over him,” said Comey.

Or they boasted of “such sources.” When told that it was not intended to be a definitive document, McCabe said, “you’re absolutely right…it is raw source reporting… Steele presented it as such, we knew Steele was working a number of different sources, some of which had sub sources and sub-sub sources.”

Sen. Grassley and Sen. Johnson relayed their concerns by noting their disturbance by the “grossly inaccurate” statements made by those in charge. The pair of Republican lawmakers said Wray has until the end of April to send over what could be damning information.


04-17-2020, 11:06 PM
I've never trusted Wray, sounds like he's more concerned with restoring the FBI's reputation than rooting out evildoers. Plus I think the reason Durham is taking so long is that he knows that he has to convince a jury of hard core Democrats from Northern Virginia and Suburban Maryland in Federal Court. Beyond a reasonable doubt has ratcheted up to a slam dunk, no doubt standard. He already had to let McCabe walk even though he is on tape perjuring himself in front of Congress and to the IG.

04-17-2020, 11:09 PM
Long and slow! :laugh2:

You mean like a Cuban cigar in the Oval Office?